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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 282x179, 1527226873119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9897102 No.9897102 [Reply] [Original]

The Skycoin FUD by Holo is getting pathetic , you boomer hippies even fully map semantic trees, how do you expect it to work in the real world? Synth has already figured all this out and has a working product and working hardware. Not to mention your second ICO that is just going to dilute the supply even further.

>> No.9897124

Lol I love this shit. I know a fuck ton about networks from my job/education and this shit literally won't work. Watching all the shills disappear as the price has halved has been hilarious. Also looking at the weekly on binance gives me some nice lols. Its like watching the nano fags get wrecked. Not sure why I love watching idiots who buy things they don't understand get wrecked

>> No.9897175

So everyone is aware of why not to buy.
The only way this could be possible from a physical standpoint is if skycoin was developing state of the art antennas. Doesn't seem like this is on their radar though.
From a software standpoint theyd need to rent massive server farms to get fast enough routing. Its too slow to route information from different spots and combine it efficiently. People need to physically host. Is google gonna connect their server to skycoin lol
Also the 8 orange pis is absurd, like just could not stop laughing about that part. I think it was literally just because it looks cool

>> No.9897199

Signs you might be in a cult #23
Your group unanimously decides that an outside entity is working to bring you down, and you internalize this concept and make it part of your identity henceforth without question or hesitation.

>> No.9897208

It has already developed a faster TOR. Skywire is a success even without the fucking antennas.

>> No.9897246
File: 262 KB, 900x1247, holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Skycoin FUD by Holo

Why don't you remind us about that time when Synth had a mental breakdown over Holo whilst Arthur Brock wasn't even aware of Synth's existence or your meme project.
Or better yet, about that time when Synth admitted to stealing code from Holo.

The leve of cope on you skyfags is amazing. That 47% drop in 7 days really fucked with your mind and your bags.

>> No.9897250

You are actually defending an ERC20 lol

>> No.9897278

Sign you might in a cult #13
You and fellow group members believe that your cult has special or supernatural powers and you casually mention these powers to outsiders.

>> No.9897308

Sign you might be in a cult #2
The figurehead of your cult is enshrined as a saint or holy man of some sort, and his past accomplishments are accepted as factual despite being outlandish and impossible to verify.
2b - your cult figurehead has a special name that he created for himself and tells his followers to call him by

>> No.9897329

Sign you may be in a cult #8
In order to gain access to esoteric knowledge or gain "rank" within the group hierarchy, you are required to purchase unusually expensive items resources or are required to make a cash donation to the group.

>> No.9897354

The fud by Holo? Top kek OP

>> No.9897364

FYI they just had a pre-sale on Holofuel for like more than 10x cheaper than what Holotokens are trading for now.

>> No.9897386
File: 13 KB, 240x237, 1517674904765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I called Synth a marketing genius a few weeks back because he invented the perfect machine to milk money from neets for a long time by promising to deliver something impossible and keeping them hooked with "it's ok if it takes a long time, this is really difficult stuff". Now I realize this goes beyond marketing and its actually a religion. Your posts probably hit too close to home for many sky bagholders.

>> No.9897395

I’m the person you’re responding too
Wow! They made a VPN! Surely 100k eoy, new internet!
Do you even know what a fucking VPN is you fucking idiot? It’s just a fucking massive router essentially. I could throw together a raspberry pi VPN in 20 minutes and use it.

>> No.9897411

ya but normies are never going to throw together a raspberry pi VPN. this is providing options for autists to get involved. it is of obvious value and i plan on spending my gains on sex with your mom

>> No.9897419

This. Again as someone in the field of networking my brain is consistently blown by the utter fucking retardation of these faggots. I used to respond to everythread warning people. Now I just call them retards.

>> No.9897430

cant wait until the world decentralizes and people get farther in life based on merit and not who you know. but...you know...im sure you'll have a job 10 years from now...

>> No.9897432

What the literal fuck is wrong with you? Nobody needs to ‘throw together a VPN” what’s the fucking point of that? Just use nordvpn or some shit. Why the fuck do I need a stupid coin attached to it?
What the fuck do you mean “this is providing options for autists to get involved”? What fucking options? Are you mad?
You’re not going to make gains you fucking retard, you’re going to lose money because you have no idea what you’re investing in whatsoever.

>> No.9897439

yes. let the hate flow through you. so how many skyhours do you have?

