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9918129 No.9918129 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise that the best thing about crypto in 2018 are the Bizonacci videos
Pure kino

>> No.9918273

Grog no sell. Strong hands.

>> No.9918278


>> No.9918368

probably some shit made up at his middle school.

>> No.9918378
File: 47 KB, 600x800, C44J-QyWAAAC5Lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read it backwards newfag

>> No.9918391

Unironically I truly like his videos...

>> No.9918396

Cryptocurrency memes are the best

>> No.9918400

Me too anon, me too

>> No.9918421

Hey bitch pajeet send the aura you promised

>> No.9918430

d-don't we all?

>> No.9918440

If you look at the numbers of views he gets for each video you realise that he actually probably actually influences crypto quite a bit.

>> No.9918487


bizonacci makes losing all my money worth it

>> No.9918570

youre definitely not wrong

i hate to say it, as i was eagerly awaiting getting back in on the crypto train after some a few more moves downward. but ever since futures trading started, its been very clear what is happening. THATS why the banks bought all that coin. not to moon it. but to give themselves free infinite money from manipulating an unregulated commodity and playing futures on it. they certainly dont want the NEET libertarian buxx becoming a currency that is competitive. but they also arent concerned with the coin themselves. it was always just a way to manipulate for massive, no risk, futures gains.

imo, THATS what all you guys should be doing (or at least just HODL your stacks/bags and take your speculative stack and play futures/spreads etc on them).

>> No.9918578

its unfotunately becoming more and more like the commodity market. ie: no place for retail. best bet is to try and follow in their wake, and try not to attract any attention, lest you become fuel for the next bart formation

>> No.9918579

i've been afraid this is true

>> No.9918646

So just sell all pumps

>> No.9918661

dont be afraid m8
this is trading. accept it, monitor it, find out a strategy that works for this type of behavior.

one thing that you should study imo (as its VERY similar looking charts and manipulation) is oil. watch WTI futures. watch how theyll sucker people into longs, all short contracts, BOG the fuck out of it, steal more shares, then flip their futures contracts, and bart back up. almost EXACTLY how its being done here (and i actually think its the same guys ie: goldman).

either way, i dont think the buy and hold to 1 gorillion dollars meme is here, and i dont think it ever will again. the mainstream lost everything. some lost even more. they arent coming back. you guys are gonna have to figure out how to manage under THESE circumstances, not trying to make your old strat work under completely different circumstances.

i lost a lot of money this feb/march in stocks trying to use my 2017 strat on a completely different market. dont make this same mistake. having the coin moon allows others to become rich. this is not what they want. average retail doesnt trade/understand futures, so this is usually a good enough barrier for them to get away with it.

you saw the exact same cornering of massive retail positions in stocks with the short VIX trade. so many retail guys lost literally everything. why? because big guys realized the squeeze they could pull on VIX, so they manipullated the VIX with pure money and literally mugged them. same shit you see in crypto with bart formations and folks trading bitmex etc

just keep your head up, step back, and figure it out. this is a completely different market and you need to adjust or get out

i assume most people holding now are underwater, so my suggestion is hold until B/E and dump and start learning futures STAT before everyone else does. eventually theyll figure out retail is trading futures, then you leave again and find open waters

again tho
this is all my opinion. i have no coins rn

>> No.9918688

to me these numbers mean we still have room to grow
when his videos will hit >1m each you know that crypto went mainstream

>> No.9918794
File: 57 KB, 1420x687, BTC futures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna see somethin cool?
when was BTCs ATH?
>dec 16 2017
when did futures start getting traded?
>dec 12 2017
see this chart? see where it starts? see whats happened literally ever SINCE futures became a thing? the banks bought in to sucker complete morons in. they bit. then they pumped it to get the rest of the normies in. they all bit too. once it hit 20k, they decided, its on (if youll look at some articles when the futures came out, everyone was overwhelmed and there was no volume. then all of a sudden, there was). ever since then its gone down. STEEPLY. people were wondering why the banks would buy in to lose money? why didnt THEY sell at the top?
because they arent concerned with making money off the coin. theyre concerned with mugging people who FOMO into markets they dont understand, and making infinite free money off of manipulating the underlying and trading futures. maybe theyll do it again in a few years, but they know they have to wait before doing it again, or even morons will catch on

crypto already went mainstream m8
the normies came and went. they went all in at the top, and sold at the bottom. they lost everything. when the "euphoria" part was happening, i remember hearing stories of people taking out huge loans to buy in in november. they are not coming back. hell, theyre prolly all full-fledged gommies now.

