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File: 79 KB, 720x720, b9632f2943dc9ba72403fbe547e52028--himalayan-salt-lamp-healthy-alternatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9857715 No.9857715 [Reply] [Original]

So I have 2 weeks to sell 8800 of pic related. My father bought them, and I'm at his place for 2 weeks and I'm trying to get them sold while I'm here. They were purchased for $15 each, there's about 5 different varieities of these lamps but the average price for all 5 is $30 on his Amazon store, but the store is new so there's literally 0 sales on there right now.

Give me ideas /biz/. I want to make my father happy in the next 14 days. What can I do?

>> No.9857725

And I'm willing to do face to face shit, but I prefer somehow finding buyers online. I was thinking of emailing spas and hotels in my city, but if I email them they'll just brush it off as spam. How do I come across as non-spammish?

>> No.9857761

talk to the top spiritual community guys on youtube, they love crystal healing shit.
get them to advertise it and offer them a small cut of your profits for every purchase made through a reference link you give them

>> No.9857763

I will buy 1 for 20 dollars.

That is my final offer.

>> No.9857769
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>I want to make my father happy in the next 14 days. What can I do?

Add that it increases libido and sex performance by some arbitrary number, sexualize it by carving them into penises people love dicks and would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.9857770

wow my bullshit detector just killed itself

>> No.9857785

Obviously those reasons are bullshit, but the lamps themselves are really aesthetic and are literally made from salt in the Himalayas in Pakistan. So it's authentic shit. I could probably try to bullshit someone they're handmade and sell each for $300 lol

>> No.9857789

grind them down and sell as gourmet exotic salt

>> No.9857795

He fucked up by buying something with such low margin. You can go in person to sell them to stores, but the margin is too low to turn a decent profit.

If you want to sell on Amazon, look up Amazon optimization in Google. Set up a light box and get a bunch of really nice photos, then paraphrase the ad copy from the top listings of similar items. Then hit up friends and family to order verified purchases (you’ll pay for the lamps) from Amazon and leave a surge of new 5* reviews so you can get on page 1. If you can’t get to the first page on Amazon, you’re fucked.

In the future tell him to only buy things he can sell for 4-5x the initial price so his profits aren’t eaten by taxes and Amazon fees. Buying straight from China via Alibaba and a 3rd party to make sure your shit arrives properly and through customs is the way to do it.

>> No.9857805

I dunno man, A/B test this shit. Do a facebook page which advertises them as some spiritual hippy stuff, and another where you sell them as... and the other - I dunno... some kind of cutting edge Scandi inspired design choice from the future.
Take photos of them accordingly, you know a friend with a snazzy apartment and a Wassily chair - stick a couple in, bump up the saturation. Boom.

Buy Facebook ads for relevant demographics and see how it goes. The hippie stuff may be a saturated market so you should think of another market like >>9857769 this anon is suggest them. Sex them up.

>> No.9857852

Any specific tips on Amazon optimization? He already has pretty legit looking photos on there, like professionally done.

And yeah, I'm already asking friends to buy some for the ratings.

>> No.9857900

The trouble is that these are a fad item now that everyone is already selling. You’d have an easier time selling fidget spinners. The market is saturated with them and sellers already have their own stacks to unload, so you’d need to unload them straight to the public. Fix up a nice Amazon listing via the stuff described above or set up a booth at hippie festivals/craft fairs and sell them direct to consumers. You won’t sell 8800 in 2 weeks.

>> No.9857924
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Grug buy rock? Bag free?

>> No.9857933


Not really. What I already posted is the gist of it. Look up the Jungle Scout Million Dollar Case Study video on a listing for advice. Amazon’s algorithm really places a big emphasis on momentum from verified purchases, so a bunch of great reviews at once will pump you on there . Also, try Ebay and Craigslist postings, too.

>> No.9857949

No you couldn't. I have one at home for the nice dim light it projects (creates a nice atmosphere when fucking my misses). You'll drive customers away by bullshitting them

>> No.9857959

>8k units of a knick knack
>$15 each
Holy shit anon you got pageeted

>> No.9858029


>neutralise elecromagnetic radiation


>> No.9858086

Nigga it don’t matter normans are stupid

>> No.9858105

I didn't buy them, but my father has been trying extremely hard to make money for the last 5 years but he's simply getting scammed by different people and has made no money, but instead lost a shitton.

$80k on a business few years ago, $120k on a store, etc. shit like this. He's old and retired, he thought his savings would be enough but he just doesn't have any self-control and doesn't think critically about these decisions. Feeling sorry for him, so I really want it to succeed this time. He sold his house and invested a portion of that money into this so yeah. I really want to make him succeed this time as I can control this process somewhat.