>> No.9897440

Digital cults are a really great way to scam idiots out of millions. Crypto has some like Sky so do video game communities like Star Citizen.
Once people feel like they have been adopted into a tribe, they will do anything to feel like they are helping it succeed.

I'm this case Synth fellow specifically designed the community structure and participation standards with the intent of creating a protective tribe that he can exploit. Look no further than the most recent proprietary hardware reveal for simple evidence that this is the case.

>> No.9897452

I’m a software engineer you fucking idiot that’s why I know skycoin is retarded. No shit I’m going to have a job in 10 years. Your whole fucking get rich scheme and muh decentralization run on the assumption software will continue to improve exponentially. If you’re stupid enough to buy shit like this you will not have a job in 10 years as positions begin to get more competitive because of automation and decentralization.

>> No.9897456

Sign you may be in a cult #17
Your group invents special lingo and concepts to describe existing things. You use this special intra-group lingo when confronting outsiders, and it makes you feel empowered and superior when they react with confusion.

>> No.9897467

Why the fuck would I want to own skyhours? I’ve been posting non stop calling you guys fucking idiots.

Somebody refute me instead of “look how much imaginary worthless money my stupid ponzi gave me”

Ever fucking wonder why you get dividends for nothing? There’s no profit. How can a company pay out value with no profit? Why are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.9897468
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>> No.9897471
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1421678897254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love anons like you, desu. Many of these shit projects take advantage of neets not understanding certain industries and believing everything they are promised. The sad part is that when people with expertise in a certain industry try to explain it to them in a logical manner, they usually say it's FUD and call that person retarded. They don't realize that by doing this it disincentives that person from helping them in the future.
This is why I prefer Bitcointalk forum instead of this shithole. At least there people with credentials are actually listened and the debates can go on for days. In here, the highest level of conversation you can find is along the lines of:
"u brainlet"
"no u"
"no u"
"no u".

>> No.9897487 [DELETED] 

>bad attempt at same fagging
>knows fucktons about networks, has never heard of a meshnet before
>doesn't understand the need for redundancy when offering a service to lots of people

I could go on, choke on a dick you retard fuck

>> No.9897489

Thanks for the heads up anon. Il start browsing that forum for the discussion, and keep coming here to watch neets lose money in scams. I actually do hope people read my posts and avoid losing money.

>> No.9897514

lol our internet just got a fiery ginger kike elected president, but im sure there wont be multiple internets based around the idea of data being valuable in the future. im sure we wont integrate smart contracts into these data transfers, im sure wide open ledgers wont have any relevancy in the future i dont give a fuck what you have a degree in. i just graduated in economics. it means nothing. all of the information in the world is out there if you want to start looking. if i wanted to learn how to cross-stick a picture of baby jesus on your moms ass i could probably do it in a week "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh im in networking aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh software engineering aaaaaaaah i have autism aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" eat a bag of dicks poorfag

>> No.9897523


>> No.9897539

Nice Econ degree lol enjoy 60k a year brainlet. If you studied a useful degree you’d understand why the laws of physics restrict bandwidth over antennas too much to replace the copper that transmits your internet.

Econ degree fucking lmao why are you investing in tech heavy projects.

Oh because Econ degrees are a joke and only idiots study them

>> No.9897559 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 396x756, lmaostro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has never heard of exit nodes

Dude are you completely retarded? Are you astro by the way? You type like him, 5 posts a second and all those retarded non-arguments... Fuck you

>> No.9897576

Also the fact that you like trump proves how fucking retarded you are

>> No.9897578

your little cult list applies to everyone not sky specifically
>muh satoshi
>muh vitalik

>> No.9897581

lol ya im totally just your average econ student. no money in stocks all of my money in crypto. not afraid to admit it. what makes you think im about to go work for 60k a year busting my ass for crumbs off of the pie. i got an econ degree so that i could do literally anything. your just scared because you know that you hate your miserable wagecucked life. that why you are even in this space on the internet. you are looking for a way out.

>> No.9897596

i called him a fiery ginger kike. what about that makes you think i like him? with reading comprehension skills like that you'll go far.

>> No.9897604

>i got an econ degree so that i could do literally anything.
I guarante that I could get hired for any position you apply for over you

>> No.9897622

Also go project your feelings elsewhere
I’m here to call people who buy skycoin retarded not have some unrelated banter

>> No.9897628

thats where we differ. you are incapable of thinking for yourself. i wont ever apply for a position. you have to apply for a position because all you know how to do is what you are told. have fun working for other people your entire life.

