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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 581x93, eth shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9851653 No.9851653 [Reply] [Original]

How did you know ethereum was going to blow up? What were the catalyst?

What will the catalyst be for Chainlink?

>> No.9851748

Vitamin Buttermilk memes son. Always follow the memes.

>> No.9851803

If it's up to memes only, Link is a sure bet then.

>> No.9851816
File: 221 KB, 567x460, tomoreality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomo memes aren't bad

>> No.9851831

I never bought in @ ICO as it fit the definition of a security. Looks like the SEC might still follow through.

>> No.9851862

Memes , Fudding the creator , constant shilling and fudding
Hmmm seems oddly Familiar

>> No.9851866

Smart contracts nigga.

>> No.9851932
File: 180 KB, 748x738, ABEBCDF8-C6F1-47AC-95CB-6CBCFB2E551B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some new OC for you faggots.

>> No.9851937

the man in your post cost a lot of people on /biz/ a lot of money. i summon him to this thread to answer for his sins. speak now, sinner!

>> No.9851950

What announcement did ethereum make that made people finally understand it? as i recall, eth was pretty technical for the early crypto investors as well

>> No.9852048

ZIL reminds me eth back then, you know the tech is too strong to not blow out

>> No.9852107

They didn't know, they just got lucky

>> No.9852108
File: 23 KB, 439x290, 1517606102597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your guide to /biz/
1. If you see something shilled it's for the following reasons:
- pajeets want to push the price up so they can dump their bags
- pajeets are orchestrating a pump and dump and need more faggots to amplify the pump
- sometimes (very rarely) the shilling is organic; every once in a while a project is so good that people genuinely shill it

2. If you see something FUDed, it's for the following reason:
- people want to push the price down to accumulate for cheap

Notice a difference?
Shilling is NOT a good metric for a project because the intention can be good or bad and it's hard for you to figure what the intention is.
FUD is a very good metric because the intention most of the time is to accumulate more for cheap. The majority of people won't waste their time to create FUD threads constantly and they especially won't waste time to help YOU.

Note: what I call FUD is a new thread created by a faggot OP. Sometimes you'll see coordinated shillers shilling their bags of shit here and people will respond by BTFO-ing them. Those replies are not always FUD.

TL/DR: amount of FUD => future potential

>> No.9852113

- autist-savant as the (subjectively) charismatic creator, who made a language that showed a lot of potential, despite its flaws;
- outstanding community engagement;
- Stiftung Ethereum, pushing for adoption since 2014;
- early adopters hype;
- big names flocking in;
- etc., etc.

LINK is an organized shill endeavour by a small group, that apparently does not know how to do basic due diligence or risk allocation. there is a chance that the market will punish them bad for misreading the odds.

>> No.9852124


Yeah, this. I had intended to buy about $2000 worth at the ICO, and I fell for the fud. I've still made money (sure product of the whole market rising and my being in so long), but I'm one of those worthless boomers that has been in cryptos for years and not made it. I'm really bad at this.

>> No.9852128

This is clearly LINK today. OH shit, I gotta start stacking.

>> No.9852131

Risk allocation?
If you go by the new business formula, CL is the best bet you can go with

>> No.9852135

What's a good amount to be comfy? Thinking of throwing 3btc on this for an insurance stack? If I should buy more, shill me on why.

>> No.9852137

Eth alliance

>> No.9852142

That's plenty anon, even less. Depends on how long you're planning to hold

>> No.9852151

I'll give it 1.5yrs

>> No.9852155

Early 2020 perhaps, just picked up .5btc worth of LINK to start

>> No.9852158

1k is suicide insurance
10k min to make it
25k to be comfy
50k+ to make it early

>> No.9852169

price prediction by 2020? Basically a year a half from now.

>> No.9852190

>t. good advice, from a veterano anon

Yep. I've learnt this the hard way, but it finally made sense to me last November when I missed the boat on a bunch of good projects when the normies fomo kicked off (after missing Ethereum earlier and not having enough BTC & LTC to make it, did very well off XRP though). I only fud now, never shill (except if there's a good thread, normally just an off hand comment). Why would I want the price to rise, and reduce the amount I have? I only buy in bear markets and crashes now, and anything I can do to help keep the price down low benefits me long term.

