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File: 57 KB, 725x483, Nimiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9920770 No.9920770 [Reply] [Original]

Browser-based installation-free blockchain.

>NIMIQ homepage

>NIMIQ thread on bitcointalk.org

>NIMIQ on other social media

>Nimipet - tamagotchi game based on NIMIQ blockchain (NIM airdrops for alive Nimipets every week)

>NIMIQ faucet

>Where to buy NIM

>Tip me, please

>> No.9921241


Have you actually gotten any tips yet?

Also, backbone node issue needs to be solved before this makes it big time. Stacking my bags now in anticipation tho

>> No.9921253

>You need an invite code to sign up for the faucet

>> No.9921258


It's because OP linked to a faucet from a closed beta exchange built for Nimiq, you can get a free one here


>> No.9921270

can we please stop shilling this for a while? I'm still accumulating.

>> No.9921358

Won't this thing get dumped by miners as soon as it's on a real exchange?

>> No.9921364


Miners don't really give a fuck, been dumping OTC before it even hit TradeShitoshi. Not much room to go down, loads of room to go up.

>> No.9921377

Thanks for the link.

>Have you actually gotten any tips yet?
No. I think I have better chance to get tips by reddit's nim tipping bot.

>> No.9921394
File: 118 KB, 720x448, nimiqcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more info to post

>> No.9921429

Been mining this using VMs, ready for the pump.

>> No.9921945
File: 47 KB, 800x769, 1527679474932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the market cap?

>> No.9922935

Latest news
- Ledger announced support for Nimiq
- Community manager Richy hints that more exchanges on the way, including some well known ones (cryptopia, kucoin, etc)

>> No.9923266
File: 137 KB, 689x557, BuyNimig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be 8 millions or something, maybe less, didn't check my folio in a while.
Post your address and I will give you 30 NIM to try the whole thing.

>> No.9923285

How is Nimiq better than Nano?

>> No.9923290

How Nano is better than Nimiq?

>> No.9923390

Charts and value look more promising for the future

>> No.9923474

btw how do you pronounce nimiq? They should state that on their site.

>> No.9923705

Could I get a few to test out?

>> No.9923749


Not neem-ique

>> No.9923813


The network is shitting the bed today though, takes so much time to initialize on the safe, can't wait for the fix.

>> No.9923828


>> No.9924602

Let's continue the shill.

List of other features the coin has besides the ease of use

- CPU mining (GPU resistant, ASIC resistant)
- Typo proof wallet (can't send to wrong address)
- Smart miners (pools can't initiate 51% attacks as miners verify transactions on their own)
- Schnorr signatures
- Hashed Timelock contracts (Lightning ready)
- NiPoPoW (potential use for sidechains)
- 1 minute block times
- Installation free
- Browser mining

I don't even know what this means:
>Schnorr signatures

Can someone explain? That just sounds funny.

>> No.9924706

>Schnorr signatures
I don't know all the details, but what it comes down to is that there will be less signatures in each block, thus making more space for transactions. It's essentially just a different algorithm for the signatures. So it improves scalability but also privacy (not sure how exactly).

>> No.9924784

>NiPoPoW (potential use for sidechains)
Here's some pasta I found:
Blockchain protocols such as Bitcoin provide decentralized consensus mechanisms based on proof-of-work (PoW). In this work we introduce and instantiate a new primitive for blockchain protocols called Non-Interactive-Proofs-of-Proof-of-Work (NIPoPoWs) which can be adapted into existing PoW-based cryptocurrencies. Unlike a traditional blockchain client which must verify the entire linearly-growing chain of PoWs, clients based on NIPoPoWs can verify a certain blockchain property requiring resources only logarithmic in the length of the blockchain. NIPoPoWs solve two important open questions for PoW based consensus protocols: The problem of constructing efficient transaction verification (SPV) clients and the problem of constructing efficient sidechain proofs. We provide a formal model for NIPoPoWs and two constructions for blockchain properties that we prove secure and are of interest with respect to the above applications. We also provide simulations and experimental data to measure the concrete communication efficiency and security of our construction. We also present an attack against the only previously known (interactive) PoPoW protocol that showcases the difficulty of designing such protocols. Finally, we provide two ways that our NIPoPoWs can be adopted by existing blockchain protocols, first via a soft fork, and second via a new update mechanism that we term a “velvet fork” that enables harnessing some of the performance benefits of NIPoPoWs even with a minority upgrade.

Also check this out:

>> No.9924994
File: 207 KB, 2560x1440, Nimiq1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schnorr signatures are a way to reduce the size of signatures in the blocks and compress multi-signatures into one, in short you can put more tx in a block with them (something like 30% more).
They should be implemented in the future for Bitcoin but afaik only Nimiq has it right now.

NiPoPow is much more complicated but it's basically a sidechain technology that was conceptualized last year by IOHK (the developpers of Cardano) and which basically allows you to verify a transaction has happened on the main blockchain without having to download it entirely, that's how (with the mini-blockchain scheme) you can sync and become a node so fast on Nimiq (in mere seconds... when the network is not saturated by dumb nodes like today).

In short it's a vastly more resilient, secure and decentralized way of connecting to the network compared to classic SPV that Ethereum and Bitcoin use (for example if
Also it allows a bunch of others features related to smart-contract (hell nimiq support atomic swap/HTLC) but I'm not really knwoledgeable about the details.

The overall point is that the technical aspect of the project is really really strong, too bad they don't advertise it more.

>> No.9925066

>(for example if
(for example if the MEW nodes and equivalent SPV go offline then you are out of luck and the only solution to interact with Ethereum and to sync is to directly download all of it).
With Nimiq you theorically can't have this issue as you can directly connect to any backbone node.*

>> No.9926242

Hmm how much hashes should I get on i3 7100? Is there difference between Win and Linux?