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File: 33 KB, 500x750, virgins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9889964 No.9889964 [Reply] [Original]

>his gf/spouse didn't have partners before him
>he still thinks he's gonna make it
Some friendly business advice for you NEETs from someone who has fucked countless women and stopped fucking virgins altogether as a hard rule.
Virgins are a MEME. They are BAD at sex, and sex is important in a relationship. Do you really want to marry a woman who might legitimately never get good at sex? Some virgins will be fine after a while, some will always be bad. That's the gamble you take. Meanwhile, if you marry a woman who has fucked a few dudes and already proven herself, you don't have to waste your time training her and it's not a gamble. She comes packaged ready to fuck, and you will bust big loads instead of awkwardly feeling your way around some boobies while a girl who doesn't know how to ride a cock and has no rhythm completely destroys your libido until you are limp inside her because she is doing weird shit and bending your dick off.
Ever fucked a girl doggy style (don't answer yet even though you want to say "no", the question isn't done) and had her not have any idea how to position herself so that her ass is too high up or she just kind of sits there stiff instead of riding into your dick as you pump? Girls that fuck know how to pop that ass up so you see a big booty and a nice juicy wet pussy and your dick slides right in and, and then push back into your dick every time.
Also, buy BTC right now, the bull rally has begun.

>> No.9889998

>Ever fucked a girl doggy style (don't answer yet even though you want to say "no", the question isn't done) and had her not have any idea how to position herself so that her ass is too high up or she just kind of sits there stiff instead of riding into your dick as you pump?
Holy shit I hate that so much.

>> No.9890005

worst is when she positiones herself like the downward facing dog yoga-position

>> No.9890011

a virgin would be easier to train to be your personal fuck slave than a non-virgin roastie would be, since the non-virgin already has her preferences set by what other dudes have done.

>> No.9890018

That was always my problem with the Islam "72 Virgins" martyrdom shit. 72 women who can't fuck sounds terrible. I want 72 women who fuck like champions.

>> No.9890032

>t. Virgin

>> No.9890078

Said by someone who obviously does not get laid often. People who have a lot of sex understand there are different preferences from person to person and are generally willing to cater to those things. Not only do you get to experience something new you might be into, but by both parties doing so you both get what you want.
I don't like choking women while I fuck them but if that's what I have to do to get her to take a load on her face at the end, I'm all for it.
Sex is a two way street. A virgin doesn't even understand what they want let alone what you want, and if they don't like what you want they'll start to wonder why they're fucking you when they could be fucking someone else who is more aligned with their natural curiosities.
You know what happens next.

>> No.9890082
File: 1.00 MB, 3270x2006, c4b7067c397348406a9213130f3649e42d0f0d6eb504658c7700f1fd145a58e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confirmed for never having a virgin GF

Virgins sexual identity is tied to yours, they learn how to get better at sex by getting better at pleasing you physically and mentally. While sluts sometimes enjoy you, sometimes they just lie on their backs thinking of chad.

Virgins never refuse sex, they love you and associate sex with you therefore sex is almost always on the table with them because they see it as a bonding experience while their brains are rewarding them for having sex with their partner. Sluts on the other fucked up their pair bonding and will never love you in the same way, even if you are a sex god with a 11 inch penis, they are neurochemically disadvantaged when it comes to long term contented love.

You fell for feminist propaganda bro.

>> No.9890110

More virgins trying to teach me about sex. Sit down and learn something you fucking beta.

>> No.9890112

op is retarded, enjoying being constantly cucked and dying alone

>> No.9890123
File: 4 KB, 211x239, images (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why not marry a stripper or prositute then? clearly she would have the most skills you desire

>> No.9890141

I am unironically trying to teach you something. You will never be as happy with a woman as with a virginal wife.

I have experience with sex and with different virgins. My only regret in life is that I took the virginity of other mens future wives.

>> No.9890146
File: 217 KB, 534x548, 933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never got this meme. your woman will eventually get better at it so why even bring it up. are you so lazy that you'd just get another guy's used goods?
and what if that so called "experienced" woman is shit at sex too? hell even high-end escorts can be shit at sex. OP, you are pic related

>> No.9890163

>I'm not happily married with a kid and also experienced fucking hundreds of other beautiful women thanks to going to a party college and then spending 6 years touring in a rock band.
Good one, virgin beta bitch.

>> No.9890167

Kys cuck

>> No.9890181

I have dated some strippers, never a prostitute though I would guess they have similar issues... which is that strippers are FUCKING CRAZY. Yes, they're GREAT lays, but absolutely not marriage material. Maybe some sane strippers exist somewhere but I've never met one, nor have any of my friends who have also dated or fucked strippers.

