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9919926 No.9919926[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is crypto so anti-black? Is crypto just a another sceme to keep us down and stuck in the ghettos?

>> No.9919934
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whitey hate us mayne

>> No.9919935


>> No.9919941

Biggest exchange CEO is black. Biggest tech improvement is programmed by a black guy. Apply yourself, fuckface.

>> No.9919942

That's exactly it. Coinbase deletes your account if you're black and try to make one

>> No.9919950

Its definitely not fair that only white people and Asians are allowed to buy and own crypto. It's like we never had a chance.

>> No.9919953

crypto isn't antiblack, but 4chan is.

>> No.9919958


Blacks have too low IQ for crypto. It's not a coincidence that high IQ countries(South Korea, Japan) have the most adoption of crypto.

>> No.9919960

Yeah then they accuse you of doing drugs and lock ya funds. Surprise, surprise it is owned by white

>> No.9919963

Look here negro anons whitey has advice for you. Ok quit puttin your welfare money on ponzi schemes like bitconnect. If its shilled by your kind, the pajeet man or the chink man, its bad ok.

>> No.9919972

all the white cryptomen looks like they on some pedophile shit though. I’d rather buy a black man’s coin

>> No.9919977

Crypto isnt anti black its anti nigger. Niggers are spending their money on jordans and chains and jewelry rather than spending a couple hundred bucks on crypto then bitch and moan about white privilege when a crypto play works out.

>> No.9919978

4chan is anti-all people you absolute faggot

>> No.9919983

Thats a valid observation, I mean look at space lizard Vitalik for example.

>> No.9919993

who iz arthur hayes

>> No.9920004
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got one for you trayboon

>> No.9920016

One lucky nigga. There were literally like 2 blacks at consensus

>> No.9920020
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I'm black and have profited more from crypto than most of you fags.

>> No.9920035

stop complaining about ghettos. thats really high value property you niggers all live on. the only thing bad about ghettos is the black people who live there.

>> No.9920053

I know you whites can’t wait to expell real culture and import s o y hipsters into our area. The same people that will be the downfall of your race

>> No.9920081

i've become a millionaire thanks to crypto. This shit has been very good for a nigga like me, I guess maybe it's because I come from a statics and math background but I can't speak for other basketball americans

>> No.9920088

>Is crypto just a another sceme to keep us down and stuck in the ghettos?

>> No.9920107
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fuck deez hoe ass niggas on foe nem we finna make it cuh

>> No.9920114

Neither group has any real culture though. That being said, niggers are clearly lacking compared to more developed races - this is why you are known as the slave race of history, because it is incredibly rare to find one of you in the States thinking about anything more complicated than "muh gangstuh life yo, but give me reparations because I also have a victim complex." Still, you're better off than the blacks who originally sold you into slavery I guess - they're stuck back in Africa wondering which baby they'll rape next so that they don't get AIDS.

>> No.9920116
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>> No.9920120
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crypto is not anti-black
/biz/ is

>> No.9920125

>t. angry brokeboi

>> No.9920130


Dem niggalips. Very punchable face on that nigger if I may say so.

>> No.9920140

whites always shocked seeing lips for the first time

>> No.9920149

the gubmint shud make crypto mo easy for us black folk to get into!
fuk whyti! dey keepin us down!

>> No.9920152
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knee-grow spotted

>> No.9920202

I keep trying to tell the family to buy Ethereum. Some listen but a lot of us want to be shilled directly by fake shit like that scam Tulsa Real estate Fund.

>> No.9920366

It's not anti-black, just anti-nigger.

>> No.9920380

>tfw I made my black MiL some money after she basically gave me fiat and begged me to buy her some coins

Never thought a 60 yo black woman would be into crypto.

>> No.9920390

Yeah bro /biz/ is just anti black. But they literally can't stop you from participating, that's the beauty of crypto.
Get rich my friends

>> No.9920405


>> No.9920424

Niggas on board

>> No.9920444
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Because it's not controlled by centralized (((media))) so you get unfiltered opinions.
Nobody is keeping blacks 'down', they are uplifted to ridiculous levels by welfare. See the pic. Crypto is partially a revolt against (((powers that be))) that made the system so.

>> No.9920450
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Dem crypto coins be lit

>> No.9920775

t. arthur

>> No.9920841

CEO of bitmex

>> No.9921167

the thing that dumbfounds me with niggers is how absolutely nothing works inside you, intellectually speaking. first, you make an extremely dumb spelling mistake. anon points it out. then your immediate reaction is to call him angry and broke? do you not see how you're broadcasting to the world how angry his one word reply made you, and your own crippling need for validation through unwarranted fantasies anyone who points out something stupid you do is broke
talking with niggers feels like being back in primary school and arguing with kids who blatantly argue the sun is purple when the both of you are outside, as if his bullshit could somehow overpower your senses. it's like the level of cognition to be aware of others as sentient beings capable of thought is just not there, and much like young children, niggers assume they're the center of the universe at all time

>> No.9921178

I dont hate black people at all but im just racists on 4chan because its anonymous and doesn't really matter. I say alot of stupid shit because of that reason alone.

>> No.9921204
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>> No.9921338

this guys high school crush got fucked by the entire basketball team and he never got over it

>> No.9921518

you're literally proving his point
why are niggers so bad at bantz?

>> No.9921543

Niggers buy shit likt bitconnect, xvg and tron.

>> No.9921559

it isn't easy for an average white dude with no higher education to get into crypto - now and much harder way earlier

niggers and women? lol isn't it obvious there could only be few of them - esp. now that the free bullride sponsored by manipulation/tether is over?

>> No.9921587

What would niggers even spend money on.

>> No.9921615

Ooga booga ya mayne

>> No.9921641

KFC. Ever noticed what happens to africans when they get rich? They get fat AF

>> No.9921878

biz =/= crypto my nigga this is just the best source of unfiltered market sentiment because it's anonymous

>> No.9922561
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>> No.9922597

To be fair you have to have very high IQ to buy crypto.

>> No.9922623


>> No.9922643

racism is a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.9922670

They are uplifted because they are not a threat to white supremacy. Asians are the closest ones thus a huge negativity portrayal of them in media.

>> No.9922671

/pol/ indoctrinated chan culture

>> No.9922688

hows nigeria smell? like sewage?