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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9918952 No.9918952 [Reply] [Original]

I made lots of EOS fud threads to drive the price down. I misrepresented and distorted facts about this coin. From ERC20 to Eric Schmidt denial, to Brock Pierce, mainnet, and centralization lies, I did my best to drive the price down. But I give up. This coin is unstoppable apparently. All in.

I just feel bad. Some people probably didn't buy EOS because of my posts. I've made multiple memes, samefagged, and just used logical fallacies to distract. I'm sorry biz, I think 20% of the negativity towards EOS was from me and a couple friends, and then quite a bit piggy backed on our posts. Hopefully as many people as possible see this and learn before it's too late.

We attacked EOS on biz, reddit, tradingview, and more. We provoked Eth hate, and used reverse psychology to drive down the price as far as possible. It was a success, but I can't sleep knowing their are bizbros with no EOS in their wallet.

I sincerely apologise. EOS is the largest holdings of our group. We believe it will eventually absorb 50% of the total market cap. And still it's been the top performer weekly.

I understand you're upset. But all I can do now is warn you of what is happening. Godspeed anon, thanks for understanding

>> No.9919046


>> No.9919243

>larping as a cultist of the cult of larimer who doesn't understand enough basic game theory to realize EOS dPOS is even less trustworthy than a consortium chain dPOS.
Nice try but I know you're just writing this hoping someone buys your bags.

>> No.9919292

Samefagging doesn't bump. Larper, no one is gonna buy your bags, pajeet

>> No.9919311

>thinking shitposting on 4chan affects the price of anything.


>> No.9919327


EOS's pathetic attempt at a main net launch is one of the great clusterfucks in crypto over the last 6 months. It's a laughingstock and anyone who buys this shit will be left holding their bags for a long, long time.

>> No.9919341

Dont stop now, juicy mainnet dump just around the corner

>> No.9919385

I wish you were telling the truth op. But deep down im my hearth I know, you are just one of us bad holders and hope this piece of shit will get back around 20 so you can dump bags again.

>> No.9919424

>what are TRTL and 0xBTC
You can make a fuck ton off a good shill campaign

>> No.9919432

>to Brock Pierce
He's an actual pedophile though. This is wholly legitimate fud.

>> No.9919469

EOS is just people missing out on ETH trying to get in late

>> No.9919578
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At least we can all agree EOS is going to $100 by EOY. I bought all line under $1.

>> No.9919598

Eos will go to 5 usd and never recover

>> No.9919606

Yes Anon, the strongest performing crypto will die after holding up the best in the worst market conditions since 2014. Kys faggot

>> No.9919622

Dumb bagholder, there were 26 bugs detected on the bug bounty + 1 on the live net just in the last two weeks. Basic probability estimate gives hundreds of unknown net-killing bugs. There are going to be network crashes in the future. After two another eos is going to become a total laughing stock.

>> No.9919633

Lol, you must live under a fucking rock if you think every single piece of software hasn't been released with bugs.
>Moon landing
>Ford fiesta
>Windows 10

>> No.9919656

So we trusted you on the fud threads (should have bought). And we should trust you on the honest threads (should actually sell).

You're either a genius or an idiot.

>> No.9919664

The game theory (or lackthereof) of eos tokenomics, throughput allocation and validator selection is absolutely fucking insanely bad

The instant ethereum goes POS, it's over.

There is a blockchain that will be favored over ethereum for high throughput mission critical dapps and blockchain reliant systems that is currently being developed but won't launch before early 2019 at best. It has a much better scaling solution than EOS in that it is both more secure, has sound tokenomics and has higher scaling potential.

Not telling anyone of you what it is except for one hint: Vlad's Ghost.

>> No.9919665

nobody is dumb enough to think you can suppress the price of a 4 bil mcap project by posting on a peruvian rubber tree message board

awful larp

>> No.9919919


>he thinks people will use this piece of shit software over something they know and thats better

>> No.9919980

exactly. solidity is like legos compared to trump tower. ethies about to get btfo

>> No.9920030

your memes are shit eosfag

>> No.9920040

1/10 shitpost (try again)

>> No.9920064

>EOS's pathetic attempt at a main net launch is one of the great clusterfucks in crypto over the last 6 months. It's a laughingstock and anyone who buys this shit will be left holding their bags for a long, long time.

this also the main dev should be burnet in public so as there is never another thing like him allowed to exist

>> No.9920913


>> No.9921090

kek EOS launch is going exactly as planned. Larimer is a genius.

If you're too dumb to understand EOS, you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.9921094

thanks now I'm definitely buying Cardano LMAO

>> No.9921104

that just means dump is overdue

>> No.9921630

No one was dumb enough to fall for this scam, even /biz/.