>> No.9858132

if that's the only one you got a ping on, you need to check your bullshit detector for malfunctions

>> No.9858317

You should try to sell one at a time instead of one for every surface of your house. It comes off as desperate.

>> No.9858432


>> No.9858449


>> No.9858481

Tell some esoteric hippies that this light will clean her thoughts and make them reach the state of peace easier

>> No.9858525

you're stuck with himalayan salt bags lmao

>> No.9858535

this sounds like a legit good idea desu

>> No.9858714


>> No.9858988
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Gee OP I wonder why your father keeps losing money

>> No.9859249


>> No.9859352

Joe Rogan has one of these on the desk in his studio. Should be something you can use?

>> No.9859377

take all of them to sedona. those hippies love this shit

>> No.9859497

A road trip across American states setting up stalls next to hippie concerts???

>> No.9859535

Is it actually made from himalayan salt? You can probably grind them all up and recoup at least 5%.

>> No.9859595

you need to chew out your dad and telll im youre not going to support his retarded gambling addiction.
get him in a gambling support group, he is not doing business

>> No.9859656

Nope, he's an awesome father. Paid for all kids' college, is in touch with everyone, adopted an orphan.

Not gonna chew him out cuz your no-family value retarded ass says so.

>> No.9859713

he'll end up homeless if you don't its called tough love anon.
if you don't got it your daughter will be a whore and your son will be a loser virgin forever

>> No.9860365

Final bump

>> No.9860656
File: 310 KB, 427x576, 1528726895461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, look! We have ourselves people who treat science like a religion. The scientific studies, state side (USA), have not "confirmed" the results. Scientific literature does not outright disagree with the assertions made by this seller and European studies show it does in fact operate to affect some of the points this seller lists (not all).

The problem is, people like yourselves think science knows all and if it's not shown by science, it is not valid.This becomes a problem when specific western countries have mammoth industries centered around a product that has been proven harmful or unhelpful by eastern countries, yet the western counterpart resorts to supporting a misleading and/or false conclusion for the sake of protecting business.

Most all biological studies conducted in the United States with a large industry behind a product, make use of misleading studies. THE SCIENTIFIC community is not all in agreement. For this reason, you should be careful what you let affect your body.

In the case of this lamp, some of the stated benefits are probably false, but the rest are very factual, as has been shown.

>> No.9860710


How much did your dad pay for those OP, REALLY hope he didn’t buy the fake “real salt lamps” but I’m willing to bet he did. The fake ones actually deteriorate rather quickly over time and create a mess. The Real ones (expensive) are harder to find and actually offer real health and wellness benefits. They are also much bigger because they require more surface area to cleanse the air.

>> No.9860720

Lay off the peace pipe anon

>> No.9860731


>> No.9860785

What kind of hippie shit is this, post thoose on the local buy and sell groups on Facebook. Install Philips hue in them so they light up with Peoples ambilight and shit.

>> No.9860919
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Don't worry goldfish. This was personal. A little business I had to take care of. You keep clear of me, you hear?

>> No.9861017

What do you get out of being a loser faggot on an anonymous Hungarian basket weaving forum?

>> No.9861253


>> No.9861283

Jesus that's sad as fuck. After this is done just make up some scam for him and pretend he made it.

>> No.9861582

Yeah man I'm doing whatever I can. I don't wanna tell him it's stupid af cuz it'll break his heart, so I just gotta make this shit work

>> No.9861693

Honestly selling on Amazon with this shit is probably not a good idea unless market is already established and audience are well informed.

People go on Amazon knowing what they want to buy already. There isn't really much selling on the product afar from convincing people to buy your product over your competitors.

My tip is to create a short but informative video on your product showcasing its benefits.

Take the video and create a Facebook Ad on it. Blast it linking to a URL where they can purchase it. Use funnels to upsell packages and different varities of your lamps.

Next, using the same video and funnel go onto Instagram and find influencers that you can pay to post your video onto their feed. Make sure they add it to your story so they can swipe up and get redirected right into your funnel.

Do same with youtube.

After that its all about optimizing and making use of your facebook pixel and retargeting your audience.

Basically how you make money online 101.

>> No.9861710


Would you rather break his heart or financially support him after he spends the rest of his money on these stupid things?
If you were him, wouldn't you want the truth?

>> No.9861749
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I bought 5 of these at a thrift store (2 large ones 3 small) for 2 dollars each, they even came with the bulb cord thing with a light bulb. People were walking out carrying them and a few had baskets full. I guess a guy donated like 500 because he coudn't sell them and used it as a write off. Good luck selling them bro.

