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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9884811 No.9884811 [Reply] [Original]

Told you faggots. But did you listen? No.

>> No.9884820

what are you telling us now ?

>> No.9884824

what about evidence?

>> No.9884836

So? If it's true, which I doubt, it wouldn't change a thing. Why? Because I'm holding ETH, shit stain

>> No.9884858

There is no 100% proof, but the recent study points to deliberate manipulation pretty convincingly

>> No.9884884
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Common information. This has been known since october. Why they bring it up now? In fact they made a kther article about it around febyary too when the dip to 6k happened.

Dont fall for it. This is to stop normies buying the dip.

>> No.9884888

>implying this wasn't the case in 2013
>implying it won't be the case in 2021

>> No.9884911

This. OP is a fag as usual

>> No.9884916

This has been heavily debated for a year. In fact, during most of 2017 if you'd made a Tether/Bitfinex FUD post on /biz/, anons would laugh at you and 'SAGED'. Now, once some actual evidence starts to come out it's "common information", kek.

>> No.9885263


>By Jessica


>> No.9885317


Anon, those debates are why it was common. Everyone was aware about this. Its never been esoteric. Media shared the manipulation of 2014 bubble before too.

The reason why ppl got pissed back then was because faggots who actually acted like they had some esoteric knowledge when its fucking obvious and doesnt matter.

>> No.9885338

It was always common information. Just not commonly believed, because people are brainlets. It was certainly much more believed on biz than the threads might make you think, however, because 2-3 bitfinex employees/shills were samefagging constantly in those threads in pretty obvious ways, trying to give the illusion that "people in general" dismissed it as "a crazy conspiracy theory".

>> No.9885347

what the hell you even talk about a lot of people here was concerned about this but there was never any evidence so people stop caring about it

>> No.9885359

>Told you faggots. But did you listen? No.

He's wrong. It was massive ransomware payouts from major corps and institutions that started BTCs bull and anyone who believes otherwise is fucking deluded

>> No.9885394

so noone bought bitcoin actually.

>> No.9885411


>> No.9885426
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Thank you /biz/

>> No.9885445

If you had any idea how manipulation even works, you could see that every market is manipulated. Forex, stocks and crypto.

This is nothing new and can be done because the market is so soft.

Give it a couple more years and cryptos will act like forex, less volitility because there's more money to move.

Your a true Fucking neet you know that, you know nothing of the market.

You can say whatever the fuck you like after the fact. And a vague statement saying the market is manipulated is equally easy to say after a run or a drop.

Fuck you.

>> No.9885446

Americans always making false claims

>> No.9885458


Honey, it's over. Drink bleach and stop coping.

>> No.9885467

He claims if bitcoin goes down you buy tether it goes up. Then bitcoin goes up to 20k
But in 2011 bitcoin was $2.00 and went to $189.00 he can’t explain that bigger gain

>> No.9885471


>> No.9885474

> (((Study)))
Every time.

>> No.9885476

this fucking this

>> No.9885502

no you can't see that, having more money than other people or using bots is not manipulation (may be according to the SEC but it's legit trading IMO), it's should onl be manipulation if the exchanges trade against you because they have more information, making it unfair. I'm not saying that doesn't happen, it's just not easy to prove unless exchanges get anally probed.

>> No.9885590

Everything is manipulated. Our whole lives are constantly manipulated. You go to school where you are manipulated to believe that you need to sit 7 hours every day in class studying some bs that you will never need nor will it actually improve your critical thinking(math, physics ok) etc to prepare for "real life".

>> No.9885720

there's much less evidence in the papers these articles reference than in the things bitfinexed uncovered. don't blame us for your worship of academics. i was in those topics and most real anons agreed. on the "FUD!" camp, you had 1) brainlets 2) speculators who knew it was correct but wanted everyone to shut up so they could ride the wave 3) shills
seriously anon, stop browsing this place if you can't differentiate between legitimate users and conmen. anonymous business communities without pattern recognition = suicide. one year from now, you'll complain nobody warned you Eos was a scam

>> No.9886944
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Will Coinbase normies FOMO in because of the low price compared to ETH?

>> No.9886955
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shoot yourself in the head, retard

>> No.9886964


Fuck I meant to make a thread desu

>> No.9887004

bitfinexed has reappeared and started liking tweets from years ago

>> No.9887015


bitcoin is probably going to be okay despite all the manipulation.

its telling that you can buy precious metals with bitcoin. that doesn't seem like a good business model unless you have some inside knowledge about bitcoin and its future.

>> No.9887031

Those threads are why I sold. But 99% of posters didn’t want to give up their crypto fantasy lottery ticket, so would dismiss the information. Anyone still in crypto is a pure emotional investor, and is going to get wiped out.

>> No.9887046

> study

>> No.9887059

correction. anyone still in shitcoins are going to get wiped out.

>> No.9887061

this is a buy signal brainlet

>> No.9887077

>bitcoin is probably going to be okay despite all the manipulation.

or perhaps because of the manipulation... nobody'd bother with it if it were stagnant and ignored by the press.

>> No.9887099


so why i can i buy gold bullion with crypto? you'd have to be out of your damned mind to sell precious metals for bitcoin unless you were sure bitcoin was going to be okay, at least in the short term.

>> No.9887128

short term trading looks lucrative because of the manipulation, but the best strategy is just to hold unless you're an insider or pay very close attention.

>> No.9887142

that much is easy to figure out for anyone with half a brain

>> No.9887170

its really simple as we crashed almost at bottom they now want normal people stay away until they will be able to accumulate after that you will once again see shilling on tv as they will want to sell it to these normies

>> No.9887227

>at least in the short term.

or medium-term i should say

>> No.9887378

>Imagine missing an opportunity to make money off market manipulation

>> No.9887946

The Jews just wanted to build it up just to knock it down. They knew when to long and to short. The rest of us are getting fucked financialy.

>> No.9888139

articles like this are to make people panic sell and not buy until the bull run