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File: 29 KB, 144x149, 0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9898398 No.9898398 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most talked-about coin I've fucking seen. So it's just a btc copy/simulation on ethereum?

Why are people buying the shit out of it, why is it up 1000x and apparently growing more?

Why hasn't it literally dumped back to zero?

Does it have future growth potential?

>> No.9898410

No this is just a pump and dump shitcoin don't buy it and definitely don't think for yourself

>> No.9898417

>up 1000x

at $70 it would have gone 1000x

>> No.9898421
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>> No.9898427

>No this is just a pump and dump shitcoin

That's what people keep saying, but I look at the charts and the way it grows and falls and grows again looks organic as fuck, and very "healthy". Compared to charts of shitcoins from an ICO which pump in suspicious chad-step ways and then dump back to nothing, forever.

I am tempted, but am scared of lowcaps generally. It seems too good to be true.

>> No.9898453

Sounds like you already made up your mind

>> No.9898459


I want to be convinced otherwise, I don't trust myself. I want some proper FUD but there just isn't any. The only risk seems to be BTC going to shit (which is possible) but that affects any coin.

>> No.9898477

What are the use-cases for it?

>> No.9898480

the whole coin reeks of scamcoin dude.
I didn't even have to do any research.
0xBTC. r u srs?

just the name and you know it will be gone in 6 to 12 months.

>> No.9898484

>What are the use-cases for it?

I think use case is a meme, no crypto has a use case. I think it's all speculation, brand and hype, desu.

>> No.9898490

>So is this legit?

no its a scamcoin that is being flood hilled in the catalogue and washtraded ready to dump and you OP need a bullet between the eyes

>> No.9898492

stfu nigger faggot

>> No.9898498

kys, stuff your scamcoin up your arse and hop off

>> No.9898503

>What are the use-cases for it?
scamming idiots

>> No.9898509

>organic as fuck

Organically coinciding with times /biz/ got flooded with threads about it.

>> No.9898512


The fud is strong with this one

>> No.9898515

>Organically coinciding with times /biz/ got flooded with threads about it.

Yea, the shills are definitely working on this. But that doesn't make it a bad thing in itself.

>> No.9898523

well since most people agree it is a simulation, and if you take the the rise to 4.5$ to beb jan 2017, then whateveer will happen next will be a future simulation of the coming year. So if 0xbtc turns to 10-100$ in 2.4 months, then at that point you should put all your money in other crypto as well, since its asimulation

>> No.9898528

>if you take the the rise to 4.5$ to beb jan 2017

It think it's more like much earlier desu

>> No.9898529

>well since most people agree you are a cunt

>> No.9898530

It's a shit coin. Company paid for shillers on 4chan. All these posts are transparent as fuck.

>> No.9898543


kek, is there a company behind it? It's just some nerd's contract, I thought

>> No.9898546

They're all shit coins lol. "Uuurggg what's the coin do?" For everyone they do the same thing. You transfer them from one wallet to another. THAT'S IT!!!!

>> No.9898557

Nice deflection. This coin in particular does nothing. It only benefits miners. That's why they keep trying to sell you the coin.

>> No.9898568

>This coin in particular does nothing. It only benefits miners. That's why they keep trying to sell you the coin.

That applies to every currency coin out there. Also, other coins literally do nothing.

Let's first accept that they're all speculative shitcoins, and then think why this has been so astronomically successful so far, and if there's any reason that will change?

As far as I can see, most shitcoins pump up to bullshit news events, and then die. This has no news events, no real milestones - nothing - but it is still mooning repeatedly and expanding all the time.

>> No.9898570
File: 23 KB, 399x284, earlyadopter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the fudders in this thread (including me) are shillers in disguise. When the FUD becomes so retarded it's a buy signal. Is this post a buy signal? It's pretty retarded.

>> No.9898572

>This coin in particular does nothing. It only benefits miners.
I'm sensing that people have become so conditioned to ICO's they have forgotten how Coin economics work.

>> No.9898575
File: 8 KB, 225x225, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in legit blockchain projects that are building the infrastructure for the future. Find the next NEO, ETH, etc.

Pic related.

>> No.9898879

What coin od that?

>> No.9898907

Tomo. Yet another shitchain infrastructure project that hasn't amounted to much and prob never will.

>> No.9899077

0xbitcoin has a definite future. its actually what bitcoin should have been, truly satoshi's vision fully realized.

>> No.9900014

Kys. Shill faggot.

>> No.9900023

That's a bit extreme, but everyone seems pretty sure it will 10x etc. Self-fulfilling prophecy?

>> No.9900057

This is the best comment in the whole thread

>> No.9900060

Your shilling could not possibly be more obvious.

>> No.9900085

If you really want to buy this literal crap useless shit that is hyped miners, just wait for a month. You'll be able to buy for 75% less of what it's worth right now

>> No.9900093
File: 64 KB, 512x210, S---coin.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9900110

You've obviously decided to buy it so go ahead, put in a little, get burned and learn your lesson.