>> No.9861824


so some pajeet got your dad to buy 10 tons of salt with light bulbs inside it? that's next level pajeetery

>> No.9861837

If this isn't a LARP I'm sure your dad scores very highly on agreeableness. Which would make him an incredibly supportive father and put him above the median as far as effective fathers go.

But this guy is 100% right. Business and family do not mix for exactly this reason as what will or will not determine a business's success is based on a purely sociopathic set of rules. Not to say businesses can't be moral but their survival is based on their ability to perform profitably above all other metrics. Your dad risked would he couldn't afford to lose and now he's fucked. You should be selling these at the lowest possible price your goal is now to break even and save your dad's house and your dad from himself. You will be lucky to buy your dad's house back if he was really stupid enough to sell it for this retarded fucking scheme. These are rock lamps that sell for $15 at Home Depot and Lowe's. I actually like them and would like to turn my ceiling lights into these as I think it's pretty cool but you are not going to make shit from margins for for these lights.Sell to even and buy your dad's house back or watch him wallow in a misery of his own making for his remaining years.
Those emotions that you're currently feeling, that are controlling your actions, those are why businesses fail good luck anon the odds are stacked against you.

>> No.9862072

I'm thinking pragmatically, if I'm rude now and he takes offense, I lose my own college's funding.

>> No.9862110


Dude you are nuts, I have one of those in my house I got for my gf and I bought it at like target or something for 20USD.

There is no way in hell you are going to make much above that per unit dude. The fad for these was like 3-4 years ago.

>> No.9862131

Demand for these goes up x5 every Christmas. Check Google trends.

>> No.9862310

jesus christ this is depressing

>> No.9862334

First, tell your father he has a goofy idea, and that he shall plan before buy. And not to invest on the next thing without thinking.
Then, help like numerous anon already said :
Lower price (try to aim for $20)
Try other sell vector than amazon (local hippie fest and social network)
Amphize marketing (like amphase a different benefit per color, nice pictures in nice places, etc.)
Good luck.

>> No.9862345

I reckon your best bet is to find another sad old chap to pass it all off to. Sort of like a curse or a new STD.

>> No.9863118

Market to Mom groups on Fb, tell them it helps with postpartum depression. Market it to vegans as an all natural antioxidant. These groups should be your target audience. I’m surrounded by these types and know multiple people that for a fact have these in their homes. These are the reasons they bought. Also new mothers are a very desperate bunch and will grasp at anything to help them out. Good luck Anon

>> No.9863545

My mom bought one of these a couple weeks ago for $5. Good luck dude

>> No.9864314

>feeling sorry for him so I decided to enable his problem and take on his responsibilities since I fell for the bull shit romanticized idea of what a “good son” is

Ayyy lmao

>> No.9864425

real shit anon. it sucks that your dad has to learn this lesson so late in life, but you'd be doing him good by not supporting this. regardless of how it turns out, he should know that this was a big mistake.

>> No.9865385

New Idea OP - sell them to incels as something that sends out Chad Rays or something like that. Find some bullshit research suggests that salt increases testosterone and then extrapolate that. Write up a few testimonials and then spam it on Facebook.

>Science can't know everything, therefore Chink tribal medicine is better and this lamp does shit
He gives no actual reasoning other than

>> No.9865409

>You don't have your own desktop barkchip garden
>Not turbo-charging your testes with the smell of birch

>> No.9865424

can you get me a deal on two?

>> No.9865435
File: 51 KB, 700x394, ZZTop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the roasties crazy for the Birch Scent Man

>> No.9865436

You're going to have to sell these IRL. Get a stall at a farmers marker and work weekends coming up to xmas. With your terrible margins you wont be able to compete online

>> No.9865453

Actually going to steal this idea

>> No.9865458


My mom legit used to own one of those. I think she bought it just for decor, not because of magical healing bullshit.

>> No.9865516
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Speaking of Amazon, look at this shit I found in 2 seconds.

Your dad fucked up big time.

>> No.9865564
File: 154 KB, 800x1360, zpm_kit_by_tomperys-d8z849a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an easy one, OP.

Carve them into ZPM's and sell them on Ebay.

>> No.9865592

There is literally no way your dad spent $132,000 without doing an amazon search to find he can get them for $5 less ea from the same market he was going to sell.

>> No.9865631

>the store is new so there's literally 0 sales on there right now.

Thats what Amazon ads are for. Thought Bezos isn't gonna take more of your shekels?

>> No.9865717

Happy to help an enterprising /biz/reali in any small way I can.

damn. Maybe OP can sell them in sets.

>he's right you know.jog