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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9861993 No.9861993 [Reply] [Original]

>I make minimum wage or a few dollars above it yet I advocate for policies that benefit the rich because I imagine how unfair it would be to be taxed slightly more when I am one day rich (after I get an important job as a director or high level manager of some sort, some day in the future)

>> No.9862024


because remember, people can only vote based on what will help them the most financially as opposed to what they believe is overall best for the country. out of curiosity, do you have a problem with rich people vote for policies that hurt the poor?

>> No.9862040

Do you really believe your jew boss screwing you over more is best for the country

>> No.9862067

>thinking he's getting underpaid.

>> No.9862077


>> No.9862102


i earn about $450 extra a month thanks to trump's tax plan so i'm not quite sure just what you mean. however if your question is whether the country is better off with lower taxes + fewer social services then yes, i absolutely do. the government is disgustingly inefficient at everything they do, you cant even imagine how much time and money is wasted due to their incompetence

>> No.9862113

I vote for policy that makes sense economically

>But muh Gibs

Kill urself commie

>> No.9862129

start your own business and see how much capital you need and taxes fuck you 6 ways to sunday.

>> No.9862154

less taxes = more wealth overall due to larger incentive for people who contribute to furthering wealth or their heirs
more taxes = less wealth overall due to lack of motivation to create wealth

government should only tax to the extent necessary to be like a condo association (and by extension through property tax a town or city government). they should enforce basic laws and administer natural monopolies. taxing the rich just because you havent created value and don't see the prospect of doing so is for subhumans

>> No.9862220


i have little doubt op is so out of touch that he lumps in emerging small business owners with multi-millionaires. it's really a shame what reddit has done to young minds

>> No.9862251

>voting yourself into largesse

>> No.9862331

i doubt there's even 0.1% of the population who thinks that way
leftie strawmen are insufferable in their incompetence. there's a lot of things to mock in capitalists, yet they miss the mark every single time

>> No.9862356


and then they refuse to even engage with people who disagree with them because they're so sure that they already know every conservative talking point

>> No.9862367

Yeah ok lol

>> No.9862390

>the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires

>> No.9862414


that quote will get you upvotes every time but it is a strawman. if you aren't willing to actually engage with people or even read the replies in this thread then you should probably return to r/politics

>> No.9862422

yes, small business is crippled by regulation and shit
but why? so the evil white man sitting on the board of directors of a multi billion dollar company can get away with paying less than 1% tax on revenue

>> No.9862441

Anon if you spend your time thinking about poor people and not how to steal every penny from them then you're not gonna make it. Morality is a meme, embrace judiasm

>> No.9862454
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>I complain about my wages being too low and union busting even though I advocated for policies which allow a huge influx of low skilled labor to come into the country unregulated.

>> No.9862475

I live in California, and it amazes me how wide the gap is getting between rich and poor. In and around Silicon Valley the average income is like 200k at least , just to scrape by. But if you drive just 90 mins east, to the shitty Central Valley , the average income is like 30 k a year, everyone has a mall job or manual labor job. There’s no middle class at all

>> No.9862490

no i'm not willing to engage with people on /biz/ you retards dump every penny you earn into chinese cryptocurrencies and give yourself chronic panic attacks

>> No.9862506

just bevause you refuse to admit it doesn't make it a strawman

>> No.9862542

Don't bother trying to be reasonable with this generation. They prefer quips more than facts.

>> No.9862550

Taxation is theft, PERIOD. The only reason wagecucks don't cause an uprising is because its deducted from their payroll before they even see it. They don't know they are being robbed and kept poor.

>> No.9862552
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see attached

i don't understand how you can believe this to be true. do you really think the rednecks or what have you believe they're suddenly going to become CEOs? have you ever even encountered anyone who thinks this way? and as i stated earlier in the thread i earn about 450 more per month under the new tax plan, so it would seem it isn't only millionaires that can benefit

>> No.9862568

fuck off:
>Dumb commie
>Teen Ancap
whatever one you may be, stop spamming every day with your retardation

>> No.9862571

>minimum wage
fuck off statist

>> No.9862594

go to/pol/ and ask why amazon Google and apple pay no tax, ask why Walmart is allowed to pay their employees with food stamps, the only replies you have will be from bottom feeders who truly believe they could be in thay position one day
it makes no sense but it's reality

>> No.9862602

You can call it theft, but it's necessary.

Also, if you tax the shit out of the rich, then they will take it out on the poor.

>> No.9862624

The extra tax revenue from higher taxes doesn't even go to the poor it just lines the pockets of consultants and backroom government workers. I lived in houston and currently live in NYC. Poor people live exactly the same in both location even though one location has a 9% state and local tax on income.

>> No.9862671



>> No.9862680

Fug I hate that phrase, some ppl I hang out with ended up in the partying every night scene, they mostly hang with hipster lesbians. They used to believe all politics is a waste of time but now they repeat those phrases adnauseum
>hehe they dumb and vote against best interest cause they dumb unlike me hehe
Shit drives me up the wall. Same with when people hate politicians but can’t name a real policy or stance they disagree with.

>> No.9862718


but when rich people use power and influence because it's in their best interests they are evil

>> No.9862738

Pretty sure all of Amazon's workers are required to pay federal taxes

>> No.9862750
File: 87 KB, 640x740, IMG_6204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to/pol/
No, thanks.
>why amazon Google and apple pay no tax
Because they have very good accountants, lawyers, and tax experts. Not to mention the political sway they have from lobbying. They just got the "head tax" repealed because they threatened to leave Seattle for a city with less taxes and that would've crushed Seattle.
>why Walmart is allowed to pay their employees with food stamps
See above, also Walmart is staffed with low skilled workers which there is an abundance of thanks to massive immigration. Why would they pay someone $15 an hour when they can pay $10 for the same quality of work.

>> No.9862758

am I reading that article right? they pay 13% instead of the federal corporate rate of 35%

>> No.9862764

Even the lowest skilled workers are required to pay social security taxes

>> No.9862785

That's exactly what they want you to do. Keep thinking one day you'll be rich. But you never will be.

>> No.9862807
File: 71 KB, 666x664, accredited_investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rich literally rig the system by taxing the shit out of the poor and making it illegal for them to make risky investments. The vast majority of lefties are okay with this because they're brain-dead retards who think a margin increase of taxes on the rich will fix a broken system.

>> No.9862820


correct. per your earlier comment, that is significantly more than 0. and fyi, no company pays 35%. you might notice the same phenomenon at an individual level when people file tax returns. or do you think any form of reduction is unethical?

>> No.9862864

How do I become a accredited investor so I can invest in my own shit without giving others a cut? I actually fit that criteria.

>> No.9862894

What's your point? He was talking about corporate tax.

>> No.9863017

While I don't agree with this I do understand that many people are incredibly dumb and can be taken advantage of by a snake oil salesmen promising them massive returns on their investment. The elderly are especially susceptible. Most of these startups fail and unlike accredited investors many people can't afford to invest in dozens of these companies hoping one or two will pan out. So if they put their money into and it fails like it most likely will then a bunch of boomers will be on the streets. The governments reasoning is similar to why some want high taxes that pay for social programs. They think the average person is too dumb to take care of themselves so they want you to let big daddy government do it for you.