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File: 95 KB, 406x408, Wysker_Reveal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9935181 No.9935181 [Reply] [Original]

biz ya heard it here first:
as promised, yesterday you got that pump with a nice volume, now that you see we are legit, we are telling you more!
the wysker app will allow you to get discounts, so actually buying wysker at this price will allow you much greater discounts once the app is live and mainstream adoption starts
be early to the game, we are loading up, better to be on our side!

Wysker will soon be a verb: The people will wysker!

>> No.9935209

Fuck you India

>> No.9935230
File: 552 KB, 1024x683, a0041-000589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pump with nice volume

>> No.9935252

Let's see. Wysker team pumped the price, and put up a bunch of their tokens on exchanges hoping for brainlets to buy in.

Bunch of screenshots confirmed the above yesterday from WYS team.

On top of that, you make a post with literally the most brainlet arguments to convince people to buy.


>> No.9935318

fuck off faggot. the wysker team didn't pump anything. yesterday was a failed attempt at pnd by a small group of fags in an off-brand wysker telegram channel.

>> No.9935319


if you did your research you would see that this was FUD

people have been making good money with wysker and the coming deals!

if you want to stay poor, dont buy wys

>> No.9935343
File: 6 KB, 250x241, pajeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor
pajeet please.

>> No.9935352

yes, it was fud. but if you're going to shill my beloved wysker here, atleast put some fucking effort into it. this is pajeet tier shilling, try harder anon. the master race behind wysker deserves better

>> No.9935360


Really? Because you know exactly who is selling and buying faggot?

Fuck off with your shitcoin, go rub yourself with your wyskers

>> No.9935386


wtf you on about? wysker is going good

the team said they might need to sell a bit for liquidity no problem with that all teams sell their tokens eventually

look at LEDU they cashed out early and the price is still good

>> No.9935399


you can call it a shitcoin and avoid this all you want, no skin off my back. anyone with a slight sense of intuition can see the writing on the wall. you want normie adoption in this space? well it's right here staring you in the face.

>> No.9935426


LOL every other shitcoin holder thinks their project will have the normie adoption

You niggers don't realize you're the normie for this app, you ain't special, snowflake

Your normies will look at the shit flashing on the screen and show their grandma, good luck selling shit on that

>> No.9935430
File: 20 KB, 318x326, LiterallyAryanButOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The team hasn't sold any tokens:


>> No.9935442


price is going good

look at volume promised yesterday it was delivered

that all that matters WYSKER IS MOONING

>> No.9935483
File: 1.14 MB, 841x1200, Microtransactions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's being manipulated I believe, but who really cares about short term price movements on a low cap coin anyway?

What matters is if it's going to go anywhere in the long run, can't really telll until the airdrop comes into effect and awareness starts to spread.

>> No.9935484


name any other project that appeals to the masses. ETN? lol.

you'd think biztards would pull together and collectively shill an aryan project with a good name and unique potential at such a low market cap, but nah, we'd rather just continue infighting about trivial bullshit.

wake the fuck up anons. we here to make money or what?

>> No.9935521


yes, ETN is also mass adoption like WYS!

we think alike man

many profits with both

>> No.9935533


lol your shill friend made the point for you


These fuckin faggots, they'll believe anything, you stay poor mothafuckas

>> No.9935577

ETN is going no where. their team sucks.

the wysker team on the other hand is quite creative. I believe they'll have more surprises for us down the line. god bless that aryan DNA

>> No.9935667


yes wysker team have troubles like ETN team but it will be good

ETN team have more funds to survive than wyskker but they both good my friend

glad we are both in it