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9907491 No.9907491 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have 1 million USD tax free deposited into your bank account, and a free 1k USD per month deposited in your bank account (keeps up with inflation) or a 10/10 legal loli KHV gf that will do anything you want, and will never leave you and loves you no matter what?

>> No.9907506

Give me the money

>> No.9907517


>> No.9907527

>that will do anything you want

>> No.9907529

that's 12k per year anon... in 50 years you get 600k adjusted with inflation, anon...

>> No.9907543


>> No.9907544


oh hi fbi fren

>> No.9907635

Assuming this is a magical scenario and the loli is never aging, the loli.

Makes best financial sense. Since she will never leave me and always loves me, pimping her out would be easy.

Now this loli is legal so there are no child sex crimes happening and since she loves me, she would never rat me out so no chances of pimping charges.

Since she is a 10/10 she would easily be a high class call girl which can make 1k/night easily. Given the fact that she is a loli, you can cater to the perv crowd. I would guess 2k/night would be easy, probably could do 5k if you have her do fetish stuff.

Assuming you pimp her out 5 days a week so she gets some rest and can stay healthy we'll say 10k/wk on the low side.

$520k/yr easily. Down side being that this money will be dirty where I currently live (illegal) so I would have locate her in a place where it is legal. Lets just assume I'm going to lose 30% for taxes or laundering. Still leaves me with 400k/yr. I'm up over the 1 mill inside of 3 years. If she stays hot, you're loaded for life. If not you still get a good 5 years at a premium rate and then just discount as age sets in.

>> No.9907678

Not a pedo... So the money.