if youre waiting on a surge of normies to come in and pump yall again, you are gonna be waiting for fucking YEARS. you should adjust to the market as it is now

>> No.9918812


heres an article of what the futures market was like when it first opened. lol they were all waiting because they knew what was next. its become much more popular since then. fucking surprising isnt it.

please consider this anons. i pulled out, but it hurts me watching you guys get fucked around like this desu. start thinking like a futures trader

>> No.9918844

as a final addendum, i dunno if you guys were in that conspiracy thread the other day, but the meme was it was following moon cycles.

how long do moon cycles last generally?
about a month.
what do futures contracts use for their measurement of time? months.
when do they expire?
the same time each month

get it now?

>> No.9918893
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The memes an frens made along the way are the real bull run.

>> No.9918941

to make matters worse, i just heard the news that now ETH is going to have a futures market. do you goyim understand whats going to happen when BOTH major currencies are getting fucked around with like this? nothing good, thats for sure

>> No.9918957

well described

>> No.9919095

trying to not come off as a crazy or a conspiratard. the more i look at these charts and the timings of futures/when they expire, the more see how it all lines up. i think this is legitimately what is going on. these wall street guys make their milk money by cornering retail traders. now that dummies have been LIQ'd, all thats left is the iron hands that hang around here, and the whales. and i dunno if youve noticed, but theres alot less whales all of a sudden. where did they go?
the banks ate them.

in the past whales were doing similar things. but they were early crypto adopters. most "real" traders scoffed at crypto till like 2 years ago. the whales, compared to the wallstreeters, are grossly inexperienced. and even if theyre HUGE, they generally dont have the coordinated team effort that bank traders do.

not to mention how big of a target on your back it is to have several millions of dollars in an almost unregulated market. the banks saw what the whales were doing and got jelly. and they also happen to be FAR more adept at playing that game than most crypto traders. you guys are getting fleeced, just figured id type something up to point out what i see as an obvious scam

>> No.9919137

>all thats left is the iron hands that hang around here

thats me for 2-3 more years

>> No.9919175

Shorting ETH means ETH goes down

>> No.9919215
File: 85 KB, 1413x680, BTC RH launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets worse
another thing i noticed (being a stockfag) is the funny timing of the launch of robinhoods crypto app.
this is a time when stocks were getting absolutely ASSRAEPD. and along comes robinhood (who is well known in the stock world for frontrunning peoples orders, stops and limits to citadel (MMs that specialize in hi-freq algo trading). if you dont believe me, read the RH terms of service) offering a brand new way to buy crypto.
>screw this boomer shit, everything is crashing anyways, imma buy coinz
>and look, its actually forming an uptrend!!
>see ya later stocks
>im all in on crypto
cue rugpull

you starting to see how these guys work? find retail positions. corner them. its dog eat dog and it aint pretty in the slightest, but this is how its gonna be for a while

i gotta hand it to you guys, i wouldve invested in ROPE and KYS a long time ago. i just pray your average cost isnt $15k

yeah but its not gonna go straight down. its gonna go down in a way that makes it very difficult to short. if i was you guys, id stay away from ANY bank owned exchanges, and try and stay as far out of sight as possible. also, id definitely avoid using too much lev while shorting it (this is what leads to bart formations. they see you and all your friends on the book, short with 20x. then BOOM, youre homeless)

>> No.9919233

shit, i meant to move the basis level up to the price on the day of RH launch to make it more clear.

either way, notice how it launched on a possible uptrend forming? then they gave em a nice 10% bump (how thoughtful). after that initial pump, its literally been downhill since. you know what you cant do in RH (crypto or otherwise)? short.

>> No.9919240

so are buffet and gates genuinely trying to warn us or is that all show

>> No.9919250

Good marketing for Ambrosus

>> No.9919284

who knows desu
i think buffett-sama is a genuinely good dude, and he prides himself in giving extremely good, lo risk, secure reward type advice. but hi risk has ever been his thing. EVER. it could be him just not giving a fuck about it. OR it could be that hes a pro and knows damn well what happens when banks get a choke-hold on a commodity (another thing he doesnt trade under any circumstances)

gates is very different, but in both cases, i think its more or less something they never even thought about (why get involved in a high risk meme if ur already a billionaire? its literal suicide. just buy non-muni bonds and get tax free coupons). and i also dont think that they need to accept money in order to push anyones agenda for them. theyre kinda their own men via being literal billionaires.

i dont think theyre wrong, nor do i think its a misdirection.

i DO think the banks will pull the P&D again at SOME point, but i DONT think it will be soon. theres a lot more than just me and the people ITT that are talking about this

>> No.9919291

Anon you're overthinking this. Bubbles exist since long before jews were sophisticated enough to control them. It takes a huge amount of resources, also, to manipulate the market, and you could get shit on by roger ver or other unknown big holder at any time while trying.