I hire pajeets off Fiverr to post fud on Reddit these days (cheap as hell, like 5 bucks to derail some threads), I even managed to tank the price on a coin I wanted by arranging an exchange listing ahead of schedule so miners dumped it into my waiting hands. No more playing nice, I want to fucking win the game now.

>> No.9852223

Mainnet + swift microsoft + bull market = 100$+ easy

>> No.9852239


Bear in mind the node rewards aren't just off of the tokens staked - quality of the data, trust, uptime a whole bunch of variables come into play. So even a small stack should be held as insurance, and could pay off big just via the node rewards.

>> No.9852376

>What will the catalyst be for Chainlink?
kek, chainlink is more similar to bitconnect than ethereum

>> No.9852487

>Vitamin Buttermilk
That would have made me buy it back then

>> No.9852506

Because the project was innovating and new. Chainlink is a copy/paste erc20, one of thousands.

>> No.9852534

>here we go again

>> No.9852539

Mmm.. let's see, on one hand we have an genius level programmer, and on the other hand an fat and lazy cunt with coding level of an first year college student

>> No.9852545
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>> No.9852557

Why even bother with such a shitty fud?

>> No.9852583

I've seen technical discussions back then, people argued about revolutionary points of its tech. I'm pretty sure that shills knew it.

>> No.9852603

I have to kind of agree with >>9852506
I'm not an oldfag in crypto (I am on this fucking site though) but when I first came to /biz/, ETH was still under $10 and was being shilled hard and I bought within 2 hours of being here. It was innovative and there weren't nearly as many cryptocurrencies back then as there are now. It was nothing at all like it is now. ETH felt like it was due to explode and for some reason, that I can't quite put my finger on now, I just decided to buy. Maybe I was just naive and lucky ETH was the first thing /biz/ was shilling to me, but I decided to buy a lot under $10 and when the price kept growing and growing and that's about it. I had a lot of faith in the project and it till hasn't let me down.

>> No.9852923

Increased my insurance stack to 2 btc for now. Chainlink has too much potential to not have at least a minor stake in.

>> No.9853119
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>> No.9853124

How many you bought and how many still holding?

>> No.9853131

>eth alliance
so then the next ETH level gains is RLC? because of the openfog consortium?

>> No.9853160

I sold ALL mine after the DAO debacle. everyone thought smart contracts were dead in the water.

>> No.9853332

>Thinking /biz/ can affect the price of a coin

>> No.9854558

I'd like to be friends with you. What's your discord tag?

>> No.9854567
File: 43 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 100%:

I'm not even a true oldfag and I've figured this out. Beyond that; however, you really need to dive deeply into the project and see if its truly innovative and not just a minuscule improvement over an existing project or poorly designed/engineered. When I came back to this board in December after a hiatus, I saw people going nuts over Link and I thought it was a meme. After a couple weeks I started doing research (which was difficult with almost no computer science background) and my eyes were opened to what the oracle problem was, and why existing solutions and competitors (Oracalize, XYO, Mobius, Aeternity, Wanchain, etc) offered incomplete solutions, or couldn't achieve the security and decentralization ChainLink is aiming for.

ChainLink's catalyst will mostly likely be time. For the longest time Ethereum considered a meme people were suckered into buying until one day everyone just woke up and realized the incredible potential it had. Mainnet might now cause it, (smaller) partnerships might not cause it, but one day- one day everyone will wake up and understand why solving the oracle problem is so important and that ChainLink is the ONLY truly decentralized and tamperproof oracle network out there. And when that day comes, we're all going to be glad we booked ourselves a seat on the rocket to mars.

>> No.9854577

read the whitepaper
prospect of ICOs and dApps meaning usage meaning demand meaning value increase

>> No.9854645

iost is the coin that will run big this year, like eth and iota did.

>> No.9854669

I bought like 45k. Think I need more to make it ?

