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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9924660 No.9924660 [Reply] [Original]

wat shills on biz do you hate the most?

>> No.9924666


>> No.9924669

0xBTC and EOS

>> No.9924684

The ones that post shitty braps

>> No.9924694


>> No.9924699

Link is pretty annoying too

>> No.9924709

you are going to make it brother

>> No.9924728

At the moment it has to be 0xBTC. Linkies are at least genuine in their delusion. 0x are just inept predators, the worst kind, you can admire a cunning psycopath, a snakeoil salesman who skillfully takes the money from fools. But the Pajeet-tier laziness of the 0xBTC scam is infuriating. You'd think they were posting while still huddled over their designated pooping spots

>> No.9924732

+ ambrosus
And thats my list

>> No.9924738

Lightning shills

>> No.9924741

linkies obviously

>> No.9924757

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.9924770

0x it's literally retards trying preying on other retards

>> No.9924817
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Ccuckdano faggots and blockstream Jews

>> No.9924865

Cardano shills because they're the sorts of people who have completely average IQ's and know nothing about how blockchains actually work, but pretend they're tech geniuses.

Also, Ethereum shills because they're completely delusional.

>> No.9924884

cashies, deluded roger ver and jihan cocksuckers

>> No.9924886

revolving door idex shills.
every day a new shitcoin with multiple threads at the same time.

>> No.9924904


>> No.9924936

for me its:

>roger ver threads
>mcafee bullshit
>justin sun faggotry
>deluded stinkies
>the obvious paid shills

>> No.9924966
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Link. I have a feeling they are all 15 year old faggots from reddit and pic related

>> No.9925034 [DELETED] 
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"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"
Defenition of Bitcoin in white paper is indisputably Cash, not Core.

>> No.9925062

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty". Definition of Bitcoin in white paper is indisputably Cash, not Core.

>> No.9925093

BCH is putting lipstick on a pig. Still suffers from all the same problems as BTC but pushes it down the line a bit.

>> No.9925168

>32mb blocks vs 1mb blocks
>a bit

Roastie detected

>> No.9925178

100% LINK

Death would be too good for them.

>> No.9925180


>> No.9925204

BCH has roughly 4x the tps cap. So you're basically saying that bitcoin will never need to have more than 4x the load that it had in December. Every time you increase the block size you reduce the security, so you can't just keep increasing the block size indefinitely.

>> No.9925208

it has been and will always be funfair

The coin is retarded and makes no sense. At least the others make up shit about why it could work.

>> No.9925225
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BCH & tether shills
me think BCH & tether guys are evil

at-least banker coins like XRP are straight foward about what they are.

BCH & Tether deceitful and insidious. Relying on disinformation. They take something beautiful and pure then manipulate it for money.

>> No.9925228

What ?

>> No.9925241

Youre answering this wrong. There are only 2 types of shills: the pajeet and the bagholder.

The bagholder is by far the most annoying one because hes low IQ enough to get scammed and still thinks that he can save his shitty investment by scamming other people, instead of just realizing that hes retarded and cutting his losses. I hate both types, but i think the bagholder takes the win here

>> No.9925270

ETH by far

They're only deluded redditors

>> No.9925337

How it reduces security? We dont need to increase blocks indefinitely. Terabyte aka hyperbitcoinization to world currency is doable even with todays tech.
Deceitful and insidious? That exact accusation can be made about Blockstreams investors. Bilderberg hijacked our dream.

>> No.9925384

>How it reduces security?
The larger the blocks, the more computing power/bandwidth is necessary to run the network. As the block size increases, centralization to those with the most mining power increases, until you eventually get to a point where only Chinese supercomputers can maintain the network.

>> No.9925397


>> No.9925571 [DELETED] 

The goal never were absolute decentralization, just enough to be censorship resistant.
Terabyte nodes are totally feasible in terms of cost, even for medium-sized businesses.
Peer reviewed calculations can be found here: http://blog.vermorel.com/journal/2017/12/17/terabyte-blocks-for-bitcoin-cash.html

>> No.9925598

The goal never was about absolute decentralization, just enough to be censorship resistant.
Terabyte nodes are totally feasible in terms of cost, even for medium-sized businesses.
Peer reviewed calculations can be found here: http://blog.vermorel.com/journal/2017/12/17/terabyte-blocks-for-bitcoin-cash.html

>> No.9925639

>China controls entire blockchain
>Censorship resistant
You're the same fags who call EOS centralized even though its block production is spread evenly between 21 nodes in 10 countries.

>> No.9925644
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>> No.9925648


>> No.9925978

Member when the US controlled 90% of the hashrate? Member the wave of censorship that followed?

>> No.9925995 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 260x194, let it burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets not be hypocrites by admitting that same accusation applies to Core too. Its frequently used as attempt to envoke racist FUD by moving the goalposts.
GMO and others will fix it by bringing much needed competition soon. Good luck finding better alternatives with same level of brand awareness, trade volumes and infrastructure.
Bitcoin is all we got as ancaps. Scaling is proven to work and is needed ASAP or we lose the opportunity of economic freedom forever.

>> No.9926005

projects that everybody knows its a scam like that oxbullshit

>> No.9926030
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No, I don't remember when one US based entity controlled 90% of the hash rate. Care to enlighten me?

>> No.9926038
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Lets not be hypocrites by admitting that same accusation applies to Core too. Its frequently used as attempt to envoke racist FUD by moving the goalposts.
GMO and others will fix it by bringing much needed competition soon. Good luck finding better alternatives with same level of brand awareness, trade volumes and infrastructure. Realistically Bitcoin is all we got as ancaps. Scaling has been proven to work and is needed ASAP or we lose the opportunity of economic freedom forever.