My point is
>The tech is there
>Tech is overhyped
>Normies come in hordes because muh new paradigm
>Early adopters cash out
>Normies get burnt
>Market stabilizes
>New wave of normies come along
>The engine is restarted, hopefully with more caution and slower
It's happened to dow, dotcom, oil, and hopefully crypto is next.

>> No.9919297

The sole reason for the existence of Bitcoin et. al. is so that the bizonacci videos could be created.

>> No.9919312

Ver isnt out manuvering bank traders, anon. He just holds.

>> No.9919339


Buffett warned not to buy bitcoin in 2014 though.

>> No.9919352


I don't know man it looks like regular bubble to me.

>> No.9919354

i believe it.
it's a shame this kind of discussion isn't more front and center.
i remember (https://twitter.com/Super_Crypto)) from a while back. should have listened.
i know i've personally stopped putting money in. at least until we really REALLY capitulate.

>> No.9919392

Why don't we all just do the same thing?

>> No.9919394

listen, i dont mean to come off as rude, im putting out my advice and yall can think about it, but you guys have very little experience with dealing with how banks trade, and even less exp with how they trade commodities. especially unregulated ones like crypto.

either way m8, read the rest of my posts ITT. there is a significant amount of circumstantial evidence that all ties into this theory.

>Bubbles exist since long before jews were sophisticated enough to control them
no shit. doesnt change the fact that it can be easily controlled and manipulated. you can create bubbles out of thin air by just passing the shares back and forth between you and a couple buddies. you see this in OTC memes all the time if you watch lv2/1. just because they are a natural occurrence from human psych, doesnt mean that they cant also be artificial and/or controlled

>New wave of normies come along
they already did this w robinhood app see >>9919215
its gonna be a while before anyone wants in again

>It's happened to dow, dotcom, oil, and hopefully crypto is next.
the reason i know ANY of this is because of my time trading oil. watch WTI futures. youll see what i mean. its practically the same chart. and its arguable even MORE controlled than crypto (theres more players tho)

like i said, i dont think buffett ever even looked into it. the dude doesnt use a commputer. he just reads financials and looks into his crystal ball
>I don't know man it looks like regular bubble to me.
then youre either retarded, or not reading what im typing. that chart has to do with the timing of the launch of RH crypto app. a time when stocks were having the worst time in YEARS. they got a chance to get in and buy some and make 10%. its been literally all downside since then


>> No.9919404

Funny thing is Rock Token (RKT) is unironically the best sleeper buy right now. check the order book, shits poised to explode.

>> No.9919405

*Shrug* well that's my personal stance. If we can all be decentralized 4chan anon, then why not share, right?

>> No.9919406
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I get that, what I mean is that unless they got in well before 1k and this is all a major ruse, they couldnt be behind all the manipulation. Some dudes have 100k btc lying around, you get that? It's too much of a liability. These all-powerful banking guys you're describing work on tight leashes and cannot make any mistakes. Investing 30 million planning to reap a bart on normies and getting your plans shit on by some neckbeard that mined bitcoin with his pentium V in 2010 is a real spooky possibility.
Traders are just fishermen casting nets on schools of retail fish, and a whale can very easily tip them over. This market has some huge whales, many of them are anonymous with unknown agendas. I'll bet you my virgin asshole that very few bank traders are putting serious money into crypto

>> No.9919421

And desu I don't think most people actually realize the sort of fucking gold some posters make. Rock Token is a good example.

Seriously guys. If you have the funds, making women like this isn't difficult.

>> No.9919422

Good posts. The futures was obvious but youre the first to point out robinhood timing.
I assume they have some ad deal with 4chan seen as how they sponsor the SMG threads?

>> No.9919435
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Alright m8 your thoughts are well explained, thanks for the time you put into them. I just dont think the banks are the ones behind the action here unless they got in very early, which I doubt. The exchanges though, that's a different story. But it would still be in their best interest to keep crypto on the rise, whilst multiplying the profits on each bump.