>> No.9854699

/biz/ doesn't call anything. People who bet wrong ragequit and there aren't usernames to keep track of who's winning and who's losing.

It's effectively a crowdsourced little man at the race track racket. Don't follow up with the losers and pretend the winners owe you big for that little tip.

>> No.9854715

>. If you see something FUDed, it's for the following reason:
>- people want to push the price down to accumulate for cheap


Notice how all the 0xBTC replies are now fud. A few people are making threads to shill because they want it up now, but they are getting completely shut down by the replies. The main 0xBTC shills are fudding to get the price lower and make people sell out before the next run, which is getting closer all the time.

>> No.9854736
File: 460 KB, 360x560, 1520391698186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia doesn't want to tamper with crypto, they want to take the pulse of wires at bottlenecks and reverse engineer the binary so their economic forecasting becomes superior to America's when everyone is using crypto.

Can't do anything in good faith if you need a black hat on to do it.

>> No.9854751

That's not FUD. 0xBTC is literally garbage.

>> No.9854752

So buy more FUN and REQ?

>> No.9854824 [DELETED] 

The thing is, if it succeeds and swift starts using it, then it's just a matter of time until everyone else is using it, this means that even if I make it with my 10K linkies stack, I can wait for a few more years and basically become rich as fuck.
If this works, it will change contracts, that's like saying Ford changed transportation, now imagine the market cap of Cars.
I'm comfy as fuck right now, I'm poor as fuck and wagecucking in an internship, but I have that peace of mind you get when the future is bright.
Can you anons give me advice for this though: I'm 25 and never had a gf (fucked 3 whores though) but 10 months ago I met this girl I dated in highschool (one awkward kiss) and we've been together for 10 months, she's more experienced than me but she's virgin as well (says she never did anal or sucked a cock before mine though but made out and gave handjobs to other guys before), but I fucked her ass and a few months ago her pussy and she sucks well enough.
Now I'm quite attractive but awkward as fuck and /pol fucked me real good, so that's why I'm with her since other girls are on average sluttier than her, but she's a 7 and religious (that's why virgin) and I'm not religious. The thing is I think I could fuck around more (the past shows that's not the case though), and I might have a job opportunity in another country.
Do you think I should stay with her or just take the job and not look back, the /pol in me thinks she's done a lot more than what she says, and she already lied before (texting with an ex who lives abroad) and I almost broke up with her.
>inb4 le blue pilled past dusnt matr

>> No.9854851

WTF did I just read...

>> No.9854962

Goddammit Rebecca I told you I'm not your diary!

>> No.9855725

Holy shit

>> No.9855825

What was it?

>> No.9855840

what i've just missed?

>> No.9855859

it's terrible

i love it

>> No.9855897

>. If you see something FUDed, it's for the following reason:- people want to push the price down to accumulate for cheap

Or they hate the scamming and the 'community' shilling scams on here.

>> No.9856038

Nice try, Link shill

>> No.9856265

Watched an early video of him. In the question and answers a dude asked him something along the lines "if you had a quantum computer what would you do". Without a hesitation Vitalik answered "open source it". The question was a trick of course - with a quantum computer he would be god of the current universe, money wouldnt matter to him. I didn't invest in Ethereum, I invested in Vitalik

>> No.9856291

>Whatever the fuck it does, don't fall for the Ethereum shills
I've read almost the exact same words but with 0xBTC instead of Ethereum.
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.9856450

I really think 0xBTC is a shit coin. Why do you think its so good? I'm curious

>> No.9856700


>> No.9857524

So buy REQ, LINK and RLC got it.

>> No.9857760

When ETH was new, how many other coins were there?

>> No.9857794

you can make the same argument for chainlink: it has no competition.

>> No.9857846

>you can make the same argument for chainlink: it has no competition.

