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9932088 No.9932088 [Reply] [Original]

Im 25 and know 0 programming. This kills me from inside on daily basis.

Should i quit my current job and learn programming?

>> No.9932097

software dev is a meme. you'll be nothing but a line worker.

>> No.9932102

Sir please i wanna rape her vegana

>> No.9932105


No, you shouldn't, for so many reasons. One of the main ones is that most people can't learn how to program. They simply don't have the requisite mindset and, frankly put, intelligence for it. You can maybe learn how to pass a few challenges by rote, but that's it. That's why you hear horror stories about programmers with degrees and everything not being able to program at job interviews -- they simply never learned how to program because they couldn't.

>> No.9932106

How many LTC to get a girl like this to piss on me?

>> No.9932108

To be good you have to be on the spectrum. NSA has the best programmers in the world and they’re all literal autists.

>> No.9932111

I also enjoy the television show Rick and Morty.

>> No.9932117


>> No.9932133


assuming someone was cut out for it, what’s the best way to learn without going to college? i’ve started teaching myself at night but i want to do it the right way not just learn a language

>> No.9932136


What are you talking about? Don't dismiss what I am saying so easily. It's a well-known fact that all the programmers being churned out aren't actually able to program.


>> No.9932142

If you have academic education apart from programming you could combine both backgrounds and create specific apps or software

>> No.9932154
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, programmering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what’s the best way to learn without going to college?

You have to solve problems, using programming as a tool to do it. Not only is that the best way to learn how to program, but it is the only way of learning how to program.

Here are a few classic problems for you to take a shot at.

>> No.9932165

What language do you recommend to begin with?

>> No.9932167

Not everyone needs to be a programmer. The ability to properly operate a computer is already worth something, even when e.g. a bit of scripting can help tremendously with that.

That said, in your place I would look at some introduction books about programming first (even For Dummies books work for this, you don't have to fall for /g/'s memes and start off with SICP) and then have a look at some open source projects (preferably in a programming language like Python which is easy to pick up along the first step) to get a feel how easy it is for you pick up what someone else intended to do with their code, as that is a huge part of daily programming compared to coming up with algorithms of their own.

Afterwards, try programming challenges like >>9932154 if you think you're not already fed up with programming. If you're feeling productive doing these and actually get working results, then yes, it might be something for you.

>> No.9932172

be persistent beyond any reasonable measure because you have the insatiable urge to be RIGHT about every single thing in your life

>> No.9932177

You're hired

>> No.9932188


Python is what is often used to teach introductory courses.

>> No.9932190


>> No.9932191

Fuck I want her to squat on my face like that, holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.9932202


>> No.9932216

>pay retarded indians who can't code the same amount as educated and practiced whites who can code
>wonder why people who can code stop showing up at your company for interviews
what a fucking mystery

>> No.9932225

This is bullshit. I've met my share of unqualifieds, but today's graduates are very qualified.
It's possible that was the case 11 years ago when that article was written, but lots of kids are learning javascript even in high school.
11 years ago dynamic websites were barely a thing. Now there are TV shows about nerds and entire cities filled with programmers.

I've been in many hiring interviews, and when people with education were sent to the interview they always did well. Sometimes HR would send us people who didn't even have a CS or related degree, who had no intention of going that route. Of course those guys failed.

then there's the 3rd problem of dumbass interviewers asking gotcha questions and feeling superior when the person fails them.

Just look at this asshole in the comments
> once interviewed a candidate for a VBA job whom I asked to swap two variable contents without using a temp variable
swapping a temp variable was a trick question I learned in school. It's a trick. it's useless for 99.999999% of programming. Yet there are some retard interviewers who think that's an appropriate question to gage someone's skill level.

>> No.9932238


My point still stands: far from everyone can actually learn how to program.

>> No.9932256

I despise these types of female gym goers. Every time they are near me and they see that I don't pay any attention to them they get all confused and waddle around to the next victim to feed their egos. Fucking harpies.

>> No.9932275


t. Lead distributed systems engineer

>> No.9932277

you're talking out of your ass. "well known fact"

>> No.9932285

yeah... when was the last time you used that in your job?
honestly tell me.

