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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9912529 No.9912529 [Reply] [Original]

Who /no panic iron hands/ here?

>> No.9912553

My hands are tied to the boat, should it sink I will go down too

>> No.9912586
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These hands have gone through so much anguish my forearms are made of diamond. I've lost so much money a piece of me almost enjoys it. I will never sell

>> No.9912761
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Heaven or hell. Glory or death. 1 trillion marketcap or 0.

>> No.9912977
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Cost-averaging down, feels meh

>> No.9912999

I’m beyond feelings now.

Holding giant bags of empty nothingness

>> No.9913026

Once you've lived through enough dips and crashes you know this is the way she goes. Up and down, no use in getting emotional and panic. It's not like we're trading with money we can't afford to lose right, RIGHT?

>fucking way she goes.

>> No.9913029
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I've already sold my soul to the dark powers for wealth. My fate is sealed and tied to Link. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.9913034

This. HODL gang till death

>> No.9913046
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The poor person's mentality in action.

>> No.9913071

time is an illusion
i have already made it

>> No.9913076

Sorry, only people who have more than $50 in crypto can post in this thread.

>> No.9913084

Nice I made the cut with my 51 buckaroos.

>> No.9913093

All of these

If you sell now it’s because you’re either broke or you don’t understand what you bought in the first place

>> No.9913101

Afraid not. Taxes my chum.

>> No.9913120

>paying taxes on crypto, what am I, american?

>> No.9913131

Got in just before 20k bull.
Didn't sell.
Later sell off my initial plus a thousand or so.
I've got .41btc, and I'm just going to sit on that bullshit until I can deposit it directly into my bank account. I.e. 10 years from now.

>> No.9913135

The longer it stays down, the longer I've got to accumulate. The one advantage of being a wagecuck.

>> No.9913141

I bought with the expectation it goes either way. It went up, now it's gone down. Just waiting for the wave to bring it back up again - crypto isn't going away. Just be patient, don't panic and hodl.