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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9896966 No.9896966 [Reply] [Original]

>He missed out on Bitcoin
>He missed out on Ethereum
>He's missing out on EOS because of FUD on a mongolian basket weaving board

Main net: launched
EOS wallet: available
No-EOSers: suicidal
next stop: the moon

>> No.9896989

girls knew about eos before the boys did?
just sold 100k.

>> No.9896996

why do you hate money anon?

>> No.9897442

>implying your centralized shitcoin will be anywhere near as big as Bitcoin or Ethereum

>> No.9898112

Eos lumched from the 1/3 off the votes coming from an exchange to market flush all the shorts when btc started puping also 5/21 bs are scams sell know or get nanoed

>> No.9898420


One of the reasons I know EOS is a good investment is because discord pajeets *hate* it.

Watch: if you post a picture of your hand and it's white, I'll send you 0.1 ETH. Go on then rajesh

>> No.9898435

EOS shilled heavily

>> No.9898437

Where is the wallet

>> No.9898474
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You would save my day, freind

>> No.9898496


pay the twinkie boy faggot

>> No.9898525

I wouldn't send you funds just because of the way you write your R's. Disgusting.

>> No.9898550

desperately shilled at $20 - "mainnet will pump! $100 by june"
desperately shilled at $14 - "so what if it takes a couple weeks to launch mainnet. people will vote soon, everything is going as planned"
desperately shilled at $11
>You are here
bounce tied to the overall market - "we told you, no eosers btfo, $1000 eoy"
back to $10 - "simple correction, it's because bitcoin drags us down"
loom network dapps start getting popular, eos drops to $6 - "just wait until block.one use their 4 billion dollarinos to build killer apps on eos, you'll be sorry"
$4 - "dan will dump his eth stack anytime now, and we'll pump hard"
$2 - "what the fuck /biz/ you told me this would be $30 by october"
$1 - "i'm still up, i bought last year"
30 cents - "h-heh i can't believe /biz/ fell for our troll, n-nobody actually held eos"
5 cents - "the whole crypto market is manipulated bullshit. fuck you all. government needs to regulate this shit and throw you scammers in jail"

>> No.9898602


Different ID you dumb fuck. I'm talking about the pajeet with the bad grammar who has (((disappeared))).

>> No.9898612

this goy gets it

>> No.9898873

Oh come on send me some eth anyway

>> No.9898887

which wallet are you talking about OP?

>> No.9899008


Do you think I'm just giving out ETH to white boiiis? I was calling out the pajeet EOS fudder because I was confident there was 0% chance he was white hence I was risking nothing.

>> No.9899153


>> No.9899189

>muh bad gramar
Ps whiter that you faggot

>> No.9899235

>upset enough to reply
>but won't take 20s to post pic of hand and make anon look dumb
sorry pajeet, the correct play here was to shut up and pretend you didn't read the thread anymore
u fukin bitch basterd

>> No.9899313
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>> No.9899342
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This doesn't change the fact that it's so centralized it will be considered a security by the SEC.

But don't mind me, enjoy holding your useless vaporware tokens

>> No.9899348

awww sheeet. will op deliver?

>> No.9899358

Anyone can sign up and compete to become a block producer faggot. Also, ripple is at #3 spot and its almost infinitely more centralised than eos.

>> No.9899396

This doesn't change the fact that at any given time there will only be 21, faggot.

And good job, you realized ripple will also be fucked by regulators.

You have some thinking to do bud, enjoy.

>> No.9899417


Id rather hold NEO

Sorry bro.

>> No.9899434

>implying EOS holder have more than 0.1 ETH

>> No.9899500

>He thinks 3 is larger than 21

wew lad

>> No.9899751

Posting goblin girls to cope.

>EOS fags on suicide watch