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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 800x491, Nasdaq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9892986 No.9892986 [Reply] [Original]

it really is 2000 all over again

>> No.9892996

Show the rest anon, eventually NASDAQ surpassed the 2000 levels

>> No.9893009

yeah and how many of the companies that existed at the time made it successfully to that point?

>> No.9893032

its 1995 all over again. we will be 10 trill+ when we are in 2000 area.

>> No.9893043

So what, you knew what you were getting into when you put money in a speculative bubble

No one likes a little bitch anon

>> No.9893061

i'm not complaining. i'm simply pointing out that 99% of this board is fucked believing in their little 2 man dev projects with nothing to show for it

>> No.9893077

Nobody likes an obnoxious bigot either. You sound like the type who would insult PoC.

Just fuck off.

>> No.9893094

We aren't delusional. We just know there's tens of millions of new suckers that will buy on the next bubblecycle.
It will crash and lives will be ruined but we are nowhere near the top.


>> No.9893098

I think you need to read his comment again. No one likes a little bitch anon

>> No.9893113

as a transgender brazilian I find your comment insulting

>> No.9893128

How am I being an obnoxious bigot you little bitch

I bet you re one of those idiots who thinks everyone deserves a medal. Goddamn scum

>> No.9893129

my opinion is we just hit the point where real use becomes a thing and it becomes obvious which projects deserve to die.
there are coins out there that actually have mega usage right now in the real world

>> No.9893133

so when are gonna see the 2010-x bull run?

>> No.9893145

1st sell off finished and we are climbing back up.

>> No.9893147

way after all these shitcoins die and legitimate use coins absorb all the money

>> No.9893151

this is the must reddit shit anyone can say on 4chan

>> No.9893157

yes. this is correct. once food prices start going up people won't have any disposable income. big changes to financial system coming thanks to global warming in the next 10 years.

>> No.9893166

just like 1995

>> No.9893196

nasdaq and dowchart prove you always should buy the dips

>> No.9893216

how do you wknow what the legitimate use coins are. amazon could have easy died out while pets.com could have lived on. thats why you should just broadly diversify in a iffy market.
Better yet.when the stock market was first introduced in the world in 1800s how many companies from then are still around today

>> No.9893231

because they're already being adopted and used in the real world by billion dollar businesses and solving actual problems

>> No.9893262

so sell bitcoin and buy ripple?

>> No.9893263

So what? That doesn't mean it will happen again.

>> No.9893286

you just showed how young you are

>> No.9893300

currency coins are miles off being a standard thing yet
try and get your grandma to maintain a crypto wallet to keep her savings in or whatever. not gonna happen until it gets severely simplified.

>> No.9893324

cool, what took years took us a few months. new ATH q1-q2 2019. Thanks for the bullish news

>> No.9893333

simplification is easy, that comes from hiring UX/UI designers. I guess the issue is much of the crypto world comes from linux world which doesnt see an issue typing 50 plus commands in a command prompt to do one thing.

>> No.9893339

yeah except how many made it through to reach the new ATH?

>> No.9893351
File: 34 KB, 686x394, nasdaq-history-chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current nasdaq chart, should be noted it took 10+ years to break even

>> No.9893362

nice quads

exactly, but as of now, if you mistype one character in an address, you lose your money with no insurance on it. i don't see how you get around that problem currently

>> No.9893379

should also be noted that from 2008-now the growth has been almost entirely illusory on the back of QE

>> No.9893383

im 98% certain many brazilians or argentinins would gladly sell you cows or cars for bitcoin
or real, or pesos, for that matter

>> No.9893414

Crypto will compress those 10 years into 3 years MAX.

>> No.9893431

great, but it ain't going anywhere if the rest of the world doesn't adopt it
nobody wants it as it currently is. nobody cares about muh decentralization unless it's just a nice perk of a new standard currency

>> No.9893479

That would make this the bottom you turbo nigger

>> No.9893489

if it gets more simple it will be too simple

>> No.9893494

so what's the crypto equivalent to apple, google and amazon?

>> No.9893519

yes and we are in 1998 right now

>> No.9893530

try telling that to people who don't even know how to google yet

who the fuck knows?
only sure thing you can go on is a project that has a real product that people or businesses are actually using or want

>> No.9893585

>if you mistype one character in an address
true...that is the biggest issue with crypto. not mention if you type the write character but send it to the wrong address.

crypto needs several things, address verfication and address summerization attaching addresses to something like an email address or something similar that doesnt require a long random set of letters

>> No.9893597

personally we arent in 1998 we are in the 1980s when Microsoft came out we havent reached 1990s yet.

