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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9909779 No.9909779 [Reply] [Original]

>creates asset bubble of ridiculous student loans undischargable by bankrupcty orders of magnitudes more damaging to the health of the economy than the housing bubble
>somehow thinks they aren't going to get economically btfo by chinks 20 years from now

>> No.9909795

>student loans undischargable by bankrupcty
nice meme, you can declare bankruptcy on virtually anything.

>> No.9909798

Burgers will deal with it how they always have, by devaluing the dollar and effectively defaulting on parts of their debt. Tariffs are part of that game.

>> No.9909810

you literally can't though

>> No.9909831

nah they'll just print more dollars just as they did in 2008 (devaluing the currency ofc)

>> No.9909946

Fighting increasing student loans by inflating the currency is fighting a burning dumpster by literally burning down the neighbourhood and salting the ground.

>> No.9909952

That's why burgs need to hedge by accumulating assets not tied to USD

>> No.9909975

Boomers. Always boomers.

>> No.9910979

Tarfis do the opposite, they deflate the dollar.

>> No.9911029
File: 417 KB, 815x1200, 1524513328544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not student loans owned by the government