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9911660 No.9911660 [Reply] [Original]

Are we still early adopters?

>> No.9911668

Nope, and dont let bizlets convince you otherwise, they all have big bags.

>> No.9911680

Laggards now. Late majority was in april/may

>> No.9911695

Absolutely not, most of the large projects have huge marketcaps and their mainnet launched. The fact that Charlie Lee, a guy with connections at the big exchanges cashed out all his coins at ath in December should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.9911787

Don't listen to these faggots. There has hardly been adoption yet. All you've seen is trading on price speculation. How many real use cases have you seen in action? Think 10 years from now when actual use cases are the norm in different industries. Just because you've speculative bubble in December/January doesn't mean you've seen the end of crypto. You've probably seen the end to useless shitcoins being pumped for no reason. Choose projects wisely, anon.

>> No.9911789

Where is the adoption?

>> No.9911796

depends what coin you bought
if you bought BTC then no

>> No.9911832

There is no adoption and there never will be, normies find it too hard to figure out crypto.

>> No.9911861

Yes. I sat in on a panel discussion with the heads of the major hospitals in the US, the MS Informative guy, and the CIOs from blockchain startups in the healthcare sector.

They are still incubating and piloting. The real shocker was the audience questions who was compromised of spurgs like myself, mid level IT, HIMMs, Interop. People...literally some of the most idiotic questions like "what's the difference between btc and blockchain?" "Is Ethereum like money but makes decisions?" And "SQL is King" etc... This was last week. This does not mean to imply all shitcoins will moon again, just adoption / comprehension is probably 5% in the US.

I took the time to write this because I'm damn tired of the negative Nancy's trying to get people to sell. They all want you to sell...and are sadists. Don't be a victim of frequency bias.

>> No.9911985

yes, normies still unironically think it's a scam

>> No.9912031


Lol, some of you fags are seriously delusional.


These. If the goal is full global adoption then we're innovators. There's absolutely no fucking way in hell the worldwide adoption is over 2.5%.

>> No.9912050

We are most certainly early adopters

Maybe .03% of the world is in crypto

>> No.9912055

I'm not an adopter, I'm just a speculant, I never used cryptos for their purpose.

>> No.9912065

Bitcoin was on national news and top trend on Twitter in 2013 newfags

>> No.9912081

People don't realize that the ATH market cap is literally a drop in the ocean of the finance world. Sub trillion is NOTHING.

Normies have no idea yet. Fun fact: Internet development started in the 60's. Blockchain technology is still in it's baby steps

>> No.9912102

>0.03% of the world is in crypto
meanwhile crypto youtubers have 350k+ subscribers. nigga what the fuck are you smoking.

>> No.9912125

350k / 7 bil = 0,00005 that's 0,005 %

>> No.9912143

7.6 nillion people in the world.
350k people subscribe to a youtuber.
Less than 250,000 people have more than 15 bitcoin...
Yeah we are at max saturation..uh huh

>> No.9912152

are you retarded?
1. most people that watch youtube dont subscribe to channels
2. there are multiple channels

Hows this metric instead?
bitcoin was third most trending topic in 2017 according to google trends. coinbase was #1 trending app on the app store. Tron, ranked 10, has over 300k followers on twitter. katy perry painted her fucking nails with cryptocurrency logos.

>> No.9912153


god all ur posts are cringe.. bizraelis sure are delusional fucks.

bitcoin in 2017 shilled everyday in tv and media all over the world

> early adopters.

fuck off. and ur stupid argument of use cases is invalid. there are no use cases and there will never be.

mania happened because everybody wanted some money no one believes in useless scammy shitcoins.

>> No.9912169
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at one point, more people were searching for bitcoin than they were for trump. see pic/

>> No.9912174
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Lol remember the internet in 1994?

>> No.9912196

>what is adoption?

Attention and adoption are not the same.

>> No.9912205

Only 576,000 addresses World wide hold more than 1 bitcoin (including exchanges).
How many addresses in your wallet ?
Let's say everyone holds 5 addresses.
That's 155,194 Wallets with more than 1 bitcoin...
Global Adoption, uh huh.

>> No.9912210

Why do you have a religious belief that crypto will reach 60% adoption or whatever?