>> No.9919478

i dont think you are understanding the leverage these banks receive my dude. nor the size of the teams and the level of organization that goes into this. and youre certainly not aware of the difference between big name buy-and-hold investors like ver, and the real sharks in some of these banks and hedgefunds.

>I assume they have some ad deal with 4chan seen as how they sponsor the SMG threads?
nah i dont think its anything THAT insiduous. RH is unironically good for beginners and buy and hold memesters as theres no commissions. just dont mix that up with no slippage. citadel is grabbing 1 penny out of every one of your shares (as well as everyone elses).

most banks got in after the run to 8k im pretty sure. but who do you think has been stealing all the shares from the normies who were killing themselves? and who do you think has been eating the whales (these are the guys im CERTAIN were the deciding factor for banks getting involved (hence why they only became interested after the new billionaires were created). new money smells like fresh meat to them)?

>But it would still be in their best interest to keep crypto on the rise, whilst multiplying the profits on each bump.
they will probably do that as well at some point in the next 1-5yrs, im not denying that. but the money they can make off of derivatives ON crypto dwarfs that. especially if they control the underlying. and then theres no need to hold any share in a risky asset class like crypto.

the interesting thing will be what will happen when even MORE banks get involved. after everyone else is LIQ'd itll just be them trying to smash each other like it is now on oil

>> No.9919506

most of /smg/ hates RH and damn near everyone in it will tell you to get a real broker if youre serious. couldnt say for sure though as i havent audited 4chan in a while kek

>> No.9919540

Yeah. It is easy to manufacture any female/opinion combo, except I could provide it.

Exclusive people enjoy being exclusive/excluded.

>> No.9919796
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*shrug* if money is the only conversation the world won't lockup, then call Me the Piano Tuner.

I tailor your submissive to your exacting specifications.

>> No.9919815

How do you square the fact that of satoshi is alive he could wreck everyone's arses for miles and miles? Big risk factor.
What's wrong with you? Are you in the wrong thread?

>> No.9919829

No. This is the natural progression of service offerings. 4chan is its own economy. People are idiots to not actually try it for once.

I have a decentralized opinion about everything. I don't care what sort of submissive you want, describe it and I will provide it.

There will be a fee but you will get exactly what you put down on paper, and if you aren't happy, I'll make another one for someone else willing to buy.

*shrug* humans are cheap.

>> No.9919865
File: 177 KB, 1080x1053, DELET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you square the fact that of satoshi is alive he could wreck everyone's arses for miles and miles? Big risk factor.
i dont even consider it because the banks wouldve never gotten involved if they thought that that was even a possibility

fuck off to fucking reddit already

>> No.9919889

Yeah, I'm bullying for 'your' attention-sphere dude. What else would I care about if not your fucking opinion? What else is there in life if not that shit? I'm just someone that is fine with layering the turds of humanity however any idiot with a bank account wants it described.

>> No.9919896

>implying satoshi isn't the shadow govt

>> No.9919917

Why do we even act as if humans are smart enough to respond to intelligent agents acting right in front of their fucking faces? For fucks sake they can't hold ANYTHING or ANYONE accountable. See: Trump.

The fuck you guys think is gonna happen? Seriously, everyone flys as blind as everyone else. I'm just sitting here waiting until you guys are ready to throw some resources at an actually interesting conversation.

>> No.9919933
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"Acceptance" was unironically kino

>> No.9919936

>What's wrong with you? Are you in the wrong thread?
its either a confused bot, or a december buyer who has literally lost their fucking mind

i saw some funny business on some spread charts, and noticed some dates. thought id let anon know, and see what he had to say. dont listen to fucking any of this if you dont want idgaf.
you sound like a fucking loon anon. talk to a doctor, youre hardly making any sense

>I'm just sitting here waiting until you guys are ready to throw some resources at an actually interesting conversation.
then go to a different board then m8
were talking about crypto

>> No.9919944

*Shrug* sure, I don't care if wojack is at my orgy. There's a reason why I have a 'stable' to ease some people into the new narrative.

You replied to me, twice. You guys aren't actually talking about crypto. You are talking about 'how to aggregate resources', which means it is prime real estate for other peoples perspective. I'll just make an economy off the back of this interaction. It is literally whoever controls the narrative, controls the conversations that people 'wish' they were having instead of those they 'have' to have because they either think it or they were told they weren't allowed.

I'm saying, "Gloves off."

