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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 566x507, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at 10.19.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9919014 No.9919014 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please discuss how all dapps are completely unused? Remember this site when the next LARP fags come shilling their shrimp farms https://dappradar.com/

>> No.9919044

whenever i hear normies say the word 'blockchain' it just makes me think they hear 'block' and 'chain' and it reminds them of when they were toddlers and also sounds like a more intellectual way of just saying cryptos

>> No.9919053

thank god they're unused
hope no successful dapp hits ethereum before its base layer scales properly.
cryptokitties minor temporary success was bad enough

>> No.9919088

Not true. I'm either gambling right now. With at least 50 other people.

>> No.9919121
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>most used dapps are exchanges
jesus crypto IS dead

>> No.9919147

Lmao those IDEX shitcoins are like 3k people taking turns to dump on each other

>> No.9919178

What percent of IDEX users are /biz/tards? Lmao.

This is why I'm bullish on Request Network. Real, useful decentralized applications that have a reason for existing. You can do Kickstarter with less fees. You can do GoFundMe with less fees. You can do PayPal with less fees. People would actually have a good reason to use those platforms. Nobody gives a fuck if twitter is decentralized, if nobody is using Dtwitter, then it makes no sense as a social media and there's no reason to make the switch. Average normans don't care about censorship resistance because they're not censored.

Blockchain lets you move large amounts of value cheaply and quickly, that's why we need financial based applications. Why would anyone want to play games on a blockchain, what's the advantage? If you're not all in on REQ, what are you even doing?

>> No.9919207

Until any of the networks can actually scale and handle transactions quickly, blockchain apps are going to be useless. The lack of popular dapps combined with the number of developers actively working on them shows us that we are early adopters. This is also why I think something like Holochain will be the big winner in dapps in 5 years because of how much faster and more efficient it's going to be.

>> No.9919229

That’s why we need eos

>> No.9919269

How many kitties per second can eos handle?

>> No.9919278

0. it can't even stay online

>> No.9919364

>9 users
>0 volume


>> No.9919433

ssshhhhhhh casinos are accumulating

>> No.9919477

AMB will win

>> No.9919489

this actually is fantastic to hear, because it really means we are the early adopters

>> No.9919908


>> No.9920124

BAT is going to get widespread adoption this month. I suggest buying BAT, its cheap right now still.

>> No.9920310
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Everybody talk the same shit about phone, internet, plane... etc and guest what they all dont know wtf they're talking about, just like us. This "revolution blockchain tech" could take your whole life to get the dream adoption we all talking about or it woyld just happend tommorrow.
Who know properly every thing right now is just another memes that we will tell to our kid later on or we will be the small part of the thing called early adopter.

>> No.9920346

because novody cares.

Blockchain isnt even used as payment after 8years, why then someone cares about shitty unsuable dapps and processing platforms

>> No.9920446
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>the biggest US tax cut in decades helping employers increase worker's salary is the same as printing money out of thin air
He's a fucking brainlet

>> No.9920481

dapps are unused because they're a solution for a non-existent problem

conventional apps work just fine and nobody is clamoring for "apps except on the blockchain and way shittier"

>> No.9920595

Isn't it still a demo?

>> No.9920612
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Blockchain can't run "dapps"

Get a fucking clue.

>> No.9920623

Has anyone else noticed that this man’s skin complexion might lead one to suspect that he may not be worth listening to?

>> No.9920688

Ok so disregarding the current situation, what are the best projects with dapps that are coming out that you would _actually use_ on your phone today if you could?

>> No.9920711

dapps are a meme, and also a reason I didn't buy in the ethereum ico.
Nobody realized at the time that the future is tokenization of assets and smart contracts handling these tokens, not dapps.

>> No.9920744

VET mainnet at the end of the month will change everything.

>> No.9920895


>> No.9920899


>> No.9920909


Everyones nr 1 priority should be to detach alt-coins from fucking BTC. It's what keeping back the entire cryptosphere and blockchain tech in general.