>> No.9912217
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we're almost half way in early adopters phase

>> No.9912226

>Let's say everyone holds 5 addresses.
Most people that bought hold their coins on exchanges like coinbase and are to retarded to figure out how to set up a bitcoin wallet. Your fucking delusional for thinking your an early adopter bro

>> No.9912240
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"That bitcoin thing sure seems to take off, let's see what google has to say about it. Wtf is a blockchain? Fuck this I'm out"
>t. normie who heard about bitcoin for the first time

You goddamn permabears are so retarded I can't even. How many people were like "what is the internet, nvm I don't care" in '95? You probably don't know because you were still a glimpse in the mailmans eyes you absolute fucking brainlet. By all means, go ahead and sell, I'm not done accumulating

>> No.9912279

Why do you believe that we have seen adoption because Bitcoin has been on national media and Twitter?

I believe that there will be more blockchain uses in the future. Even the DoD is starting to research how they may benefit from the tech. We are at the Prodigy bulletin board stage of the internet right now. Nobody at that time could imagine all of the uses for the internet that we have today, 3 decades later.

>> No.9912297


This is the Internet in 1994. 14 years after I people were messing around on BBS's with their 300 Baud modems on the Apple ][+ which was 3 years old by that time.

>> No.9912304


>> No.9912327

oh yeah..


a currency built like a ponzi so that in the future neckbeards and old silkroad users are the global elite and rule over the plebs who can barely afford 0.01 bitcoin.

are u fucking retarded?

>> No.9912328

>Why do you believe that we have seen adoption because Bitcoin has been on national media and Twitter?
I'm just saying you're a newfag and crypto has not been some secret underground thing for 6 years.
People know what it is but it's still not catching on, you assume it's because everyone is retarded except you.
>I believe that there will be more blockchain uses in the future. Even the DoD is starting to research how they may benefit from the tech.
They're not researching it as a currency retard. Blockchain usage =/= meme money going 1000x

>> No.9912484

No shit it hasn't been an underground secret for years, but because people know about it =/= adoption. Adoption is actual use by people and industry. A lot of people heard about the internet in its early stages. It was on the news. It was not a secret. Most in the US had heard of or even had some type of access to the internet by the millennium. Where has the internet grown to since then. At that time internet banking was just becoming a thing. However, it continued to grow as innovators found more ways to exploit the technology.

>They're not researching it as a currency retard. Blockchain usage =/= meme money going 1000x

Not sure where I said anything about adoption as currency. I'm speaking of blockchain tech. Your reading comprehension needs work.

People interested in crypto, especially on /biz/, live in a crypto echo chamber. When you visit /biz/, all you see is discussion of crypto. When you go to YouTube, you most likely watch some videos related to crypto. You very likely follow crypto related accounts on Twitter. Guess how many people don't browse /biz/, have never watched a crypto video on YouTube, don't even know of any crypto accounts on Twitter, and don't subscribe to any crypto related subreddits?

>> No.9912507

People here seem to be conflating media attention with actual adoption.

Media is all over it, but a majority of normies are still out of the loop or not touching it. I'd consider "early adoption" phase is for another couple of years at least.

>> No.9912511

For crypto in some macro sense, possibly not.
For individual projects that are still in development, possibly yes.

>> No.9912523
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we are in the chasm

>> No.9912524

>but because people know about it =/= adoption
People know what it is but it's still not catching on, you assume it's because everyone is retarded except you.
also see >>9912210 again
>Not sure where I said anything about adoption as currency. I'm speaking of blockchain tech.
Then why even mention it in a thread about cryptocurrency adoption and price

>> No.9912567

Ffs, I'm trying to say blockchain tech is not catching on and being adopted yet because its still in its early stages. New uses are still being developed and many have not even been imagined yet. Its not about crypto "investors", media attention, or any of that. We are talking about adoption. Also, when did OP ask specifically about currency adoption?

>> No.9912581

Truthfully, it's over. We have reached peak saturation. Anyone who is smart enough to get involved in crypto already is. Normies will never figure it out. They're incapable of it. That's why mass adoption can never happen.

They can't understand hashes and private keys and masternodes and shit. Ever.

>> No.9912589

>There is no adoption and there never will be, normies find it too hard to figure out crypto.
This. Normies are incapable of understanding it no matter what. Like an ant can not understand quantum physics.