>> No.9897629

Sign you may be in a cult #36
You have code-worded "enemies of the state" which serve as boogeyman and are brought up any time a new stranger questions the validity of your beliefs. IE: "you must be astro (the known boogeyman)" when somebody points out an obvious inconsistency or contradiction. The inability to accept that multiple independent actors can arrive at the same conclusion about your group is a hallmark of indoctrinated belief system.

>> No.9897630

You obviously like trump if you call him that, brainlet. I’ve been around here for years

>> No.9897638 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 1035x795, dylanasstro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Synth if you're out there, this is the guy who "doxxed" you

>> No.9897639

Yea whatever bro enjoy ‘working’ for yourself lol

>> No.9897649

lol shut up faggot. you're just here to buy the next dips like everyone else with half a brain. it doesnt take a software engineering degree to read a chart

>> No.9897660 [DELETED] 

I'm pegging you based on keywords, slips of the tongue, the observed modus operandi or your FUD group and similarity in memes etc

I've been fighting shills on the internet way longer than you have been one. You probably were still a console peasant when I started doing this shit

>> No.9897663

Sign you may be in a cult #10
Anybody who reveals the true identity or background of your mysterious group leader or upper echelon is labeled an enemy, and your group is encouraged by each other to hunt them down and harass them.

>> No.9897672

stinky feetcoiners

>> No.9897685 [DELETED] 

Nah, this faggot was doxxed weeks before you posted Synth's linked in profile. You will be hunted down by the IRS, once enough calls make it to the IRS and SEC regarding your little organized FUD campaigns.

>> No.9897695

never said i was working for myself. i said i just graduated. i just know how to bide my time and spend money. i dont need to drive through traffic, sit in an office, and eat cold lunch everday to make it in the world. dollar cost average in on the way down, and sell at literally any price point above where you bought in. and dont trust anybody that spends 25 hours a day in skycoin threads. they are either insane or have an agenda

>> No.9897745

There is no "fud group". There is no conspiracy against you or your shitcoin. The pushback you receive is the result of your shitcoin project being a blindingly obvious scam, and the poor and annoying behavior of your fellow skycoin cultists.

People don't like you because you relentlessly spam, whine, and attempt to start drama with other projects, despite your total irrelevancy.

It is that simple and that pathetic. You haven't called the sec, you haven't contacted the IRS. You haven't done anything, and you will continue to do nothing. The level of stupidity you have just demonstrated by suggesting that those agencies would be interested in shitcoin drama is blistering in its intensity. I actually feel bad for you.

>> No.9897779 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 633x640, interpidboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The level of stupidity you have just demonstrated by suggesting that those agencies would be interested in shitcoin drama is blistering in its intensity

Challenge accepted, I guess? Start stocking up on petrol jelly

>> No.9897891
File: 903 KB, 1025x899, JillianstartedwithPlato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nailed it, topkek. Skycoiners are easily the most deluded on /biz/.
>but these guys are the same people who made bitcoin!111

>> No.9897917

anyone have a link to a technical explanation as to why skycoin is a scam/vaporware?

>> No.9897944

There is none, it's just footfags making shit up out of thin air.

>> No.9897973

i never cared for skycoin really, but looking more into it i am pretty impressed they are actually doing something useful. Whether it gets used or not is the question, at this price right now it looks like a good buy.

>> No.9897975

according to these fake fud faggots skycoin is a scam because technolgy is done advancing. thats it people wrap it up. nothing to see here. back to the coal mines. better go get a degree in carpentry (which is unironically a good idea)

>> No.9898113

Do you Lolocucks not realise that Skywire (decentralized internet) is just one small part of the Skycoin ecosystem. There's a lot more to the platform than Skywire.

>> No.9898214
File: 21 KB, 1220x106, skyprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah a whole ecosystem whose economics are based on kittycash

>> No.9898219

What got me was the highly rated code. Its a top twenty project. They just seem like a scam due to the synth guy acting weird

>> No.9898253

It's not just a VPN though.
It's decentralized, it's encrypted and the coinhour system incentivises members to offer good hardware and network bandwidth.
It's a pretty big deal and you can run multiple blockchains on the same nodes.
This is actually a legit alternative to PoW as an incentivised decentralized network.

>> No.9898272

Traditional VPN services won't be good enough in the long run. They can be detected and shut down. It needs to be P2P

>> No.9898283
File: 278 KB, 640x640, 1524975533674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck would I want to own skyhours?
>Ever fucking wonder why you get dividends for nothing? There’s no profit. How can a company pay out value with no profit?

