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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 600x300, compound-interest-formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
991299 No.991299 [Reply] [Original]

hello biz
lets talk about compound interest
whats the best way to earn it?
success stories?

>> No.991305


Holy shit

>> No.991316

lol. someone made a legitimate thread asking whether he should technical or fundamental...

>> No.991319

By having a hooknose and earning it the Yid way

>> No.991321

Yeah I'm fucking done dude.

I didn't realize all of the people I was actually discussing business with were still in highschool.

>> No.991340

step off the ledge bro

>> No.991345

i am a financial noob who just started having some money to invest.
have very little knowledge of how to best make money work for me.
want to hear the best ways that compound interest can be acquired

>> No.991348

>These are the kinds of people I am discussing economics with

Wow it suddenly makes a whole lot more sense why it's hard to discuss anything here.

>> No.991351

sorry i am not biz proficient. here to learn and discuss from wise ones posting here

>> No.991352


Dude you are just a crabby old fuck. Didnt I just see you in that wolf of wall street thread? You're too old dude. Fucking leave. You said it. No one here is your age. Go to bed pee paw

>> No.991354

You do realize you're on 4chan, right?

>> No.991357

you should start your own thread if there are some pressing matters you would like to talk about

>> No.991363


Don't apologize to that old faggot. He fucked up his investments so suddenly he's too smart for everyone because he's "been there, traded that". We're the next generation. Dont stop asking questions and keep trying to figure it out because there's gonna be HUNDREDS of sour old fucks WAITING to take their bitterness out and call you an underaged faggot

>> No.991365

I put $5000 in the bank as an emergency fund. It grows at 2.7%pa.
But holy shit, how underage are you?

>> No.991366


Old enough to fuck your bitch

>> No.991370

my money in bank is giving me a few pennies in savings...not worth it
what bank are you with?
is 26 underage

>> No.991392

I'm getting 5% on my CD in New Zealand ;)

>> No.991407

Australia, Bankwest.

>Doesn't know how to get compound interest

>> No.991505


>> No.991507

What exactly is the connection between not knowing about compound interest rates and being underage? I think I'm missing something here

>> No.991541

damn nz got it made!

>> No.991543

whats the best option for compound interest in us of a

>> No.991718

Put it into savings account it will giv u a lot

>> No.991729
File: 939 KB, 500x211, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compund interest (7th wonder of the world according to einstein) does not work in stock market as people think it does. it's actually a nice little scam. they give you a calculator showing a annual 8-9 percent return compounding, however that's far from reality. your compound interest quickly resets to zero as the stock market falls. even 10-15% annual decrease will destroy your long term compounding quite effectively, not to mention the 30-40% drops we have at the market quite often.

>> No.992607

what about dividend yielding stocks?
would seems like thats a nice hedge against market downturn while still giving you compound interest.
am i correct in my assessment?