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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9893234 No.9893234 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't buying SALT which is valued at $27 on their platform as a long play down the road

Retard alert

>> No.9893267

friend of mine bought 200 of these at a bit more than ten dollars a piece
feel the salty burn

>> No.9893273
File: 171 KB, 625x790, shrek cringe comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying NEXO

>> No.9893287

Lol I just picked up 1500 for less than what he paid for 200

>> No.9893313

shhh let them be poor.
They dont understand normies want instant loans without hassle.

>> No.9893317

Company isn't handing out loans or being communicative, why should I buy?

>> No.9893332

Not on binance=literally who

>> No.9893352

Look at this feeble attempt to pump this piece of shit. Why dont you arbitage ypur bags and get that $27 dollar per salt loan now? Oh ya, that's right they deny everybody. What a fucking joke.

>inb4 biz fud so buy

Ya good fucking luck Dumbass.

>> No.9893354

literally DYOR. NEXO is fresh out the gates and did a 4X after 2 weeks of ICO.
Due to the BTC bear you can almost get it at ICO prices right now.
They are the first token legitimately paying out dividends from company profits and their product is ingeniously normie friendly and already live.

>> No.9893360
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Its so stinky that even idex is delisting it

>> No.9893380

>As a long play down the road

How fucking retarded are you faggots

>> No.9893392

NEXO has steady 7m volume my brainlet friend and is vastly superior to over-complicated shitfest SALT

>> No.9893416


LOL the company is probably on the verge of being sued or shut down by the SEC and you talk "long play"

>> No.9893423
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>> No.9893444

Thats what they said last year when this literal piece of shit showed its fugly face. But thats why you like it right Patel? Its kinda shitty so it reminds you of home. Maybe one day you can get your own private loo in Delhi when it hits $27.

>> No.9893454

I’ve met their CEO at a conference. He literally could not explain why they do this except for “platform growth” yet they don’t accept any loan requests. Stay far away from this shit.

>> No.9893458
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The autism is strong in this one

>> No.9893470

SALT has 3m. DYOR. nobody is delisting NEXO

>> No.9893477

Coin is a straight up scam if you do 5 minutes of research
But that’s 4 minutes and 59 more seconds than you usually spend researching...so best of luck

>> No.9893498

Everyone has autism when you're fucking delusional. You probably did zero research before putting money in this piece of shit. If you got it for so cheap why not take out a loan at $27 per token? Its literally free money.

>> No.9893523
File: 494 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20180614_182519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got approved for a 50k loan today that I will pay with 2k worth of SALT

>> No.9893531



>> No.9893579


The only purpose of the company is to literally be a tax avoidance scheme, but I seriously doubt the IRS and SEC is going to let a bunch of crypto whales get off from cashing out millions tax-free.

>> No.9893907

I dumped my bags once the ath hit and started receding felt good making a few hundred.

>> No.9893953

What cope? There's no fucking proof.

>try harder