>> No.9926042

In the past year I've been here, I've seen cardano shilled maybe twice
nobody likes this coin

>> No.9926043

Good post. I think there's a 3rd type that's more rare. The argument would be something like
> These things could go wrong and send everything to shit, adjust your size accordingly.
People who are too sure or too good to do anything suboptimal? Run.

>> No.9926061


motherfucking wysker, shilled on here EVERYDAY and the scumbags were exposed today







>> No.9926074

When BTC was released

>> No.9926087

You mean when no one gave a shit about it and there was nothing worth attacking?

>> No.9926098

it continued till after it had an exchange rate

>> No.9926146

This is just the beginning

>> No.9926199

I'm not sure I understand your argument. It's not up for debate that an entity who controls >50% of the block production can attack/censor the network. That's outlined in the whitepaper. There is no incentive to do it though which is probably why it never happened. A government could put pressure on mining pools to censor the chain though.

>> No.9926365

Increasing the blocksize doesn't really effect the hash power, and if you have the money to be mining then chances are bandwidth, storage, and memory aren't really problems for you. Just because it isn't cheap to get into mining doesn't mean it's centralized.

>> No.9926415

>There is no incentive to do it though which is probably why it never happened.
ever heard of something called shorting

>> No.9926425 [DELETED] 

>Q2: Cobra, moderator of Bitcoin.org, suggested this February that bitcoin should change its POW algorithm into the combination of POW+POS. And last Friday, he tweeted that you and Viabtc CEO Yang Haipo can easily start a 51% attack to bitcoin. But you responded that Cobra should read the whitepaper first before he wants to change it. And 51% attack will not destroy bitcoin. Could you further explain this considering 99% bitcoin users never actually read the whitepaper.

>Jihan: Here is what the whitepaper says about attacking bitcoin—“We consider the scenario of an attacker trying to generate an alternate chain faster than the honest chain. Even if this is accomplished, it does not throw the system open to arbitrary changes, such as creating value out of thin air or taking money that never belonged to the attacker. Nodes are not going to accept an invalid transaction as payment, and honest nodes will never accept a block containing them. An attacker can only try to change one of his own transactions to take back money he recently spent.”
See? Even if attack happened, the whole system is not open to arbitrary changes. And the attacker is only able to change his own transactions and take back money he recently spent. Only part of users who are unaware of the attack and receive payment from the attacker will suffer a loss.

>Q3: Bitcoin Gold fell victim to the 51% attack and hackers stole $18 million in BTG tokens. You own about half of the network’s hashrate, why should we trust you?

>Jihan: First of all, I do not “own” so much hashrate. Many of our clients operate miners themselves, but they point hashrate at our mining pools. This part of hashrate is “trusted” and is very flexible. Our clients can switch them to other mining pools if they find us attacking the network or doing anything unethical.


>> No.9926435

>Q2: Cobra, moderator of Bitcoin.org, suggested this February that bitcoin should change its POW algorithm into the combination of POW+POS. And last Friday, he tweeted that you and Viabtc CEO Yang Haipo can easily start a 51% attack to bitcoin. But you responded that Cobra should read the whitepaper first before he wants to change it. And 51% attack will not destroy bitcoin. Could you further explain this considering 99% bitcoin users never actually read the whitepaper.

>Jihan: Here is what the whitepaper says about attacking bitcoin—“We consider the scenario of an attacker trying to generate an alternate chain faster than the honest chain. Even if this is accomplished, it does not throw the system open to arbitrary changes, such as creating value out of thin air or taking money that never belonged to the attacker. Nodes are not going to accept an invalid transaction as payment, and honest nodes will never accept a block containing them. An attacker can only try to change one of his own transactions to take back money he recently spent.”
>See? Even if attack happened, the whole system is not open to arbitrary changes. And the attacker is only able to change his own transactions and take back money he recently spent. Only part of users who are unaware of the attack and receive payment from the attacker will suffer a loss.

>Q3: Bitcoin Gold fell victim to the 51% attack and hackers stole $18 million in BTG tokens. You own about half of the network’s hashrate, why should we trust you?

>Jihan: First of all, I do not “own” so much hashrate. Many of our clients operate miners themselves, but they point hashrate at our mining pools. This part of hashrate is “trusted” and is very flexible. Our clients can switch them to other mining pools if they find us attacking the network or doing anything unethical.


>> No.9926455

Every shill is fucking cancer. We need to purge biz of every shill. Shilling is reportable, so keep reporting those fuckers guise

>> No.9926472

There was no shorting back then.

>> No.9926490

Cashies and linkies.

>> No.9926497

we've had shorting in btc before bitmain even existed...

>> No.9926556

If you have that much hash power you can still make more money in the long run by mining and selling than by shorting once.

>> No.9926623

this seems to be what the miners believe, but this is unlikely to remain the case forever

not sure what's your argument, i jumped in here >>9926074

>> No.9926651

Cardano is for chads only. you pathetic brainlets are foaming from the mouth over absolute shit projects while the high IQ free market chads holding Cardano accumulate every dip. in 6 months we'll be so rich that 90% of biz will be begging to suck our cocks, but since we're not faggots will just pleasure ourselves with the girlfriends and wives that the 7% of the nerds on this board have.

>> No.9926684
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>0xbtc is very good buy sir
Also cashies need to be burned at the stake.

>> No.9926698

i've been to a few cardano workshops, i contributed to the haskell compiler back in university, and i read all IOHK papers. cardano's smart contracts platform is nowhere near being done, their development is slow, and their wallet still has problems as reported by various exchanges. just fyi