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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9928219 No.9928219 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9928233

its not going to
(((They))) set up a new system so that crashes are impossible

so buy what you can affordd and quickly

>> No.9928261

US recession soon, within 5 years i'd say

>> No.9928264



>> No.9928277

>ywn be that stubborn bastard who owns a highly prized piece of land but refuses to sell it for exorbitant prices to some corporation out of principle

>> No.9928385

>said increasing nervous renter as his landlord raises his rent for the 10th time

>> No.9928417

idk but mummt just bought a house
I didn't think it was a swell idea but I don't live with her

>> No.9928449

>he thinks property will go down
>while the world population is going exponential


Unless a modern black death happened, prices are only going to rise.

>> No.9928501
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>implying these people have any money

>> No.9928706

>things just keep going up forever and never come down, this time its different

must be soon OP

>> No.9928767

uk housing gains are slowing

>> No.9928771

uh yes you dumb faggot look at the charts

>> No.9928774

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$190k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

>> No.9928779
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>> No.9928788

you are ignoring the basic factor of free trade and open borders that increased the foreign population by 100 million in a few short years.

we need to:
1) close the border (Iron Curtain style, muh nigga)
2) reduce the population thru deportation
3) confiscate houses owned by money laundering chinks (recipients of western wealth transfer funds)
4) deport the globalist traitors to china

this will return this nation to 80s level of housing affordability (2X the average annual salary)

According to wolframalpha 3.3k 1950's USD when scaled for inflation equates to about 34k today. Notice that the median home went from 2x family income to nearly 10x family income. That is untenable and will lead to loss of social cohesion.

>deport foreigners, close borders, end immigration/h1bs, end foreigners owning property, confiscate foreign owned property

>> No.9928796

>>opiod/suicide epidemic
>>plummeting life expectance
>>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites
I'm not exactly sure how you're going to support your argument that free trade as a concept is responsible for those

>> No.9928801

Holy shit, is this Osaka? I literally have walked by this several times

>> No.9928816
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>tfw my entire extended family all became rich off of real estate
>They all keep screaming at me to enter the real estate game that's it's pretty much free money if you can just save up the down payment of a house
>Meanwhile they literally rake in cash hand over fist doing literally no work at all and when they retire they can sell everything for 200x what they bought it for
>Cousin says that now is a great time to buy in
>Ask him when the last time he bought an investment property was

Kill me
I'm the only non-successful person in my family

>> No.9928834


I'm in Toronto, don't remind me nigga. Unless you're a multimillionaire housing is fucked here.

>> No.9928836

>send industries/wealth to asia
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this

meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme

>> No.9928855

It recently came out that a huge portion of the Vancouver housing market is driven by Triad money laundering for money made selling fentanyl.

So they're selling drugs that kill our youth, then the Chinese mob is using that money to buy our real estate. Then, apparently, the Chinese government is seizing that real estate in some cases.

the dirty money China funnels in through dissidents, they buy land, and then the chinese government ceases their assets (and them) and that land becomes Chinese government property.

there are organized crime problems and Surrey has become violent as hell but most of the organized crime takes place behind the scenes. its still fucked tho chink gangs bring in Opiods and fentanyl which kill millions of whites every year.

Chinese connection to the opiate crisis in North America I remember heroin exploding in Seattle in 2014 and 2015 and an article in a Vancouver newspaper about the appearance of fentanyl on cargo ships bound from China

chinks bringing in all that fent shit. Those triads are pushing it. I used to work across the street from one of those, once or twice a week you would see a bunch of modified 350z and M3's pull up then drive around back, like 10 asians with sun glasses and spiky hair get out and then they leave in 15 mins.

>> No.9928863

why don't you just kill them all and inherit everything from them?

>> No.9928879

No, these ants aren't what they tell you.

they aren't middle class workers escaping. they are corporate drones who were tasked with the mission of invading

they come here and are given a big fucking budget for 1 of these tasks
1. buy a house
2. settle in and buy out locals
3. produce, market and deliver heroin

1. will come here and dress like a millionaire. in reality he is about as wealthy as a paramedic in his country. His job is to buy out entire streets, boulevards and blocks no matter the cost. This will be done in teams to avoid suspicion

1 "sells" these houses to every other ant,
2 is a professional. his job is buying and selling property across the city. technically a business owner. is allowed to keep some profits but returns a portion back to the main country with routine trips across the year usually monthly. any child he or she has goes with them to make sure they understand their loyalties.

3. I don't need to explain the fucking correlation between the consumption and production of heroin in Vancouver and the amount of chinks. they are not just smothering us economically. they are poisoning us.

>> No.9928882

none of those things were a thing prior to (((free trade)))

Personally I don't believe in hospital/western medication but if I did I'd have to say that having paki/3rd world doctors everywhere couldn't be improving the service. Also if housing prices are a function of credit availability and new citizens are getting favourable treatment by the banks then they'll be advantaged. Especially if they're getting cheap loans that are issued in their country but underwritten from their home country.

I think the whole argument is well summarised by the Thai's and Jap's - they're going from strength to strength economically vs the west and that's due to their policies on immigration and investment.

basically as soon as indians are allowed in the ship has taken on so much water that you may as well call it sunk.

>> No.9928914

the Rust Belt and decline of American industry started in the 1970s as a direct result of American policy of transferring jobs, industry, wealth to Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, China, India...)

NAFTA and transfer of industry to Asia is the reason for suicide/homeless epidemic, open borders, mass migration, hyperinflated housing bubbles, subprime mortgage bubbles, Great Recession, Quantitative Easing, and all our economic, social, and military problems

>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone"
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic

it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

I would just like to mention how an identical thing happened in UK, which I'm sure is a pure coincidence, except instead of Asians/Mexicans we got sandpeople and niggers.

>> No.9928934
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Pic related is the Case-Shiller index going back to 1890 to 2016. It was developed from data on repeat home sales, so it removes the effect not just of inflation but of new houses being more expensive. Here you can see the most recent national data: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPISA

What's interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, housing hasn't really outpaced inflation for most of its history. But since that last bubble pop, we've since gone back up to new highs. Some cities with the highest recent price increase have very restrictive building regulations, like San Francisco. So I'm curious to see whether the market will be able to respond to this increased demand by increasing supply and bringing prices back down to the historic norms in a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.9928994


The average family income: $2,000
The average car cost: $850
The median home price: $4,000

The average family income: $3,300
The average car cost: $1,510
The median home price: $7,000
University of Pennsylvania annual tuition was $600:

Home price / income = 2.2
Car cost / income = .45
Tuition / income = .18

The average family income: $5,300
The average car cost: $2,000
The median home price: $12,000

The average family income: $9,000
The average car cost: $3,000
The median home price: $18,000

The average family income: $18,000
The average car cost: $5,000
The median home price: $55,000

The average family income: $29,000
The average car cost: $8,000
The median home price: $120,000

The average family income: $40,000
The average car cost: $16,000
The median home price: $130,000

The median price for a home in 1950 in inflation-adjusted dollars was $40k (including metro-areas of NYC), according to the Census Bureau. Compared to the current median price of $930k!

>> No.9929006

US also had a much lower cost of living and much higher quality of life before free trade/NAFTA/China.

Bay Area, Seattle, LA, San Diego, NYC, Boston used to all be working class blue collar white cities. The houses in these cities were priced at 2X the average annual salary.

It took a blue collar worker only 2 years income to afford a house in cities that are now out of reach for even white collar earning 6 figures.

Also, products were much cheaper and of higher quality before free trade.

Free trade raped the west

up until 1999 housing in NYC was affordable at 2-3X the annual salary. People bought houses in NYC for $170k in 1999, prior to open border policies.

NYC had not yet experienced a dramatic increase in immigrants until 2000, then the gooks went all in and prices rose dramatically. once affordable blue collar hoods went from $170k to $600 in a matter of a few years. Now these same hoods are $1.2 million.

before open borders, people were not packed 20 to an apartment and did not share with roommates.

>> No.9929022

Go back to pol brainlet. You sound like a schizo.

>> No.9929026

Because even though they're all wildly successful and poke fun at me for not being successful I still love them

(haha just kidding I'm playing the long game and waiting for them to die the old fashion way)

>> No.9929064

which city is this at?

>> No.9929077

That doesn't necessarily conflict with the Case-Shiller index, because you have to account for the fact that houses have gotten bigger over time, and possibly more luxurious in other ways. Square footage and square footage per person have been on a continuous uptrend: http://www.aei.org/publication/todays-new-homes-are-1000-square-feet-larger-than-in-1973-and-the-living-space-per-person-has-doubled-over-last-40-years/

>> No.9929093

Various suburbs around Philadelphia.

The own mostly Duplexes and Triplexes, but also townhouses and one has a 12-unit apartment building. They own no houses within the city, so it's not like they're mega-rich New Yorkers or anything.

>> No.9929116

these HYPERINFLATED COSTS are mostly EXISTING OLD HOMES, not just new homes

remember, NYC, Bay Area, Boston are ALL Old home cities.

even LA was completely built by the 1970s and these old homes are going for millions, so kindly fuck off, brainlet

>> No.9929139



>> No.9929147

braunstein's yiddish family detected

>> No.9929158

At the end of 2019.

>> No.9929169

>cant into ratios relative to avg salary and price of car

serious or just mongoloid?

do you KNOW what a RATIO RELATIVE to INCOME is?

before 2000s/bush NWO/globalisation, the US has ALWAYS had avg housing price = 2X avg salary

According to wolframalpha 3.3k 1950's USD when scaled for inflation equates to about 34k today. Notice that the median home went from 2x family income to nearly 10x family income. That is untenable and will lead to loss of social cohesion.

>> No.9929191

white people BTFO

>> No.9929237

You have pretty poor reading comprehension if you think I'm arguing that the Case-Shiller index does not show inflated prices currently. That's exactly what I said it showed..It's a nice metric precisely because it removes the effect of new homes and allows us to better isolate the variable of existing homes. After the last housing bubble crash, since 2012, it's spiked back up to new highs.

>> No.9929276

stfu, you brought up irrelevant bs size and got BTFO when anon reiterated that these are old city homes, seriously fuck off

>> No.9929288

We are still in a housing bubble crash, though.

>> No.9929300

nope, 90s was the last decade of traditional american housing market (that spanned across centuries), with a house costing 2X avg salary even in metro areas such as NYC/LA/SF.
90s were in fact the last decade of american lifestyle, middle class, and the american dream. then bush came and all that was left was a trail of destruction throughout western civilization.

A house in a shitty area of LA was around $140k in the year 2000. That same house is now $700k in 2018.

>> No.9929313

This is terrifying. Not to sound like buzzfeed. I came from /pol/ but have been on /biz/ for two years. This thread resonates with me hard. Because we're on /biz/, what is the plan of action to profit? Do we buy property now? I hear on the radio in Seattle they are basically building apartments that people will live in rent free, and they have shelters that people do heroin in and even let these people have needles and other paraphernalia. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. What the fuck is going on in America right now?

