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991898 No.991898 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about who has the best tax plan?

>> No.991968

not Trump.
If you think building a wall, spinning up databases, and getting Bill Gates to "close up the internet" will be cheap, you're stupider then he is.

Lolbertarians are the best bet, maybe that fat fuck who wants to shut down social security too, but he's got a chinaman's chance in hell with that position since oldfags on social security are the ones who vote.

>> No.991990

lost all credibility when demonstrated inability to know the difference between then and than. :(

>> No.992011

Lost all credibility when demonstrated inability to capitalize the first letter of a sentence. :(

There are 3 directions the world is heading right now.

1: asian style state capitalism

2: hopeless stagnating welfare states, it is naive to think Greece or Venezuela will ever be like Sweden

3: margaret thatcher/milton friedman style monetarism and free markets

republicans want 1, democrats want 2, libertarians want 3

>> No.992031

This is a great point. It is funny that the republican base is retired religious blue collar cuucks who rely on Social Security and Medicare to survive.

How does this logic even make sense? I'm 75 with modest savings and almost no unearned income, so I will never be in anything but the lowest tax bracket for the rest of my life. I completely rely on leftie government spending programs to survive. Yet, war on Christmas and muh guns, so let's vote in people who will cut government spending and shift the tax burden onto the poor so that the richest 2 or 3% can have even lower marginal tax rates...

Why is the Republican Party the go-to party of poor blue collars and destitute retirees?

>> No.992047


>Why is the Republican Party the go-to party of poor blue collars and destitute retirees?

Because the Democratic Party is the party of the niggers and mexicans.

Seriously, all the southern states that were once heavily Democrat turned to Republicanism when the Civil Rights Act came in. Read up on Nixon's "Southern Strategy".

Wedge issues and party identification are big, really big, in the USA.

>> No.992240


Identity politics and the GOP's Southern Strategy.

Generally speaking, Dems' economic policies are better for poorfags and the common working man while the Republicans' economic policies are better for big business and the rich. If everyone voted on economic issues alone Dems would win every time since poorfags and unskilled laborers make up the majority of Americans. So the GOP's Southern Strategy and identity politics and Evangelical rebranding helps them retain loyalty with poor whites.

>> No.992259

None of the current candidates have good tax plans

Trump is a meme candidate. Also a double agent for the Democrats

Bush/Clinton are nearly identical corporate shills

Rubio has nothing and only wants amnesty

Cruz is establishment but pretending to be like Trump

Bernie's is what a kindergarten class would come up with

>> No.992277

>Bernie's is what a kindergarten class would come up with

le taxation is theft :^)

social safety nets are bad :^)

corporations are your friend :^)

>> No.992287


If you're not going to put in any effort, then you're not even going to get a reaction image to call you retarded

>> No.992313

Taxing the rich 50% or more is borderline theft

>> No.992675

taxes are stuck rising slowly for $75,000+ income brackets unless economic reforms are made or the budget is slashed so there's not much room for improvement aside that, questions mooted who's gonna tinker the best? who cares. go trump

>> No.992681


Kek. Have a look at the top income tax rates in the 50s and 60s, you might shit yourself. While I don't think higher income taxes are necessarily the answer, taxes are too low in the US and UK. More revenue is needed, but it's how to do it that's the real challenge.

>> No.992699

>Taxes are too low in the US and UK
>Literally 50% for some tax brackets

How much more do you think you can tax people until they decide that they might as well take a few days of the week off and get more take-home pay?

Lmao do you think "the rich" are going to be good goyim and keep working to give their money to Jamal and Tyreesha?

>> No.992721

>More revenue is needed
Or how about less spending? Drop the welfare nets, the poor, the stupid, and the lazy can go to charities or churches for their free shit. And then stop excessive military spending. Like does the US need 11 aircraft carriers in this era? Why be the world's police? Let the Middle East evolve or burn on its own. Let the Koreans hash it out. Let Europoors deal with Russia on their own. Canada and Mexico are phenomenal border countries and make up most of our trade anyway. Shrink safety net, slash military spending. Then you don't have to raise taxes. And as a bonus, increase non-NAFTA tariffs and witness China grind to a halt.

>> No.992725

>ITT: Anons think presidents' tax plans matter
>Don't realize that presidents don't make tax codes
>Congress does that
kek. You can't rewrite the tax code with a pen and phone.

>> No.992728

>get more take-home pay?
That's not how tax brackets work bruh.

>> No.992729

Their tax plans do matter. It shows their (pretend or real) stances on tax policies. No, they can't write the laws, but they do need to convey their points of view.

>> No.992730

>Or how about less spending? Drop the welfare nets, the poor, the stupid, and the lazy can go to charities or churches for their free shit. And then stop excessive military spending. Like does the US need 11 aircraft carriers in this era? Why be the world's police? Let the Middle East evolve or burn on its own. Let the Koreans hash it out. Let Europoors deal with Russia on their own. Canada and Mexico are phenomenal border countries and make up most of our trade anyway. Shrink safety net, slash military spending. Then you don't have to raise taxes. And as a bonus, increase non-NAFTA tariffs and witness China grind to a halt.
All of this.

>> No.992747
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Define what you mean by "best". Taxation is just a form of demand management and should be viewed as such, not as a constraint on government purchasing power.

>The common thread tying these themes together is simplicity itself. It’s that modern money is a spreadsheet! It works by computer! When government spends or lends, it does so by adding numbers to private bank accounts. When it taxes, it marks those same accounts down. When it borrows, it shifts funds from a demand deposit (called a reserve account) to savings (called a securities account). And that for practical purposes is all there is. The money government spends doesn’t come from anywhere, and it doesn’t cost anything to produce. The government therefore cannot run out.

>Money is created by government spending (or by bank loans, which create deposits). Taxes serve to make us want that money - we need it in order to pay the taxes. And they help regulate total spending, so that we don’t have more total spending than we have goods available at current prices - something that would force up prices and cause inflation. But taxes aren’t needed in advance of spending - and could hardly be, since before the government spends there is no money to tax.

>> No.992980

>asian style state capitalism
But Japan is a stagnating country and China can only maintain its growth by reducing consumption at home. Nobody in the US is trying to reduce consumption, which is key in Asian economies.