>> No.9900829

The only people that got burned are those that sold high and bought low. Learn to trade or even hodl and you'll be rewarded.

>> No.9900859

Let's see... a coin that has no utility, no use-case, no accepted anywhere, and is mined but the mining isn't productive. Sure looks like a great buy.

>> No.9901088

>Let's see... a coin that has no utility, no use-case, no accepted anywhere, and is mined but the mining isn't productive. Sure looks like a great buy.

Unironically seems to be. Have you looked at its price movements? People have got rich as fuck off this and continue to do so.

>> No.9901102

> the way it grows and falls and grows again looks organic as fuck, and very "healthy".
Unironically this
PoW + Bitcoin's economic model = Promised Moon

>> No.9901502

It's the first mineable Ethereum token (look up ERC-918 which is now an official part of Ethereum), its distribution is just like Bitcoin's and its price even resembles BTC in the early days but in fast-forward, transfer times are typically <1 minute and cheap compared to BTC, there was no premine, there's no devs to "exit scam" because it's an all-volunteer, community effort with talented people posting their own projects, the contract is finished and immutable so no "roadmap moon dates" BS... its growth is organic, there's no pumping or dumping and the discord/reddit have every indication of (gasp) actual legitimacy... it's getting listed on exchanges at a stupidly fast pace, dApps/games are adding it, even Decentraland(MANA) are apparently interested. It even rode out the recent dip in BTC, ETH, etc. and held a steady exchange rate with ETH the whole time. Little guys are mining, big guys are mining, there's lots of solid, reputable pools with good rates and dependable payouts/good support, there's new software coming out supporting it literally every week, better miners keep being developed, websites can barely even keep up to date with how fast the community and its work is evolving... ignorant people here keep posting hollow FUD that never bears out once you DYOR. There's just so much good about it that it practically sells itself

>> No.9901518

it's Can'tStayOutOfUnrelatedThreadsCoin (CSOUTcoin)

>> No.9901550

boy howdy can I complain, but I just haven't got any legitimate complaints for this token. I'm not even playing

>> No.9901617

There's no company, something you'd know if you did even the tiniest bit of research

>> No.9901645

valid point , except that simulations typically stop running at a defined point but this token follows the initial guiding design of BTC while going forward on its own. It's not bound by BTC's limitations as we've seen so far

>> No.9901791

it is literally a ponzi but that can be said about most coins. if you don't have any qualms with buying into a blatant ponzi scheme be sure to keep a close eye on it because there is a 100% chance it will cease to exist 12 months from now.

>> No.9901859
File: 59 KB, 602x690, 1480456860153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% chance it will cease to exist 12 months
Stop being retarded on purpose

>> No.9902459

most legit thing in crypto right now, literally

>> No.9902500

hop on their discord. the community is very friendly and the creator and devs are very active. the discord link is in the community drop down tab of their website https://0xbitcoin.org/

>> No.9902515

New exchange today as well.

>> No.9902554

Friendly discord community is literally the biggest contra-indicator in crypto.

>> No.9902582

> 100% chance it will cease to exist 12 months from now.
the worst fud I've ever seen
once it's on the blockchain then it's there forever until the death of ethereum

>> No.9902626

>0xbtc, holo, sky paid shills everywhere

Such pajeetery on this board the last weeks ... sad. I wonder if the paid shills in this thread think they have a shred of influence. If anything im pretty sure it has a negative effect when you see "organic" paid shills conversations, you know to not touch it with a 50ft pole.

>> No.9902676

>So is this legit?
>I don't think any cryptos are legit.

If that's what you think then why are you asking us? Just roll the dice.

>> No.9902745

>Such pajeetery on this board the last weeks
Lol the pageetry never stops. It's actually gotten better recently. Ambrosus and Jibrel were fucking unbearably until they shit the bed. At least the 0xwhatever shit is open about being blatant discord nonsense.

>> No.9902783

o fuck off

>> No.9902918

Really not sure how a completely uncontrolled and decentralized token has paid shill. Unlike other PoW pump n dump coins or scams 0xbtc literally cost the early solo miners and pool devs hundreds n probably thousands of $ in eth at this point minting and distributing tokens. So on top of that investment you're saying the devs are paying people to shill this shitboard? Just seems unlikely to me. Biz is a drop of water in the ocean. I will say this though, it seems pretty likely that some members of biz found 0xbtc and took it upon themselves to try and manipulate the project to their own benefit which is where all the spam threads come from. While it sucks and is annoying af it happens with every coin whether it's legit or not. Best comparison is probably Haven, xhv. Project was the victim of external manipulation that was out of devs control.

>> No.9903030
File: 96 KB, 744x960, 1528140679468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of you fucking pajeets.

>> No.9903181
File: 31 KB, 638x359, 01VCXIH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9903303

It's a speculative bet that if ethereum goes proof of stake it will need a 'currency', as ETH was never really supposed to be one. What better than a clone of BTC?