>> No.9929338

>america sends industry, wealth, jobs to asia
>no domestic jobs
>recession 9.0
>rust belt happens
>hyperinflation rising cost of food, oil, products, houses
>businesses import 3rd world slavelabor to offset rising cost
>cost of housing, oil, food surges even more
>homeless, suicide, opioid epidemic

Coordinated stealth White genocide

>> No.9929346

>>white people don't want to have children
>>it's everyone else's fault


i thought you guys were all about personal responsibility and shit.

>> No.9929361

Chinese launder opiod/corruption money to the West, creating gigantic housing bubble and hyperinflation. The following is a buying pattern of a Mainland Chinese in Southern California.
All the transactions here are for apartments in SoCal. The Mainland Chinese buyer can buy two apartments with 10+ units in a span of 10 days. The buyer mostly targets 1-bedroom apartment complexes. Chinese corruption money is a major reason why there's a housing crisis in the West and East Coast.


no one has yet mentioned how much fucking chinks are flooding over to US. They are literally taking over.

>> No.9929373
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>Chinese launder opiod
projecting a little too much anon

>> No.9929379

i still fail to see how it's everyone else's fault that white people are having less children then everyone else. ya'll motherfuckers supposed to pick yourself up from your bootstraps or some shit you keep telling all the other minorities?

>> No.9929386


These are slide comments meant to distract. avoid this post. this thread is great so far.

>> No.9929413

Chinks ship shitloads of meth and heroine in.

Reminder that almost all our meth is imported from China by Chinks
Deal with the Chinese problem, and you solve the drug problem
Three Hong Kongers and a Chinese national were arrested

Officers found more than Aus$1 billion (US$712 million)

Four people were arrested in Sydney on Thursday and charged over the shipment of illicit drugs and chemicals contained in three shipping containers that arrived this month from the Chinese port of Ningbo, Australian Federal Police Commander Chris Sheehan said.


Customs officers found 159 kilograms (351 pounds) of methamphetamine worth an estimated 107 million Australian dollars ($75 million) in the backs of the bar stools. They found 340 kilograms (750 pounds) of ephedrine, an ingredient used in methamphetamine, in the powdered soup packets.

A 57-year-old Australian woman and two Chinese man aged 45 and 50 were to appear in a Sydney court on multiple drug charges.
Australian police recently found 1290 lbs. of crystal meth hidden inside washing powder containers that were shipped in from China. The estimated street value of the seized drugs is nearly 451 million US dollars.


>> No.9929418

>>have no rebuttal
>>it's a distraction guise!21!!@!!

>> No.9929433

appraiser anon here

The main factor driving home prices like pic related is demand from an influx of over 120 million foreigners in the span of 2 decades thanks to free trade and open borders. You could find a similar home in most states for a quarter, or less of that prices

So cal, Jew York and most of the East Coast has super high home prices because they contain the extreme majority of foreigners (120 million), are already urban hotbeds, and are also major economic centers

Should Trump actually stop free trade, close immigration, and deport ALL foreigners, home prices in cali, and urban areas would see serious reduction, which the populace would benefit from immensely

>> No.9929434

You are wrong.

>USA decides to expand socialism
>government gets bigger
>citizens get entitled like eurocucks
>USA equals Brazil by 2040

You dont have to look for big answers, when the economy has been shit for decades,the fault ALWAYS lies in the lack of free market, history is there to prove that.

>> No.9929458



I learned recently that China (the country) subsidizes the Chinese people specifically to buy homes in the US and Canada so it's people gain influence.

Chinks man.

t. Appraiser

>> No.9929473

see >>9928914

the deinndustrialization of US started with Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.

the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)

the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.

Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor

Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.

Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.

>> No.9929496

>big booty dickgirls and rampant teen prostitution everywhere while I am still young enough to get a hardon

>> No.9929503

>he wants people to believe that China giving money to North American home owners is a bad thing

How can you be such a fucking cuck? It is great to have liquidity in the market, the bubble is only there because you have the nanny state keeping interests fucking low, so shitheads keep buying stuff that they cant afford.

>> No.9929506

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

>> No.9929525

I'm not really sure what to do

apparently because I'm a grown man I have to move out of my parents house, but the idea of moving down the street into an apartment just so that I don't live with them anymore seems ridiculous

I could buy a house in another part of town, but then I have to deal with owning a fucking house and all of this bullshit
I'm 25 and really do not want to move out

>> No.9929531

I-is north america ready for this level of degeneracy? The economy...

>> No.9929540

China rise was due to giving over a billion people the ability to have some control over their fucking lives, dipshit.

Freedom being equal, a bigger population will always outproduce a much smaller population in every area.

Stop being manipulated by peer pressure.

Living somewhere where you cant fuck horny 14yo that WANT your boomer dick is a fucking sin.

>> No.9929543 [DELETED] 

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.
also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.

>we give them our houses, businesses, jobs, country, and land
>they give us phones and dragon dildos

What a trade!

>expel asiatic locusts
>prices deflate back to White country levels

>> No.9929576

That's true, but the reason China has so much power in the first place is because of rising socialism in the West destroying industry.

Virtually all problems are rooted back to the state.

>> No.9929618

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.
also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.

>we give them our houses, businesses, jobs, country, and land
>they give us phones and dragon dildos

What a trade!

>expel asiatic locusts
>prices deflate back to White country levels

>> No.9929651

most /biz tards start as /pol lacks dumbass. Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.9929669

Free trade is wealth redistributing socialism. Trade with China is treason
Karl Marx was literally quoted defending free trade.
Karl Marx was pro-free trade because he knew that free trade and free markets is just an extension of globalism and the ramifications of global free trade are the same as mass immigration.

Accelerationism comes from Marx, who thought free trade capitalism would break down nation states, tradition, and the family unit to usher in a global technocratic one world government.

Karl Marx "On the Question of Free Trade":
>But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.


>> No.9929702

>Government controls the currency.
>Uses said currency to unleash gigantic wars, inflate industry and subsidize corporations.
>Free trade was responsible

>> No.9929705

Those are not your properties, little entitled milllennial, and you have NO FUCKING SAY about what is done to them.
You could have bought them, but not, you and your family were too busy being fat lazy turds.

China is winning simply because they are rejecting collectivism while the USA is embracing it.
Chinese girls will work 60 hours every week to afford surgeries and clothes, will date fat and ugly westerners just to learn english and then will accept to live as a faithful wife until their upper-medium-class husband dies - they will go through hell to ascend financially, their men do the same.
Meanwhile, USA girls create SJW culture and borrow money for Somali Bagpipe Composition degrees.

>> No.9929723

What's happening is third world non white nations overpopulated themselves into poverty and now they're unabashedly doing it in white nations.


If the west didnt transfer industry, wealth, tech to the spawning insectoids, then Third world politicians would then actually have some pressure to advance and improve their nations rather than just ship their demographic problems abroad.

There's also the fact that we're feeding the third world without demanding anything in exchange that might improve their destiny in the long run... Like limiting population growth. Seriously, what we're doing is just so wrongheaded and downright borderline EVIL. We're willing to let them spin into a situation that could see billions die of starvation and its side-effects rather than have conversations about-- or even to think about-- difficult subjects. There's no way these compassionate educated people running these operations don't understand, even on some unconscious level, the inevitable looming consequences of unchecked growth. It shows their only goal is to glorify themselves, "look how kind and good I was!"

Maybe we have to experience a catastrophic crash before we can learn even simple lessons.

>> No.9929739

>subsidizing the outsourcing of jobs overseas is good for your country
You have to wonder what sort of parasitic asshole could be responsible for such a horrendous opinion.

>> No.9929745

1 chance at life and i will never be him

>> No.9929759

>Chink from communist party talks about how China cannot sustain it's population
>The solution is to invade western countries and kill off the native populations
>This includes killing children
>They propose the best way to do this is to use biological warfare (Weaponized diseases)
>Australia is a target as well as the U.S

Those properties are American properties, not chink. chinkland is that way, mongoloid

>> No.9929773

Globalization is the reason why. If housing markets and other local markets were not subject to influx of cash from thousands of other millionaires from hundreds of countries the bay area prices would be more affordable for domestic people.

This is what is going to happen in a globalized society. Hot areas for real estate or where wealth is already aggregated (like the top 20%) of countries will open their local markets, whatever they may be, to foreign competition. San Franscisco, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Paris, Rome, London, Barcelona, etc. will be inhabited by multi-millionaire+ people, of various different races. This will push out the lower class millionaires into other areas, which will have a domino effect.

What is happening to San Francisco is just hyper-gentrification.

What is going to happen long term is that this hyper-gentrification won't last. A multi-ethnic, racial society can only function with excess wealth and material resources. The second stress is introduced into the system, via economic downturn or war or natural disaster is when people will hunker down into basic tribal loyalties (Balkanization). I expect to see that San Fran, Paris, London to into either MegaCities like in Judge Dredd or just get fucking abandoned like Detroit.

Importation of poorer individuals from other countries only hastens this happening. Global wealth or hyper-rich can move, as wealth is not static but fluid and is used to prevent disaster or accrue resources. The rich will move on to other areas, the carcasses of the cities/industries/factories will be left behind to rot, until they are built up again by the middle-class to be re-invaded again.

Globalization is basically wolves eating sheep because the pens aren't guarded.

>> No.9929782
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Bear Market /biz/ has the best quality threads.

>> No.9929818

Best investment strategy: Kick out the chinks, poos, beaners and get your wealth back quick!

This will secure wealth, eternally

Free trade is about the white man subsidising the old world to increase globalist corporate profits. At the rate we are going the white european will end up extinct as the planet consolidates into a mainly African slave caste with banking families as the masters.

Bye bye middle class.

>> No.9929826

>Free trade is wealth redistributing socialism.
You are really stupid and should feel bad, I am pretty sure that you cant understand a single concept that you used there.

Third world does not mean what you think that it means. Go educate yourself.

>What's happening is third world non white nations overpopulated themselves into poverty and now they're unabashedly doing it in white nations.
No, what happened is that neither Africa nor Latin America had any long periods of a free market recently - Chile had almost three decades of it last century, before embracing socialism again, and is still relatively strong thanks to that.
Meanwhile, Asia shitholes (like Korea) that embraced it and kept at it are prospering.

>If the west didnt transfer industry, wealth, tech to the spawning insectoids
People that actually produce things of value decided to chase wealth in emerging markets, as it is their right.
You are a parasite that wants to leech your peers, a disgusting socialist that thinks that he has any right to tell productive entrepreneurs what to do, and forcing your opinion over other people lives is basically the definition of evil.

Those properties belong to individuals that will do with them as they please, mutt.

What you fail to see is that the world is getting richer, not poorer, and new areas will be developed when people cant afford the old ones.
You apparently forgot that the entire fucking USA was built by shitty, poor individuals, and accepting wave after wave of uneducated, stinking plebs is what allowed it to become a superpower - before welfare, socialism and all that shit.

>> No.9929827

I never said that you turd

>> No.9929829

>I could buy a house in another part of town, but then I have to deal with owning a fucking house and all of this bullshit
buy it you faggot

>> No.9929851

I'm not sure their per capita advancement was all that much higher than Europe's or MENA's when accounting for the fact that between 1/5 and 1/3 (depending on the century) of the human population was Chinese.

