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985908 No.985908 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money online

No survey bullshit

>> No.985971

Where do you live?

>> No.985990
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You really think anybody who knows how to make money online whether it's trading or some kind ofa business, will publically tell how they do it?

I mean if somebody tells on an online forum how they are beating the market and excactly they trade, you should be able to figure out they are not really winners. Nobody who beats the game tells how they do it. They might give you general advices and buying tips but they never reveal how they come to that specific conclusion.

>> No.986040

create a website that generates traffic and sell advertising space.

>> No.986050

>Beat the market. Online means easy.
No. People who make money online usually work long and hard using special skills and talents. It's still a grind. At least initially. The problem for people like OP is that it's difficult to find legit info on where to begin. google affiliate marketing for example and you'll get flooded with BS how-to kits costing insane amounts. The online marketers have decided to go with scams over education for easy money and less competition. There's a logic to that. But there's so much empty space for legit education. That's what OP wants. It's not my area, but somebody must be doing this without the bullshit.

>> No.986296

It's not the late 90s bro, it takes lots of money to start making money on the net now

you can do surveys and amazon turk (basically the worst)


sell your diginity and help make someone else rich while you make a miserable $23 an hour

>> No.986327


Simple guide:
1. Make an ebook
2. Market the fuck out of it
3. Make money

Basically do scammy shit like this:

This guy is selling a shitty ebook with stretching exercises and a bunch of copy-pasted clickbait articles and claims that it will make you grow 2 inches in a few weeks. He's rank 4 on google under "grow taller guide". I can guarantee you he is swimming in manlet bux.

The sad truth is that people do actually buy this shit. There is a fuckton of gullible idiots out there, and you just have to follow the existing formula to tap into it.

>> No.986336

This actually sounds like a genius idea.

Like, make a bullshit ebook about unlocking your chakras or some shit. Spam it around a ton of hippie/yoga fag websites. Put it on Apple books since all of those degenerates have an iPhone, make tons.

>> No.986396

>Sign up for a webcam service
>Pull your cock out

>> No.986513

You can't do chakras, a) because your probably not brown and b) there's already a fuck ton of them. Make one about how to take "healthier" shits.

>> No.986521

Do you think an ebook on tips and tricks to stop yourself from killing yourself with pictures would sell well?

>> No.987412


Suicidal people aren't the most likely returning customers.

You could market it as an "uplifting/inspirational" guide to improve your quality of life and give you confidence etc. The competition is much more stiff in that niche though, so you would have to spend a ton of money marketing (or figure out some amazing way to hustle it directly - but that would require a lot of work, which we obviously want to avoid by making money on the internet)

>> No.987445

Southern California

>> No.988682

Keep it simple. Sell to those with too much money. Turning something abstract into something real. Like homenameregistr dot com

>> No.988685

homenameregistry dot com

>> No.988695

>You really think anybody who knows how to make money online whether it's trading or some kind ofa business, will publically tell how they do it?

Do you think someone who is afraid to even say what they do has any confidence in themselves?

Do you want advice from some faggot who thinks they're too good to share advice?

Good thing fucks like you withhold your shit advice and opinions.

>> No.988703

so do I nigga
wanna collab and brew fresh ideas to rid drones of their wages?

>> No.988740

Lots of hard work. Example - You can start a web site that sells a line of products (involves finding the right niche, locating the right priced items somewhere like alibaba and dodging scams and high shipping in the process, storing and managing inventory and shipping, registering your site with a host, server I.d., choosing checkout cart system etc). Then you can start uploading useful YouTube vids, blog articles, pinterest posts, facebook and twitter accounts, related to your product field with links back to your site and just grind away at slowly boosting traffic. Once there is enough traffic you can also plan on tweaking your advertising to find what's best for your site and that will provide some residual income as well. Its not easy and its not going to happen over night, but in my opinion its well worth it. Anyone who says its easy OR says its hopeless and can't be done probably isn't doing it...