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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 883x465, centralizedshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9925889 No.9925889 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be part of some centralized shitcoin that can reverse everything I do... it's not decentralized anymore... We should stick to Ethereum and NEO after more decentralization...

And did you know that EOS BPs can and will auction your tokens if u hodl for 3 years? Meaning that if u hodl for 3 or more years, they take your tokens from you and u're homeless in a second, fucking joke.

>> No.9925901

and trust me... people dont want to vote... it's fucking retarded, this will meet pets.com's destiny.

>> No.9925940

EOS is a shit show.

I think most retards that fell for the obvious shilling are starting to see this as well.

Too bad 90% is in hands of the big BPs and Brock Pierce and his pedobuddies will use the 4B warchest to keep the price stable for as long as possible.

Anyone notice how EOS didn't drop a single % when the whole fucking chain got paused like it's nothing? A fatal flaw, everything halted by 21 people deciding stuff among themselves behind closed doors? Jesus christ what a shitshow.

>> No.9926019

It didn't drop coz you still can't move eos from wallets to exchanges to sell

>> No.9926049

Why do you guys care so much about EOS suddenly? Last year it was the same coin, nobody cared when it was 18$. Now suddenly i see threads everyday

>> No.9926055

Lmao what's going on with this shit coin? I've never kept up with it
>muh eth flippening

>> No.9926076

we fell for the shilling... fucking street shitter again and Dan Larimer. ill never fall for this centralized shit again... TRON is the same.

>> No.9926089

Explains a lot, but you should study projects on your own. I bought at 5$

>> No.9926107

1. not much else is happening at the moment
2. they got a staggering amount of money and delivered shit

>> No.9926111

I hope you sold the top at 22

>> No.9926114

>We should stick to NEO for more decentralization.

are you retarded? neo only has 7 nodes securing the network all of which are controlled by the NEO team themselves.

>> No.9926116

where can i deposit my eos?

>> No.9926128

I didn't, but would've just rebought at 16$ anywho if i did probably. It's all a gamble and it has the same functions as ETH when it just started right now, i've written off the money, because it's all profit anywho

>> No.9926131

I think it's fair to call it centralized, I don't believe I understand it well enough to call it shitcoin. Until I can figure it out better I don't want EOS.

>> No.9926150
File: 2 KB, 106x124, 484857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop this.

Follow the EOS way.

>> No.9926274

Yeah profit is profit, at least you're still in the green. I hope you collect on it when you get the chance.

>> No.9926296

>buying eos instead of zilliqa

the state of crypto is funny

>> No.9926314

EOS is a joke. If you listened to any of their audio recordings, you’d realize it and sell asap.

>> No.9926334

All this fud just means go buy more. Always do the opposite of what biz says. Go luck boys

>> No.9926432

Yes fuding a 10b mc coin on a bunch of neets wich invest their onions money will make a deference on the price fucking brainlet

>> No.9926440

thanks man

>> No.9926483
File: 60 KB, 773x162, larimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like larimer's vision. But this doesn't sound very decentralized. I guess since the voting is decentralized that makes it so? Also governments like China will probably shut off the whole chain from their great firewall. At least with bitcoin or eth it's a lot more work to do that.

>> No.9926498

Thanks for showing that scams and lost tokens can be recovered in EOS without hardfork. I guess other coins wish they have that.