>> No.9932293
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>learning "programming"
yeah just go to a programmer school and learn programming language and go to a programmer store and sell yourself to programming company

>> No.9932304


Nono, you haven't refuted my central point. I won't let you off the hook.

>> No.9932316

i'm not talking about your "point". i'm saying you're not in the industry and have no clue what you're talking about but are pretending to be an expert.
there's actually a few programming roles where you don't have to have the mindset to succeed.

>> No.9932320

>programming vs copy/pasting
imo, better give this course a try at first:


Even if you come from background in math, it's a very nice refresher on the logical approach to solving problems.

If you find it interesting, then move on to some programming lessons and the begginer chalenges at projecteuler.net

>> No.9932323

Its not about using it, its about knowing it. It shows experience; these are things you just pickup up over time either from other engineers or just by thinking about it while working. I would never ask something like this for an interview nor would I agree its a good question to ask, but this is very very rudimentary knowledge.

>> No.9932338

Frankly, in my years of being a software dev, 30% of the time is writing code. I spend more time thinking, testing and documenting.

>> No.9932341

>i'm not talking about your "point".

You cannot ignore it and go off on a tangent about some classic blog post that I referenced out of convenience (and a bit of laziness), calling my competence to speak on the matter into question. You have to actually say something about the point that I am making, otherwise all you've done is defeat a straw man.

>i'm saying you're not in the industry and have no clue what you're talking about but are pretending to be an expert.

I'm not pretending to be an expert. I'm just telling people what I know to be true.

So tell me if you agree with me or not that most people cannot learn how to program due to lacking the requisite mindset and intelligence. You should have an opinion on that.

>there's actually a few programming roles where you don't have to have the mindset to succeed.

Please explain which mindset you're talking about here, for the sake of reducing equivocality, and talk a bit about which roles you have in mind.

>> No.9932356

True. Its so cerebrual I love it. Been at the same company 6 years currently so lots of my time is also spent mentoring and answering questions.

>> No.9932382


She is also not using the machine properly, she just does it to show off her yet attractive body.

She will ride the cock carousel for a couple of years and travel the world or do some job, where she sucks at, but gets all kinds of credit anyway.

Then when beauty fades, she will marry some rich douche, who falls for her.

And tbqh I'm fine with all that, as long as I am not the douche.

Dear god,
thanks for balls and brain.

>> No.9932408

Just imagine how her little pussy would feel on her cock

>> No.9932423

yes goyim, get into programming, more room for people in fields that actually do things for the world

>> No.9932429

that would be?

>> No.9932470

Dat turbo whore

>> No.9932487

Keep current job and learn programming. That's the best thing you can do.

>> No.9932489

your cock*

Yikes, been thinking about trannies lately

>> No.9932928

Imagine being such a pajeet that you find this attractive.

>> No.9932998


your wwelcome

>> No.9933064

Dude. Don't quit your fucking job until you KNOW it's something you want to do. Study at night, instead of staring at a chart. Some people just aren't gonna be coders. You might be one of them. There's so much free shit online you can use to learn with. Do the beginner shit online, get a feel for it, then decide.

>> No.9933102

This. Plus, you have to logical, and a numbers person. If you hated math, you won't get far in programming.

>> No.9933136

can you elaborate a bit on this?

>> No.9933390


kill billions of pajeets and chinks with smalltalk

>> No.9933399

Imagine being such a basedboy that you don't find it attractive

>> No.9933440


I see his said all the time But its wrong.

Programming is similar to lesrning an actual spoken language. If you are good at picking up other languages you will get programming naturally. Your brain ka wired for it.

Its like a music instument too. The standard maths comparison is just shit and not true.

>> No.9933446

Don't bother learning coding now if you don't know it.

Starting now you'll be mediocre at best by the time coding becomes so automated there won't be much of a market.

I'm considering learning the classics.

In an age of automation, memes and culture are what distinguish people.

>> No.9933501


those are some very fit butts

>> No.9933547

I'm good at languages and I was good at maths and physics in HS and I suck at programming. It does take a unique type of autism to be anything more than a code monkey.