China is utterly nothing without its massive population. China is the epitome of quantity over quality, while a country like Japan or England is quality over quantity. Funny how those 2 much smaller countries absolutely raped and humiliated China so easily. I would hate to be one of the 2 billion indistinct chink insects whose lives have absolutely no value and whose ancestors were nothing but nameless slaves for thousands of years. The analogy to insects is just so damn fitting for the chinks. It's fucking brilliant. Basically, China's greatest and only strength is and always has been simply outbreeding everyone else to overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

>> No.9929864

I came over to Asia 30 odd years ago with the 'technology transfer' idea with an R&D centre. There was no R&D but we simply gave them the technology. It was like running a school. My point is that I have been here ever since (made good money) however I dont think you know how these people think and react. I can assure you that they are not compatible with the West in large numbers. They start group thinking in a critical mass and their behaviour changes for the worst.I saw this as the transfers came to an end and more Westerners left and more Asians arrived. Dont take my word for it, but you dont know what you are talking about with these lot.

>> No.9929898

China will ironically become the bastion of European history and culture after Europe falls

They'll invade Europistan and will hang the Mona Lisa in Beijing

>> No.9929903



You are very wrong.

>Funny how those 2 much smaller countries absolutely raped and humiliated China so easily.
Those two countries did it because they had more economic freedom - the same economic freedom that you oppose in the USA.

>> No.9929909

Incorrect, there's a bunch of people who worked out how to crash the system.

>> No.9929913


how could these retards even shill for free trade after 3 decades of irreparable damage that sunk a 1st world country into 3rd world hellscape?

do these ivory tower retards have a basic understanding of economy, where the supply of gas skyrocketed from $1/gallon to $4 due to America birthing China's rise in global trade?

The escalation of oil prices led to all costs (food, transport, goods) increasing dramatically etc...

This is one simple example where China's participation in global trade increased the cost of basic products, not to mention the effects of China/Mexico on global housing bubble.

how can these yids continue to spout their b.s.? do they honestly think goyim are that stupid to swallow their shit?

>> No.9929934

You still dont understand what third world means, even after having it pointed out to you.
It is no wonder that you cant understand the world and keeps repeating that collectivistic bullshit.
Please, go back to /pol/, we dont want you here.

>> No.9929941

chinks are buying up land in the west, and sending their people here. Their students and their Confucius Institutes. Their artificial islands, their corporate and industrial spies, and their growing power. You best not tweet about Taiwan being its own country if you work in an American airline, or you may find yourself without a job.

They're taking over western countries, and China has a vast number of surplus men. They build some bases here, send some workers there. They're doing this in Africa, and I can imagine they want the rare earth minerals and more. What's with the mock european cities in China? The ghost cities too, it's all strange. Don't tell me when all the white countries are burning, or already gone china will let the french for example come live in their fake paris? Another concern I have is "undocumented immigration" open borders bullshit. Whether legal, or illegal I can see chink "immigration" being a problem as there is just so many of them. They could take california, since any human is allowed to live there as long as they please without question. So to sum it up, they can demographically replace us, steal our inventions and resources, influence our culture/economy/governments, project military strength, and more. The Jews really want to prop these rice farmers up don't they? Without the transfer of western wealth, thievery, and most importantly backing of the jews you have to wonder if they'd be anything more than a developing country still. I mean think how many millions still are dirt poor over there. Sure they have their fancy cities propped up overnight, but is there any soul to any of it? It's all so artificial. Could be why the merchants want china to be their new host. A billion consumers, and workers who will never try and fight back as whitey did.

this ebook is required reading


>> No.9929960

all browns realize white nations are superior to brown nations. We were able to keep them out for centuries and build the civilization that they could only dream of building. Then the jews embedded themselves in our governments and institutions and opened the gates of the West to the unworthy, just like they opened the gates of Constantinople to the turks. The gooks were a stones throw away from Aussieland for thousands of years and never made an attempt to colonize. It was only after whites turned it into a paradise that the brown hoards dared enter in. I hope people understand this.

>> No.9929979

Coworker went there on a business trip to finalize a deal with a factory to make his new product.
Deal was worth about 750K to the factory so they picked him up from the airport, provided him with a high end apartment.
The apartment came with 2 Chinese cities who worked opposite 12 hour shifts catering to his every need.
Laundry, food, massage and sex.
Whatever he wanted. He was banging them all day and night.

Company got the deal and then proceeded to absolutely fuck up the manufacturing process and create a shitty product that could not be sold

>> No.9929983



>> No.9929991

You keep talking about free trade within the context of 21st and 20th century economies and politics.

There is no "free trade", there hasn't been for a very long time. We live in a society fueled on fiat currency and political will.

China is powerful because they have - with fiat currency - pumped an economy that has taken industry from the West, because they fucked up using fiat currency.

>> No.9929993


Chinese economy relies on cheating and stealing from other countries, its ingrained in their chink souls to rip off the white man as much as possible

back to chinkland, slant

>> No.9929997

Snooze you lose white faggot. That's what you get for having a 100 IQ average. Whites are just light skin niggers with homosexuality imbedded into their DNA. They had a short run building America but ultimately need to be removed. Zionism will crumble without whites.

>> No.9930003

Fucking horrendous.

Its not even a passive displacement either, they are literally taking jobs away from actual Canadians and creating wide-spread poverty for the whites. This really is a fucking invasion, when the fuck are whites going to rise up and do what must be done? Trusting politicians is absurd, they are all bought out and payed for by the people pushing this agenda, even the ones who say that they are against it.

I civil war is the only way.

>> No.9930004

Yeah and.

>> No.9930010


>when the fuck are whites going to rise up and do what must be done

never, it's over

>> No.9930016

Entire ch*nese "economy" hangs by a single thread and that thread is the west. They play stupid games and they'll win stupid prizes.

>> No.9930017


>> No.9930026

Whites are gay what they gonna do lol

>> No.9930029

>stones throw
>a few thousand miles of impossible to navigate archipelego infested by pirates, literal cannibals and horrific weather conditions.
>a stones throw
Fukin kek mate china tried to colonize the south Pacific and untold millions died because of diseases and other bullshit. It wasn't worth the effort until engines and antibiotics.

>> No.9930031

What happens is some shitty, tiny business in China enters the US stock market under false pretenses. Their stock value is massively overvalued and when this is found out, the stock value crashes, but by this time it's too late and China have the money.
It's mostly government operated too and shady as fuck. What the Chinese government do is called a reverse merger, they basically buy some US company that was specifically founded for this purpose, merge the shitty Chinese business with it, then get it listed on the US stock market.
The Chinese business lies through their teeth and might even have help from the government to make this lie seem real. They'll claim they do hundreds of billions of dollars in business a year and are huge in China when in reality the business is 3 guys working out of some shed in rural China. (If US investors want to come over and verify their claims, the Chinese government will set up a fake factory for them to make it seem like they're a real business)
People buy these stocks which they think are worth a lot of money. When the truth is found out they drop in value, often to nothing.
China keeps this money, the US loses tens, if not hundreds of billions a year. This has been happening for over a decade and it's not even illegal in China so no one can do shit about it.

If you don't think this is an act of economic war, you're either Chinese or retarded.

>> No.9930047

Lol why are white niggers so easy to fool.

>> No.9930048

No one cares about your colour fetishism, it is survival of the fittest, motherfucker.

If we are being honest here I agree that China is living inside a bubble that should burst before 2022.
I believe that the USA next housing collapse should trigger a worldwide shitstorm that will finally initiate the eradication of socialism (just look at how much Estonia hates big government nowadays).

>> No.9930050

Meanwhile, China sets up shell companies to copy American tech, and sends their spies all over to gather and steal anything they can find. Not really the same.

>> No.9930069

Chinks have same Modus Operandi: cheat and steal to start their wealth, then continue to cheat and steal at larger scale.
People that have dealt with chinks will know exactly what I’m talking about.
Trump is very smart, he knows chinks are getting wealthy on the backs of Americans.
The reason you can’t afford a car? A down payment for a house?


>> No.9930072

650 million White Zionists on this fucked up planet, the world is better off without whites and Jews, pigs and farmers, fucking it all up.

>> No.9930087

They infiltrate your universities and industries to perform espionage and steal IPs, buyout your real estate and business like (restaurants, factories, malls), flood your country with opiods and plastic, and support Liberal or left wing groups that attack white men. They're like the Jews of Asia. Ask Indonesians, Malaysians, or Filipinos what the Chinese are doing to their economy.

after Clinton, Bush and Obama handing them win after win after win, seeing their country get built up, that trade surplus balloon and their getting away with aggressive behavior in the waters near them, they naturally believe the Commie line that China is taking over. But we are still far stronger than them despite decades of mismanagement and their Ponzi economy is still totally dependent on $1Tn of cash per year from the US and EU. It's going to be a shock to them when it starts going wrong.

All because of Jews behind Bush, Clinton and Obungo giving China favorable status, they can sell anything to us with zero tax. Jews wants to drive US and white folks into poverty, this is one way.
50% of houses bought by chinks are empty. Used to stash money, while white folks now sleeping in vans and downsizing into “tiny homes” or living with their parents.
Come to Irvine kids, your eyes will open up like saucers, you’d want to smash chinks faces.

Chinks are literal cockroaches.

>> No.9930117

liberal policies designed to weaken the US in favor of 3rd world countries, and accompanying wealth transfers.
The US has exited the Paris accords, halted TPP, and is right now throwing NAFTA on the cutting board.
The Chinese have been put on notice. The era of financing their manufacturing boom through our consumption is coming to an end.

here is the thing tho, we dont really need anyone. we reduced our standard of living and sacrificed ourselves for the yellow/brown monkeys

we could expel all of them and regain the standard of living that we once had

600 million whites
900 million shitskin 3rd world peasants

700 million whites
7 billion shitskins and assorted insectoids

the world would be better off

>> No.9930119

So, they beat whites at their own game?
Pretty impressive.

>> No.9930120

White people: "wow it's almost as if Jewing the rest of the world doesn't work so well now that they're beating us in everything, those damn Jews and brown people need to respect my culture! Why can't the rest of the world fap to my whiteness! REEEEEE BUY MY CRYPTO COINS IT'S NOT A SCAM!"

>> No.9930138

>Europe stop being productive to engage into welfare state
>USA follows
>whites get butthurt because the rest of world keeps working while fat WASPs consume their ancestors savings
Really makes you think.

>> No.9930139

There are plenty of 100% white regions of America and Europe and they're practically third world countries. You white nigger faggots are out of touch with reality.

>> No.9930147

The jig is up for these IP thieves. The only reason they hire or have western companies is to ursurp the tech and copy the fuck out of it.
For 6 thousand years this backward country where these hive-minded drones stoned each other to death never invented anything that move the world forward.
They only know how to steal.

I highly recommend you guys to visit Irvine and Chinese cities like Shenzhen to see the amount of wealth transfer facilitated by the Jews from western folks to these yellow fuckers. Your jaws will drop.