It's the reason for such market instability and shrinking trust.

>> No.9920930

>didn't buy eth at ICO because you didn't see value in dapps
How is that working out for you?

>> No.9920984

well kind of, crypto will reach trillions market cap so we're early adopters in a sense, but decentralization is not an advantage, it will never reach widespread adoption and we got some nasty crashes ahead of us

>> No.9921058
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>seriously justifying for not buying into ETH ico

Oh god, we probably just found the least intelligent comment of all time.

>> No.9921083

This is not his opinion you brainlets. this is the raw data, no one is using these products that have market caps in the hundreds of millions to billions

>> No.9921099

its no live yet you mong

>> No.9921107

why is there coordinated fud with the same twitter nigger? or is it not coordinated fud and that nigger is important for some reason? i know you americans worship niggers, so it could be organic, but this particular nigger doesn't even have the jewish blue seal of approval, so why is he so important you listen to his dumb nigger opinions about dapp adoption on a cryptocurrency that can't scale yet but is about to when there's an example of a scaling dapp achieving decent numbers (steem)?

>> No.9921111

yup, i think people are lettnig their emotions and future hype of crypto get in the way of their logic.
theres no justification for a company worth billions yet only 50 people are using its CORE use everyday. It be like if apple sold 500 phones a day but was still valued at 500billion dollars. either the user base goes up or the valuation corrects back.

>> No.9921118

try to refute the points instead of talking about his race.

>> No.9921189

Same question, just woke up and saw the face of this faggot in three threads fudding crypto
Literally who?

>> No.9921192

already did, you disingenuous nigger worshipper. typical strategy of crypto-kikes like you: act like one part of the message was the whole message. explain steem, then kindly step into the oven

>> No.9921206

roll eyes
okay buddy have fun getting wiped out in this market

>> No.9921213

If I'm going to listen to FUD, it won't be from him. Go back to >>9920446 and see the image.

>> No.9921221

listen guys:

The crypto market is wildly unused outside of trading bitcoin/eth/ltc for other shitcoins.
Listen very very very carefully. If you want crypto to succeed on a large scale (i.e bitcoin being used for transactions of steel/oil/precious metals over seas) then you need to be banking on the future of smart contracts to properly facilitate these transactions.

The only way these transactions can remain trustless in nature is for a network of decentralized nodes to act as an oracle. A single oracle confirming pre agreed perimeters on smart contracts is a point of failure because now the trust lies on that single oracle, essentially throwing away the trustless nature of smart contracts.

If you see a future in which crypto can succeed past using it to buy a pizza, then you should smarten the fuck up and look into investing into oracle providers.

>> No.9921230
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STEEM is the only dapp anyone really uses. Why, you ask? Because normies don't have to fuck around with the autism of cryptocurrencies and people don't have to pay fucking fees for every upvote and comment. They can use it like a normal web app.

>> No.9921237

>E D G Y

>> No.9921242

Dapps ARE worthless.
Why do you think most of the original ethereum team sold out? Vlad Zamfir something like 95% of his stash. They all were thinking about ethereum as a platform for dapps, which gives it a tiny valuation. That's how ethereum was marketed - as fuel for dapps.
Nobody predicted the real demand source at the time.

>> No.9921245

facts are fud now.
saying vitalik is died in a raid is fud
saying bitcoin code got hacked by nsa is fud

saying only cryptokitties and other dapps user numbers are shrinking IS NOT FUCKING FUD.
are you allergic to data

>> No.9921262


>> No.9921263

How about P3D? It was successfull as fuck and they make F3D on top of it now.

>> No.9921274

wtfs p3d?

>> No.9921297

Born dead.

>> No.9921313

>not understanding what reputation is

Grug can show me a picture of a rock and say it's a rock and he's right but he's still dumb as fuck and I'm not listening to him when he has shown in the past to get something so basic wrong.

