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9879790 No.9879790 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen FUD that addresses the company logos that SmartContract.com uses on its site to the Chainlink network.

To me it seems obvious that they would have to have partnerships with these banks and companies to use their logos. SmartContract.com doesn't explicitly say anywhere that the logos are being used as examples to merely to explain what the Chainlink network can do. Companies who don't have logos pictured could interpret this as adoption by the companies pictured- as many people on here have done- but in their case they might feel compelled to actually adopt the Chainlink network so that they can compete. SmartContract.com would be misleading prospective customers with implied industry adoption to gain further adoption, which would be a violation of trademark law.

Does anyone here have any FUD that can convincingly argue that the use of these logos somehow falls under fair use?



>> No.9879829

Just send swift, salesforce, sap et al. emails to ask if this russian scam artist website hosted in a chinese nail salon is allowed to use their logos, and if they aren't then they can probably sue for a portion of the 30MM raised in the ico. This solves every problem, the most pressing of which is how fucking annoying Link threads are.

>> No.9879897

Guys, I have a serious problem. The more I keep reading and learning about LINK, the more it is all I want to read about. There is nothing in this world that makes me more interested at this moment. Everything seems so grey wash in comparison. Everything on biz is just drab articles muddying up the waters of what we should all really be focusing on. I have never felt more euphoric and comfy in my entire life after discovering LINK. What do /Biz/?

>> No.9879916

Welcome fren. I've been like this since November.. It is quite a journey and you finally understand. This is also how I felt exactly before I bought Ether at $2.10

>> No.9879926

Buy the dip

>> No.9879929
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I have the same problem. I'm literally on a date at a restaurant and I'm taking a huge shit and reading About link real quick before going back out.

Not even caring if I get my dick sucked or not.

(Pic related)

>> No.9879936

Thanks fren, it really is quite the journey

>> No.9879947

no ones sucking any part of you with those nasty ass exposed toes bruh

>> No.9879949

Its ok sergey will suck you for 5 LINK

>> No.9879953


XD Im dieing man hahahah

>> No.9879955

Good I don't care because I can go home and read more Link threads

>> No.9879956

leave the sandals to the Brazilians, jeez.

>> No.9879978

That's nothing mate, just wait until your girlfriend leaves you because you ask her to wear a Sergey mask during sex.

>> No.9879979

Lawyer here, can confirm if these companies wanted to have their logo taken down, they could.

>inb4 they just haven't noticed it
Swift has a long relationship with link, and salesforce ceo follows Sergey and chainlink. The fact these logos remain up does, in fact, speak for something.

>> No.9879992

Do you own link because you know your Jewish job will be obsolete in a few years?

>> No.9880012

negative. I'm litigation. People will still sue each other. The contract lawyers are the ones in trouble, at least for now.

But yes, link is 50% of my (crypto) holdings.

>> No.9880025

Does your wife know? Or do you make so much money that it doesn't really matter?

>> No.9880055 [DELETED] 


>> No.9880059

long term girlfriend who understands were never getting married due to no benefit. She has her own job and has no idea regarding my finances (or her own for that matter...). I only have about 10-15% of my money in crypto. After the last few weeks more like 5%

>> No.9880069
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>on a date at a restaurant
>wearing sandals and basketball shorts

>> No.9880083

How often do you guys fuck being that she's a long term girlfriend at this point.

>> No.9880084

>Not even caring if I get my dick sucked or not
and thats why you're getting your dick sucked tonight

>> No.9880112

Arizona dude 107 degrees.
Nobody cares. I'm at some fucking tiki bar.

She's prancing away on her phone now too so I'm pretending I'm texting important shit

>> No.9880115

Honestly? About 2x a week. Shit cools off when you live together.

>> No.9880177

Yeah I know that things cool off that's why I asked. I'm like Howard stern. Love hearing regular sexual exploits. Mundane shit too like how often you guys still fuck type questions.

>> No.9880206


What's interesting about this is that it basically confirms all of the hype about Chainlink in one fell swoop. Confirmed adoption by the industry leaders in market data, bank payments, retail payments, and backend systems. Done.

>> No.9880210

If the chainlink team doesn't deliver and i kill them all... ill make sure to make a thread before the police locate me to I can get your contact info so you can be my lawyer. I'm sure you'll do it for free too because you'll be pissed too that you didn't make any money.

>> No.9880226

You don't want a litigator to be your criminal defense attorney.

>> No.9880247

Doesn't matter you are cool. And you'll have a vested interest in getting me off on murder charges since you will have been fucked too.