>> No.9912598

Well it depends, if you get 1000 ETC now while normies have no idea how to buy it and then dump on coinbase you're an early adopter taking advantage of normie newbies. More and more tokens will come out that norms dont have access to and by the time they do we will dump on them

>> No.9912605

>I'm trying to say blockchain tech
Then why even mention it in a thread about cryptocurrency adoption and price
>when did OP ask specifically about currency adoption?
When he posted on the board specifically dedicated to it, instead of /g/

>> No.9912636

That is not how global adoption works. I will try to explain it in a way that brainlets can understand:
Lets say that Argentina currency keeps plummeting. A few smart brown people start going all in into BTC, increasing its price and using it for all transactions.
Since BTC is better than the local fiat, they prosper, and other people in Argentina, with the same problems, decide to do the same. A few loca brown entrepreneurs create new ways to facilitate the transition, and escape government monopoly. Meanwhile, BTC price is increasing (higher demand). But how the brownies are getting BTC in the first place? A few fat neckbeards are selling their stacks to buy onaholes and waifupillows, containing the price a bit.
Many people in Venezuela take advantage of the technology developed in Argentina, and just say fuck it as they also go all into BTC (it is easier to do so now after Argentina created all those tools). The price spike, triggering some speculation, but since you already have two countries using the currency, not only accumulating like morons, it is not explosive growth.
More people holding have incentives to sell their stacks, since BTC is spreading through all Latin America, and Africa and some places in Asia are copying them - USA, UE and places like that are still behind because their money is not as shitty as money in those places.
BTC price is steadily increasing when compared to other currencies, but that has more to do with the fact that the dollar and the euro are losing value, since you now have two billion people using BTC for their daily affair - at this point, the vastly majority of holders already sold their shit because that is just human nature.
In order to keep trading with those markets, people in countries with lower adoption will be forced to get some BTC, again increasing the value, but as in every step, reducing concentration. There will be a few people left with huge stacks of BTC, but they will be unable to move it fast.

>> No.9912658

And why they will be unable to move it fast?
For the same reason that when Portugal and Spain dumped a shit load of gold into Europe the gold price sharply decreased, there was so much of it flooding the markets that inflation skyrocketed - and no one that actually held BTC for two decades or so will be open to such losses.

>> No.9912660
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>> No.9912678

you are braindead if you think we are not still in the innovator phase.

POW and DLT has only been around since 2009

If anything i still think meme money is stupid unless its a privacy coin specifically Monero.
But the real innovation will come with trustless smart contracts for B2B and B2C payments.
Along with the automation of these payments.
Along with the thousands of possible uses for these that most havnt even been thought of yet.

But ignore that think about the time scale here.
Unlike your tiny ADHD brain us big cock chads realize that time is going to keep moving on and before you know it where will all this shit be in the year 2030?
we do not know. 2050? 2070?

it will make the days of 2017-2018 seem like nothing and you will look back at yourself and see that shit was just getting started.

>> No.9912687

Is this bait now? Do you think everyone one of the shitcoins posted about in this shithole are designed to replace fiat?

>> No.9912707


The discussion is literally exactly like it used to be with the internet.


Current richfags (like the Winklevoss twins) would still get to the 1%. There would be a couple of lucky neckbeards/druglords in there too but who cares really? Satoshi's premine is big enough that it might become a problem though. IMO he kinda ruined bitcoin with that.




Mass adoption will only happen when normies don't have to understand shit in order to be able to use it. There's a lot to improve when it comes to usability.

>> No.9912754

see >>9912210 again teenagerspacer

again, this is /biz/ not /g/. The technology or purpose of a coin is irrelevant.

>> No.9912765

just a thought, im german, and today, this happened to me

today, i went to a volunteer firefighters training session. i said that, if i ever hit it big, and get rich, id start a restaurant where hot sexy young girls (18 and above) serve you molecular foods made entirely from themselves, harvested from their bodies. i had mentioned bitcoin a couple of times at work, and a colleague at the department went

"well, you do own some bitcoin, dont you?"

i knew this wasnt ,meant to be a conversation - it was meant to be a sting. he said "its nice to talk about bitcoin when you read news like 'bitcoin exchange hacked in south korea'"

he kept smirking at me

and i dont know how to feel. on the one hand, sure im salty my bitcoin value in usd is down. on the other hand, it just seems sad to be a grown man that refuses to assume that there might be something deeper to bitcoin than making quick money (he is 33 year sold and studies administration studies, so he is probbaly scared of blockchain withoout knowing why, haha)

>> No.9912785

yeah. they will be using crypto without knowing, though. with nice accounts and a market place and games and social media, and all that shit. theyll be able to use all major fiat currencies, and some crypto, initially. soon, they will all move to crypto because nobody, not even normies, wants to be holding tether

it will be the gamification of the worlds financial markets and people will lose satoshi without even realizing it because they will hold onto shiny coins that some rapper endorsed

>> No.9912793

Normies have no earthly idea how cell phones or email work either. They don’t need to know, it just needs to become easy enough that an illiterate retard can use it.