>> No.9919957

Protip: If your fucking sanity is so easily bullied, then at least pool resources together with the guy that is willing to actually give people what they write about.

>> No.9920005
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>> No.9920013

It's called an announcement, or offering of services.

Humans really don't care about sex trafficking, they just want to be happy participants.

I'm offering that 'translation' service. Bluntly.

>> No.9920032

>I'm saying, "Gloves off."
i get the feeling youre derailing this for some reason and that whole bit kinda sounds like a threat desu

whats your deal?
ill have you know that im not even currently trading crypto right now, so everyone should take absolutely everything i say with a grain of salt

>> No.9920058

Don't care, I would happily take you as a client. This is how a marketplace arises. I've been telling my DNM friends for years that people don't know any fucking different and SILK_ROAD_2.0 may as well be 4chan.

All these presumptions that 'the law' is going to give a fuck with billions of stories a day of how any authority structure is full of shit.

It's pay to play and really all these 'morality' arguments people keep throwing up as if they have ever stopped an economic decision on ANY scale are stupid.

I don't care if you touch kids. I have a daughter, and I still don't give a shit. Asian traditions are die hard 'sell to the person you are talking to, make them part of dynasty.'

It's like you guys don't know how many Chinese eyes read this board and don't actually participate, but easily could if they were given the freedom.

>> No.9920076

Okay, do you guys even fucking know that all major crypto nodes are held by Chinese? The reason you guys are even having a conversation is because China gifts the English speaking world a place to actually make MONEY off you guys having a difference of opinion.

In Chinese you guys would be called 'rice'.

>> No.9920151
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>> No.9920210

lol well i dont wanna fug kids m8, so youre gonna have to look elsewhere for a client.

>It's pay to play and really
i certainly do not disagree w you there

>all these 'morality' arguments people keep throwing up as if they have ever stopped an economic decision on ANY scale are stupid
not trying to stop anything here lad. just tryin to think about how the market has changed for crypto. ive been out of it and hadnt looked in a while. noticed the timing of some things and posted it

>Asian traditions are die hard 'sell to the person you are talking to, make them part of dynasty.'
i may not be speaking for everyone else, but i thoroughly respect all of the asian cultures. anything with a history that old is something worth looking into imo

>It's like you guys don't know how many Chinese eyes read this board and don't actually participate, but easily could if they were given the freedom.
i actually do and i wish yall were here desu. i think itd be fun. like when the australians showed up and terrorized us all.

>Okay, do you guys even fucking know that all major crypto nodes are held by Chinese?
i did

>In Chinese you guys would be called 'rice'.
lol yea we all got our names for each other here
dont take it to personal desu

you too anon

>> No.9920224

Then prepared to get bullied out of my perspective. I said I was offering a service, if you are only so limited in your creative capacity to simply go 'duuuh i wun fk kdz' then how could you even be a client?

And this is a general lesson for others that are just lurking. China doesn't give a fuck about your perspective.

The fact is we have enough spare women to BUY the opinion of all your financial-driven-perspectives with pussy alone.

Tired of conversational weaklings.

>> No.9920309

>I said I was offering a service, if you are only so limited in your creative capacity to simply go 'duuuh i wun fk kdz' then how could you even be a client?
lol i was just kidding with ya m8
i think were just running up against a bit of a language barrier is all. we almost NEVER get to interact with any chinese on this site for obvious reasons.
and the only press you guys get on this site is dipshit stormfront /pol/acks bitching about how "the chinks this, the chinks that", when in reality, due to the language barrier and the literal firewall between us, we have no goddamn clue what you guys are like bcause youre hardly ever allowed to post here
>China doesn't give a fuck about your perspective.
kek and that seems to be why yall are making a lot of money, unlike the west, which is floundering. like i said, i respect it a hell of a lot more than i detest it. i suppose thats the unpopular opinion on this site tho
>The fact is we have enough spare women to BUY the opinion of all your financial-driven-perspectives with pussy alone
i noticed the big guys already dumped the US markets and are over in yours, so you might be able to save the women for a later deal.
shit has been going wild in the chinese markets lately, meanwhile US is pretty flaccid looking, which is why im pretty sure the US is getting exit scammed softly right now.

whats your take on that?

>> No.9920335

See? Join the asian side and just fuck the west to death. You guys must know that asian morals will be the new world police order, and asian morals allow for whatever the fuck you want.

Respect. Your. Dynasty.

U.S.A. is getting exit scammed, yes. The debt of consumer is all that culture generates. It doesn't know any better so eventually there will become a tipping point of language for us all.