>> No.9880295

who do you want?
asking for friend

>> No.9880334


A literal cult. Fuck off. You want more people to lose money? Come on dont fall for it guys, sergey made off with 30 million

>> No.9880481

she's on tinder

>> No.9880511
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>> No.9880521

She's dark too

>> No.9880536

Literally posting her pic on a racist anime site as she sits across from me.

>> No.9880576

Give it a rest small brain, absolutely nothing negative has happened with this project, they are moving forward and will be shocked if they are not on mainnet in some capacity in September 2018. This board sucks, the entire crypto market takes a shit and people make it sound like Link is a failure, which is ridiculous. I added to my stack today. Screw you fudding no Linkers, stay poor. Don't hate, accumulate.

>> No.9880648
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>> No.9880662


Do you?

>> No.9880691

A public defender, no joke

>> No.9880746


>Screw you fudding no Linkers, stay poor. Don't hate, accumulate.

They're not no-LINKers and they already are accumulating. That's why they FUD.

>> No.9880861

For just about anything else criminal I'd agree with you, but not murder. Murder you drain your bank account to the most experienced private attorney you can find.

>> No.9880888
File: 72 KB, 677x544, 1511607424446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based stinky linky

>> No.9880902

this is important shit bitch

>> No.9880926

only the virgin neets and /polfags are racist that bitch is hot nice job anon go smash that

>> No.9880980


>> No.9880997

is she fat or fit or? Gonna tap it?

>> No.9881030

salesforce ceo doesn't follow sergey or chainlink

>> No.9881276

Not fat at all but not skinny skinny . literally the perfect curviness.

>> No.9881302

thats a great attitude
my fren

>> No.9881561

Wow how much did you buy? Gratz on the ETH buy...how many LINK do you have as well?

>> No.9881591

make sure you touch bobs and vagene

>> No.9881641

There is still retards buying chainlink?
Legitimate lol

>> No.9881900
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Legitimate lol at ye too m8

wish I had enough money to buy a significant amount too..

>> No.9881961

>buying this dumping shit
>get dumped on

Buying right now is literally full retard, by tomorrow you would have lost money.

>> No.9881996

k m8

>> No.9882059


>> No.9882791
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1526294808265s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorting היא הדרך היחידה להרוויח כסף Crypto עכשיו. קיצור פשוטו כמשמעו הוא פרדיגמה חדשה של הצפנה. אני הולך להפיץ את זה בטוויטר, פייסבוק, YouTube הכל בכל מקום. בכל מקום וכולם, קצר קצר קצר קצר !!!!! קצר ל - $ 0 !!! עד לא אפילו 1 פרוטה נותרה ולאחר מכן SEO BTC יהיה חייב לי כסף :) לא שמעת כי כולם קצרים עכשיו? Omg כמו קיצור הוא מבריק! BTC יהיה ofc לרדת לנצח. לא חשבת שזה יפסיק לרדת? לא שמעת? $ 5k על ידי דקה של דקה, $ 4k לפי שעה, $ 1k בסוף היום, ואת ספרות משולשת בחזרה 100 $ בסוף השבוע! Shorting היא הדרך הטובה ביותר להצלחה! אני כותב ספר על קיצור. מקצרות, דובים ו bitmex foreverrrrr ו everrrrre !!! <3 xoxoxoxoxoxox היי חבר 'ה אתה אוהב קצר? כי אני אוהבת LOVE shorting! Omg אני אוהב לקצר כל כך הרבה! אני אוהב לדבר על shorting את השוק וכמה גאון אני עבור פרסום רעיונות מבריק על להיות דוב טיפש ו shorting hehe! אני אוהב את זה איך shorting הוא מגובה גם על ידי הטכנולוגיה. קיצור הוא פרדיגמה חדשה! אני יהיה קצר לנצח ו everrrr;) Ive היה shorting BTC כל הזמן הזה. אני כבר מלמד אחרים ואני gotten השכנים שלי ואת coworkers לתוך shorting את השוק וכולנו עושים הרבה כסף יחד shorting BTC ו Ethereum. אני ממש פופולרי עכשיו בין החברים שלי כי אני עושה כל כך הרבה כסף מ shorting את השוק, הרבה מהם עושים חשבונות להמשיך במשך 5 השנים הקרובות עד שיש לי מספיק

>> No.9883091
File: 15 KB, 456x320, 1510227071868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all went through that stage.
what are you favorite LINK links yung linkie?

>> No.9883190

It's over, isn't it guys?

>> No.9883285

Is it weird that my ex and I used to fuck at least 2 times a day even when we were 3 years in?

>> No.9883345

Depends on whether or not you were living together. After living with my gf and being able to have sex all the time, I'd rather really enjoy the moment and go 2-3 times a week. Any more and it's just not as enjoyable.