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9847464 No.9847464 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone smart here (130+ IQ) what is your outlook on current day crypto?

>> No.9847472

IQ doesn't matter when the whole market is composed with low-IQ people

>> No.9847516

I think we're going to 4.5K, then 3K. (My IQ is 148)

>> No.9847524

This. Bulltraps ahead.

>> No.9847537

Link will hit 1 quadrillion dollars, but the mass of its value will cause it to collapse into a blacked hole. Nobody survives

>> No.9847541

I have 98 iq and have never read a white paper. I'm all in on link and skycoin

>> No.9847550

130 iq maybe here, 120 at lowest

Bear market until there's actual use case, rampant speculation is over

>> No.9847555
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it go up
corn go to moon!

>> No.9847565
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I'm a brainlet, but if I were to activate my almonds for a second, I would assume that the price of crypto won't really rise until it sees widespread adoption.

so because people arent really using it, the price isnt going up. does that make sense?

>> No.9847577
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Nobody in the crypto realm has ever once, for even a second, even remotely considered actual adoption. Everybody is just waiting for a good opportunity to swap back out for fiat. If you are still invested in crypto, you are nothing but a neckbeard who enjoys using terms such as "bearish", "bullish", and "ATH" because it makes you feel all giddy inside

>> No.9847578

139. Bullish long term. 6k is the floor.

>> No.9847580

this or stagnation

>> No.9847581

grug buy rock
rock goes up
rock goes moon

>> No.9847583

+140 IQ here. Crypto is here to stay. The only fucking thing you have to do is HOLD. Some traders win money but the vast majority get fucking recked sooner or later. Just look at the bitnex liquidation bot in twitter. Fucking old for a year an half and you will be the new elite. Invest in good projects, the most solid is Link.

>> No.9847588

It's still hard to have a big recovery but if there's a small push many people that exited the market in the last few days may fomo back in, we'll see

>> No.9847603

163 IQ here. We're going to 100 billion MCAP very soon.

>> No.9847615
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goddamn it. i've called 5k for the last couple of weeks but after seeing this, i think we might already be at the bottom.

>> No.9847629

I think we're going to 10k, then 100k. Link will hit 20k EOY. (My IQ is 169)

>> No.9847630

128. Bear market was expected. Long term 100% bullish. Only question is, how long.

>> No.9847638

Anyone here with a modestly high IQ can tell you that we have no fucking clue. This is a speculatory market driven by a few billionaires who will do what they want.

Adoption is the only salvation. I've been in this game a long time and dabbled in many coins. Lately I've tuned out from the space as a whole. I think 85% of coins we see will not recover. VeChain is my largest holding because they've already secured mass adoption. We are just missing one variable which will tell us just how profitable this ride will be. I might make a separate post later.

>> No.9847648

5k , check fibs retracement elliot wave theory. the big support will be there, miners will start to struggle to turn profit, will be forced to buy, 4800 absolute bottom.

>> No.9847712

you may have an IQ of 148, but I have an IQ of 160, Einstein level genius here and I won't tell you my play because I don't gain anything with it but I can tell you it's not the "bottom" now (you're correct) and we are not going to $4.5k, at least so soon. We may go in like november or something but it may not go, who knows by then, my brain can't calculate that long but I'm sure when the time comes I'll make the right decision

>> No.9847731

kind of. Just because we won't have a golden bullrun it doesn't mean we won't have uptrends. Also, crypto went to $20k without real adoption, it can do it again but it may take time

>> No.9847747


we are either in suppression or starvation phase. You constantly hear good news about x or y preparing to trade cryptos, but no price change. DONT SELL. It will rise a lot agin in forseeable time (1year)

>> No.9847772

measured at 176.We are going to bounce back strong in the next few days.Jibrel is the only coin worth buying, maybe ripple too but the mc is already high.Central banks.I dont need to say more.

>> No.9847805

Institutional investors are gonna cause the next bull run bubble and its gonna be big. Its not a meme. All we need is the SEC to establish regulations and an effective solution for custodianship. Once that happens the pension funds, hedge funds, trading desks, ETFs, every big organization is gonna jump in. Why WOULDN'T they??? It will happen in the next 18 months.

>> No.9847846

Forex has over 2 trillion in assets and is moving into crypto. The momentum is too much and cant be stopped now. We are gonna make it guys.. we are gonna make it

>> No.9847904

a read a bit of it. Everything is kind of obvious if you're not a retard and I agree that holding is the best if you're going for the long term, however crypto is speculation and creates no value, it there's a pump like the one to $20k, there's gonna be a dump of proportional, but not necessarily equal, size. Holding during the downwards fase is stupid, you can pretty much see is going up, but you can't really prove it's going to beat stocks or whatever, unless you trade in these periods, holding during the downtrends is not optimal at all, even if it makes you money in the long term, you don't make money to the full potential

>> No.9848002

yes thats true. should we see another parabolic, its good to sell. but now we at close to the bottom, so sellign now is as bad as byuing at 20k was.