>> No.9934038

Around your age and started programming/CS two years ago. Depending on where you come from you should refresh at least your high school maths and also try to learn some discrete math. Strictly speaking it's not necessary at the beginning when you're for example learning simple programming concepts, but it will help your understanding later when learning things such as data structures and alg. When you've covered the basics and you know in what direction you want to go, then just learn and practice that. If you don't know yet then my advice is to just learn different things and become a well rounded programmer until you know what you want to do. Read and learn things such as networking, OS and architecture, design patterns, web dev, embedded systems etc.

>> No.9934064

Study machine learning, thank me later.

>> No.9934070

>cs major was too hard at my shit tier uni
>but somehow I know I'm good at programming anyway
No fuck off

>> No.9934072

>machine learning
>not deep learning

>> No.9934095

I'm in the same position as you, anon, except I don't have a job and I'm 24. I've learned in a month about linux and I'm basically working now from command line, now trying to learn python and thinkering around. I think programming languages are not that hard, once you get how they work and their structure, you're gonna make it.

>> No.9934116

Im 22 and know 100 programmings. This kills me from inside on daily basis.
Should I quit my current job and program for a living?

>> No.9934131

Deep learning is part of machine learning anon.

>> No.9934148

yes, that was stupid, my bad

he could just jump into deep learning specialization though

>> No.9934172
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33 year old programmer here. Programming is a lonely job, I wouldn't recommend it for everybody.

>> No.9934204

Did she sue the gym?

>> No.9934245

No its a waste of time top tier programmers are programming software that makes software, sorry anon but the best you can hope for is to get into server technician its literally booming, another thing literally booming is bomb forensics, no joke my dads mate banked 80K over 10 years 20 years ago.£ not $ so probably 120 K over 10 years.

>> No.9934400

yeah right
the only pussy youve seen is on your computer

>> No.9934437

I'm prematurely ejaculating from just watching this webm.

>> No.9934487

120k over 10 y is horrible

>> No.9934562

>iphone still doesn’t support webm
lurking in bed is half comfy, half suffering.

>> No.9934575
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, machine3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind it was 20 years ago when the dollar/pound was much stronger. also different cost of living in different parts of the world, i wouldn't sneeze at that kind of money

the real question is how he can thing bomb forensics is booming if he is thinking about something that happened 20 years ago. unless it was a joke (bombs do go boom)

>> No.9934585

ur not gonna make it

>> No.9934594

that piece of shit OS still doesn't support flash either so im not surprised

>> No.9934598

>>pay retarded indians who can't code the same amount as educated and practiced whites who can code
Hahahahah this delusion. I can smell you redneck.

>> No.9934659

Did the first one in python in like 20 minutes
This is nice, thanks anon, saved

>> No.9934704

you guys make it sound like you need to dedicate your entire life to programming to get a job and make a decent wage in it.
simply isn't true. are yo all talking about 300k google jobs or something?

>> No.9934713

Pajeet offended about pajeetes

>> No.9934745

Thanks, just bought 100 programs

>> No.9934748

Is this how you cope with the fact that your programing education is useless?

>> No.9934780


Are you willing to spend most of your life(around 10-15 hours a day) programming? If the answer is no then you shouldn't quit your job. There's a reason most good programmers seem pretty autistic. It requires an autistic focus on that one single thing all day every day for years.

>> No.9934833


>he thinks that every single programmer making a decent wage spends 10-15 hours of their time a day hardcore programming, and even doing it in free time.

DO YOU EVEN KNOW? how common autism is? the percent of population with it vs the number of programmers making a good wage is in comparable. You are talking out your ass and projecting your own failures.

we are not talking bout 300k google jobs.

>> No.9934906

Yea even Peter Thiel says autists code best.
It's pretty obvious if you look around.

>Peter Thiel: Asperger’s can be a big advantage in Silicon Valley

>> No.9934964


Well, do you know any actual good programmers who get hired that do less than 10 hours of programming a day and never program in their freetime?

>> No.9935000


comparing the 99.9th percentile to anything above 70th.

this binary thinking is your problem. In anything, the 99.9th percentile is order of magnitudes above even the 90th in terms of what they possess in skill or have practiced to achieve it.
take a world record sprinter. their training is 10x as involved as someone who is even 90% as good as them.

you faggots are obsessed with extremes. "i cant be extreme best so no point" mentality. average is pretty fucking easy concept to graps yet most cannot. being above average is not difficult if you want to be, but being 99.9th percentile is fucking hard.

in other words, to make a good salary as a programmer you simply need to be above the median which is very dooable without 24 hour a day autism coding.