>> No.9890197

Honestly my girlfriend was a virgin when I first met her. Had some difficulties with certain positions like doggy style as you mentioned. But overtime she got better and now sex is great. I don't understand why you think virgins can't improve.

>> No.9890203
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>> No.9890213

Wrong. They don't eventually get better at it. Which is why you can fuck a woman who has been fucked 100 times and she's still sterile in bed, One of my best lessons in that was fucking a town bicycle in college - a chick I knew at least 6 other dudes who fucked her. I thought she'd be amazing. She was an AWFUL lay. She just had emotional issues and became a huge slut, but getting good at sex was clearly not a priority. When I got up to leave she literally begged me to stay and keep her company and when I said no she said "What kind of a man are you that you won't fuck me again?" So I fucked her again and then put on my clothes and left while she continued to beg me to stay. It wasn't any better the second time around. She was a rag doll, damaged goods.
Having sex =/= getting good at sex.

>> No.9890221

it's not about sex it's about purity you faggot

>> No.9890239

I didn't say some can't learn. It's just a way riskier proposition, and frankly I don't know why anyone would find enjoyment out of teaching someone how to have good sex past the age of like 18 or 19 or so. By that point you should have fucked enough that you understand what you want and can't be bothered with helping someone else figure out what they want. Fucking virgins is for high school.

>> No.9890249

alright dude, how bout we cut a deal. you send me all the virgins and ill give you all my sloppy seconds filled with my cum leaking out of their mouth pussy and assholes, sound good?

>> No.9890252

Fail thread.

The only thing that determines how good a woman is at sex is how hot she is.

>> No.9890262

So what you are saying is the more sex a woman has had with different partners the more emotionally unstable she becomes? Lol fuck you when I said it you called me a virgin.

>> No.9890273

if shes skinny and has clear skin, I can fuck nonstop she dont even have to do anything

>> No.9890274

LOL, get your fucking religion out of here. "Purity". Every single woman came out of a pussy. Find me a woman who hasn't at least thought about getting cock shoved inside of her. "Purity" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.9890278

>she is bad at sex
then that is your own fault for being a bad teacher
all girls were virgins at some point you retard

>> No.9890284

Logic isn't your strong suit, huh kid? Strippers are emotionally unstable. It has nothing to do with how many people she has had sex with. It probably has more to do with her dad raping her or some shit. I don't know.

>> No.9890292

its physically impossible not to think about sex as a human being, however it is possible to not put out for a chad that will just use you as a fuck toy and dump you. hence women should be responsible to have higher standards for themselves since THEY are the gatekeepers of sex, not men

>> No.9890302

It has to do with fucking biology you god damn dunce, like I said earlier are you trolling or something? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9890305
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>> No.9890307

fuck off normie degenerate

>> No.9890308

I'm not religious you degen faggot

you're completely missing the point when peoples post
>his gf/spouse didn't have partners before him
>he still thinks he's gonna make it

they are not talking about sex only a moronic retard thinking with his dick would think that

>> No.9890309

This anon is based. Glad to see another non-beta on the chan.

>> No.9890349

Ok I see your point. From a relationship point of view as long as your partner wants to improve and likes to explore sexual acts with you it doesn't matter if she's a virgin or not.

However, if you are just talking having sex with random girls and nothing serious, I agree that having sex with someone with no experience isn't gonna be as pleasant.

>> No.9890366

You've been watching too much hentai.

>> No.9890370


>> No.9890400

The reality is most of us will never be happy. There are not enough virgins for every man to marry. And obviously the men on this board hold their women to higher standards than they expect of themselves since it's ok for a man to not be a virgin.

>> No.9890407

The fact that you posted this in biz all but proves it's a shitty larp. Have fun with your HPV from that fat bitch, loser.

>> No.9890433

i hate to break it to you anon but if your dick doesn't slide in, that's because you're not attractive enough to arouse her
i was a virgin and so was my girlfriend, and we had good sex from the very first night, which quickly matured into great sex, then mindblowing sex
none of this is rocket science, the learning curve isn't that hard when you and your partner are in love
and here's the quicker: we have better sex than you do, too, because anyone who experiences the right kind of sex starts chuckling silently at the idea you'd even want to switch partners
gj missing out on the most profound experience in life, much like crypto we can't all win so it's a good thing there's people like you to hold the bags and an even better thing you convince yourself you made it. no doubt you're a corecuck, wouldn't surprise me to hear you hold Eos and Nano as well

>> No.9890438

sad salty fella

>> No.9890456


>> No.9890485
File: 1.32 MB, 200x200, 1459978152920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone who has fucked countless women

>> No.9890491

>t. virgin

>> No.9890508

If you're not larping, I'm also guessing you didn't watch a lot of porn.