China has so much intellect it has to steal everything it has from others..... really makes you think

China is on a tight rope, it needs to expand but it takes a 51% stake in any company that works in China so it can steal ideas so big companies won’t like working in China unless you are apple and can use Chinese as slaves and not give up anything

That and when it’s urban population spikes and continues to spike their ability to produce food locally will crash, and unlike stock market they can’t just pull the plug and pretend it isn’t happening everyday when people are starving

>> No.9930155

>For 6 thousand years this backward country where these hive-minded drones stoned each other to death never invented anything that move the world forward.
So that is what a sub-100 IQ looks like...

>> No.9930162

t. speaking english, wearing the white man's clothes, using the white man's technology, etc. etc. etc. you only come off as butthurt and insecure.

>> No.9930163

It's called leveraging others to make a profit. Boo hoo, you sound like a nigger demanding reparations for being exploited. All white people do is complain and cry all day about being exploited and not knowing what to do about it. You hired a fucking real estate tycoon for president to fix your problems. White is obsolete, survival of the fittest.

>> No.9930169

Eastern Europe is filled with slavs who were raped by communism

The shithole areas of the US are mostly the result of niggers

>> No.9930174

This thread has made me think about Australia and our housing bubble. When house prices are so insanely high and the average person will spend all of their life paying for housing of one or two bedrooms, family formation becomes impossible and a population decline is inevitable.

All these people living in cages, they will never have families of their own. Surely australia's population must be collapsing in the younger generations


>> No.9930185

>produced neither of those things
>invented nothing
>thinks that this technology has anything to do with him
It must be so sad to be a dirty collectivist.

Are you going to cry?

>> No.9930191



>> No.9930196

The same western companies working in China are giving most of the technology away.
The Chinese workers have evolved in these last decades from illiterate ants to highly skilled and proficient.
In China there are huge industrial poles composed of hundred of factories of all sizes.
From small shops to a full-fledged refinery.
It is incredible, but it is the result of the so called globalization and not "stealing of technology".
The jobs moved from the West to the East as well the knowledge to produce the goods.
Consider this as a well planned step for the New Word Order, the demise of America as a super power and the rise of China in the XXI century.
If you are looking for somebody to blame, blame the greed of western corporations.
And if you dig deeper you will find all over the place the traces of (((globalist lackeys))) who colluded, and they are still doing it, to dispossess Whites and destroy the Western civilization.

>> No.9930199

>Surely australia's population must be collapsing
Not really, millions of Chinese are entering to replace you

>> No.9930202

Cry me a river white faggot monkey, that's right. We're using some of your outdated inventions as a stepping stone to something better. That's evolution. Tough luck, patent your shit better next time pussy.

>> No.9930220


microdicked Chink here. I hate my own kind, there are chinks like me though, polite and generous to a fault, but I'm a freak chink.
99.9% of chinks are pragmatic, no ethics or morality, they would kill to take money from others if they think they'd get away with it. Thing is, most of them are outright cowards so they don't do it.
Chinks are worse than Jews. Look at US cities where chinks are moving in, slowly those cities deteriorate.
Reject chinks and goods.

The whites brought us industrialization. Space Travel. Electricity. Sure, we chinks have brought gunpowder, independently developed paper, and at least the idea of the compass, but after the Ming dynasty fell to the Qing, we've been steadily declining - just pure stagnation from the conquest of Xinjiang onwards. We were able to force the Russians to recognize our claims in the treaty of Nerchinsk, but it was whittled down by foreign powers, and we deserved it for being overconfident pricks. We haven't made a meaningful contribution to humanity in a long time.

I seek to change that, but I believe that whites are the way to go - for if we are to progress forward and conquer the stars, as is our destiny, then we must advance ourselves off this tiny blue prison we call "Earth". Which race has been trying to do that most? Whites. Therefore, I choose to support whites because indeed of a long-term selfish ambition - I actually want to mine asteroids and get stinking rich off of that LUL.

>> No.9930233


>looking for someone to blame
Oh, yes, I am certainly fucked now that all my shit is cheaper.

True whites built their civilization by doing the same thing, it is OK, you have no reason to feel bad.
It is just sad that modern whites are whiny cowards.

>> No.9930245

ITT butthurt commies who get mad when capitalism goes against them

>> No.9930251


>> No.9930252

flatfaced Chinaman here - whites don't understand the Chinese menace. They aren't stupid, violent negroids.

They're as crafty and copy white achievements. They are, however, utterly, utterly soulless. Completely devoid of empathy. They operate by the laws of the jungle. It's Human Eats Human to them.

They are the cause of the opiate crisis. in Australia/Canada/America they run the worst of the worst drug trades (they are to Australia as Mexico is to the U.S.) and rackets like loan sharking - Because they have no compassion. It's amazing to behold - Just watch the way they treat animals - It's not just that they don't care, but they will inflict enormous suffering and cruelty because to torture a dog to death will produce slightly (SLIGHTLY) better tasting meat.

They are fucking demonic sociopaths as a race.

only demons likes meat that has been tortured and fear stricken so I guess it checks out.

>> No.9930265

3rd gen chink here. It hurts very much that I’m reminded of the lack of compassion, respect and civility mainlanders display. I’ve traveled a lot and I can say with certainty that the chink insect soulless genetics are real. Chinese have no regard for one another, nature or quality, just a blind pursuit of money. Any chinaman knows that any accomplishment is a crap copy of western achievements but it is not something that I native to us,so we say shit like “X with Chinese characteristics”. I really hope whites just nuke that awful place.

>> No.9930298

Okay, you win. I get it. At first I didn't understand all the hate towards chinks...then when I actually went to China....

Holy shit all the rumours are true. This might sound strange (since I'm Chinese) but mainland Chinese...are a completely different thing. I went to Shenyang and all the memes are true. They/we do eat dog (and just about any other creature). People are incredibly money focused. People have no morals, lie, cheat, steal, you can't trust a fucking chinaman. Now all those 20th Century posters about "never trust a chinaman's coins" suddenly make sense.

To summarise, the culture there makes stealing, lieing, and being disingenoius completely ok in the name of money. With Chinese, unless you are part of the "family" (think Italian Mafia), the attitude is fuck everyone else because it's normal. It's amazing to see the power of the hivemind culture.

Don't get me wrong, I am Chinese and nothing I can do will change that. I believe Chinese are capable of improving and being hospitable, but as of present, it's a giant fucking waste dump.


>> No.9930302


That is great, we dont need no fucking bleeding hearts, we need people that will get shit done.
I am only interested in whites because I enjoy fucking white girls, but those wont disappear in my lifetime and I know that nothing of value will be lost if they get replaced by a more competitive race.
I have been looking for a breeding partner, and I am after just two things: a high IQ and no health problems. I give zero shits if I impregnate a nigger, a czech, a chink or even a fucking aboriginal cunt - as long as they have an IQ above 120 and a healthy body, I will pump them with semen furiously.

>> No.9930318

You are one creepyass whiteknight beta fag lemme tell ya.

For those not completely divorced from reality: try spending even a month living in a chinese part of town in America. Be prepared for a shock. This isn't a cultural difference. These things are missing something core and important. I didnt believe in souls until I lived amongst the chinese. There is nothing inside of them. They are meat robots. If you wanted to be a serial killer there is no better place to do it then in chinkville. Raise your voice to one and they will stare at you blankly. Run one down on the street and the others wont even scurry. Is god real? I have no fucking clue, but nature or genetics or Darwin ran out of whatever ingredient it is that makes human beings sentient and conscious, and just started sending down hollow meat puppets who wear Walmart and drive used BMWs. Think I'm nuts? Find out for yourself. The Japanese are weirdos but they're intelligent, human weirdos. The koreans are ghetto knockoffs of the Japanese. The chinese? Those insects are ghosts.

>> No.9930328


This. I worked in Chinese outbound M&A. Technology transfer is the foundation of China's economic and trade policy. They can see the US/Europe getting ahead of them in automation and it's worrying the business wing.

It's a soft-invasion. Just like flooding the US with Mexicans and Europe with Muslim "refugees" the Chinese government is invading other countries, but they're doing as legally as they can by encouraging their people to buy land in other countries and get citizenships, but large numbers of immigrants will naturally stick together in groups, effectively allowing China to colonize other countries.

The Chinese are invading California, even openly referred to it as the Gold Coast Project and were the ones pushing "Calexit" so they could more officially claim it.

>> No.9930344

Pathetic samefagging.
No? Post 3 different timestamped hands and Ill send you all I'll send you 1 NEO each.

>> No.9930349

As an American, I studied international trade at a prestigious school in Japan. My program was maybe 60-70% Chinese, 10% korean, 10% Europeans, 10% Middle Eastern, then a few Americans. It was super hostile and though I tried to avoid getting in trouble, much of the school basically teamed up and tried to bully me to death. It was like the Model UN from hell. They wanted me to be a symbol of America being destroyed by the rest of the world via theft, tyranny, and lies, and they called it "free trade." The school tried to cover it up because they didn't want a scandal.

This is how the rest of the world really thinks about America, apparently. Trump is doing the right thing. We don't need these people.

>> No.9930363

but I can hardly even take care of myself
why should I put up with home ownership when all that money could be in securities with a much higher return

>> No.9930369

If they win longterm, it is because they are better - that is how the fucking free market work.
If you think that you can outperform them, just do it and get rich.
If cant compete with them, and cant accept that, just go cry in a corner like a loser.

Welcome to reality, basically the whole world hates the fucking USA.
You can thank your decades of international meddling for that.

>> No.9930370

My girlfriend is ethnically Chinese and she lacks spacial awareness, alongside many of the elements that make conversation free flowing and "warm"; she has a blunt, direct manner of speaking, and lacks many of the subtle tones, gestures and words we may have in the West that makes talking friendlier and easier. I absolutely can't fault her on her empathy or passion though, it's exceptional.

I think mainland China has destroyed by communism, and must have took these genetic traits for rudeness and awareness, and concentrated them into something foul

>> No.9930382

I remember a company a few years back was having a chinese factory build clones of the Winchester 1887 and 1897 shotguns for them. They used an original as the clone and the first production run was relatively functional but each successive run was more and more disfunctional. Turns out they weren't giving two shits about tolerances and were just cranking them out without even checking to see if parts fit correctly, the company had to send a team of people to pretty much oversee the factory and ride their ass non-stop to get functional shotguns out the door. A few years later the whole deal ended and the company now just makes those same clones with no oversight.

"Free" is the orwellian label that neo-liberals use to disguise the fact that is actually the worst parts of feudalism, mercantilism, monopolism, command and control, rent seeking, financializtion, and communism all rolled into one cancerous package.

excellent post anon. I only became aware of the Chinese colonisation program through my line of work, the fucking shitlibs are trying to create a narrative that there was Russian interference in the 2016 whilst Chinese influence in US politics is ignored because the swamp that is US politics.

>> No.9930387

there's a reason why none of the boomers got rich from the stock market anon

>> No.9930394

If whites all disappeared that would be 97% less Zionists. The Jews would be defeated in a matter of months and the world would have peace.

>> No.9930399

The subhuman lack of compassion predates communism in China. It's been their "culture" for centuries.

China was always a barbaric place with shitty sociopathic genetics and culture. It's impossible not to be considering China's massive population, China's history of being repeatedly raped and ravaged by nomadic conquerors, going through the biggest famines in recorded history, and being devastated by the deadliest civil wars in the world. Chinese people went through a TON of horrible and traumatizing shit throughout their history, and the result is a soulless insectoid race that is devoid of emotion and empathy.