>> No.9935010


too ad its like saying "i have 135 Iq, but i can never be as good as the guy with 140 so there is no fucking point.

its so fucking retarded. thats not how bell curves work.

>> No.9935013

the best programmer i know finishes all his work in 4 hours and then does random shit for the rest of day

>> No.9935260

Do you want to become a programmer? There are better paying jobs.

>> No.9935449

>There are better paying jobs.
like what anon?

>> No.9935486 [DELETED] 

The problem with coding is the bar constantly moves higher. This is partly due to people coding on their free-time, raising their skill-level (and skill-bar) even on break/vacation, unlike other jobs.
The harder people compete, the higher the bar goes and more hours everyone has to give their employer.

It's like the tragedy of the commons problem, where acting individually makes the common goal (wages) harder to obtain.

Nerds would be smart to form a cartel (syndicate/consortium/union/etc) to pool their interests.
Or simply stop competing so hard against each other.

Competing on # of hours doesn't end well, like in Japan where people sleep in their office and die of exhaustion to work more than others.

But then there's the prisoner's dilemma where you can't be sure others will cooperate, so a binding cartel contract might work better.

>> No.9935495

The problem with coding is the bar constantly moves higher. This is partly due to people coding on their free-time, raising their skill-level (and skill-bar) even on break/vacation, unlike other jobs.
The harder people compete, the higher the bar goes and more hours everyone has to give their employer.

It's like the tragedy of the commons problem, where acting individually makes the common goal (wages) harder to obtain.

Nerds would be smart to form a cartel (syndicate/consortium/union/etc) to pool their interests.
Or simply stop competing so hard against each other. Competing on # of hours doesn't end well, like in Japan where people sleep in their office and die of exhaustion to work more than others.

But then there's the prisoner's dilemma where you can't be sure others will cooperate, so a binding cartel contract might work better.

>> No.9935501

I'm assuming US. Healthcare (RN, Physician Assistant, Doctor) all pay vey well and you will never be laid off for Pajeet. For example, physicians assistants make 100k starting guaranteed and you will max out at 150k. You can make that much in programming, but you have to be ahead of the curve. If OP is personable, corporate sales can pay. There are other positions in business as well.

>> No.9935504

Being a programmer is a meme. You're just another wagecuck that makes 30% more while working worse hours. Unless you plan on starting your own business, then go ahead.

>> No.9935510

nice analysis, I'm dead serious

>> No.9935512

The problem is globalization. To your typical Deloette MBA hiring 10 Indians or Philipinos is a better choice, since by the time the project crashed and burns he's out of there anyway

>> No.9935514

how dumb would i have to be to drop out of college? starting cs degree and scared

>> No.9935536

Don't drop out.

>> No.9935542

Everyone should know programming, so yes.
The future will be nothing other than computers running shit, I thought everyone knew this.

>> No.9935598

ill try not to. i havent started college yet but i hear so many ppl say that like half the class dropsout of csmajor

>> No.9935616

Superintelligent AI will make casual programming skills moot.

>> No.9935634

That is because colleges have dropped the standards for admissions. I'm almost done and except for online quizzes, the class average in every class is a low C to D. Just don't be a degenerate and actually study.

>> No.9935728

I'm a Senior Developer, no college degree, self-thought. Here's my take on it: If you don't have other skills, investment money or connections don't hesitate and start learning code. Front End Development would be a good start or maybe WordPress. Sure, there's downsides such as:
> Work that encourages autism. If you wanna progress get ready to spend all your time in front of the computer, diving deep into computer science
> You'll always be just a pajeet working for a startup, bigcorp or some asshat that's getting rich off your work.
> It's an insanely frustrating job at times especially because of broken recruitment systems and incompetent managers.
> It takes a long time to get good and a lot of sacrifice
> It's an 'uncool' profession, girls will think you're a neckbeard as soon as you mention it, most programmers are beta as hell