>> No.9921436

Asbestos had early adopters and look how well that went.

>> No.9921457


>> No.9921470

Imagine being white and not realizing you're a subhuman to us who aren't black or white.

>> No.9921481

and here we have the textbook example of a jew
reply #1 >>9921118 attempts to portray the post he's replying to as void of any argument
reply #2 >>9921206 once called out, the jew refuses to answer the actual argument
reply #3 >>9921245 the jew now moves away to a different person, as if the previous argument he forfeited never happened
reply #4 >>9921274 the jew demonstrates he doesn't even know the subject matter he has such a strong opinion on
reply #5 >>9921436 the jew hides his intellectual vacuity through a weak attempt at sarcasm
but yeah, "go back to /pol/", "antisemitism has no relation to business and finances", and so on. investing relies on pattern recognition, once you remove that what you have left is gambling. niggers are dumb, kikes backstab you. period.

>> No.9921496

why do you not answer the question about steem, kike?
why do you focus on race and not explain why this particular INDIVIDUAL (if the word nigger offends your delicate kike sensibilities so much) is propped up in several different threads?
who is paul everton?
why dodge questions like they're ovens?

>> No.9921512

The only practical use for crypto is donating money anonymously to political dissidents who have been banned from paypal, crowdfunding and major credit card companies

>> No.9922153


>> No.9922186
File: 1.76 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinersOnSuicideWatchXmasEdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was never such a thing as "crypto"; there was Bitcoin: sovereign money, and there were scams.

If you don't understand why Bitcoin is the only thing that has value you will continue showing up on screenshots like these.

>> No.9922223

Email has been around since 1965. Wow, it is almost like it takes time for applications to become user friendly and accessible for the masses...

>> No.9922319

Consumer-based ethereum dapps are a meme. The real adoption will come from enterprise b2b applications and they won't use ethereum. Most will be on hyperledger, supply chain on vechain, finance on fusion.

>> No.9922355

except we arent in the 1950's anymore and we know what it takes for applications to be user friendly. Are you saying it will take another 50 years from some brainlet coin founder to figure out that everyday normies need to be able to figure out how to use their dapps?

>> No.9922377

>it has value becuase it keeps going up
muh bullruns

>> No.9922389

>a company with a billion dollars cant make its own blockchain with a team of 500 people working on it around the clock
people buy companies cause it has a userbase there is no eth userbase just speculators

>> No.9922393

How can dApps be dead when they were never even alive?

>> No.9922407

No, but the space needs devs, need to get through regulation, need to be funded and made. This is the real first year that dapps have been funded. It will take a couple years to get your first killer dapp.

>> No.9922421
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>too low IQ to understand bitcoin
>just cope with "muh bullruns"

>> No.9922423
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Jikes, I did think there were a little more usage of CryptoKitties than this.

Are there another site that provides this same service so we can make sure it's true? So that DappRadar isn't lying (not saying it is, just that we can't be sure).

>> No.9922427
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Once again you dumb fucks. Normies have no fucking money, they don't matter. All it takes is the idiots olding useless shit that will go to 0 (like bonds, derivatives, meme stocks, fiatolas etc) to diversify into THE ASSET and 1 BTC will be worth millions of Powellcoins.

>> No.9922429

Non-EOS-ers thread detected

>> No.9922438

>has zero arguments ever
>calls others low iq

>> No.9922440

>i'm from /pol/ and i need to bring that up 3 times in a sentence in case you missed the first 2

>> No.9922473
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Haha you're kidding me? The 0xBitcoin that has been posted about here is a token on ETH?

>> No.9922476

you fucking deluded subhuman brainlet. if it wasnt for btc NONE of these projects would be valued at billions and none of these scammers would be able to raise 40 million dollars without a working project you mongrel.

>> No.9922489

you mean ethereum, which was created because bitcoin failed

>> No.9922509

Decentralized web applications with hosting like Holo and NKN are where we are going to see our first major use cases from the average joe. Book it.