The "real" problem with virgins isn't what OP is mentioning. It's that most males spend far too much time watching porn and completely desensitize themselves. It is especially harmful during adolescence when the brain is still maturing.

If you watch a ton of porn and try to fuck a virgin, you're going to have a terrible time. If OP puts his dick in a girl and goes soft it isn't the girls fault.

>> No.9890520

>And obviously the men on this board hold their women to higher standards than they expect of themselves since it's ok for a man to not be a virgin.
Its not higher standards, its different standards. Men and women aren't the same. There's a reason that male virgins are ridiculed while female virgins are typically prized. The old key and lock analogy.

>> No.9890536

My favorite position desu. Gf has trouble positioning but mostly due to my large penis

>> No.9890547

>Key and Lock Fallacy.
Either way, there aren't enough virgins, the majority of you will either settle for a non-virgin or never get married.

If you don't get married /they/ win. Family unit has been under assault since the 50s and won't stop anytime soon. As long as we're all fighting each other over the dumbest shit, /they/ are still in control.

>> No.9890550

itt: A bunch of enraged virgins who had their dreams spoiled by a Chad wielding the truth.
I said my piece, debate among yourselves, virgins. Use my knowledge as you will.

>> No.9890568

Women that have had sex with more than one man are already more than likely to be less happy and far more likely to leave their partner in search of what they feel might be better. As soon as they hit two they start to get grass is greener syndrome. So if you want a woman that feels she can do better than you every day and that she's settled, even if you're very clearly in the upper ecbelon of men, by all means please take a sad whore off the market for us.

>> No.9890573

>Sub 130 IQ
>Using your knowledge on anything


>> No.9890589

If you want to go get married to a woman who had no sense of modesty and will likely divorce you that is your option.

>> No.9890605

Again, not discussing my choice. Literally saying there aren't enough virgins for everyone. The vast majority of people will either marry non-virgins or not get married, that's just facts.

>> No.9890620


Getting married is a huge mistake. I'm hoping most men figure it out before they get raped in divorce court

>> No.9890623

>I'm going to get married to fight (((them))

>> No.9890626

>Upper echelon of men.
Pure delusion for 99% of this board.

>> No.9890629

>sticking your dick in a roastie's moist, bacteria-ridden hole
sex is beyond degenerate

>> No.9890632

Everyone is better off if they don't get married then, less children to be raised in broken homes and fewer inferior men reproducing. High quality men will still be able to find a virginal wife to raise children with if they so choose.

>> No.9890637

This is totally true have to agree with you there. Not sure why a lot of people believe that you need to sleep around to experience the best sex. If you find the right person and have passionate love sex. It is straight up the best sex you'll have in your life.

>> No.9890642 [DELETED] 

Virgins may be a meme, but you know what isnt? Shorting is the only way to make money in Crypto now.

Shorting literally is the new paradigm of crypto.

I’m going to spread this on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube everything everywhere.

Everywhere and everyone, Short short short short short short!!!!!

Short to -$0 !!!

Until not even 1 penny is left and then the BTC ceo will owe me money :)

Did you not hear that everyone is shorting now?

Omg like shorting is brilliant! BTC will ofc go down forever.

You didn’t think that it would stop going down did you?

Didn’t you hear?

$5k by end of minute, $4k by end of hour, $1k end of day, and triple digits back to sub $100 end of week!!

Shorting is the best way to success!!

I’m writing a book on shorting.

Shorters, bears and bitmex foreverrrrrr and everrrrre!!! <3 xoxoxoxoxoxox

hey guys do you like shorting?

Because I like LOVE shorting!

Omg I love shorting so much!

I love talking about shorting the market and how much of a genius I am for posting brilliant ideas about being a silly bear and shorting hehe!

I love it how shorting is backed by technology too.

Shorting is a new paradigm!

I’ll short forever and everrrr ;)

Ive been shorting BTC this whole time.

I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into shorting the market and we are all making a lot of money together shorting BTC and Ethereum.

I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money from shorting the market, a lot of them are making accounts in bitmex now because of me.

I can’t wait for this bear market to continue for the next 5 years until I have enough money from shorting to buy a house and hopefully a nice car.

Shorting is the best guaranteed way to make money in the longterm

>> No.9890650

Lol I'm not getting married and I also won't be fathering any children before say 32. My girl is 5 years younger and we discussed this. She agrees

>> No.9890671

>my girl will not be having children until she is at least 27
Hope you only plan on 2 at max otherwise risk of birth defects is going to really go up.

>> No.9890679

What you just said has nothing do to with being a virgin though.

