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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9853058 No.9853058 [Reply] [Original]

Buy now?

>> No.9853063

this is like asking if you should buy ethereum at $15

>> No.9853074

Why the fuck would it take them months to add a fucking coin?
Coimbase is fucking up big time
Binance ate their lunch

>> No.9853075

to allow non normies to accumulate so we can dump bags on the december normies who fomo in

>> No.9853082

I dont see why it wouldn't reach 50$ after CB listing

>> No.9853093
File: 1.01 MB, 1686x986, 20180611_212225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to announce the imminent death of LTC as a normie coin?

>> No.9853120

What was BCH

>> No.9853155

BCH started at 300$ but you cant really compare it.
LTC is better gauge. LTC was essentially a dead project before charlie snuk it into CB

>> No.9853181

why the FUCK are they listing forks instead of actual unique projects. Coinbase is basically the industry leader in fiat on-ramps and IMO they are partially sacrificing some credibility with this crap.

>> No.9853192

Like it or not, ETC has a bunch of usage still

>> No.9853193

Get fucked stinky linky lmao. Wait u could also be a reqtard lmaoooooo

>> No.9853241

isn't there heaps of etc whales though or some shit?

>> No.9853320

Someone explain to me why they are doing this. What is the significance of adding ETC. Thought this was a dead coin.

>> No.9853328

you mean assumed. you shit nigger

>> No.9853330

nah team members came back earlier this year and they hired even more people, released their roadmap, you should check their page out, a lot of people have been under the misconception that ETC was abandoned when they've been stealth phase working on it this entire time

>> No.9853370

lol thinking normies are going to buy this. They are long gone

>> No.9853375

ETC is indeed dead
important players in coinbase have ETC bags they can dump
that's all there is to it
as someone who actually develops dapps and thinks dan larimer is a savvy scammer, i'd invest in eos before i touched etc. there's simply no point in it

>> No.9853377

Okay fine. I'm willing to say I thought wrong. That still doesn't tell me why I was wrong. Why is ETC needed in addition to ETH?

>> No.9853390


>implying LTC is still anything but a dead project

>> No.9853400

no doubt the shills will give you cute stories
google grayscale investments, barry silbert scams, dexaran = dao hacker, and get to digging
it's a high-level pump-and-dump

>> No.9853403

ltc inherits all the new work being done on BTC but slightly adjusts a few variables to make it a store of silver more so than a store of gold

>> No.9853409

Will do. Thanks.

>> No.9853427

barry had some dirt on brian

>> No.9853450

asking why coinbase would add ETC is like asking why they would add bitcoin cash

because it has the ethereum name, it IS NOT ABANDONED like the no researchers here would like you to think, they have had their roadmap out since like... april

>> No.9853454

Its still dead of course, but coinbase got normies to think otherwise for a while.

>> No.9853460
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>> No.9853470

you bought at the absolute top yesterday, didn't you?

>> No.9853475

I have been mining it forever and have not bought a single one

>> No.9853479

I've been shilling ETC on biz last month.

Yes, there was rumors that Coinbase was looking at ETC for next listing but I didn't know about that until people mentioned it in Telegram.

But look at the tech for ETC and their roadmap. There are lots of happening and their developers deliver: https://kryptocal.com/coin/etc

There is now ETH compatibility where ETH dApps can run on ETC. This means cheaper transactions using ETC whilst paying with ETH.

There is a DEX coming out for ETC and they have released a mobile wallet recently.

The volume is still higher than other alts out there when exclusing ETH and BTC transactions: https://twitter.com/ClassicIsComing/status/1005200966226853888

It is a solid hodl.

>> No.9853487

I didn't feel like putting all of this together in a post for ungrateful FUDDers but thanks for taking the time friend

>> No.9854584

Because they are bag holding a lot of it. They gotta sell it to someone

>> No.9854618
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Another ETC listing to appease the market makers, cool. File this in with btrash and the like

>> No.9854626
File: 42 KB, 275x251, stf-EKaye-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe me or no

a rabbi told me in a dream to buy this last month

first time taking dream advice pays off

>> No.9854646

ETC will not be added to Coinbase where normies buy, but it will be added to CB Prime (for businesses) and CB Pro (GDAX).

Normies will not be able to one-click buy ETC.