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9868390 No.9868390 [Reply] [Original]


Ambrosus masternode reward will be backed by real FIAT. Companies must pay for a bundle with $10 in AMB. This maybe the first time in crypto we will see a coin that'll completely decouple with BTC. With partnership announcement and mainnet looming in the corner, it's just a matter of time before people will be able to estimate how much bundles Ambrosus will produce a day, and the price will adjust to that.

DYOR guys, I know this is literally FUDed everyday on AMB but if you've done your research, you'll know that Ambrosus is legit.

>> No.9868530

Bearnigger in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.9868563

>seafud commons

>> No.9868584

I'm just afraid the partnerships aren't real
Holding 5k and still accumulating

>> No.9868661

I understand why many have doubt.
But the team members reputation speak for itself.
Try to play with this tool anon: http://ambrosus.yannlevy.eu/
You'll see that even if Ambrosus managed to capture even third of what Versetti has said (he expect 100K bundles a day in the first year), Ambrosus value is still very undervalued and potential is immense.

>> No.9868726

>that even if Ambrosus managed to capture even third of what Versetti has said (he expect 100K bundles a day in the first year)
that coked out crazy expects 4 billion revenue in the first year
the question is not if they can't "even" capture a third, the question is if they can even capture a 1/10000

>> No.9868771

Yeah that's why the upcoming partnership announcement is important. Let's wait for it then, should be around the corner according to Aneesh Zutshi and Kimchi.

>> No.9868782

go to bed mcafee

>> No.9868796

In any case people wondering, I'm not the one that started >>9868579 and >>9868698

My guess is those are created by sad pajeet loser who's obsessed with FUDing AMB. They spammed this board making low effort AMB shill to annoy biz and make people think AMB is pajeet coin.

>> No.9868804

seafood commons partnership with this guy
maybe he will use his trustfund to fund 1-10 bundles a day

>> No.9868807

If the partnerships aren't real, that would imply the team is lying and conducting some elaborate scam of sorts
(that's not the case)

>> No.9868828

>that would imply the team is lying and conducting some elaborate scam of sorts
no why?
you get the some minor partnerships as in seafood commons
nobody is insane enough to believe the 4 billion numbers anyway
you are not that stupid, are'nt you?

>> No.9868878

We don't know in this crazy market.
I'm betting that the team is legit (and so far yes they are) and their partnership claims are real (which many of us have doubt) thus why I invest in AMB.
If Ambrosus managed to capture even third of their supposed claim, they'll still be very big.
I think everything will be cleared up once we got those partnerships announced.

>> No.9869303


we all missed one little detail. we're all fucking retarded

>> No.9870319

Vlad Trifa the legend has responded. Checkmate, pajeet.

>> No.9871018

Lol OP those profit expectations are fucking delusional. I don't understand how the hell you guys are eating this bullshit up.

>> No.9871384

no, just you for believing the FUD and not informing yourself with their economic model