Also, read up on Lu Xun, one of the most influential Chinese writers in history. He criticized the fuck out of Chinese culture and Chinese characteristics, and this was before communism and the Cultural Revolution.

People conveniently blame communism and the Cultural Revolution for most of China's current problems and disgusting culture, but the Chinese have always been like that.

Even Einstein wrote about it long before communist chinkland

>> No.9930401

What would happen if the trade and investment just stopped? Been reading a fair share about China regarding scamming government policies, selling literal garbage, making knockoffs of everything, copying american blueprints/designs, etc. Definitely believe the masses on the mainland are soulless, but learned that a lot of the country while traveling. The country isn't really unified from what the women have told me. Is it all just happening near the coast? Would the regions of influence and government be able to continue working to fuck us if the English speaking counties decided to tell the Chinese to fuck off?

>> No.9930416


>> No.9930419

billions of chinks and poos die off, Whites win!
We created them, we shall destroy them!!

We need this shit ASAP.

>> No.9930431

I already told you to gtfo, /pol/.

Dude, the shitty products are slowly being replaced by better ones.
The chinese were able to not give a fuck about quality because their buyers did not give a fuck about quality, now with manufacturing being developed elsewhere, they can not afford the same practices.

>> No.9930432

Sorry lovely keyboard warrior, but we would still be in the stone age.

>> No.9930436

why should whites suffer and sacrifice themselves to alleviate the population pressure in some third world homo erectus pekingese poojeet shithole??

whites didnt give birth to these mutant clones and are not responsible for them.


Chink insectoids, prepare your smelly insect anuses!
Trump will close all american overseas production plants in your shithole. Billions and billions of insectoid chinks again will start practicing cannibalism.
Zerg insectoids like poos and chinks will starve to death
They will learn population control and how scam paper tigers are they

>> No.9930439

If you want to remove the shepherds (Jews) you must first remove their prized livestock (whites). Then you can take the shepherd's land and use his stables for better purposes.

>> No.9930442


A world free from Asian/African/Mexican overpopulation could be $8000 Octillion richer


It's proven that
>Society becomes infinitely more affluent and efficient when you eliminate overpopulation and free up resouces and wealth.
>It is more difficult to manage the burden of overpopulation than it is to quarantining overpopulating shitskins.
>People from overpopulated countries are a burden on the entire planet and block the progress of science, technology, and humanity by hoarding all resources to support the tumor in the form of Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Only about 1% of humanity is against culling and/or quarantining Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Culling shitskins will result in less overcrowding overall since shitskins comprise 90% of the entire global population of 10billion
>The surviving shitskin females can then be culturally enriched with white sperm from around the world.
>There are solutions to prevent them from escaping and getting refuge and welfare benefits.

What do you think? The world would be a better place if Asia/Africa/Mexico is culled. Depopulation of overpopulating locusts is the future, globalism is hindering progress.

>> No.9930459

Whites literally got uplifted from the stone age by middle easterners, your dumb fuck.

We are nowhere close to overpopulation.
Also, /pol/, really, GO!

>> No.9930465

Hmm let me think white faggot monkey... yeah no deal. You are our slaves. You and Jews wipe each other out.

>> No.9930468

They are locusts, even Chinese people in Hong Kong call them locusts. They are a bit of an anomaly really, they are simultaneously a mindless collective and all of them are incredibly selfish and narcissistic. Hive mind insects with the illusion of individualism. ME ME ME ME ME ME that's all they think as they gobble up every breadcrumb they can find as they destroy the world. They shit kids out into the street and worry more about their knock off purses than their new born baby in a dirty gutter. They are animals, John A Macdonald was right and my god I wish he was alive and prime minister right now. Macdonald proposed that “Chinamen” should not have the right to vote on the grounds that they were “foreigners” and that “the Chinese has no British instincts or British feelings or aspirations.”[4] When a member of the opposition asked whether naturalized Chinese ceased to be “Chinamen”, Macdonald amended his legislation to exclude “a person of Mongolian or Chinese race.”[5] The opposition object that the Chinese were “industrious people” who had “voted in the last election,” or had “as good a right [to] be allowed to vote as any other British subject of foreign extraction.”[6] This led Macdonald to make clear that Chinese exclusion was necessary to ensure European dominance. He warned, “if [the Chinese] came in great numbers and settled on the Pacific coast they might control the vote of that whole Province, and they would send Chinese representative to sit here, who would represent Chinese eccentricities, Chinese immorality, Asiatic principles altogether opposite to our wishes; and, in the even balance of parties, they might enforce those Asiatic principles, those immoralities . . . , the eccentricities which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles, on this House.”


>shitty chink clones are slowly being replaced by Whites
This is the China we need

>> No.9930472

because they sold at the bottom of 2000 and 2008, didnt re-enter, and they didnt save fucking anything because they watched property brothers and thought a mcmansion in flyover was a good investment, and now expect to live off social security?

>> No.9930479

Sounds like you're describing white people desu.

>> No.9930483

There’s 7.6 billion humans and most of them are poor. If you’re from the third-world, you’re nothing special. You’re either cheap labour, cheap food, or cheap ground filler. You spoil everything natural with this world, killing its beauty and rendering its natural wonders extinct because you want profit, cheap thrills and to fulfil nonsensical traditions (looking at you, China and India).
Most of the third-world sub-humans need to get culled.

The Chinese need to be deported and quarantined from all countries that they currently infest. Simply deporting them isn't enough. These rats need to suffer.

>> No.9930496

>Cousin says that now is a great time to buy in
>Ask him when the last time he bought an investment property was
Taking investment advice from someone that haven't done an investment in 10 years? yeah that sounds like a great idea.

People that got into a market years ago when it was cheap and open. Trying to push new young people into a current expensive and closed market, wondering why no one else is taking the offers since they themself got rich of it.

>> No.9930499

You are faggot white monkey describing himself; the cock smoker.

>> No.9930516

Good point, many Hmong in/from Vietnam are kinda pissed. I've heard SEA is generally kinda mad. Also, I love that picture of the African guy asking for white men to come back now that he's working under Chinese mgmt. If that's a real trend that is sweeping through China, it will be for the better. Is it working out?

I think that wealth is inefficiently defined and that the answer should be reevaluated after sufficient progress toward antiaging and automation

>> No.9930522

This is a /pol/ sideboard fuckstick.

>> No.9930528


Its the future most of humanity is heading towards thanks to unchecked globalism and mass immigration allowing entire cultures to skip the industrial revolution phase and just pack up and move to a host country that is over 200 years in the future.
The chinese wanted to steal jobs and work for slave wages and thats just what they did. They made that bed so let them lay it in.

Globalization and "free" trade deals were a mistake. When are we going to truly get out of these corporate trade deal and go back to the Golden Age of America - 1950s-1970s?


People have to remember this housing crunch started when china entered trade in 2000 and Bush made it easier for foreigners to buy property and at the same time they started letting boat people loose in the community

>> No.9930540

China should have a program to coopt outliers from other races.
Create some next-generation intelligence test, find smart people deluded and underperforming, promise them some comfort and a life of breeding with high-curve chinese people.
If you are going to breed like rabbits, might as well introduce some high-quality genetic diversity in the pool.

Buy a farm.

It is, a bunch of shaddy chinese are being BTFO now that people are tired of cheap dildos.

The Golden Age of America had zero regulations, fuckface.

>> No.9930557


there was no housing crisis. they wanted opened the borders and gave every illegal a house thru "housing for everyone" subprime policy that was pushed by globalists/bush

housing became a problem after free trade/open borders.
when they let in millions of locusts.
this is when we had to house millions of shitskin invaders from asia/mexico. so housing became a problem thanks to open borders and free trade.
now we have millions of homeless natives. NOW housing is a problem

golden age of america had zero chinks. chinks were still in their caves

>> No.9930563

>free trade, open borders goes full swing
>transfer jobs/industries/wealth overseas
>no domestic jobs results in depressed economy
>govt and financial institutions provide a "bail out" in the form of low interest rates and lax subprime regulations
>depressed domestic economy propped up by a housing bubble
>lack of opportunities (due to free trade) forces entire country to exploit and speculate housing market thanks "free money"
>bubble burst
>great recession
>bubble reinflates with "free money" Quantitative Easing to recover from previous bubble caused by Free Trade and Open borders

free trade and open borders DOOMED the west

>> No.9930571

>what is the California Gold Rush

>points out that the government is the one fucking shit up
>hurr durr free trade is to blame
Grow up.

>> No.9930579


I've seen this Oz go from a white paradise to the verge of banana republic in the past 20 years. We've sold our middle class to the chinks who would be stupid to pass it up. For all of John Howard's stop the boats rhetoric, this country has been flooded by loaded chinks and cheap labour indians and asians by the Liberals in an attempt to smash collective bargaining and wages.

Liberals are also all property investors and gamed the tax system for them and their jew landlord friends. Howard even threw that crew a nice bone by "first home buyer's grant" which just jacked up the price of houses by $20k immediately, a nice little earner for the landed gentry.

The best of the 70s and 80s was produced by Whitlam and then Hawke, ALP prime ministers. Fuck liberal voting cunts this country has gone to shit under their watch, we're one economic hiccup away from disaster.


>> No.9930586

the only historically proven path is to quarantine the locusts and set up an Iron Curtain against their swarms

there are many ways you "adapt" one is by being a slave, the other is by removing the locust threat and developing internally

US faced the same issues in the 1800s. they didnt continue to harbor locust pests, but instead closed off (quarantines asia) and developed INTERNALLY

1800s america opened chinkland trade to get tea, spices, and porcelain. US got flooded with useless shit and unemployment surged. Millions were jobless and business went broke.
The 1819 panic further contributed to Americans’ resentment of trade with China due to fears that vast quantities of specie exports threatened the stability of the domestic economy.
By the 1830s, Americans no longer viewed trade with China as favorable to the US and talk of the trade became peripheral as Americans focused on inland development.

by removing the threat of the locusts, US experienced a golden age which lasted into the 1980s

>> No.9930599

If we expel we return to normal levels w/o feeding globalist constrution corporations that opened the borders to develop more land

You cant continue to build forever when there is a never ending influx of invaders and exponential artificial foreign population growth

US population
-1990: 230 million
-2018: 350 million

increase of ~150 million thru immigrants/foreigners/tourists (not thru natural growth)

open borders imported the 3rd world to US

>> No.9930604

>Create some next-generation intelligence test, find smart people deluded and underperforming, promise them some comfort and a life of breeding with high-curve chinese people.
>be korean-american
>"Asian male" so no one wants me in tech nor for soft skills jobs
>91/88 percentile GRE dry
Do I qualify?

Wouldn't the internet be the great liberator here? More or less, there's an English/Romance language club abroad. I'm young so I don't know the circle well, but if you can get Western wages while abroad east, it seems pretty golden. Just not the air. The air is terrible and you'll get cancer.

>> No.9930609

QE is a direct result of free trade and open border migration.

millions of immigrants have been flooding the west and are a net loss to the economy, QE is used to prop up the economy and feed the invaders.
Remove mass immigration. Remove foreigners. Close borders. Remove ability of foreigners to speculate on your land.