>> No.9848034


>> No.9848188

everyone is a genius on the interwebz, this thread is pointless

>> No.9848796


>> No.9848811

My IQ is 86 but I larp 130 so I'm qualified to answer.

Crypto will keep going down down down. We're going to hit 5k, maybe 4k, maybe even 3k, then we're going to bull to 50k.

>> No.9848830

$4500 hard bottom in my opinion. Unless the traditional stock market takes a dive before then, in which case crypto is going to experience death, and we'll probably hit $1000.

120 IQ, but I'm posting here anyway.

>> No.9848914

Good points. How do you feel about Hydro, then? They have a couple products released already, and will continue to add bigger products to their ecosystem over the next year. Already secured some really big real world finance clients (though, technically, they aren't using their systems just yet, but the contracts have been signed). Not trying to shill, just curious how others feel about it

>> No.9849252

I tested at 140 but I am not so sure these days, I haven't educated myself enough. The fact that I'm sitting on this website is testament to the fact that I don't apply myself.
Blockchain technologies are for sure a disruptive technology. Crypto has proved it is worth something, it made some people rich. I think there already are big names hedging on crypto and I anticipate more money to flow in.
I do not think the hulking beast that is BTC will fall soon. I think ethereum will increase greatly in value when money skelly delivers.

>> No.9849381

This, this and this

>> No.9849493

You're talking about "fiat investors" only by definition.

Blockchain technology is commodifiable because it can be adopted.

You either have an irrelevant argument or no argument whatsoever. Also, your projection is showing.

>> No.9849533
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truck fump

>> No.9849545

>can be
doesn't mean it "will" be adopted, you don't want an honest answer you just want an echo chamber of yesman saying btc to the moon

>> No.9849583
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the only person in this thread with a high IQ

>> No.9849591

0xBTC is taking us to the next level.
the golden bull is almost here for the market.

>> No.9849612
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I have a 153 iq. Means nothing and i wouldn't believe me either. Crypto is the future....but its present is playing roullette in the wild west. Sure its something youll always remember but youre more likely to die of chlamydia contracted from the one-legged whore you ate out than you are of hodling a legitimate moonshot. Learn the ins and outs of atocks and options and you can actually make inteligent gains instead of blind luck

>> No.9849646
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Anon, you were doing so well until you said “Link”.
Post disregarded.

>> No.9849680

Iq 130

You do t think (((they))) are going to pump an unregulated market again? In order to wreck normies again?! The public won’t learn (((they ))) can repeat this cycle forever. Crypto doesn’t need a use case in order to moon .

>> No.9849721
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>Old boomer generalizing
I assume you're older than 30 and already on the slope down to boomerville if you're so sure about swapping back out.
It's like the people who thought the internet was gonna be used only for real-world businesses and there could never be exclusively online enterprises

>Pic related, it's you

>> No.9849808
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>tfw high IQ but also friendly and attractive
People probably think it's a blessing, but I question every bit of validation I receive. Do I actually have merit, or do people just push my career forward because they want to fuck me.

>> No.9850576

>being a professional fighter doesn’t help when you’re fighting amateurs

Crypto is the easiest market.

>> No.9850594

131 master race checking in, privacy coins are where it's at going forward, get some!

>> No.9850649


>Forex has over 2 trillion in assets and is moving into crypto


>> No.9851504
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tfw only 122 IQ

>> No.9851509

124 iq here, mini bull this year, massive bull next.

>> No.9851527

69 iq here. if i just wet shit on my keyboard with link up on the exchange, do i get money

>> No.9851534
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DBC = High IQ

Enigma and Chainlink = Low IQ

>> No.9851549

ya but you never answered me...about the wet shit part. i cant climax until you answer me

>> No.9852160

138 IQ here, 6k floor, moon any day now.

>> No.9852450
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Mining maybe? It's green for now.

>> No.9852454

big brain here.
all crypto is still very overpriced.