But it does - from everyone. Including Microsoft who incidentally supply email servers ,databases etc to most of the fortune 500. DYOR

>> No.9857981

ChainLink isn't FUDDED only SHILLED so I guess that's bad

>> No.9858060
File: 194 KB, 750x1061, IMG_1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Microsoft has cryplets and stated they are better than oracles. They even posted an article about it saying oracles aren't as superior to their technology. All those "dots" was actually Microsoft shilling their own tech. See pic related. Better off just buying Ethereum while it's down and keep your risk low and locking in the potential for making great returns. Look at the previous projects and how they have run them. ChainLink isn't solving a problem that https doesn't already accomplish.

>> No.9858114

Not to mention it's going to cost to much to use the ChainLink network. It's not going to work. Reputation farming. I'll set up a node and only ask for data that I personally can feed. When my node has unlimited rep I'll be able to manipulate a high value smart contract that's worth more than the collateral I have put up as penalty because my reputation is so great.

>> No.9858300
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>ChainLink isn't FUDDED

>> No.9858406

1. Follow the memes
2. Under radar
3. Really good use case
4. FUD

>> No.9858876

Hey guys, here to say wow so based memes thanks for the heads up early adopters club here we will all be rich with LINK supply of 1 billion tokens when it MOONS, I appreciate the hard work off all the marines here who help me know that enterprises will buy hundreds of millions of tokens instead of creating in-house solutions with their thousands of experienced devs, because what interest would any big company have in solving the oracle problem for themselves when Sergey has already done it for them? The whole world will stand in awe at what ChainLink's five devs have accomplished with 35 million dollars and years of work, it is really a no brainer that Facebook, Microsoft, and Tesla will most likely choose to use the $LINK network and no silly FUD could ever convince me that this project is anything but the next BIG thing! Thanks again anons, wow

>> No.9858994

>ChainLink isn't FUDDED
fucking kek

>> No.9859016

Except there is strong evidenc that cryplets will be using chainlink. https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/8fb6ml/microsoft_cryptlets_is_using_chainlink/


Sergey even owns the domain names for cryplets. FUD harder.

>> No.9859023

1 billion tokens, 5 core devs, no community involvement, Microsoft has Cryptlets, SWIFT radio silent - it is FUD alright but not the good kind. Have fun holding link, moron

>> No.9859044

You do know that Vechain made Chainlink obsolete, right?

>> No.9859165

Fear, underainty and doubt
Yes, it's FUD. FUD doesn't have to be illegitimate. There are some pretty big legitimate concerns about Link. But to say that it's not being fudded is laughable. It's probably the single most fudded project on this board.

>> No.9859187
File: 279 KB, 2311x1301, FuD or Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you smart anon
>risk allocation
Something linkys are too retarded to see, Link is not the new ETH
You faggots can't see the signs....

Oh god.... here is a you

Pajeet pajeet....you shit on the street
Pajeet pajeet...you come shill Us ChainLink

>Very good coin sirs

Pajeet pajeet....but why do you stink?
Me? No stink.... just buy ChainLink *wink*

Pajeet Pajeet ... I saw that wink
It makes me think.....are we gonna Pink!? (implying Wojaks)

Pajeet pajeet.... You cannot defeat
For he is the one...that shilled you ChainLink

Now you will Sink....and start to think .....how could I fall....for that stinky chainLink-

>> No.9859200

>How did you know ethereum was going to blow up? What were the catalyst?
I didn't, /biz/ was completely against it shilling other coins instead.
>What will the catalyst be for Chainlink?
no idea, just do the opposite of what /biz/ tells you, always works out.

>> No.9859210
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Because it was a first mover, period, that is how we knew. The white paper was nice and promising, but in reality it was a second chance at getting in on the ground floor before we even knew how far btc could go.

>> No.9859220


>Or they hate the scamming and the 'community' shilling scams on here.

This is such a dumb fuck way of thinking. Nobody spends hours per day every day FUDing a coin because they're annoyed by shills or hate scammers. And you talk like this is such a reasonable, rational way to behave. You'd have to be absolutely deranged to act like this or think it's reasonable, so it's obvious they just want to accumulate whatever coin their FUDing.

>> No.9859261

>You'd have to be absolutely deranged to act like this or think it's reasonable

Having spent almost 10 years on /v/ I can see that. And there there's not even money involved.