>> No.9890686


>> No.9890716


>Virgins are bad at sex

Roastie cope lmao. Take it from me, someone who has fucked several virgins. The sex is night and day, first of all the pussy is tighter but also gets like 10x wetter, and yeah the first time is a bit painful but then prepare yourself for three months of non stop fucking. Because it’s so new to her she wants to it all the time everywhere. On top of that they become super emotionally attached, which is a negative if it isn’t a serious relationship, but because of this they treat you like their master. You can mound them completely to your liking, once you’ve been with a virgin suddenly the thousands of years of men preferring to marry virgins clicks and the penny drops. It’s a completely different kind of relationship and it’s what feminists HATE about virgins and why they encourage women to lose it ASAP, once a woman has lost her virginity and become super attached then detached herself after a painful break up and bangs other dudes she becomes slightly cynical. And that cynicism grows. It’s almost like you can see it in their eyes, they go from having sweet innocent personalities to becoming these bitter transactional people that subtly remind you that YOU. ARE. REPLACEABLE. And this only gets worse with age. You honestly haven’t lived if you haven’t had a sex fest with a 19 y.o virgin cutie that blushes every time you kiss her and just wants to stare into your eyes after sex and literally cannot stop smiling when she’s around you.

After that drug you’ll never want to go back to roasties who will basically not even put in the effort to pretend to find you attractive after a few bangs and will say shit to you like “can I just jerk you off?” Before resuming swiping through Instagram on her phone fifteen mins after “””sex”””.

Don’t trust roasties who lie about virgins.

>> No.9890734

holy fuck you nailed it she's 22
>more than 2
hell no

>> No.9890758

How much do you whiteys regret giving your women freedumbs and indeed celebrating your freeDUMBS like its not something that completely rotted out your societies from within?
Easterners like me honestly look on and feel bad for you guiz

>> No.9890774

gentle reminder STDS are God's gift to degenerates

>> No.9890822
File: 141 KB, 500x522, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you in the west or only spectating from afar?

If you are spectating, multiply it all by 10x and that's how bad things really are. Get ready to take the reigns chink, western civilization is done for.

>> No.9890828

fuck you gook

>> No.9890840

Gook feminists are even worse than ours, not sure what he is but it isn't Korean.

>> No.9891000

In the west.
Why are you mad at me for pointing out what everyone knows?
>thinks the east is all gooks
Dumb americunt
My country doesn't have feminists, or if it does they get shut down or killed.

>> No.9891055

it took me a while to learn.. but people usually say virgins are bad at sex because they have no idea how to man up, be a leader, and teach them. my fiancee was a virgin when i met her and our sex life keeps getting better because i slowly start to just order her around in bed. thats when the magic happens.

>> No.9891202

My gf wasn't a virgin, but acted like this when we first started going out. I am not a Chad. Should I just hodl and try to be happy or try for an actual one?

>> No.9891229


Suicide fuel. That feel when you missed out on prime teen pussy because you were too ugly

>> No.9891259

If your GF is already disinterested in you (and sex is a part of it) you should cut ties and move on. It has nothing to do with her not being a virgin, she just isn't into you.

>> No.9891290

If you’re below 27 it’s not too late to smash a Christian 19 y.o qt. start going to church. It’s what roasties and feminists are most scared of. (((They))) want you believe a mutt vag that’s been blown out by quadruplet niggers is “better” than prime aryan virgin pussy. Don’t believe their lies.

>> No.9891316

I think she's still into me. Still wants to hold my hand everywhere we go, smiles when she sees, etc. We still have sex regularly, it's just not the multiple times a day, every day for weeks kind.

>> No.9891319

Good plan, completely ruin a girl for the rest of her life.

>> No.9891334

At the end of the day who gives a fuck what 4chan says. If you're happy don't worry about it. If you aren't move on.

>> No.9891361


i broke up with my innocent qt gf because i found out she had 1 partner before me

absolutely disgusting whore

>> No.9891376


Church girls are massive sluts. They would never date a subhuman like me

>> No.9891390

>Church girls are massive sluts
Depends on the church.

>> No.9891405

It vaguely bothers me that my life is a slightly tamer Kevin Smith movie, but it sounds like realistically it doesn't get much better than what I got.

>> No.9891411

God can save even pieces of shit like you.

>> No.9891520


Stop coping

>> No.9891642

Some churches tolerate sluts attending, others will shame them until they stop going or stop being such sluts.

>> No.9891660

I'm going to the Philippines in October to lose my virginity. I can't wait.

>> No.9891735

applies to first pregnancy at >30yo

>> No.9891828

did you really, anon?

>> No.9891873

Fuck you for posting this shit on /biz/ but good job anon, you're not a retarded incel.