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9844588 No.9844588 [Reply] [Original]

I just hooked up my Skyminer, this shit feels just like mining BTC back in the days

>> No.9844854

nice anon

get ready for max comfy eta 3 weeks

>> No.9844904

apart from the fact you don't mine anything?
that you paid 1 btc for the miner and get back a portion of this scamcoin at a currently non-disclosed rate?
that you get worthless coinhours for non-mining?
coinhours you can spend to feed your kittycat?
>paying 1 btc for a kittycashgold-miner
wew lad

>> No.9844994

how can this beat comcast and google?

>> No.9845000

I thought sky wasnt going the traditional route of mining and distribution of coins so how is sit possible to have a miner? I dont know too much about the project

>> No.9845028

>just like mining BTC back in the days
You mean because it's literally nothing like mining or because you're shilling your bags?

>> No.9845040

you re not actually mining, you can act like a node in the network to provide bandwidth for other users and get rewarded wit sky coins

>> No.9845049

You're not mining, theoretically you get paid for routing traffic in the form of Skycoin/skyhours. Only early adopters will be paid in Skycoin however, so that is why you should get whitelisted for test net.

I've never bought skycoin, but I did invest $600 on a homemade Skyminer. It's pretty comfy, desu.

>> No.9845088

so how is the test net, anon? do you have acces to any stats, apps?

>> No.9845126

yeah how is it?
no one is whitelisted yet
no definitive explanation on rewards
testnet rewards will be coinhours too as a matter of act
maybe you can sell them back for sky then
this is all a giant shitshow
who is in charge anyway?
definately not synth

>> No.9845156
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Honestly, idk. I may have gotten pajeeted, but at least I never bought any actual skycoin if that's the case.

However, the software seems to be legit, all my nodes are online. I'm actually pretty amazed I was able to pull it off an actually build the thing considering how little experience I have, combined with all the possible things that could have gone wrong.

I thought some people have been white listed? If this is a scam, it's incredibly elaborate. The amount of effort that went into creating hardware support infrastructure at least comforts me that it isn't truly a scam. The concept is super cool, so I hope the project delivers long term.

If you have $600 bucks to spare, give building a skyminer a go. At the very least it's a cool hobby project, and I'm wondering what else my Raperry Pi's can do.

>> No.9845188

>The amount of effort that went into creating hardware support
what do you mean?
they literally only resell prepackaged chinese hardware
they don't even have real storage
it's all on the fly
hence only two batches of 300 or so got delivered with months inbetween
seems the "btc-ogs" (lol) don't have much spare cash
total amateur show
looks scammier by the day
and i liked it in the beginning

>> No.9845193

You can actually build a one node miner instead of 8 and participate so you don’t need $600, more like $30 for the pi.

>> No.9845216

I mean, they actually created software you can upload into a rasperry pi, and it actually does something, as opposed to any other scam, which is basically just a wallet with some tokens.

I believe the official skyminers are basically just rasperry pi's stuck together and preprogrammed.

>> No.9845221

it is'nt even clear if dyi-miners get whitelisted at all
and if so, which of them
for the claim to be working 6 years on this, they archieved not much in terms of actual organisation
all the support is given by some of the community who constantly gets shit on by that sudo schizo
one of the most toxic communities i witnessed so far

>> No.9845224

Do you have some resources for this? I wondered if this was possible since I heard of the skyminers, but haven't found anything.
t. big noob

>> No.9845261

the official ones are orange pi's
just reselling of cheap chinese parts
instant profit for them
and they can prop up their otc sells that way
buying a official one is like buying into a sky ico who never ends
and people made fun of the eos ico

>> No.9845288

you can look into the tg
but it's not clear if you even get whitelisted with a diy one

>> No.9845375

How is it not clear? It's been stated over and over DIY will be whitelisted... official skyminers just get priority. You absolutely do not need their official miner to participate and get whitelisted (although now is probably too late if you havent applied already).

>> No.9845462

why so serious? sky is promising, give it a chance

>> No.9845482

>How is it not clear? It's been stated over and over DIY will be whitelisted
no, they said they will whitelist them according to specifications etc blablabla
there is not even one definitive answer to all the questions regarding the miners or rewards or anything
only that the official ones will definately get whitelisted
for that privilege you pay the 1btc in the sky ico
total shitshow

>> No.9845519

they also said you get coins in the testnet
now they say you get the worthless coinhours
maybe you can trade them for coins when the skydex gets implemented
no answer if that means everyone can do that (ie the people who are hoarding millions of coinhours in their wallet or got lucky in the coinhour-lottery)
ask some inconvenient questions and that community schizo will ban you anyway

>> No.9845542
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This, DIY are waiting more than two weeks to know how long extra we need to wait. They said one week after testnet start we will get more info. Then in the week next after that. And here we are.

Citation needed. They know if the coinhours are the only benefit, 99% of nodes would disappear.

>> No.9845658

>Citation needed
in the tg somewhere relatively new
but they give different informations by the day
last i heard was coinhours in testnet which you can sell back to sky (maybe, in the future, maybe with the dex, idk)
currently mobile, so can't search and post it
this is a total shitshow
i'm getting the feeling synth is only the cameraclown
but who is in charge then?

>> No.9845680

>no, they said they will whitelist them according to specifications etc blablabla
Whats your concern here? Are ALL DIY going to get whitelisted? Then you're correct here, all of them won't. If you did your due diligence in regards to building one though, you should be fine.
>maybe you can trade them for coins when the skydex gets implemented
You 100% can, its been stated that a use of coinhours is to purchase skycoin.

Delay is valid concern. I'd like to have more info too but delay is all too common in this space, scam or not. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks I suppose.

>> No.9845705

skyminers are for hardcore fans, for the rest of us just investing in the coin is more than enough

>> No.9845742

>If you did your due diligence in regards to building one though, you should be fine.
not sure about that since they are unable to communicate even essential things
>You 100% can, its been stated that a use of coinhours is to purchase skycoin.
yeah, in the far future
but this sounds a lot different than in the beginning when they said you would get coins for the testnet nodes
that is'nt the case anymore
synth spilled that you get coinhours for testnet
that is my motherfucking question, who the fuck is in charge of that shitshow?
everyone gives different answers and even all the support people in skywire have obviously no clue how it will play out
that's outright hilarious

>> No.9845781
File: 21 KB, 1220x106, skyprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean in the kittycashgold POS-Coin?
pic related, the fundamental base of the skycoin economy for now, a cryptokitty-clone

skytards always say it only looks scammy from the outside
but if you dive deeper, it looks more retarded by the minute