>> No.9912799

well, bitcoin is more interesting, isnt it?

>> No.9912810

same was said for smart phones

>> No.9913074


>i knew this wasnt ,meant to be a conversation - it was meant to be a sting. he said "its nice to talk about bitcoin when you read news like 'bitcoin exchange hacked in south korea'"

A lot of people are angry they didn't get into bitcoin early and literally want it to fail now so they could end up "being right" in the end instead of admitting they made a huge fucking colossal mistake not getting into it early. I kinda understand though since I got into bitcoin last year after researching it I've felt almost suicidal every day for not getting in earlier. It's been almost a year now and I still can't get over it either. Some days I still feel like I can't breath when I think about it. It's way easier to just hate on it.

>> No.9913116

dudebro, thanks, i needed this. a soul in a similar situation. when eos was released on kraken i had the change to load up on it. for some fucked up reason, i didnt. now im buying at these prices. what. the. fucking. fuckfuck.

craaawling iiiin my skiiin

one shot at making it without much effort and i blew it

unless there is another chance haha

>> No.9913166





0.0028 BITCOIN EACH ($17 current price)


>> No.9913173


The misuse of the normal curve bothers me more than anything else about this image.

>> No.9913183
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Im not relying on this shit taking off.
I just find the tech interesting.
Your pessimism makes me think you are projecting and resembles an angsty teen.
It makes sense considering how underdeveloped your brain is, and combined with your limited time on this earth you dont understand how much development can happen if a few decades.
Again its all if it works out which i think is completely possible.
Anyway if it doesn't and my 20k i have invested now drops to 0 I will not care since i only invested 1500 in the first place.

This actually gives me a chance to unironically say
stay poor mate.

>> No.9913248

What are you talking about it is def catching on, hella people getting in. What you call “ not catching on” is just that most people don’t have a reason to invest in coins.
1) people will get coins when they become the best way to do something
2) it’s gonna take a while

>> No.9913299

>I just find the tech interesting.
see bottom >>9912524, teenagerspacer

>most people don’t have a reason to invest in coins
That's exactly what I meant (except you confused the words speculate and invest).
>people will get coins when they become the best way to do something
see >>9912210

>> No.9913304

It's like the internet in 1995. Everyone knew what it was, but not everyone had access.

Everyone has heard of Bitcoin, fewer have heard of ETH. And the vast majority of people don't know a single coin outside the top 5.

The biggest hurdles remaining are custody, ease of use, and access. Main street isn't using Binance to buy shitcoins, they don't want to be in charge of their own keys, and they need easier wallets.

>> No.9913336

Because of the improvements in efficiency. People may use it for payments and transfers without ever knowing it. This does not mean every shit coin will moon or that BTC goes to 1m. It just means that eventually every asset in the world will be tokenized.

Bonds, oil, real estate, money, everything.

>> No.9913357

We are still innovators

>> No.9913366

Bitcoin had a job, it failed and normies saw with their own eyes how stupid slow and shitty using btc was.

>> No.9913398

>Media is all over it, but a majority of normies are still out of the loop or not touching it.


>> No.9913531

Which is why we're still early

>> No.9913551

>improvements in efficiency
>every asset in the world will be tokenized
so basically your understanding of crypto comes from blog posts on medium

>> No.9913552

The internet used to be hard to use too. So was setting up a computer. Now it's easy. It's almost like technology advances.

We're playing with the bare bones of crypto. Normies wouldn't use the internet if you had to route your own traffic. And soon enough wallets and custodial solutions will make it far simpler.

>> No.9913564

Compared to? It was still light years ahead of my ACH transfer. Again, I'm not saying BTC will see adoption, but Blockchain will.

>> No.9913798

No one is going to use blockchain a database is far more efficient. Ethereum prices it’s self out of an actual usecase right now. We are right before early majority.

>> No.9913908

>Hows this metric instead?
Its your metric!
>meanwhile crypto youtubers have 350k+ subscribers. nigga what the fuck are you smoking.
+ Do math

>> No.9914150

Just wow lmao..

>> No.9914206

and many of us were on BBS's since 1979
and moved onto Minitel and Lynx in 1992..
Lookup Lynx.
Crypto hasn't even started to take off.

>> No.9914386

If mass adoption ever becomes a thing yes, otherwise no. Early adopters were when bitcoin was like a dollar

>> No.9914391

There have been no adoption

>> No.9914400


Google trends is manipulated.
Search anything on Google and check the top 10 results. Google has become a sheeple normie retard selected information spoon feeding.