Less demand for housing.
housing bubble permanently busted.
Housing returns to pre-globalisation levels (1920s-80s)

>> No.9930616

Honestly this also reminds me of the people that haven't applied for a job since before the 90s, trying to tell others how to get a job.

>Older uncle: "Online forms? No you gotta show up in person and meet with the manager, shake his hand, and hand him your resume. That will impress him and ensure you get a job."
>Ask uncle when was the last time he applied for a job
>back in the early 80s

And you can't explain to them that most places today refuse to meet or even accept resumes from people showing up in person. The only time they wanna meet with people applying for jobs is when they call them in for interviews, and thats only after they have thrown out most of the applying peoples resumes.

>> No.9930631

whats propping the real estate prices is:
1) chink money laundering
2) mexican drug money laundering
3) packing 50 poojeeets/pablos into a room and collecting rent

>> No.9930633

Keep coping subhuman race, if you keep repeat that bs, you start to believe or yourself.

>> No.9930636

you're schizo bro

>> No.9930643

Housing is expensive BECAUSE of the foreigners (increased by over 100 million within a few decades). Deport all the foreigners in California and suddenly 20 million apartments/houses will open up and rent will go down.

sublet apartments or houses and cram 10 people into a 2 bedroom apartment.
mexicans and indians are used to living in squalor so they don't mind packing a house or apartment with 10 or more people. since theres millions of them they scooped up most of the available housing so normal families got priced out. I lived in thousand oaks once in a $1500/month studio apartment and I was the only white guy there besides the landlord. It might as well have been mexico.

My aunt was in the Marines for 20 years and bought property wherever she lived. She has a few homes in San Diego. One time a tenant was extremely late on rent and my aunt couldn’t get a hold of them. She had a property management company visit the house because she lives in Texas. 14 people were living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath home and not one was the original tenant. The original tenant was renting out the place to Mexicans and price gouging them. Unlike my aunt, the tenant wasn’t running their credit or criminal history so they were okay with the price. All Mexicans of course.

>> No.9930647

Arent Koreans just Chinese without the B.O.?

Depending of the market (most traditionally manly jobs qualify), you will actually be ahead of the competition by arriving there and just asking to speak with the boss.
You will need to deliver, of course, but it is solid advice.
I am in construction, btw.

Must be sad to have no education.

>> No.9930657

billions of poos and Chink locusts buy your houses and inflate their prices making it impossible for white couples to live togeather and raise children.

>> No.9930659

At least you are in welfare

>> No.9930662

We sniff out crazier shit. imo this is easier to believe than Trump being a decent choice or DNC election rigging.

>> No.9930681

Chinese are secretly buying up everything they can under the radar and nobody calls them out and if it does break news its forgotten.

Chinese money is already subverting the US. They don't have to fight in an actual legitimate armed conflict and in fact, it's stupid to do so. Sun Tsu say: wise man let stupid goy fight each other, then you finish them off while they down. The chinese wage war the same way the jew does--through subversion, deceit and treachery. The USA will be too busy in civil collapse to be bothered by China.

you shouldn’t be triggered anon, there is ample evidence of China using “soft power” whilst the West is committing cultural and economic suicide via the (((globalist))) and (((cultural marxist))) policies.
Economical warfare at its finest.

the marshall fund was an official program. the transfer of wealth to asia is a stealth globalist scheme and of much greater magnitude than any marshall fund.

the aggregate of the transfer can include the western transfer of wealth and building the industries of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong... and then tacking the bigger China with more wealth transfer

the treacherous globalists would never come clean and tell the public that they impoverished the west while enriching the east with the stolen funds and industry of whites

>> No.9930684

They feel like a blend of Chinese and Japanese. Ghetto jap was a good one in this thread. Some historic writings mark out Korea as being markedly more humane than China. Generic mixture in Korea is unique according to some research.

>> No.9930697


chinks are literally nigger tier...the only reason they have money is because globalist yids transfered white industry and wealth to them to make our junk now they are like an international version of the beverly hillbillies
you have to rmember is that one generatiosn ago 90% of chinks were rice farming peasants. then (((globalists))) transfered our wealth to homo erectus pekingese. You cant thrust an archaic homo species into modernity, but you can't thrust modernity into the homo erectus pekingese.

>> No.9930710

Since when buying shit from individuals is fucking treachery?

Compassion is not humane, all fucking mammals have it, being ruthless is a much more human trait.

>that level of coping
And that is why we have nothing to fear from /pol/.

>> No.9930721

>you shouldn’t be triggered anon
>I'm triggered
I have no grounds to make statements about Vancouver's property laws, nor America's, but to call that anon schizo seems silly. It's probably both Chinese invasion and Western weakness, and whether it's a full blown malicious conspiracy or an accumulation of smaller interests is beside the point.

>> No.9930738

china would never have industrialized w/o the west spoonfeeding china, changing its diapers, and holding it by the hand so it can walk

the west literally birthed modern china by transferring all its industry/tech/science and then patiently mentoring them until they became semi-self-sufficient.

The Chinese are a bunch of ingrates. Just compare China before Nixon and after. We literally dragged China out of the gutter, gave them the tools to modernize, and gave them their entrance to global trade. We should not have helped China at all and let them languish in Communist poverty.

We showed them how to make everything from cars to clothes. If that wasn't enough, they stole technologies from us that they didn't have. Now they sell back to us the very products and technologies that were once ours, using $1.50/hr labor. And we're arrogant? Time to pay the piper China.

>> No.9930741

Dude, 20% of the world is chinese.
What do you find more believable, that a bunch of those people just want to live somewhere nice or that something has been able to coordinate all those fucks for whatever purpose?

>> No.9930753

Late 1990s:
>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver <40% white
>Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 65-68%
>Whites will be <50% by 2027
>Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.


>> No.9930775

China hire European and American manufacture contractors to come develop infrastructure in their country and then cancel the contract and build it themselves after their people have gained insight into the process. They save money and time by not having to fund anything on research and development, but this will fuck them over. And all their electronics are ripped off their relative American counter-parts.

they dont usually cancel contracts. what they try to do is learn as much as they can before any contracts are signed. when you're in negotiations they will ask a shit load of questions to get you to reveal your 'Intellectual Property' and then decide not to buy since you just told them.
in asia R&D stands for 'Retrieve & Duplicate'

>2 billion yellow monkeys escape their caves
>invade and steal White man's nice home

too mongoloid to even realize what pathetic losers his entire race of scavengers are

>> No.9930793

The real reason no one likes to talk about Chinese buying everything up is because the people in power are the ones selling it all off and making massive profit from the property bubble.

>> No.9930796

We showed them how to make everything from cars to clothes. If that wasn't enough, they stole technologies from us that they didn't have. Now they sell back to us the very products and technologies that were once ours, using $1.50/hr labor. And we're arrogant? Time to pay the piper China.

locusts are so desperate to come here they will pack themselves 10-20 into car garages and will even come over here via shipping containers.

You're wrong on so many levels. Chinks are not our friends in any sense of the word. They only seem like less of a threat because they keep a low profile, but the danger they pose is far more insidious. Chinks are incredibly nepotistic and generally only hire other chinks. They form chink enclaves and force white buisnesses out by simply only utilizing chink buisnesses. Pretty soon your former white suburb only has chink signage and then the harrassment starts. You'll get visits every other day by chinks trying to buy your house and they may even start throwing rocks through your windows.

This has happened to quite a few neighborhoods here. White replacement is white replacement and you most certainly can't tust the yellow man.

>> No.9930806


RIOTS historically succeed where politics fail

RIOTS always work

>> No.9930807

>the west
>blah blah blah
Can you stop with your disgusting socialism? This is /biz/, for fuck sake, that shit is not welcome here.
YOU did not do anything, again, free individuals seeking happinness decided to invest there, and no one gives a fuck about how you feel about their decisions.

Yes, a bunch of socialistic parasites fucked Canada up.
But you know what is the problem? That instead of attacking the real source of the problem, that is, that those useless fucks have the power to do that, you start blaming unrelated things, including the ONLY thing that you need to defend in order to prevent this - free market.
It is impossible for useless politicians to thrive in a society that truly embrace the free market, and no unskilled immigrant will ever have a chance to survive there without handouts.
So, if you are not ALWAYS defending the free market and attacking those that would do it harm, you are, by default, protecting the same thing that you want to destroy.

>they buy stuff
>hurr durr they are stealing
Now tell me that property is theft, please.

>> No.9930809


>> No.9930811

Australias property bubble is only a problem in two cities and a handful of mining towns.
Go outsidie Melbourne or Sydney and its possible to buy a nice 3bed home for under 200k.

>> No.9930829

Australia is basically already ruled by the Chinks. They bought up all the property and businesses and now put advertisements for jobs up as "fluent in Mandarin required", yet no one gives a shit because only white people can be racist apparently. The fact I've applied to these jobs before and told by their HR team (all Asian) that I basically didn't get the job because I don't speak their language is absolutely ridiculous. This is for publicly advertised engineering work.

You can go to our Asian towns and see entire streets of businesses with looking-for-help signage without a single bit of English in it. It's fucking disgraceful yet no one seems to care.

Pretty sure there's legislation against this, but the news is too busy calling out bogan family No.29 for being "neighbours from hell".

Asians were peasant rice farmers prior to 1985.

Stealing from your rivals is normal for chinks, but can they do anything else? They have smart insectoid chinks, but they still can't seem to come up with something of their own.

None of these technologies were invented by chinese.
All the heavy lifting since 5000 BC has been done by Caucasians, Europeans and then americans.

The amount of chinese industrial spying is insane today, ECHELON is just a friendly american sneak peek over european shoulders compared to what you do.
If we cut all relations tomorrow you will remain in a semi-stagnant state while we would keep climbing the scale.

You try so hard to be relevant in every domain that's it's pathetic, most of your scientific publications are made up.
I discussed with one of my professor (who works at the CERN) and he told me that they almost automatically reject chinese applicants today because either they are spies or totally incompetent (or both).

>> No.9930839

Excuse me, "civil/peaceful/rapable." I still want in on this breeding project. Aren't the Chinese making good progress with generic engineering? The West might be super cucked if they can pump out Captain Hans

desu I'm completely neutral on whether the immigration is malicious or out of self interest. I'm not saying all or none. I'm going to bet there exist companies that do what schizo anon said to sell to Chinese simply selling a better life. I'm betting that 95% are rich socially adjustable Chinese (non mainlanders) that are seeking better lives (like Mexicans buying out whole areas in the US). I'll also bet there's a handful of drug smugglers and loan sharks and gang affiliates running operations like anon described (like some the Mexicans at the border).

d a y o f t h e r a k e
Also the bail in legislation is terrifying. I'm reaching Dodd Frank as well.

>> No.9930851

I'd think it'd be annoying as fuck to see these arrogant Chinks loaded with WHITE consumer products. Italian sports cars, French diamond handbag, European designer clothes all in a WHITE country. Why the fuck do they want to be WHITE so bad?