>> No.9922516


Why dont you get it through your thick head? No business will use ven for supply chain management. No business will use eos for smart contracts. No business will use coin x for IPFS.

Ark will provide any individual business organization or goverment with free advanced blockchains. Instantaneously deployed, customizable and smart contract capable.

>> No.9922535


Negroid-jew halfie detected, objectively the worst organism on earth.

>> No.9922860

>don't understand arguments
>"has 0 arguments"

>> No.9922872

>can't even download from scratch the blockchain anymore
>only used to spawn more scamtokens

>> No.9923224

There are actual dapps that will be useful, basically all the marketplaces dedicated to one sector or another (cloud computing, real estates, datas, etc...).
However it's true that tokenization of assets will be a revolution the equivalent of the invention of shares/stocks.

>> No.9923603

>tokenization of assets
what projects are doing this?

>> No.9923642

many, but pretty much all of them are vaporware scams that won't even be able to get through the regulatory obstacles let alone the technical difficulties

>> No.9923686


What’s hilarious is alot of ICOs will burn through all their money and then realize, “oh shit, we need to hire some lawyers” to actually get through the rigorous approval process. It’s like that nigger chick with the healthcare company wanting to put health records on a blockchain, good luck working around HIPAA laws on that one.

The only one with the muscle to start pushing real-world use of half of this stuff would be the big boys like IBM with Stellar.

>> No.9923688


>> No.9923751

dapps will never be a thing cause centralized apps are more efficient/cheaper.

It is the same reason why cdn has won over hosting stuff as torrent, cause with torrent you have to have many many copies cause you never know when one seeder goes down.

>> No.9923958

>it dips to 4 users after a week when it goes live

>> No.9924074

> dapps will never be a thing cause centralized apps are more efficient/cheaper.

Dapps can take any 30% cut centralized service and reduce that cut so that the centralized service can't compete. Think amazon, uber, airbnb, etc.

So maybe it's cheaper for a business but not for the consumer, which is what matters.

>> No.9924488

You seem to forget that the dapp cost only incorporates the hosting cost aka what you pay for keeping the servers/infrastructure running.

Amazons cut stems from the fact that you need to pay support, advertisement, ceos, programmers, warehouse etc.

Same reason why nobody will ever ever use REQ, despite being cheaper, cause there is no support or trust and must stuff in the real world needs human created trust.

>> No.9924726

It's hilarious, reliving all of this. How many of you where even alive when people were relentlessly shit talking the internet and how useless it was in the early to mid 90s?

History truly does repeat itself, let's just say that, and look at them, and fucking laugh.

When i can buy their souls with my pointless crypto earnings, and all they can ever do is regret missing the train, I'll look back fondly at these days.

Any new tech has wobbly, awkward, or dead end use cases in the beginning. If you can't see through the shit, and miss grabbing the few gems hiding in it all, you fully deserve to miss out on what's coming.

The way to get people using this shit is to help them see what all it's really good for. This isn't where you make money on it. This is where you give the technology a chance to make money for you later, and shill the fuck out of it to normies trying to solve various reasons world problems.

I showed my family how to use it to pay each other for personal property sales, or for gifting money, or sending it to chip in on rent and utilities, etc. Now they're investing and using it. It's on the people who understand it to field it. Not to wait for normies to pick it up themselves, while you strategize your next moon mission and how to rob them in this toilet.

>> No.9924766

bitcoin has been around almost a decade. guess who? its still useless. the internet did not take this long

>> No.9924775

I use it all the time. Define "useless".

>> No.9924822



>> No.9925373

why would institutions buy btc tho

>> No.9925403

if you could see how little btc is used for real world purchases it would be worse than this.

>> No.9925437

Early adoption is always a bad investment. Invest when facebook goes public, not in myspace or friendster

>> No.9925439
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aye, BCH ftw

>> No.9926345

Do you have autism lmao