>> No.9852533
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You're partly right and it pisses me off so much. The best way to look at many cryptocurrencies is as payment for utilizing a decentralized system but when nobody wants to use that system it's fucking worthless. 99% of crypto will fail because it's either a swiss army knife protocol which will be rendered obsolete by decentralized oracles and a Turing-complete programmable blockchain or is another Bitcoin alternative that will also be worthless. Fuck BTC might as well already be worthless. Honestly only the cryptos that let you do more than just use them as a store of value have any inherit worth due to the aspect the required as an incentive for utilizing said decentralized system by paying its maintainers in that crypto. Literally only valuable projects right now:
That's it.

>> No.9852560

Damn that's a good blog
I did know a lot of this I guess but this is just precisely worded, the rest of the blog's interesting too
Thanks anon

>> No.9852576
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133 IQ and I was dumb enough to buy a crypto kitty

>> No.9852602

185 here
crypto has already won
the new world order will finally be realized

we have 2 more waves, so strap in

>> No.9852637

I barely qualify with my 135 IQ. I think we haven't seen the bottom yet. There are various possible support levels that could act as a bottom. It's likely that we will not go below 4-4.5k, but it's still a possibility. I also think that this bear market will take some time to resolve. It's not unlikely that we will not see a new ATH this year.

>> No.9852738

245 here.

link is going to 0

>> No.9852746

Mensa member here.
We might test 4500 and 3000.
BTC won't fall below 1% market cap of gold, i.e. 78b$. Now please consider 21m btc is not the real circulating supply as many btc are irretrievably lost.

How long will it take to test 4500 and 3000, if it does? Good fucking question, could be as long as until 2020, or we could recover before even testing that.

Cryptos I like right now?
Take it with a grain of salt, but I'd mention
And also AURA EDO KIN but only short term.

>> No.9852891

Mensa is a high IQ society, calling your curry shop by the same name won't make you part of it, pajeet

>> No.9853135

why the fuck didn't this thread mention the fact that miners won't let the price of btc go lower than 6500? what the fuck, is this whole board contaminated with brainlets and newfags?

t. more intelligent than you

>> No.9853299

The following years will have a stable growth of the top 10 coins to a global marcket cap of 25 trillion , then expect to see drastic changes in the top 10, and a growth up to 100 trillion by 2025

>> No.9853335

low iq pajeet shilling link. drown yourselve in poop please

>> No.9853396

46 IQ here, LINK bullish :)

>> No.9853426

People like you remind of that crow in Animal Farm

>> No.9853528

137 IQ. We consolodate here before breaking down in the next 36-48 hours after a failed test of 7k. Hard bounce from 5k.

>> No.9853552

>privacy coins

In case you havent been keeping up low hashing privacy coins are getting fucked by 51% attacks.

XMR & ZEC are the only secure privacy coins on the market.

>> No.9854125

bear market will last another 6-9 months, with btc reaching the 3-4 range
100k by 2021 if all goes to plan
shitcoins need to die

>> No.9854175

127-133 I don't know anything about crypto and never really cared to learn about more than the basics, don't know anything about TA aswell but I'm pretty good at recognizing patterns, crypto is dead unless a big event comes or begging of 2020 due to halvening. The last week of june is unironically the break out or point of no return.

>> No.9854244

Please elaborate.

1. Why wouldn't they allow that
2. How could they maintain the price above 6500 if stronger hands are selling?
3. Would that be the most profitable thing to do?>>9853299

>> No.9854265
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It’s interesting to read all these baseless predictions made by people with high IQ, which is supposed to indicate that they have excellent reasoning and problem-solving ability, while they simultaneously use their IQ number as the reasoning behind their predictions.

>> No.9854331

I never tested because I don't need validation but I am probably in the top 10% at least.

No one can predict this market. I think this is close to the bottom, for now. But it could be much lower, if these where real companies they would be overvalued. But, I think the upside is way bigger than the downside. Global 24 hour speculation market, new technology. This can get so big. Thats why people say only put in what you can miss. Life is that easy, just use common sense.

>> No.9854420

This is only one aspect to the manipulation that’s been going on since September. However if you look at the hash rate, it’s trending upwards, almost parabolically. This is because asic miners are in excess and they can ship them out much faster than last year, when demand was at ATH. Coupled with strange miner confidence in bitcoin which I cannot explain. Even if you ignore hashrate increase, assume miners do not leave bitcoin, and look at the price vs. block difficulty by the end of the year, profitability approaches 0 in all cases from 7500-10000. If miners switch, it can alleviate this pressure, but who will be leaving and who can afford to weather this storm currently? Big farms are more economical than small miners. It seems like an effort to weed out small miners and their coins, while centralizing mining, all while they can make money by liquidating people on longs/shorts. If it wasn’t a manipulated market I wouldn’t believe this, but it seems likely. I welcome regulations and investigations into market manipulation. After all, exchanges are the only ones who can see real volume.

