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9872730 No.9872730 [Reply] [Original]

So what are you going to do now when crypto is dead?

>majority of net worth in crypto
>portfolio down almost 70%
>lost my job
>don't have any source of income
>little over 2k left in fiat

I'm fucking done. There is no way I can get a job at McDonalds.
I'm skilled and experienced web developer, but I was only focused on crypto-related projects, they all died in past few months and now I have no idea what to do.

>> No.9872741

what kind of crypto projects did you create? whhy did you give up on them?

>> No.9872742

you can always find work as a web dev

>> No.9872749

Are you interested in being hired in crypto related project, even though they might not be complex and challenging. What pay do you require ?

>> No.9872764

This. What is your problem, just go and find a job to make some money so you can re-enter the market once BTC is at it's next ATH

Remember: Buy high, sell low

>> No.9872776

stock market. homie. you'll have to be a lot more planned with your trades in traditional markets. but you should be able to make it if you have enough capital.

>> No.9872777

>dude that gives up easily on projects
>hire him

>> No.9872791

I'm technically up by a lot still, but just barely break even after factoring in taxes I paid on gains last year.

>> No.9872815

Same spot as you but I chose to leave my job.
The market is surely demoralizing but if you finish your crypto projects now, they'll be done in time to be ready for the next bullrun and could yield you a lot whenever the market gets bullish again.

>> No.9872892

I used to provide private customized payment gates (virtual currencies only) to people who didn't trust third party services, that's how I made most of my money. I also got into crypto in late 2016.
I didn't give up on them, they just completely died and now I need to make some money

>> No.9872922

I still haven't sold though

>> No.9872981

Depends on the project. Leave me some contact info here and I'll hit you up so we can talk

Didn't give up easily. They stopped generating revenue and now I have to make some money

>> No.9873040

This. I don't think I can make it without some kind of income though