And to China, Australia is just a big fucking mine/farm. Our country's economy would be in the fucking hole without China, because the country is basically being sold off, piece by piece to them, and their influence over the country is growing. Soon enough we'll just be a big Chinese colony used to contain their population overflow. The whites will be killed off or used as slaves.

Those fucking chinks are crawling into every part of the Pacific like fucking ants. Hope America fucks them up good.

>> No.9930855

Chink industry can operate in Australia basically independent of Australian bussinesses. If you applied at a real estate firm in Haymarket and got turned down because you dont speak chink then thats your problem dude.

>> No.9930866

It actually goes beyond cultural suicide, Australia. In 50 years, the Chinese majority will certainly have more political influence than anyone else, meaning they'll vote in their own national/racial interests and the possibility that Australia is absorbed by China grows exponentially.

Don't feel bad though, the same thing is happening in the US with Mexico and Europe with Muslims. It's almost as though there is some kind of systematic effort to breed Westerners into irrelevance, eliminating the anti-globalist threat of ethnic national organizations from reforming.

fuck being civil and going by the book.

theres 2 billion of these locusts. they shouldnt exist.
they only exist because of western gibs. they would have genocided themselves by now, if it wasnt for western intervention. western civilization should stop propping up their locust hive and let them collapse naturally.

American capitalists built up modern china and are planning to kill the white working class with a forced war by our traitors.
Capitalists sent all our jobs and industry to communist china effectively building them up into what they are today.
Look at what these kike traitor capitalists did and realize its the same thing as Lend Lease to communists in WW2. They built up communist Russia to destroy white workers.
They are working toward globalism.

Globalists built our enemies up with lend lease. They feed shitskins in Africa to keep their populations up for invasion day


They are all traitors

>> No.9930869

Australia has a lot of land and I see no problem in *leasing* it to foreign investors but when I see that millions of hectares of prime ag land is actually being sold to chinks I feel bad. Sydney and Melbourne property prices I give zero fucks about.

>> No.9930876

Sorry, but the whole point of the project is to have rare non-asian DNA running through the population. They probably already have too many koreans there.

Why you can have European products in the USA but not in China?
Why are you not mad at burgers for wanting to be EUROPEAN?
Do you even realize how pathetic you sound?

>> No.9930879

Copying the designs of Western nations and making shittier versions of them that break down all the time isn't a technological achievement.

Chinese are the most incompetent people on the planet. It's a combination of low iq, overpopulation, low living standards, no enforcement of rules (speeding through heavy traffic while texting and not wearing a seatbelt is the norm) and a corrupt government. These people are actual retards. And remember they're beating us on trade so what does that say about our own traitorous government?

Nixon was clueless. Mao put projects in motion to establish contacts with the USA along any lines he could as soon as it became evident that Sino-USSR partnership would not be able to move forward as it did. USA, if anything, rejected his advances initially, and he made several attempts until he hit with higher ups like Kissinger.

If Nixon didn't give the economic key to the western world, thus subsidizing Chinese economic growth, China would probably have collapsed

>> No.9930891

>What would Asia be like if Europeans never interacted with them?

Still in the middle ages.
Still hardly using the wheel, outside of the Chinese with their single wheeled cart.


>What if the US never tried to engage with Maoist China

Its breddy obvious

china would have balkanized with Turkestan and Tibet gaining independence in the 1970s. Inner Mongolia joining Mongolia.

whats left of china would be laos-tier, with constant massive famines and genocides reducing the population to 100k followed by an Japanese invasion

>> No.9930895

US is a super power because they take all the smart poos and chinks in.
And you try to argue that the US would be better of without them?

>> No.9930903

globalists are thrusting the west to destruction yet again

China is the dream of the globalist. Full totalitarian despotism and pro-censorship of anything the government deems 'hateful'. Oh, they would just loooove China.

It even has all the starvation, shortages, famines, fake food and corruption they love too!

protip: Rockefeller created China

US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China





founded by non other, than our Mr. John D. Rockefeller III in 1954

>> No.9930905
File: 72 KB, 1357x800, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ
That is you, fren.

>> No.9930911

yea and that real estate tycoon knows how to cut jews and chinks out of deals so get ready for next 7 years of USA global domination you mouth breathing shitskin ape

>> No.9930919

the fear of china is palpable in this thread. ya'll need to chill out.

>> No.9930922

Burma, Cambodia, PNG are examples what China, Korea would have been if the west did not engage them and transfer their tech and industry

China/India would have gone extinct a long time ago


>> No.9930927


Also, it is poetic that Latin American is to the USA what the USA is to China in terms of IQ.

>> No.9930930

China has been allowed to get away with a whole lot of sinister shit over the past decade or two. Industrial espionage, stealing military secrets, massive scale fraud and more. Hell, the last time Xi had a state visit to the US, the first thing he did wasn't visit the president. He literally threatened US tech company CEOs and demanded they meet with him in person so he could make more demands and threats.

China is incredibly hostile to the US and many other countries. Hell, in China there are no laws protecting foreign entities at all. Chinese people and companies can do whatever the hell they want to foreign companies (including straight up murder) and it's not illegal in China.

The fact that they've gotten away with this so long and so many countries still do business with China is absurd.

They are too autistic too function, they need white people to guide them, all of their technology came from Russians or was stolen from Americans. They are very good at repeating tasks over and over again and never get tired/bored of it, so I'll give them that.

>> No.9930939

Point of contention. Before free trade, EVERYONE got richer. Not just the top. We ALL mostly saved a lot of money.

16% Interest rates on savings. I made money as a kid just by having a savings account.

one simple example is the devaluation of US $ and hyperinflation of prices. the devaluation was the transfer of private wealth funds sitting in banks to china.
what happens when your money is in banks is it gets invested by the banks, that money ended up in china. the historically low savings rate in banks is another example of the invested money not being returned to you but being skimmed by the banks.
this is not accounting how the rest of western industry/wealth was transferred

this is the reason why bank savings interest rates have remained low since the rise of China and the deflation of the US dollar
bank savings interests rates were historically high prior to wealth transfer to Asia
your wealth which translated these savings rates were used by your gov't, banks, corporations to transfer wealth to China

just the tip of the iceberg m8s


the rates were adjusted to in order to support China and route US funds into China. If the globalists didnt invest in Asia, the rates would have remained the same

>> No.9930959

theres 2 billion insectoid locusts.
they would all have starve to death a long time ago, if US had sensible leaders instead of traitorous globalist snakes.
USSR wanted to nuke china, but Rockefeller wanted to transfer industry, wealth to China and make it a super power.

Chinks are notorious cheaters and their entire country is just a big, polished show -- but there's a massive turd on the inside. Whites (Mediterraneans, Germanics, Slavs) are the undisputed master race of this planet and no amount of IQ test manipulation or Jewish disinfo will ever change this fact. The greatest accomplishments of this planet have come from Caucasian civilizations.

Notice how that Asian American guy says "go back to America." To him and most Asian Americans the outside world is nothing but resources to be stolen for the benefit of their true homeland China, regardless of whether they were born there or not.

Every Chink believes in blood and soil instinctively and they unapologetically hate all foreigners.

Chinese IQ tests are rarely if ever performed on Chinese citizens with low socioeconomic circumstances, hence the score is artificially inflated. Additionally, cheating is endemic of China, they actually get outraged when they aren't allowed to cheat.


>> No.9930975

Cucked again!
Also, I dunno any murricans that want to be european. They just want to be le travelers & le tour guided if anything at all. Europe's got nice stuff tho, and it'd be great to produce euro tier chocolate here in the US. It's a personal retirement goal for myself.

It's more of a distaste for shitty mainlanders that end up in our countries and our negligent/traitorous governments that aren't protecting our industries from Chinese gov and business practices. It's really fucking shit on all sides. Chinese even dislike and distance themselves from the mainlanders. It's like if America's Dole fruit was allowed to sell in Europe, but with intellectual property theft. Nothing in Europe would be able to complete, even though Dole fruit is objectively shit.

>> No.9930998

>there was no single millionaire in the 80s in China

now the locusts are buying our cunts with our own money stolen from us
thanks to ((globalism))

Chinese economic expansion is solely funded by us outsourcing our entire Industrial base to China

that money was once owned by whites and was transferred thru globalization

the issue is that there is an ongoing organized effort to transfer the private wealth of western individuals to the newly minted overlords of the east...and that this has been organized and planned by your own gov't and corporations

enjoy your serfdom, tyranny, and wars

Look at the Asian countries in the 80's they all adopted protectionist policies to grow their economies to the point they are at now.
I also think China is our enemy and "our allies" are weak. Trump gave the United States its balls back and the rest of the world is taking notice.

Goodbye to the rise of China, they will stop dead in their tracks. Their economic growth is entirely dependent on stealing intellectual property and exporting cheap Chinese shit. I hope we stonewall them.


((Free Trade)) is used by the Globalist Corporatist to crush native labor's negotiating ability at home while utilizing 3rd world slaves/serfs who get paid in peanuts, driving everyone down while reaping grander and grander wealth for themselves. ((free trade)) just makes rich jews richer, which was probably the reason Marx--champagne communist backed by Rothschild patronage--meme'd it.

>> No.9931028

Who needs lyellow monkeys? We can just reshore all our industries back and make everything here. Most of their countries are the size of US states. Everything is here anyway. Stock exchange, UN, etc. They need us more than we need them.

Spin up the old factories, we can make our own plastic shit, glass the rest of the world, fuck it.

We outsourced a bunch of it and should bring all our machines home from the rest of the world and put our people to work and produce even more than ever AND drop the prices like a rock for Americans. We will be riding high while the rest of the world digs in the dirt and begs to have their gibs back.

For over 70 years we sacrificed our own potential, energy production, manufacturing, agriculture and commercial development to stop the tide of global communism.

We rebuilt nations, supplied militaries trained armies and gave you the necessary intelligence to destroy the fifth columns in your societies all at our expense and national dignity. We secured and rebuilt the free world while you denounced us constantly.

With the fall of the red menace and the rise of this "New World Order" Americans have seen even greater amounts of this potential sapped away from us.

Enough is enough. No more free lunch. The Russian Bear is a broken heroine addled mess. The Chinese teeter precariously on collapse, walking between a first world nation and some mad max nightmare.

If you don't want to be a part of this glorious new vision where my nation steers the collective destiny of man kind to greatness, then roll over and die for the brown skinned underclasses you cherish and love.

>> No.9931057

The USA did just fine economically for most of its history without much international trade.
Obviously it would be a big adjustment especially since we've fucked up our demographics since the 60's with excessive immigration but still we would adjust overtime.
Any Nation that must rely on other Nations to be decently successful is a failed Nation.

China is stealing nearly a trillion a year in intelectuall proprety. They hack our companies after they blow billions on R&D to make a new product then produce them at half price using slave labor. this makes them massive competitors in overseas markets, where we essentially are competing against our own half price products. The problem will never get solved b.c. its a cultural one, the chinese will pretend to understand but in their culture you cant own an idea. Short of all out war China is going to be a co super power. its time to decide how were going to share that responsibility, and if it means our allies are going to be little sluts and go with who evers the bigger sugar daddy regaurdless of human rights and other policies its better to know now. Hopefully trump shakes it up good enough that Germany shows their true colors. the krauts are selling chem weapons to iran buying oil from russia and trash from china all while demanding we take their cars up the ass while refusing to buy our shit. Its time to slap the fuck out of germany and draw the new allie axis power lines.

