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9877767 No.9877767 [Reply] [Original]

I haven’t been on this board for three months and regularly came on here warning you guys about the crash. Why?

1.) Inflated prices for tokens based upon no actual products except a few ICOs
2.) Price inflation for bitcoin. A recent University of Texas report found that half of the price rises solely occurred after Tether being provided to exchanges.
3.) The entire bull run was a hot potato game where the more people found out about it, the more people bought due to a get rich quick scheme. Since no cruptocurrency has successfully scaled, the price rise SOLELY depended upon awareness. But awareness PEAKED in January. It’s not about how big the market is compared to the gold market or anything else. TD literally just awareness, hence why no more dips were successfully bought. I’m predicting a small price rise today and tomorrow by the way to fool more of you overoptimistic guys before it crashes.

When I told you these reasons, you laughed at me. When I told you you can make money shorting and longing price rises and dips, you laughed at me. I am an early BTC holder but I bought because of the ponzi-like nature of the asset, not because I am a believer, hence why I tried helping ou guys. But again, most of you (except a few) laughed at me.
As such, you (only the over optimistic bulls; not the rational bears here) deserve every single cent of money that you lost in buying at the tail end of a get rich quick scheme, while I longed and shorted each rise and dip and made 123x my money the last few months.

>> No.9877858

I bought for the same reason and I agree with most of your points. I don't agree that it's going to keep dropping a lot from here though. Interest in crypto is still somewhat high and the market cap is 1/3 of the peak.

>> No.9877891

Interest in crypto is at a 1 year low today according to sentiment analysis. About equal to 2014.

>> No.9877908

Oh and I also don't agree with douchy attitude. If you really are an early adopter (as in <100$) AND 100x'd you money last few months then you most likely have 10MM+. I don't get why you feel the need to write this diary (unless you're just larping which seems likely).

>> No.9877926

Again, same logic that I debunked earlier. The market cap being 1/3 of the peak has nothing to do with a potential price rise since you’re assuming it’ll reach back there in the first place. Interest has been completely dropping. As I wrote over and over for months straight, interest was a 1 to 1 function with awareness. But awareness peaked. And guess what the real problem is? Once awareness peaks, it can’t increase MORE, since there’s no one left to fool.

>> No.9877935

Source? It's still way higher than in 2014 on Google trends.

>> No.9877936



>> No.9877938

It’s not about the doughy attitude mate. Just look at the cold hard facts. If it was the other way around, and someone sold low, people on this board would mercilessly laugh at him. That’s truth and you know it.

>> No.9877956

Absolute retard. Binance x4 user base since January. Fantom just had 140k applications to whitelist and you use some SE metric to compare interest to 2014? Absolute retard.

>> No.9877958

I told you it’s not about being higher. It’s about peaking and awareness of BTC and cryptocurrencies merely existing, which everyone has now

>> No.9877972

I don't assume that. You're assuming that the price can't grow in value without awareness increasing. This is not true for any other commodity. Your logic only makes sense if you think Bitcoin ONLY has value because of hype (and not current/expected utility). If you believe that (a lot of people do) then we'll just have to disagree I guess.

>> No.9877981

Awareness has peaked. I told you that’s all that matters. Interest and user bases are only increasing to try to catch a falling knife because they assume another bull run will happen. But that won’t happen for a few years or never as long as you have scammy ICOs and the inability for any of them to actually scale and be useful. Take your biased goggles off and look at the reality of the situation.

>> No.9877991

Any other commodity did not have a price rise due to manipulation as written in the university report and did not rise purely because of great rich quick scheme elements rather than fundamentals (I.e. mass adoption and technical scaling two things that have not happened).