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File: 508 KB, 1072x1252, Screenshot_20180617-192237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924276 No.9924276 [Reply] [Original]

Who actually read the chainlink whitepaper?

>> No.9924281

honestly, we should have used a condom.

>> No.9924292

Attention span is too short

>> No.9924295


>> No.9924314

Every single page while hyperventilating with priapism.

>> No.9924324

Well you better post the part when they solved the polynomial time vs non-polynomial time problem (P Vs NP) and couple the quantum computers that can find hashes at O'nlog(sqrt(n))
after isnt it true that the generator points that were provided for use in the y^2=x^3+(o)x+7 curve have a mathematical trapdoor other than the random points that were chosen?
No private keys are derived from the elliptical after youve cycled through a "sufficient" number of times. Now obviously when you provide the unlocking script the public key is revealed and then is available for cracking.
Yes but just like the reimam-zeta hypothesis and other unsolved problems in math its still unknown if fundamentally the discrete logarithm isnt a polynomial time problem. Since they have been known to hire the best mathematicians in the world i am teetering on the edge of believing they cracked. After all why is bitcoin dumping so suddenly. we will see in the next few hours if this holds true... they are critical for cryptography

>> No.9924326
File: 32 KB, 399x388, 1529252899339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading here, how dare they be so ableist.

>> No.9924364

I'm not knowledgable enough in math yet

>> No.9924365
File: 857 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180617-193320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9924392

I hate how this kind of shit always borders on super high level knowledge and complete bullshit nonsense

>> No.9924412

I tried, but it was essentially akin to reading the image you posted, and I studied engineering at a top 50 US school.

So I imagine not THAT many people understand the specifics laid out.

>> No.9924423

P vs NP is actually the simplest millenium problem to understand. Rieman-zeta is more complex but I think doable with some leg work

>> No.9924439
File: 309 KB, 967x1280, painting pepe chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Sergey and Vitalik were the ones that came up with the A* and Djikstra algorithms.
$1000 EOY

>> No.9924447

Yeah, but you can use all that and string together a big paragraph of absolute nonsense

>> No.9924464


>> No.9924468

Consider the example of showing that a 3-manifold M admits a map to the 2-sphere that is non-trivial (i.e. non-homotopic to a constant map), when the 2nd Betti number of M is positive. This means the 2nd cohomology group has positive rank (by the universal coefficient theorem for cohomology), so it has a non-zero element. The properties of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces then give a corresponding non-trivial map f from M to the infinite-dimensional complex projective space CP^∞, since it is a K(Z,2) Eilenberg–MacLane space. The space CP^∞ can be realized as a CW complex with exactly one cell in each even dimension and no cells in odd dimension, while M can be realized with no cells in dimensions above 3, so by the cellular approximation theorem there is a map homotopic to f that maps M into the 3-skeleton of CP^∞, which is the 2-sphere.

>> No.9924471

In this setting, the ability to examine continuously projective, Wiener homomorphisms is essential.

>> No.9924485

>Chain Link
>Ch Ink
>Chink scam confirmed

>> No.9924547

This is mostly true, but it doesn’t account for the fact that there is still a real, existing cell when n=1 (but your postulation is true for all other even/odd intergers).

If you, instead of using Fourier transform for spatial analyses within a radial plane, use the Dirac formula multiplied by the integral of the cellular approximation theorem spun about the imaginary tertiary axis, you will get a much more accurate solution that is applicable for both rational and irrational numbers (and is therefore much more accurate and with more real world utility)

>> No.9924571

Fuck off with this elementary hom algebra crap.

>> No.9924589


>> No.9924617
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1516844515901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every student is aware

Jesus. I have a physics degree and this shit is a foreign language

>> No.9924655

You didn't invest in this project without understanding its bare essentials, right?

>> No.9924667
File: 148 KB, 500x455, 1527630413759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9924678


Mathematicians often don't understand the work of other mathematicians.

>> No.9924681

Looks exactly like one of those papers that are automatically generated


>> No.9924703


Also, I googled the paper and couldn't find it

>> No.9924807

this shit is essentially academic word vomit. there's no way that this passed any sort of peer review system

>t. masters in mathematics/statistics

>> No.9924844
File: 50 KB, 657x527, 1529145918506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously me, invested in it and Sold my 300 ETH presale right at the SIBOS for an insane profit. Might rebuy EoY, but i don't really care about tech anymore. In it for the money and Link was the perfect opportunity to create that. Are you still holding fren?

>> No.9924860

its clearly a troll.

t. math grad student