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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9894032 No.9894032 [Reply] [Original]

>bearly up 20% from the bottom
did you sell yet? this is going straight to 0 when IBM's blockchain solution is adopted

>> No.9894073

A private blockchain solution is essentially the antithesis of what Ambrosus is doing..?

>> No.9894083

fuck off with your AMB spam.

>> No.9894090

Also, IBM is trash and using blockchain as an attempt to garner hype and save their miserable stock

>> No.9895098

Good I hope it stays down long enough until I can upgrade my node before main net launch. Almost there, just waiting on the next paycheck.

>> No.9895259


>> No.9895346

Companies want to use this as a marketing tool to say "look, our products are good". They unironically won't go with IBM. Nobody can see how IBMs solution works, it's developed in secret, so it can't be marketed to the public as trustworthy. AMB will do the same thing while being more open and allow companies to say, "hey look we are using this open source solution". Just because IBM is a big name you think AMB should be spooked, but IBM is just a jewchain.

>> No.9895505
File: 266 KB, 1280x1022, 1529031174180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. it's cheap but anything past a zeta is fucking expensive (to me anyway). I'm struggling about whether to sell some of my 120k req stack to get more AMB. I just barely have a Zeta but would love the next one up.

Is it worth it guys? Other than REQ I have a nice (sub 100k) COSS stack and a couple of cheap ass Payfair masternodes.

>> No.9895510

I see what you did there

>> No.9895545

Sell the Coss. That shit is never going anywhere. Binance and Bittrez fiat are the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.9895601

I think a zeta node is probably one of the strongest moves you can make from a risk/ reward perspective in all of crypto. Even if the payouts are a fraction of what's being projected you will have still got your investment back many times over. And no matter what the markets do you will still be getting paid the same amount since it's tied to USD.

>> No.9895746

how long til i can retire with my sigma node??

>> No.9895848


This desu. Although I would say Sigma nodes are the true god tier AMB nodes. If the projections are even 1/10th true you will be really well off in a year or two.


3 years. Much less if you choose to sell your node rather than just selling the profits from the node rewards.