>> No.9914441

OP never said anything in his post about adoption or price. The thread is about this stage of adoption.
But it seems that is the only thing besides ad homonym that you use as a an argument.
You are talking in circles which, at least in my mind, devalidates your argument/lack of argument.

>> No.9914469


NO, we are NOT EARLY ADOPTERS. The early ones were the ones who bought BTC pre 2016.

At this point, BLOCKCHAIN IS A MEME. Yes it is a fucking meme. All those stupid posts about it being the new internet is just plain wrong.

In the next 1-2 years, we will see if blockchain actually has potential. So we are now in the development phase. That is why the hype died and there is no price movement except for major hyped projects like EOS.

IF Blockchain is utilized and more prevalent where your everyday person uses crypto, then YES we are early.

IF it is NOT, then NO we were not early.

Currently as it stands, crypto is harder to use for normies and less efficient. Right now, it is USELESS.

Sure BTC can be used as a store of value across countries, but that's it.

In the US where WE are the ones pumping this market, we don't NEED crypto. Our dollar is the strongest currency in the world.

So again, 1-2 years will determine what this whole thing was.

>> No.9914539

People in crypto tend to grossly overestimate the size of the market, and the actual interest outside of our circlejerk.
The truth is, we are tiny. Fucking flea sized. And the adoption? What adoption?
Normies heard about "bitcoins", sure. But have no interest/skills to buy in and their eyes glaze over as soon as you try to explain the simplest features like "what is blockchain". I tried a few times to describe how to get on the markets via Coinbase. As soon as I got to the point "and then you create a wallet on your desktop" it was over. I didn't even get to the point of sending coins to another exchange.

>> No.9914809
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are on TV guys, it's over.

>> No.9914839
File: 3.80 MB, 1453x9999, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies matter
>BTC is an unconfiscable store of value, "that's it"
>Our dollar is the strongest currency in the world.

>> No.9914875

no one wants your bags, whale faggot. This is your comeuppance for squeezing the hope out of the market with your greed

>> No.9914925
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>> No.9915072 [DELETED] 

I can’t beleive any of you retards thing crypto is anywhere close to mainstream. If your argument is “it’s not useful, never will be, too hard to use, and always will be, this it won’t catch on more than it has,” ok. But that’s a separate argument from trying to say that cause it’s on tv anyone buying shit now is late. For prob 90% of the US, ESPECIALLY AS YOU MOVE TO OLDER AND OLDER AGE BRACKETS WHERE PEOPLE TEND TO HAVE MORE WEALTH to spend on investments/internet money, the most exposure is merely having heard of Bitcoin, and nothing else. Not even “blockchain.” Are 23-year-olds already this much more retarded than 12 years ago when I was 23? Get out and meet more people. NO ONE knows what this shit is. Yes, it might never catch on and be useful to a significant % of people, but “normies” barely know what Bitcoin is. People over 40 barely even post on the internet. I want to kms after reading some of these posts.

>> No.9915118

I can’t beleive any of you retards think crypto is anywhere close to mainstream. If your argument is “it’s not useful, never will be, too hard to use, and always will be, this it won’t catch on more than it has,” ok. But that’s a separate argument from trying to say that cause it’s on tv anyone buying shit now is late. For prob 90% of the US, ESPECIALLY AS YOU MOVE TO OLDER AND OLDER AGE BRACKETS WHERE PEOPLE TEND TO HAVE MORE WEALTH to spend on investments/internet money, the exposure is merely having heard of Bitcoin, if even, and nothing else. Not even “blockchain.” Are 23-year-olds already this much more retarded than 12 years ago when I was 23? Get out and meet more people. NO ONE knows what this shit is. Yes, it might never catch on and be useful to a significant % of people, but “normies” barely know what Bitcoin is. People over 40 barely even post on the internet. I want to kms after reading some of these posts.

>> No.9915162
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Glad I sold pretty much everything in December and invested it all in something more solid.
When you greedy faggot whales are desperate to sell your heavy bags for huge losses, let me know.

>> No.9915231
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nice LARP

>> No.9915284

offer still stands.

>> No.9915362

you're all late - deal with it

>> No.9915574

Son I literally squealed like a fucking swine from this image, god bless your little soul ahaha

>> No.9915597

This. You are actually retarded if you think this isn't the first sell off.

>> No.9915599

you are absolutely clueless as to how this market works

>> No.9915601

You are delusional if you think “neckbeards” and silk road drug lords haven’t sold when bitcoin hit like a 1000 or whatever. It is now more and more owned by walls street, those that own anything anyways