When China backs a fucking coin, it backs a fucking coin.

NKN. Cellular automata. Respect your elders.

>> No.9920342

As a late 20s, I see kids using that term all the time now.

>> No.9920352


>> No.9920379

>Join the asian side and just fuck the west to death
hey, im going where the money is. its a simple as that. im trying to be a trader, not an ideologue.
>asian morals allow for whatever the fuck you want.
sounds comfy
>eventually there will become a tipping point of language for us all.
i think im picking up what youre putting down here. US treasury dump when? i know you guys have been threatening it for a while
>Respect your elders
kek, were not even related tho

>> No.9920389

Doesn't matter. Chinese dynasty is about inheritance and the quicker perspective that snaps up opportunity.

That is why billions of us, not so many white people.

>> No.9920453

>Chinese dynasty is about inheritance and the quicker perspective that snaps up opportunity.
this line pretty much explains the whole mistranslation between our countries, i believe

>That is why billions of us, not so many white people.

but its important to remember how were literally in completely different parts of our countries economic existences though. the fact that your country hasnt been developed, in the modern sense, with a flourishing economy as you have now, for NEARLY as long as many modern western nations (discounting ancient history here). as such, you guys havent hit the point where population growth pulls back yet. it will happen, but it might be in 50-100 years. do you know about the experiment "mouse utopia"? this is what happens when it gets too ez-mode for a countries population for too long.
>see: whats happened to japan
heres a hooktube link if you cant stream youtube in china

>> No.9920476

You are describing the west to itself with that statement.

China is just watching because America is so willing to have its citizens become fools over any argument.

All you care about is children though, and whether or not they care about their elders.

>> No.9920494

Translation: Buy Vechain

>> No.9920517

If you want. The entire NEO blockchain is what the communist party is funding to replace social distribution.

Your culture has such a strong gender divide that we can use porn to sway opinion of female away from male: https://rarbg.to/torrent/4gvp32s

Whichever gender has the most money to move the greatest conversation, dictates battle. For China that is man of family, for the west it is... *shrug*

Plenty of Chinese people still fuck their elders, some happily and some not. Make little difference for argument.

>> No.9920525

Buffett is a scammer. He does reinsurance scams. He was bankrupt without the govt TARP bailout

>> No.9920529

>You are describing the west to itself with that statement.
yeah thats why i like it
its part of that language thing thats so very different. your language is so dense, you end up with these nice little economical statements that are heavier than just the words. its somewhat off-putting when translated though sometimes, and they dont always work the same
>China is just watching because America is so willing to have its citizens become fools over any argument.
i know. people buy the political bait hook line and sinker. it the new bread and circus. all theyre doing is bitching at each other and not doing ANYTHING about ANYTHING.
its pretty frustrating being not retarded over here desu
>All you care about is children though
naw i hate kids. theyre a drag

didnt know that

>> No.9920538

you got any good ancient chinese memes worth reading? ive read the tao te ching. whats some others? i feel itd be helpful to understand your market a little more

>> No.9920559

Children are more than just 'biological offspring', they are words that whisper fortune isolated from other dynasties.

Send your best story teller.

I present the wager.

Best Chinese Meme? How to make a future-proof economy that also caters to kiddy-diddlers because cultural dynastic heritage rules trump morals/ethics from anyone's perspective.

>> No.9920610

>Send your best story teller.
well id need a lift

>How to make a future-proof economy that also caters to kiddy-diddlers because cultural dynastic heritage rules trump morals/ethics from anyone's perspective.
then you guys are making the same mistake that the west did ages ago. you will be an echo of this place 100 years down the line. unable to run from the fact, in your old age, that you caused the eventual destruction of not only your dynasty, but your entire peoples dynasty.

theres no working "with" those freaks. only "for"

>> No.9920706

Proud of you, granddaughter. Show them how China tell story to westerner.

>> No.9920835

lol thx pops i will

>> No.9920956

Next time thank grandfather for the load. Reminds him that he is honored.

>> No.9921022
File: 102 KB, 640x405, D8B04F88-D118-4CE2-A7F4-F48A4E4BD466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9921036

This tells the amount of newfags on /biz/, absolutely disgusting.
Between this, the lack of knowledge about classic 4chan pasta, the reddit spacing, people not getting london jokes, and that other fag yesterday who didn't know what a bong was.

The December bullrun was our Eternal September.
Rip in peace.