With that being said, you should still do it. Upsides are:
> /comfy/ job. If you're smart about it you can even go the freelancing route and work from home. I did for a couple of years and it was great.
> Good to great pay, plenty of benefits, great job stability
> Ability to learn how to actually build something useful. This is a world in which idiots, functional retards and useless whores all have jobs. Their jobs usually consist of paper pushing, making themselves seem useful and standing in your way. Being a Software Engineer is an exception to that rule, you will find joy in building complex stuff that impacts the lives of people. Just make sure you work for the right company, project or person. For every good project out there there's 3 that are soul crushing. Be careful of cucked companies ran by women and outsourcing sweatshops that put an emphasis on quantity over quality.

Get on it, no one should have to work at McDonalds. If you're smart you'll be a junior developer with full time employment 6 months from today.

>> No.9935736

Wrapping up my phd in the field. We are decades away from that. Not wise to plan with that in mind

>> No.9935916


"random shit" is something programming related right? What does he do in his free time? Program perhaps?

>> No.9935944


I'm sorry man but that's just not how it works you're just too stupid to see it.

>> No.9935975

Sure, you'll be like 30-35 by the time you're any good at it though and no companies will want to hire you because they just want to hire socially awkward kids that they can abuse.
I fucked it all off and went into marketing. More money, less stress and easy as fuck.

>> No.9936215

there should be a dummy test online i.e. basic fucking tasks. Weed out people that are likely to be shit from square 1.

Obviously it's hard to generalize or make a test that works for everyone but at least anon could be let down easily.

>> No.9936257


>The problem with coding is the bar constantly moves higher. This is partly due to people coding on their free-time, raising their skill-level (and skill-bar) even on break/vacation, unlike other jobs.
The harder people compete, the higher the bar goes and more hours everyone has to give their employer.

This. If people just stopped being so fucking tryhard trying to impress others it wouldn't be such a shitty field to be in.

>> No.9936272

To roll like that she wasn't even using the correct muscles for the exercise. Dumb

>> No.9936327

What a dumb thot

>> No.9936355


>> No.9936377


Probably not, unless you want 20-year-old coworkers for the rest of your life.

>> No.9936438

As time goes on, basic competency with interacting with device operational instructions will become as standard for Humans as Reading/Basic Numeracy are for people today.

It will become more common place for children to learn these skills from a much younger age. I understand where you're coming from, but this is just progress being made, as societies change.

I envision a future where people have occupations, and like we're able to at least be able to read/write/communicate in today's occupations, we will also be required to program where necessary.

And that's so different from today, people already heavily use spreadsheet based software, and software which helps with planning and modelling, as well as database software.

>> No.9936447

how'd that transition work? what kind of marketing?

>> No.9936464

get out of the basement dude

>> No.9936489

How do i learn not just the languages, but all the other stuff like types/methods of programming, workflow etc

>> No.9936668


she's ugly..

>> No.9937084

Does that sound unlikely?

I just find it silly that we view programming as a separate profession, rather than something people should know, on top their "actual" job.

Computer Science is a field of study. People wouldn't necessarily need to focus on this field, in order to just learn the in an outs of syntax of some languages. It's not like we need to study a Maths degree, in order to understand basic arithmetic.

>> No.9937162

Kek at all these tips.

Java developer here. Programming is fun if you're patient and like solving problems. It's not like learning a language and it doesnt require you to be good at math in most cases.

>> No.9937202

absolutely wrong

>> No.9937207

Depends where you work obviously. At my job we work in teams of 4-6 and often do pair programming.

>> No.9937234

where do i find these?

>> No.9937235

>competition is somehow bad for programming
It only filters the retards\mediocre programmers

>> No.9937275

I think you vastly misunderstand the amount of work it takes to produce working software beyond literal to-do lists - most useful programs aren't sandboxes where knowing syntax is the only thing that matters

>> No.9937307

Where do I find this

>> No.9937321

haha, yeah, take that you little.. incel!

