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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9902210 No.9902210 [Reply] [Original]

>Dumps from a local high of $9900 without really any brakes until low $7000s
>Bleeds, then goes sideways, for two weeks
>Dumps to low $6000s
>FINALLY has the tiniest of relief pumps to $6700
>Resumes bleeding

Can someone PLEASE tell me where the bottom is? What does this market need to start recovering? The SEC news did almost nothing for us.

>> No.9902229

>What does this market need to start recovering?
more buyers than sellers

>> No.9902270

I thought sec fud was the entire reason for the bear market. Very disappointed that it seems nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9902277

someone lighten me up on "more buyers than sellers" - like isn't it like every time someone sells, someone else buys it? xD seems so dumb. i dont get it.

>> No.9902351

bottom eh, uhm lets see.. i see a big circle, wait there are many of them, something like.. $0.007 yes! thats what i see!

>> No.9902355

It's better to say the demand is higher than the supply at the current level. Your statement is correct.

>> No.9902362

>what is supply and demand
we kindergarden now

>> No.9902405

protip: news is entirely irrelevant to the price of btc. btc didnt drop because that korean exchange got hacked, and it didnt go up because sec news. people just write these news stories correlating the two because they're fucking retarded.

the bottom is definitely not higher than 2-3k, and possibly lower than 1k.

>> No.9902424
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Bitcoin is nothing more than the greatest sucker's rally of all time. Anyone who isn't already 100x their initial investment is basically doomed to lose everything right now. You will bleed and suffer. Bitcoin is more likely to drop below $1000 than it is to every be a 5-digit number again. Just count your losses and pull out. It's over, anon, we missed the boat. You're delusional if you still think there's a chance of making it.

>> No.9902427

I doubt BTC ever recovers if it hits triple digits. 96-97% down from ATH will forever scare normies away.

>> No.9902473

If you're so confident, please short btc and get rekt.

This shit is hilarious, when the entire world is screaming that it's over, that's a strong signal we're headed for another bull run. The markets tend to go the opposite of the general sentiment

>> No.9902490

yea we could have a multi year bear market, but its impossible to kill btc so eventually it should recover.

>> No.9902599

this thread is a good buy signal.. when all the idiots are sad and beaten and they whine about its over.. its starting to look good.. may need to squeeze a few more people out but a good sign.

>> No.9902616

crypto wont go up until the Jews get their 25% share

>> No.9902744

Unless the currency wars lead the usd to devalue significantly. The only way bitcoin will reach a million usd is if a burger at mcd costs like 10 usd

>> No.9902776

The bottom is 6500. We may briefly go below that, but 6500 has been repeatedly PROVEN to be the true bottom.

If you're not buying now you're an idiot. You can sell again at 9500 for 50% profit in just a few weeks time. That's smart investing.

>> No.9903091
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>Pump it

>> No.9903112

Can we bet on this? Bitcoin going below 6500 before it goes to 9500?

>> No.9903125
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Someone is dumping hard at resistance. So I guess whenever they run out of money.
Which is never, because they're shorting the entire time.

>> No.9903149

i'm betting against you.

>> No.9903152

Did you just unthaw from cryo Grandpa? Burgers at McDonald's are $5 USD so I guess BTC should be $500,000 right now.

>> No.9903163

>Basic economics 101

>> No.9903165

it already did

>> No.9903179

there isn't actually anyone buying/selling

99.9% of volume is wash trading done by exchanges

>> No.9903223

I want to bet on a forecast, not on a recollection.

>> No.9903282

Does anyone else think this shit is going to have another bull run soon?

>> No.9903363

bet on that there will be an ath that beats the previous ath by 5 times at least. pretty sure bet.

>> No.9903403

People get into crypto to get rich quick, not the technology. They're actually losing money. You can expect the price to go back to what it was this time last year at the very most as people decide to flee.

>> No.9903794

I just want permabulls to understand that not every day is the perfect time to accumulate and the day the market turns may not be tomorrow. Then we'll see who's the actual bull that wants to own BTC some decades down the line.

>> No.9903896
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It's true

>> No.9904074

because people/the market are less willing to buy BTC for current price, but will pay for price slightly less (more makers than takers, people that don't mind buying for less than the current market rate. when there are more takers than makers then that is when price goes up [and can cause fomo])

4 spliffs down over here

>> No.9904115

In 5 years, BTC encryption will be broken.

>> No.9904124

You're gambling, pure and simple. You're not going to win all the time.

>> No.9904142


Only when it's below this line

>> No.9904194
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I always pegged BTC and being 10x ETH. I'd say 5,000 is probably fair.

>> No.9904239

Does this chart account for inflation?

>> No.9904249
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>> No.9904432

Goddamn you really have to be spoonfed like baby.
The amount of people wanting to sell is higher than people willing to buy bags.
When rectal bleeding ensues, the buyers pool shrinks and those wanting to get rid of toxic bags have to lower price ridiculously to get their orders filled
In the aftermath of apocalypse there are scores of bagholders unable to sell to anyone.

>> No.9904466
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mulriple from starting level

>> No.9904604

nah, btc addresses are quantum proof and with good wallet practice (default by most clients) you never expose a public key to be broken for any significant time.