>> No.9931064

If this continued invasion of our living area by the Asia, Africa, Latinos continues, we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of America in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Yellow and Brown population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our technology and medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Latin America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world

>> No.9931089

technological diffusion (free trade) is the worst enemy of the west

we are repeating the same mistakes of ancient times resulted in the genocide of Whites in Asia

the west leveled the playing field. even india is getting into the space race thanks to western tech diffusion. now the west is experiencing replacement by the former 3rd world.

The 3rd world population growth is booming out of control because of western tech science us pumping futuristic medicines/technologies to primitive societies.

>tfw the whole time asia/africas population was being artificially inflated to be used as an invasion migration force against europe

technological diffusion is responsible for all the overpopulation, misery, and wars in the world.

>the apes wouldnt be stomping around the world without anglo transportation and technology
you can thank industrial merchants giving away science and technology to every known monkey on this planet.
if the whites kept their tech to themselves, the world would remain peasant serfs and underpopulated

asia/africa would have been drastically depopulated of natives and repopulated by europeans, if the western powers had foresight and wisdom to keep their industries instead of spreading and sharing with locusts

the whites wanted to civilize the savages. they were wrong then and they are wrong now

>> No.9931098



we developed the world at our expense. now there are 7billion 3rd world monkeys replacing US.

I don't know why Europeans and white people in general aren't taking the yellow threat seriously, in the previous centuries there were heaps of people from Oswald Spengler to Lothrop Stoddart who warned against it.

In the book Man and Technics, Spengler warns against rabid technological progress and diffusion of technological innovations because the shitskins will inevitably adopt European technology and wipe white people the fuck out with it. And it's happening right now with China/India/Asia.

Spengler especially pointed to the tendency of Caucasoid technology to spread to hostile "Colored races" which would then use the weapons against the West.[2] In Spengler's view, western culture will be destroyed from within by materialism, and destroyed by others through economic competition and warfare.

Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler

The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

The Revolt Against Civilisation by Lothrop Stoddart

>> No.9931109

we really need to talk about this

the technologies we have developed have allowed non white populations to grow massively, due to their benefit from them

which they then use to colonize and replace us. theres an obvious environmental impact but holy FUCK they are just festering pandemic diseases and it is only a matter of fucking time before we all die just because of these fucking shitskins who are often literally wallowing in their own shit (as we see here)

asia and africa are the main problem, but it is a serious problem, these people are fucking morons, they believe these diseases are fucking MYTHS, they take no precautions against them and encourage each other to continue living shitty brainless lives which are conducive to generating pandemic outbreaks, they discourage against proper medical precautions and having basic sanitary conditions, saying its all "the white man keeping them down" or that some sacred magic cow shit will protect them

this shit isnt a fucking joke anymore

our species is being extremely reckless allowing this all to go on for an indefinite amount of time, this will fucking fuck us all if we dont do something

>> No.9931117

Just bought a house $150k above listing price, no signs of slowing down soon desu

>> No.9931120

chinks are the plague. From Australia to Canada to the USA you lot have fucked everything up. Property bubbles, fentanyl, destruction of industry, shitty manufactured goods. Asia a shit.

>> No.9931130

>all this samefagging with reddit spacing
make it more obvious, retards

>> No.9931133


Before free trade, My boss, graduated STEM in mid-late 80s. His starting salary was 45k.
Today it is the same. Yet price of everything has surged 9000%.

He bought a house in LA for $70K the same year he started work.
He bought US-made Commodore computer back then for $700

he could buy a brand new car and pay it off in 2-3 months. He'd buy a new one every year for work because they were so cheap

>> No.9931161
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>getting assmad over cultural appropriation
You sound like a butthurt SJW.

>> No.9931163

>They need us more than we need them.
>Spin up the old factories, we can make our own plastic shit, glass the rest of the world, fuck it.
I absolutely agree and expect this to happen. Our work in 2016 fracking and fucking up oil prices is a real testament to how the US can rock the world whatever way she likes. we have the physical resources, human capital, and capital to do it.

I don't know how much I can stand behind in this post, but I can absolutely agree that the levels of pollution are abhorrent. They really should be considered crimes against humanity. It's absolutely appalling. Every person in North America should be grateful for their access to clean air or have a stop in Beijing (don't do that, it's fucking confusing)

Keep buying shitcoins and real estate. Close your eyes tighter. The real estate problem is a gov/China problem. It won't stop until things change. I agree that there's a lot of rhetoric. I'm not innocent either. Few talk about it irl.

>> No.9931193

Free trade is the reason we import half a million third worlders into our country every year, why we have housing bubbles, why our country is balls deep in debt, and why our industry and manufacturing sectors have collapsed making us completely reliant on foreign powers like the US and China to begin wtih. Why are my you such brainlets when it comes to the economy?

We need to quarantine the asiatic locusts!

I can't wait to to shed all those demeaning Walmart jobs that exist to service the net importer consumption economy. Soon we'll be a nation of making things again and the dignified jobs that go with it.

Remember folks. When they tell you that it's "a good thing" that our manufacturing is only 5% and we'll never build factories here again. Germany has 20% of their labor in manufacturing (look it up). Why the fuck should they be allowed to have a meaningful work and make goods, and we're stuck with jobs stocking our shelves with their tariff-free garbage.

Asians are you ready for crawling back into your mud and straw huts when the West integrates a doctrine of autarky, meaning we won't need your cheap shit anymore besides soiy sauce?

>> No.9931214


anybody could see that and I don't understand how politicians and the current business sector could be so short sighted
meanwhile we're ignoring the most important growth industry we have, space mining is possible with technology we have now, we're talking about mars when there are huge deposits of rare earth minerals flying past us on a regular basis

short sighted, there is a future in space

In 1900 there were 600 million Europeans and European descendants in the world and 900 million ethnics.
That means that NEARLY half the world was white.
Now the white population doesn't even make a quarter. And we continue to shrink and shrink.

The Asians out-breed us heavily now, and soon it will be the blacks (since the population in Africa will grow from 1 bil to 4 bil by 2100).

And guess where all these shitskins will flood into? That's right. The West. To finish destroying what will be less than 10% of the worlds population (white people) and turning us into a race of mutts completely destroying and upending THOUSANDS of years of European breeding and history.

This is the fate of us now and there's little hope. The best you can do is quarantine asia, africa, mexico and secure yourself inside a white community and BREED. Breed then teach your kids to breed and to breed only white.

Transfer of technology/industry, WWI and the destruction of colonialism, European dominance, Eugenics, and racial realism has led us here.

People like Spengler, Adolf Einstein, Jack London warned us. But now Europeans are slated to fall into permanent racial and social irrelevance.

Chinese are more numerous but less clever/creative Jews. Chinese are colonizing the US, Canada, and Australia and stealing our technology.

All chinks get purged on the day of the rope. You are predatory sociopaths deserving only of quarantine.

>> No.9931239

India/China flooding us with cheap human imitations to make us dependent on them. Buy up properties and be "property moguls" bringing down the American standard of life. A beach head of human mass that will switch back loyalties when things start to go south. They aren't sending their best.

Globalists Destroyed the American Dream so that they could make a quick buck by employing people in foreign countries instead of Americans, thus becoming richer at the expense of everyone else

>> No.9931245

Population isn't the problem, the fact that foreigners buy property as an investment is.

>> No.9931262

imagine a timeline where immigration is not inevitable:

>whites develop internally and do not associate with shitskins
>shitskins stay in the stoneage with their tribal societies
>whites dont transfer tech to shitskins
>whites dont build railways in africa/asia
>whites dont sell airplanes to the monkeys
>whites dont train the monkeys
>whites enforce their borders
>shitskins remain a small percent of world population as they get culled by famine and disease
>whites repopulate lands of extinct tribal shitskins

This is how to develop the planet

>> No.9931278

>locust housing bubble

i'm really quite irked by the myth that we need to look past our borders for talent and skill. what an enormous insult to the people of america. and they believe it. they really believe we're outclassed by these people. the west. the people who pioneered science, culture, advanced civilization as we know it. outcbred by gooks and pajeets who lived in squalor right up until our intervention. we do not need them here.

>> No.9931289

ITT stormfront retards shitting up biz


>> No.9931384

And it looks like they're needing to do it again seen here >>9930431
They're moving/moved to Pakistan and SEA.

I think the "myth" is just a ploy for cheap "skilled" labor or really specialized PhD tier labor.

Locust man can dial it back from Alex Jones, but ev en with it, it's still better than stinkylinky thread #2397

>> No.9931504

Did you know US with our population of 350 million takes nearly 5,000,000 people in each year (between permanent visas, illegals, h1bs and people who stay long term on temporary visas until they are eligible for citizenship). On the other hand China with 1.4 billion people only has 593,832 foreigners in TOTAL

>US accepts 1.2% of it's population in migrants each year
>China allows foreigners to make up just 0.04% of it's population in TOTAL

Needless to say China doesn't allow us to buy land or own businesses there either.

How do we meme this into the consciousness of the ABC addicted good goys in this country?

>> No.9931513

Most Chinese life choices go back to behavior rooted in China's deep past. Abusive land lords... better to own your own property... endemic serfdom.... be a mandarin, then you can abuse the serfs = study to take the government exam. They've been so traumatized by 2000 years of abusing eachother endlessly it persists to this day. But like a bad case of gout, they can't seem to shake the corruption monkey. That's also part of their delightful culture. Not a little bit corruption. Corruption that will make your toes curl.

Hey. They're coming. In waves. Enjoy!!!!!

>> No.9931522

Glad you like your new Chinese neighbors. They're real sweethearts aren't they. Hope you look forward to the next 20 million coming over soon. Tell your kid to kiss his childhood goodbye if he has any hope of ever getting a real job, cause those sweetie pie Chinese force their kids to study 20 hours a day 7 days a week for 24 years. Grab your ass cheeks and get ready for the roller coaster ride property is going to go through in your neighborhood the next 10 years as all that monopoly money comes washing ashore. Glad you people are so enchanted with commie culture.

And why do so many millions of Chinese come fleeing to North America in the first place? Maybe something with the fact they've turned their own country into a turgid shithole infested with corruption.

Fuck the Chinese.

And all their whore daughters

and sociopathic sons

>> No.9931575

>Chinks single handedly destroyed North America!!! KILL ALL CHINKS REEEEE

Move along storm weenie.

>> No.9931641

Imagine thinking whites aren't subhumans and that whites lose time after time because browns, asians, and Jews are just bullies. Pathetic white monkey.

>> No.9931645

>Abusive land lords... better to own your own property... endemic serfdom

Wow, like that didn't happen other parts of the world.

>> No.9931654

We wouldn't have to import big brains if white monkey faggots weren't so stupid and useless.

>> No.9931873
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just fucking lmao @ all this white boi polster coper dopers

keep coping you nerdic cucks

we talkin over now

>> No.9932548

I just want it all to crash down to nothing. I don't care if my savings become worthless, I want a hard reset from our current trajectory, I want to step back a century. Anyone else agree?