>> No.9937373
File: 1.15 MB, 1624x902, Unity_2018-06-15_16-15-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn on the side and make a portfolio (side project, helping other on github stuff, etc) over 2-3 years, then quit current job. cut sleeping down to 4 hours a night for a few years.
fake news. 99.9% can learn and program adequately. the only real memes you mentioned are the job interview questions which are leaked anyway by pajeets desperate for view counts on youtube. just memorize responses and solutions for the especially obtuse ones beforehand.

t. quit mental health worker position and working on video game project on side

>> No.9937381

>kike selter


>> No.9937385


>> No.9937394

Looks gay af
bet you have downloads in the millions

>> No.9937456


I'm not talking about software development.

There would have to be some level of abstraction between someone "who knows syntax", and the person who actually develops software, where they'd have to worry about many other things particularly efficiency and memory allocation.

But, let's say a future Accountant wants to do something for a client, something that general spreadsheet software just can't quite fulfill.

Let's say they're auditing 2 sets of Inventory Data, looking for discrepancies. Knowledge of loops/ if else statements/ Variable assignment and memory location would all be incredibly helpful in that situation.

Now, are they going to make the most efficient solution to this problem? Unlikely, they'll have very little in depth understanding of algorithm efficiency. But in this case, that's not necessarily a requirement to just do what's needed.

Programming is a helpful skill for everyone. Just adding or subtracting.

>> No.9937472

*Just LIKE adding or subtracting.

>> No.9937482

Hi based anon, thanks for this write up.
I really want to be autistic and spend about a year to learn software engineering. I am talking about 18-20 hours daily for a year to only do coding. How do I start though, do you have any good books or websites?

thanks again

>> No.9937514

fair enough; I agree with that sentiment

>> No.9937516

Excel / sql / vba

This isn't the 1950s gramps, non software devs have exposure to these tools

>> No.9937527

These interviews are dogshit. I completely fucked up an interview but was able to complete the task 10 minutes after the interview easily with some extra resources

>> No.9937614

I'd consider VBA pretty much programming, I'm not necessarily talking about languages like Python/Java.

The issue with relying on those things (and I fully appreciate that these problems may very well be overcome in the future) is that what if the data in question in formatted in a way that just being able to code up your own program would potentially be quicker than reorganizing everything for processing in those kinds of software?

What if you're looking for something specifically that can't (for some reason) be done in those software programs?

And I understand that Accounting firms may just hire software people to make shit for them, rather than requiring everyone to have basic understanding of syntax. But I see everyone understanding programming as always being beneficial.

>> No.9938380

>Im 25 and know 0 programming.
it's too late for you. good programmers start at like 12.

>> No.9939126

Software dev is fucking dogshit tier these days. Literally anything pajeets turn their hand to becomes dogshit. They did it with medicine, now they've fucked up IT. Seriously if you want to make money AND not be a cuck you need to be a self employed blue collar. Something the pajeet can never take, because people won't accept a stinky street shitter in their house.

>> No.9939143

easily one of the best webms on biz thanks anon

>> No.9939201

Side effects of programming include: abdominal pain, back-related pain, carpal tunnel, minor amnesia, increased appetite, self-loathing, constipation

>> No.9939225
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stop posting this ugly kike you fucking subhuman

>> No.9939244

Post the benis

>> No.9939274

Microsoft is openly seeking autistic engineers in job postings.

>> No.9939275

Sauce pls

>> No.9939906

Will I make bank if I learn solidity

>> No.9940145

no kek. there are tonnes of solidity programmers now. you will make around $40k. plus eth is inevitably going to be take over because so pratically every single chain is gunning for its spot right now. learn c++ and program on eos. it is the next thing.

>> No.9940197

>program on eos

>> No.9940205
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>> No.9940218

fuck off faggot. you just proved your tech illiteracy by asking if you will make bank by *learning solidity*. anyone who is competent in programming can learn any programming language in less than a week.

>> No.9940247

lol what a surprise EOS bagholder is a sensitive bitch

>> No.9940251

not sensitive. your just a classic case of dunning kruger.

>> No.9940255

>program on eos
God damn man whether you're paid to say this or you really think it I feel really fucking bad for you.

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.9940261

christ. since when did it become leddit in here?

>> No.9940278

fuck. wrong (you). meant for >>9940255

>> No.9941093
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 1513818079290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 25 and full-time software developer

>> No.9941261

Sauce pls