They're not dividends you fudfaggot. They're an inflationary adjunct currency that is rewarded for hoarding sky and they will be used for paying for services like the mesh net and tx fees, but also things like cloud storage, cloud computation or little pointless things like bullshit ingame micropayments, which all run on separate cloned sky blockchains though are 100% interoperable. Spend 0.000001oz of gold from metalicoin for a cryptokittie, or for an hr session on skywire, or for storing your favourite kiddie porn on you pedo shill fuck.

I'm not even posting this for you as i am under no delusions that a fuckhead such as you (were you not just LARPing as a network engineer to fud sky to buy cheap) would ever allow themselves to ever be educated on things they don't understand when they're all ready all in on disagreeing.

Sky renders most other crypto projects obsolete yet all this faggot can focus on is why their new internet won't work without offering a shred of legitimate criticism against it. The same fagging is obvious as fuck too.

Don't fall for this /biz/ practice your discernment, DYOR and just recognize the desperation of this damage controlling faggot.

>> No.9898312

>or for storing your favourite kiddie porn
unironically the only usecase of sky in the next years
hf with your lawsuits
your kiddynodes are not safe
source: me and jane

>> No.9898363

>not just whitelisting and getting testnet rewards
>actually buying skycoin

You guys aren't buying? Right?

>> No.9898404
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Skycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Skycoin and the kooky dev.

Skycoin was a reactionary project to fix the problems in bitcoin, and has been in development longer than any of these other shitcoins on the market. It was meant specifically to replace it. Skywire is only one app. Skycoin is what Satoshi envisioned, a true distributed ledger.

Here is a list of a few of the problems SKY had fixed in Bitcoin:
Elimination of the need for miners for network consensus through a new consensus algorithm.
Elimination of dependence on the human element in the network operation.
Duplicate Coinbase outputs
Signature malleability.
Reduction in complexity in implementation.
Dozens of other small security related improvements.
Elimination of external network dependencies that create security concerns.
51% attack proof and strengthening against various cryptographic attacks.
Simplified, more power data, transaction and wallet APIs.
Bainwallet, deterministic wallets as default.
Intrinsic support for gmaxwell CoinJoin transaction privacy protocol.
New networking protocols to enable the verification of the mathematical prerequisites for consensus network convergence.
Separation of coin creation from consensus network, to eliminate Bitcoin's tendencies towards mining centralization.
Directed bipartite TX/UTXO transaction graph structure which is more elegant and efficient than Bitcoin's multi-graph structure.
Provably upper bounded network, RAM and CPU resource usage for network operation
Soft coded, adjustable blockchain size parameter to enable network transaction rate scaling
Rolling unspent output state error correction coding in the block header for early detection of software/hardware non-determinism.
Blockchain/transaction/history storage database with constant time lookup, index-less operation for all major blockchain history queries.
We are even getting Sky hardware wallets.. Good stuff.

>> No.9898446

I bought too.

Link is a meme, join the Skycrew

>> No.9899020

>The only way this could be possible from a physical standpoint is if skycoin was developing state of the art antennas

I wonder if the Skycoin project had a hardware team...
Oh wait, they have! And they are doing boards, hardware wallets, routers and antennas! Does it means the whole thing is real and the most groundbreaking project in crypto instead of a scam? Oh boy oh boy

>> No.9899135

>The age is 2025
>I casually stroll down to the beach on a swool summer night
>The wind gives me a cool breeze and the sand is still warm from the day's baking sun.
>I stop and stare for a moment, watching the waves of the ocean meet the shore.
>I glance down to the sand to see it glistening with the stars.
>My mind gently takes my back to 2018 when I saw this Skycoin thread and people we're fussing and fighting about everything and nothing.
>I remember my anxiety and how I stood my ground, ''I will not let the astro-turfers and /biz/trolls get to me'' I said to myself.
>A deep inner peace caresses me and I can't help but smile, all the toiling and the hardships have made my journey.
>I am home.

>> No.9899178

>Thine Cloud reflects the peace of the skies
>My eyes glance upon you first, no other
>Now I wonder, could there ever have been another?
>I don't listen to others, no you taught me, think for thyself, those are the lessons you brought me.
>I fall to my knees and burst down in tears
>I conquered my will whereas before I had only fears.
>This is an ode made specially for you
>I hope it brings you joy it is the least I could do