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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9864678 No.9864678 [Reply] [Original]

>Mother says I have 2 weeks to get a Job otherwise I have to leave the house.. I have not left my room in 3 months and I am heavily depressed; therefore, is suicide my only option left? I refuse to wageFuck... Biz Advise me?

>> No.9864683

Livestream it.

>> No.9864694

Die already you filth living off your moms paycheck fuck off.

>> No.9864700

If you don't want to wage cuck or live in the street then suicide is unironically your option left

>> No.9864705

Messy suicide all over your room is the best revenge. Teacher your boomer parents a lesson

>> No.9864709

Whats the best least painless way to die? Google offers many advises; however, they keep guiding me to Suicide prevention fuck lines.

>> No.9864718

I became homeless the same way and it ruined my life just get a shitty min wage job part time to keep them at bay

Trust me

>> No.9864719

What coins are you hodling?

>> No.9864734

I still have some bags left, since, I am still a virgin Should I just sell my bags and get laid first?


In total about 70k.

>> No.9864743

M8 ur not at risk of being homeless with 70k

Thats plenty

>> No.9864744

who are you quoting?

>> No.9864747

Where did you end up working at? I have hard time being outside with People.

>> No.9864752

It’s a good push to get out there and get your life started. Depression is a bitch, anon. But it lies. Go do basic wagecuck for now to get her off your back and then force yourself to get out and work out. The thing about suicide is that if you have any belief in karma or reincarnation, you’re probably not getting this kind of sweet deal next time so you might as well make the most of this set of trips around the sun. And, if you still want to kill yourself after doing everything that remotely has ever sounded fun, then by all means. But, it doesn’t have to be like this. Get yourself some help, anon.

>> No.9864835

I tried to apply at our local Starbucks and called them but they are not hiring.

Regarding the 70k in Coins - My mother spent about 200k + to help me get educated in CSEE (comi sci and and electrical engineering.

She has lot of debt mainly because of me and no live savings and I want to pay off her debt

>> No.9864851

Just do soemthing to go to jail for 6 months that won't make you pay a fine when you get out.

>> No.9864879



>> No.9864995
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>> No.9865053

ya i have a degree too. go break your body performing manual labor. you get a workout which helps with depression for a few years until you cant feel your legs or back and kill yourself

>> No.9865066

no but seriously, im willing to bet most of the people on 4chan are just like you. wait until there are like 20 different internets. trust me, there will be a space for people just like you. facebook literally centralized social behavior. everything is right there. when people realize that they hate everyone that they follow on twitter, things will change

>> No.9865079

Are we really this bored? Jesus fuck.

>> No.9865084

Don't be a pussy. Harakiri.

>> No.9865099
File: 127 KB, 1181x709, wtfiswrongwithyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait for June to be over to see if the coins can make a 200k profit. July starts the 3rd Quarter for the year and the projects in crypto also the official 6 months since ATH. Help your mom out if they do. Get a job. Don't do stupid shit.

>> No.9865103

when everyone stops looking for friends, jobs, or television shows in the most convenient places (facebook, linked in, netflix), we will be more creative, free, independent people

>> No.9865118
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 899ECFBE-D958-4FB9-B082-D888EE8CB7DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mom got on my ass about getting a job so I applied to work at a weed shop

>> No.9865122

How is suicide an option? It's the exact opposite of an option.

If you feel bad about your mom being 200k in debt because of you, how is killing yourself gonna make it better? then she'll have to kill herself too. at least put her out of her misery first you selfish prick

>> No.9865126

oh and tell your mom to stop watching fox new and shit. the kikes literally just had a crypto neckbear that got kicked out of his house on their show. they are literally trying to force you to sell your bags cause they know we all live with our parents and are too smart to work for mr. shekelstein boss man

>> No.9865147

i mean jesus christ its just as much your house as it is hers. the difference is she CHOSE to live there and give birth to you. you never agreed to any of this shit. the lost generation take 2.

>> No.9865150

Can i unironcally have your UUU tokens ??
Please email me

>> No.9865162

seriously though fuck a baby boomer. she probably pretty much forced you to go to college too. lol let me just give birth to you and then shove you off a 200 thousand dollar bridge. im fuckin done too m8. time to smoke the rest of my weed and shoot my dick off. real talk though

>> No.9865181

How old are you though?

>> No.9865356

Get rent somewhere cheep, hope you make it before you run out of money.

>> No.9865388

>get educated
>Not going to wagecuck

Look your probably going to have to go wage slave for a bit so you can hold on to your money. You probably won't need to wageslave that much longer.

>> No.9865751

I am about 23 years old. Graduated high school early, so I was able to finish College a bit early.

>> No.9865763

I had been on Anti-Depression since 16 years old, and I can honestly say one thing, in the longer run the ruin your brain and creativity.

I am really glad I am getting a ton of support from Biz.

-Yeah, I have to wage slave at this rate.

>> No.9865845

What drugs did you take tonight?

>> No.9865869

Just get a fucking job holy shit op. Having a job is not as bad as the autist memes here would make you believe. Sure it sucks but everyone else does it and survives just fine. Imagine actually being retarded enough to kill yourself because of a few losers from a native american paper airplane making forum told you wagecucking was bad.

>> No.9865880

Your only dilemma is wondering whether you wanna eat and continue living or just die.

Up to you, buddy. You could always just go to some jungle, set up camp there and live off fruits, berries and occasional hunting.

>> No.9865894

chain link and sky

>> No.9865941

hey he asked me. why would i pass up a casual shill opportunity, im trying to ride temporary green dildos tonight

>> No.9866041


>> No.9866076

i want sky to fall actually. tonight

>> No.9866356