>> No.9859282
File: 58 KB, 679x769, Pllllffftttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls kill your self
Because you are implying i am trying to accum.
I want you retards to admit you bought a bad investment, i want you to stop shilling, and clearly you guys will never sell

So now i purely want to post FUD to make you feel shitty about not listening. I've posted my Screens of me selling.
I don't want to accumulate you coping faggot
This is ALL you need to know

Every past event did so much for this coin, every speculatory partnership. The massive announcement that was to be released in 2018 consensus. All the github codes being updated made this coin grow so much right?
But let's just wait more, just hold longer. Because THIS time something will happen. You do know how you sound right? Req baggies ring a bell?

-Biz said link would be $10 after SIBOS. Assblaster said $3 by April. The whale larper said $1000 EOY (all in the archives)

The only person who predicts correctly is the oldfag who always posts that black Amex saying it will keep falling until 0 (so far he is more accurate)

>j-just h..hold guys

>> No.9859344

Hey, it the fuckin clown again. Merry Christmas, cocksucker!

>> No.9859381

People like you are the reason whenever people post memes about "thinking you won't have to do any work to become a millionaire" I think "what the fuck are you talking about? It's an insane amount of work."
The constant pressure of dealing with negativity, people telling you you're wrong, people calling you names, every single price dip a flood of people rubbing it in your face... it's an incredible emotional stress.
When you go look at both BTC and ETH, you see the exact same shit. When they were $1 and under, you still had incredible waves of negativity and name calling. Even to this day the whole buttcoin subreddit exists to try to spoil the fun and dreams of BTC holders.
Yet for those who were able to weather through all of the emotional abuse, they prospered, and many made millions.
LINK to me feels almost exactly like ETH did. I didn't get into ETH, but I'm not missing the LINK train, and I refuse to give in to the fud.

>> No.9859601
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>> No.9859609


Literally every time FUDers post it's a self own. You're fucking deranged for having taken the time to type that out thinking it'd influence anyone.

>> No.9859664


>> No.9859699

The catalyst is people using the thing that blows up. People use ETH -> ETH blows up. No one is using LINK. Look at projects that are actually being used.

>> No.9859875
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 1365563899372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't spend time on you tards anymore
All i do is copy paste my FUD stack
You think you will look back to these posts in the future , being a millionaire
But you will look back and see me, laughing at your retards in every thread. Bet on it

Your fate is the same as REqqies
Just wait, once mainnet is out and the coin barely pumps
It's official, you all got pajeeted

>> No.9860296


>I don't spend time on you tards anymore
>proceeds to post extensive diatribes about how chainlink is doomed to fail over and over and over ad infinitum


>> No.9860316
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>> No.9860325

I didnt, I was one of the guys calling it a russian scam @ 2$

>> No.9860382
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>> No.9860445

Could you send me a message on telegram? @bizshill

>> No.9860675

Yeah but you’d be just a bad sample across many nodes. Some of who will have a brand behind them. Chill

>> No.9860682

> I didn't invest in Ethereum, I invested in Vitalik
Nice I have that same thing with Synth

>> No.9860744

Why is your FUD only focused on x price at y time? Fucking retard. BTC was supposed to be 50k by now. Logic doesn’t hold

>> No.9861182
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When there is moon talk and 1000 talk
Everyone is on board tho right? Fuck the tech, and fuck you if that is all you are here for. It's all about gains bitch.
'people still think swift will be using chainlink when in reality the smartcontract.com team just created chainlink ico as funding to develop a seperate product use for private in house use by swift. lmao.
there has been nothing to backup your delusions other than "muh sibos" and "muh swift logo on the website" in almost a fucking year. i seriously dont understand how anyone can get so emotionally attached to an obviously poorly managed project where the lead only communicates with everyone once every 4 months.'

>> No.9861231


>> No.9861667

It was an easy call at the time. The only true smart contract play on the market (rootstock still talking), a functioning alphanet. You had a year to watch it & crypto was way different then.

Litecoin, feathercoin dogecoin. Shut tier stuff besides monero