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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 11 KB, 262x192, chainlink fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9898553 No.9898553 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Linkies, back with more and better FUD. Original thread: http://warosu.org/biz/thread/S9852599

> Is there any idea how they can prevent reputation farming? Let's say I make a node providing the air temperature in some god forsaken hellhole. I make non-stop requests for this temperature, and even though the network is decentralized I'm a 100% sure I'll get a response from my own node. Hence, I could boost my node's reputation to unseen limits.

The answer we got was:
>Allowing for multiple reputation providers is one way to prevent reputation farming. For example, if you've given yourself a bunch of requests on one reputation provider, that doesn't carry over to another provider which may be highly regarded for valuable smart contracts. However, I can see the concern of someone giving themselves requests that only they can fulfill on the targeted provider. If the requests for data come entirely from on-chain, this would be fairly easy to detect by an on-chain security service, or anyone wishing to validate the history of a node's requests. If the requests are coming from off-chain (like if the reputation provider has an oracle marketplace), it would be up to the reputation provider to take action if there is something malicious going on. [rest of the answer is left out because not relevant anymore]

Here comes the FUD:
This system of reputation providers having the responsibility of filtering out potential reputation farmers and the user having to pick a certain reputation provider means that trustlessness is lost, once again. Chainlink is meant to remove the trust in a centralized oracle, but replaces it with trust in a centralized reputation provider. I don't even have to reputation farm, I just pay off the reputation provider or hack their website to boost my node, ensuring I get all the good API requests and reap in tons of payments from the best paying smart contracts.

>> No.9898808

>by an on-chain security service
WTF!? So now we need a centralized security service? LOL.

>Chainlink is meant to remove the trust in a centralized oracle, but replaces it with trust in a centralized reputation provider
Why does everything with Chainlink sound like it's just kicking the can down the road?

>> No.9898828

Because a bunch of pajeets where impressed by hearing big words in the audio version of the whitepaper that they claim to have read.

>> No.9898856

some pretty indepth FUD you got there anon. you could have just simplified it to


>> No.9898869

No one even understands wtf you’re talking about.

$1k EOY

>> No.9898884 [DELETED] 

There's a theoretical model drawn up by OpenBazaar in which "reputation" farming or Sybil attacks would be extremely costly. I wish any crypto would implement it but it would be a gargantuan task to build a system around it.

> https://gist.github.com/dionyziz/e3b296861175e0ebea4b

>> No.9898888
File: 14 KB, 236x324, Putin-it-Sovietly-Don't-Be-Hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that they claim to have read.

>> No.9898891
File: 346 KB, 2000x1055, 1528539649999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fud is shit and so are you. not fucking selling

>> No.9898906

Checked and keked

>> No.9898910

rank 1000 eoy

>> No.9898921
File: 28 KB, 515x476, ThumbsUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon I was quoting wrote the joke, I was just acknowledging it. Wish I had of used my quads for good, but thanks none-the-less.

>> No.9898933
File: 56 KB, 1200x805, 12311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is done guys

>> No.9898945

Anons number is very pretty too.

>> No.9898958
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1505849836610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As true now as it was when this meme had been created in september

>> No.9898983

1. every time you pay your own node for accurate data provided yoh have to pay a fee to the ethereum network for the transaction essentially invalidating repution you farmed because you would be paying for that reputation.

2. One way the repuation system could work and i don't know if the team is doing this but if you had a node that was good at successfully providing temperature data in some god forsaken hellhole that would not mean your node would be good at providing windspeed data for new york city so your node should not be rewarded in repuation in one data type if you have only ever provided a different data type. What this would mean is that reputation farmed in a data type noone cares about would have little to zero influence on another popular data type.

Also consider that that are many factora that determibe a node's reputation, not just # of accurate data deliveries to requests and that reputation gained from one reputation factor has diminishing returns.

>> No.9899037

Kind of a decent answer.

Here's your reward:


>> No.9899059

>1. every time you pay your own node for accurate data provided yoh have to pay a fee to the ethereum network for the transaction essentially invalidating repution you farmed because you would be paying for that reputation.
Besides, if you chose your own node as an api data provider, when it fetched the data it would not improve the reputation of your node for other works. You know, since you chose your own node, you don't care about the reputation. See vornth posts on reddit.

>> No.9899259

The only people who can understand your fud are people who already understand link. And people who understand link know your fudding. Wrong audience.

>> No.9899324

>omfg Chainlink can't even guarantee source data accuracy or node reputation legitimacy!!!!

Brainlets, the lot of you.

>> No.9899343

you can make a chainlink smartcontract based watchdog or consortium of watchdogs, in layers

>> No.9899493


>> No.9900087

Chainlink doesnt work like that stop trying to fud
Dont sell link guys im litterally looking at a stack of 3 mill shen we hit 1000$ per year

>> No.9900122

I dont get it doesnt chainlink just pull decentralized data from a blockchain? This is stupid doesnt make sense pajjet go back home and eat some curry and fuck off. chainlink will be worth lots i just know it. Link potcoin and ambrosus will be worth hundreds each end of this year.

>> No.9900147

Rory actually answered this question in the slack channel. I would have to dig to find the answer, but it sounds like they have thought of it and have a solution to this exact problem.

>> No.9900272

Have they ever said anything about IntellectEU?

Seems awefully similar to Chainlink (chaincode), has working product in beta and also presented at Sibos and this year's Consensus.

>> No.9900441

It's over