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9931429 No.9931429 [Reply] [Original]

Hindsight is 20/20, with a cult leader named synth and a coin that wants to be everything what did you expect?

Same situation, you have a Sunny Lu cult leader, an insider CocacolaKid, but most importantly tons of FAKE VOLUME/USER BOTS. See attached picture is a listing proposal from LBANK. Now look at LBANK’s top traded coin and where ALL of VEchain’s volume come from

Combined with their bullshit utopian goal changed from a wine tracking device, free staking so people don’t dump and no whitepaper.

Enjoy your soon to come disaster. YW.

>> No.9931461

You cant talk about fake bot volume without giving an honorable mention to trx

>> No.9931469


thanks just sold 100k

>> No.9931471

> no whitepaper
Well I was listening before this, nice FUD

>> No.9931490

And yet it still has a higher mcap than LINK and REQ kekw

>> No.9931512

True. And wow, that Lbank volume is so fucking shady

>> No.9931519

Imagine all the trx and ven bagholders during the great purge where only functioning tokens with strong fundamentals will survive. The chink garbage tokens will forever be a joke to the requistadors and linkmarines

>> No.9931525

Lol, isn’t this the case with most crypto that don’t have real world adoption. Except for Iota, BNB, eth, BTC, makerxdao, digixdao, Monero and WTC who all have real world adoption I don’t see any legit projects between it.

>> No.9931580

What FUD. Everything I posted are facts. Let alone naming their dividends Thor and all other cringey scammy stuff

>> No.9931700


>> No.9931730

Are we talking about legit products or coins with a use case? Modum gets a lot of shit for the token but the team is one of the most legit in crypto. Partnership with Swiss Post, SAP and Delloite. Im sure theres other similar projects.

>> No.9931738

No I am talking purely about Adaption, not tokenomics. What coins are being used right now by people in the real world. There won’t be too many and modum till now is still only an idea until people start using it the coin is only speculative value.

>> No.9931778

>What coins are being used right now by people in the real world
Very few such a NPXS will see real world adoption.

>> No.9931779


Co-founder of Modum presented alongside VP, head of blockchain at SAP showcasing the product in action. Take a look for yourself, Modum is an actual product, not just an idea, using blockchain to solve a real world issue. I'm not trying to shill the MOD token btw I wouldn't even recommend buying it now.

>> No.9931825

Holding REQ and LINK... Congratulations, you played yourself.

>> No.9931830
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>> No.9931841

Is your Google broken? Agreed on LBank being dodgy, your other points are complete bullshit though. Better go and tell those corporate giants they're buying into a scam, retard.

>> No.9931846


they only just published their white paper

>> No.9932213

Fucking chinks man, why are they so scammy?

>> No.9932309


>> No.9932340

lol at vechain next, nice joke pal

>> No.9932350

>what is vechain

>> No.9932370

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on /biz/ who's bothered by the network being called after a terminator movie. Have you gen z'ers even watched terminator?

>> No.9932392
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>> No.9932398

How do i tell pwc, dnv gl, bmw, renault, lvmh, jim breyer, tim darper, multi billion chinese companies, chinese government and another 300 companies waiting in the pipeline that all of them have been scammed. Well, just sold all of my vet to save myself, thanks OP.

>> No.9932436

One of the reasons I doubt VEN is the community. It’s geared towards hype and making investors money rather than ground breaking developments. Any serious question gets dismissed and targeted attacks against Modum, AMB and WTC are obvious. Recently this has extended to EOS. Lots of ambitious projects with big progress but the cult like VEN community will claim they are far further ahead than any ‘competition’. The trade volume is a dead giveaway, look at Binance today and ask how it has that level of volume in these market conditions and a rather meh tier announcement. Clear trade manipulation, just as OP suggests.

>> No.9932456

Mainnet is releasing in less than two weeks you imbecile.

>> No.9932497

That pump has been and gone. The volume is not consistent with the minor price increase.