>> No.9893709


I can name dozens that you make you a millionaire

>> No.9893719

be my guest anon

>> No.9893739

kill yourself faggot
watch from the side lines as the nasdaq hits 8k, 9k, 10k ect and not a thing you can do :)

>> No.9893749
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 1528753206042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can name dozens that you make you a millionaire
doesnt name any

>> No.9893750

not on the sidelines
but most likely everybody here is gonna get rekt

>> No.9893753

When the "Bubble meme chart" was relevant (back in December/January) Bitcoin followed it perfectly.
I made money following the chart, especially on that huge dead cat bounce.

>> No.9893770

These things do not easily equate to each other.

You didn't take into account we are only at sub 300 BILLION. That's literally chump change on the global scale. We are obviously still in speculation so the real bubble has yet to come. Crypto is a 24/7 global market that moves 5x faster and is still significantly smaller.

>> No.9893789

In all fairness, you do sound like quite the little bitch. Nobody likes that, anon.

>> No.9894064

hence why i said we are in the 80s not the late 90s. When we get the 90s 2000s of crypto you'll be seeing movie tv shows magazines of minting bitcoin millionares buying cars etc.

>> No.9895193

>doesnt mean it will happen again, but it's relevant before that!
fucking brainlets, this board is retarded
bitcoin is deflationary end of story learn 2 economics

>> No.9895204

>Show the rest anon, eventually NASDAQ surpassed the 2000 levels

after a decade

>> No.9895228

>global warming in the next 10 years.

you fucking drolling mass media formed retard. it was a new ice age in the 70s. fucking kys

>> No.9895240

>Crypto is a 24/7 global market that moves 5x faster and is still significantly smaller.

crypto is capitalism evolved.

>> No.9895246

2000 all over again, but at a faster pace.

>> No.9895249

Well, my name it is a number
It's on a piece of plastic film
And I've been growin' funny flowers
Outside on my little window sill

And don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all

You know, my wife still respects me
Even though I really misuse her
I am having an affair
With the Random computer

But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all

Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy. proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin'
Like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin'
Seeing all the things you'd done
Spacin' out and havin' fun

Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy. proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet
Oh mommy. proud of your sun

Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin'
Like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin'
Seeing all the things you'd done
Spacin' out and havin' fun

But, don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Understand me, u-understand me, u-understand me, now understand me
But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
But don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man, yeah, 2,000

>> No.9895252

You need to go back

>> No.9895264
File: 54 KB, 800x491, 1529015830981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9895403
File: 56 KB, 800x491, idealbtcspot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can agree with that.

>> No.9895489

Btc went from pennies to $20,000 for a single coin. Yeah, right. It's fucking over, dipshits. That was THE bubble.

>> No.9895652

Nope...the bubble starts when we hit 100k for 1BTC

>> No.9895709

>president of color
>prisoner of color
>pussy of color
>perpetrator of color
>policeman of color
>punk of color
>pajeet of color
>pink wojak of color
>prince of color
>person of color
>persons of color
>pimp of color
>prostitute of color
>princess of color
>protestant of color
>protester of color

You can do this with anything and it adds just a nice little ribbon of victimhood on top of any package of shit. I was only using words that start with "P" ffs. Check it out, double victim points:

The Jews really pulled a fast on here.

>> No.9895719
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 1507423476173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your put options stacked and ready. We're gonna short this bitch to the bottom boyz.

>> No.9895727

just remember to learn from the december/january bull run and fucking sell at least some of your shit when the real bubble comes...

we all gonna make it frens

>> No.9895900

That's why I think we'll all become middlemen.
Software will be written normies such that they don't even have to interact with the blockchain layer, while people like us can trade shit on the DEXes

>> No.9896408

when we said
we meant it

>> No.9896491

Doesn't even look like BTC right now, especially the middle part.

>> No.9897425

That took about 3 months from top to bottom in that circle.
It hasn't gone below 6k yet. Are you're saying bitcoin cycles take longer?

>> No.9897511

Poo of color?

>> No.9897527

My god you people are dumb. Theres no bears or bulls. Just jews waiting till they can get their share (((25%))) and then theyll run it up just to dump on the goyim. We arent moving past 8k till the SEC makes BTC Kosher.