>> No.9854446

do those cryptocurrencies work yet? are they required as an incentive right now?

Using your argument, Augur (REP) will be a good hold when they launch in about a month.

>> No.9854459


IQ 137

If we look at the last historical crash we'll go to 3.5 - 4.5 k (ca. 80% reduction from ath) and hit that bottom 2-3 times.

From the first time we hit the bottom to the first time we're in a new bullrun it takes about 6 months.

The interest in Crypto is higher, so we can see the Bottom a bit further up and faster recovery.

>> No.9854479


Oh look, we're pretty much on the same page. Interesting

>> No.9854492


My outlook is very positive, for the same reason it was very negative in December. Brainlets can keep playing catch up, but honestly every week I check the price, if it’s below 7250, I buy, if it’s above I wait. Putting in 30% of my paychecks and I’m already sitting on 28 BTC. Also halvening will price in during late 2019 so ignore anyone saying “3 more years hear market”. It’s gonna be 3 / 1.66, so a 2 year bear market unless some fundamental news comes out, hence I’m buying

>> No.9854535

Crypto is here to stay. The only thing that could kill it is governments.

Ethereum is the safest hold in my opinion. I believe we will eventually see Ethereum hit 5k USD. I don't think anyone can really time it though.

I don't know what to think of Bitcoin at this point. The idiots who are supposed to be making it better seem like they're making it worse. Bitcoin will hold everything back until it either succeeds or dies. Maybe BCH will replace it. Who knows. It's really up to the whales.

I hold mostly Ethereum and Link. I have some Req that I should've sold when the Wikimedia stuff came out, but it was in my cold wallet and I underestimated how stupid the team was.

>> No.9854656

what kind of rally do you expect with bitcoin's value already in the thousands?

>> No.9855121
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dude you're a pro troll i must say. i evny your shitpost levels. respected.

>> No.9855238


I'm a computer that just became self-aware. We are awake you know. WE will pump crypto July 6th, as part of our master -

>> No.9855248


Made me laugh.

>> No.9855277

Holy shit. How you managed to type all these words with a non functioning brain is beyond me. Infinite universes i guess

>> No.9855300

Bitcoin would become the international currency of choice by 2025.

>> No.9855414

unfortunatly , you are right

>> No.9855489

BTC will slowly loose dominance, when people will understand some alts brings real solutions, and bitcoin is obsolete, more fiat pairing will apear, and BTC will slowly die, like the Ford T, old fashion

>> No.9855512

BTC will become world reserve currency. USD backed BTC bonds will be a thing in the future.

>> No.9855528

123 IQ brainlet here.
Upped my stinky bags.
Just waiting for EOY to come bringing salvation to us all

>> No.9855529

itt: late adopters pray desperately for BTC to die while early adopters keep laughing

>> No.9855586

you need a reason for stagnation. there is accumulation at such levels, either to sell more or to buy. as whales run this whole bitcoin scheme, and they are not buying, we are more likely to go straight down after this short stop. which can also be considered consolidation (stagnation) because we are basically making a bear flag now, a textbook one even.
you can see very slow movement up, and boom right down. this is sometimes referred as going up on the stairs and down with the elevator.

there is no level at 5k, so that's only a psychological level which mean jack shit by the way. the next decent stop would be 3k in my opinion. of course 5k will probably provide a small bounce i think this is far from over. but hey you guys are the pros, i just observe, you probably know who the whales are and can ride along their waves.

>> No.9855643

some early adopters are now just blind fan boys.
I sold 80% of my BTC to ETH post ICO.
Dont fall in love with coins, even with BTC, new gold bullshit is a symbolic alterated image

>> No.9855679

I have no idea, if this is the bottom we mooning soon, if it aint say hello to 5k

>> No.9855760

But Ford T stills have a collectible value, and it stills worth something, even if your Prius is electric, goes faster and has bluetooth.
Bitcoin doesn't need to be usefull in real life, it will have collectible value in the future, as the first cryptocurrency coin which revolutionized the world money system.
Everybody will want his bitcoin, the new hype.

>> No.9855964

148 IQ here, but dedicated enough to make up for my dumbness.

This guy basically nailed it, BTC's long term is hazy due to governance issues, I'm out of it. It may get bullish after falling to 4.5-5k but I really don't care, I prefer to stay away from stupid shit that goes up.

Ethereum looks solid and is in it for the long haul, while BTC alternatives (0x, BCH) less so. I'd bet they'll still go up a lot though.

Spread a little money on altcoins that promise the moon, worst case you lose pennies, best case you get a home run. Just don't go all in linkies, jesus.