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9866912 No.9866912 [Reply] [Original]

A kind anon on another forum pointed me here and told me to talk to you guys about cryptocurrencies. I'm hoping that maybe you can help get me started or point me in the right direction? I will say right out that I know absolutely nothing about them or how they work, I'm just trying to find a way to supplement my income.

To make a long story short, I am disabled and primarily homebound with several chronic illnesses. There is no cure or treatment nor is it terminal so this will be my life for the next 60+ years. I am expected to live on $700 a month and that is a fixed amount for the rest of my life except for increases in the cost of living some years which are a whopping 1-2%. I would like to find a way to make a little extra every month so there is enough to actually go around and well, live on. An extra $300 a month would be absolutely phenomenal for me. Even $200 would be great! I could do so much with that.

With all that said:
1. Is there someone that can explain how it works to me, or is there a stellar resource out there you used when you first started or would recommend for someone just getting into it, like another forum, a website, or even videos on it?
2. What are some things you wish you knew when you first started out but didn't discover until later?
3. What are some mistakes you made in the beginning?
4. It's been about a week now, but I believe he mentioned that I should ask specifically about uh, I think it was "BitcoinCash". He said that was the next big thing. Can anyone tell me a little about that and why it's "the next big thing"? What's so special about it?
5. Any other recommendations or advice you might have, or other rambling you'd like to do? Anything else you want to add?
6. Anon's advice to me in the screencap is way over my head. Is it legit good advice?

Please don't feel obligated to write essays or answer every single question if you're not up for it.

Thank you so much in advance!

>> No.9867594


>> No.9867642

OP my advice is to read a book called Cryptoassets. That will give you a strong foundation. It will also help you to lurk this board. And never buy something just because someone here told you to. There is good advice here but there is also s lot of dishonest people who are paid To talk about a certain coin. Always research them yourself.

>> No.9867778

Thank you Anon. I really appreciate the heads up as well!

>> No.9867812

this dude uploaded a paid video course


>> No.9867842


1. just type "blockchain exlained" and similar phrases into youtube and watch the results. when you feel like you are understanding the whole thing and you think you get what other people write about crypto then you have watched enough videos.

2. since this is an unregulated market any type of manipulation is legal and also exists. expect your coins to trade according to the rules of psychological warfare instead of what makes fundamentally sence.

3. expect all news about anything to be fake. every coin claims to be partnereed with NASA, Putin and Jesus. every coin promises to develop features that never come since they are forever delayed. and every thread may be only one pajeet constantly changing his ID and pretending to be multiple people just to FOMO some sucker into his scamtoken. there are thousands of coins to choose from but less than 30 are honest and even fewer have anything that could be called a future. expect thus 99% of all projects to be frauds.

>> No.9867872

this. for the first few months in the market, assume EVERYTHING is a scam unless it is bitcoin or ethereum. There are no regulations in this market so almost everyone is trying to fuck you up and take your money - be it through market manipulation, lies, shilling or even straight up scamming (see bitconnect).

>> No.9868255

Wow. I thought I just had to learn the system and that seemed complicated enough. To learn that the majority of the market is scammers is worrying and disheartening, desu. I'll have to learn about it and just watch for a really long time before I make any kind of investment it seems.

>> No.9868292

Bump because I am just like OP. Where to go to become cryptopro?