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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 400x400, req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9842273 No.9842273 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

This was legit the most promising crypto project 6 months ago.

>> No.9842280

It still is hombre

>> No.9842289

And what changed?

>> No.9842295

it still is

>> No.9842301


I FEEL THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






>> No.9842314

>when the price is rising without any significant news, progress or other factors, this is when to sell

>when the price is decreasing even though the project is progressing well with new releases and things to show, providing any new value, this is when to buy


>> No.9842325

Fucking Kek. I can’t believe people invested in a coin ran by frenchmen, the laziest people next to Italians.

>> No.9842328

Nothing went wrong except that you bought it at an inflated price. If you were buying it this week and next week you'd be much happier with your choice.

>> No.9842331

team lied about wikimedia partnership
team lied about coinbase listing
team lied about fiat to fiat integration
team changed roadmap

>> No.9842350

>They are working

>> No.9842370

literally nothing. weak hands. same faggots fudding and selling now are the morons that would have sold BTC and ETH at $10.

>> No.9842379

the french

>> No.9842391

>fiat to fiat integration

>> No.9842406

The token is intrinsically worthless, and it'd take a 100 years for the token burn to actually be meaningful in any way, because the higher the price of the token the less tokens that get burned on an already low fucking fee.

>> No.9842436


>> No.9842453

The team has planned additional usecases beside the burning for the req token in the future. Just read the ama (like staking or governance)

>> No.9842455

i just pointed out the TA in a different thread if anyone's bothered
i called a significant move down a few days ago and since then we're down 11%, from what i can see we have a lot further to go down

inb4 fud, i dont care about investments, i trade alts to make more btc so i literally dont care if req is good or not


>> No.9842458

well that sounds like a project that french team would tackle in q4 2020

>> No.9842465

REQ hwhahahahaha. I remember some anon laughing here at me when I told him to sell. He held like 150K REQ from ICO.

To that anon, fuck you, you sucker. REQ will never ever get close to ATH again. You fcking got dumped on shithead.

>> No.9842470

>team has planned

>> No.9842675


>> No.9842709

fuck off you shithead

>> No.9842710

look you cucks. it was a good idea yes, but if the team behind it dont care to build it, jsut want to take the money, and spend 10% on pajeets to build it.. this is what happens. stop posting about req, you fukcin giidots, and let it die. what the fuck u autistic idiots how many more weeks do i need to put with with your shit. iidots. same goes for link

>> No.9842767


Dev's are good, but the fucking REQ Organization doesnt invest on marketing

>> No.9842792


>> No.9842867

How is it bullshit? They announced a partnership with wikimedia instead of wikimedia france (which costed them the partnership)
They changed the roadmap. Not only did they change it, they decided to not give any dates as they KNEW they would not be able to deliver in time. With the new roadmap they can finish fiat integration in 2050 and it would not be considered a delay since all they have there is "coming next". Get over it, we got scammed.

>> No.9842902

And if you think these 2 points i mentioned (which are 100% the responsibility of the team and no one else) arent the sole reason this shitcoin is sub10 cents instead of 15-20 cents, YOU ARE DELUDED

>> No.9842927
File: 254 KB, 1142x1203, REQ-french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went wrong?

> Lazy French devs
> Give them $30M
> Don't need to hold token to use network
> No fiat integration in sight
> Competitors include Coinbase Commerce which has more advanced solutions used by Expedia and Shapeshift used by Overstock
> Coinbase has infrastructure for fiat and applied for banking license

What could do wrong?

>> No.9842942

hahaha love seeing you reqtards get REQt (KEK).

me and a couple of other lads have been fudding this coin for months, your loss for not listening ! we told you french men can't deliver and this shitcoin is shit for gains.

>> No.9843116

if request doesn't protect costumer, what is it purpose? i can go through kyber to exchange whatever i fucking want without paying fees to french pajeets.
btw. is request-kyber partnership just a request applying for affiliate ? that's exactly how it looks when you go to kyber's affiliate page.

>> No.9843144

If someone buys me a flight ticket to Freance i will go over there and beat the shit outta the lazy devs with my baseball bat.

>> No.9844062

stay mad. thanks you for free money

>> No.9844943

Those are lies though?

>> No.9844951
File: 294 KB, 1747x929, reqed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic happened

>> No.9845104

>give the team $90m
>they buy offices in fucking Singapore
>they only hire 5 people in 9 months even though they have $90 fucking million in their bank account from the ICO, AND they have millions of REQ tokens that were meant for development costs
>they team doesn't have anyone to keep them in check and make sure that they hit milestones
>they spend $0 on marketing in 9 months even though the cryptocurrency space is the most competitive tech scene in the world
>the team consists of 11 people total and ONLY 2 of them are software developers
>team has constantly mentioned that they don't give a fuck about price, liquidity or market cap performance

In the end, the project will fail if the team doesn't get its shit together. If REQ was a traditional startup the VC's would have fired the team on spot for the current performance. You can't just give the keys of the school to children and expect them to do homework and learn. You need someone to keep the team in check and pressure them to hit milestones. Right now the REQ team doesn't have to respond to anyone and thus they barely give a fuck.

>t. all-in since ICO

>> No.9845345

show your portfolio, you cumbucket

>> No.9845369

This is your last chance to buy REQ under whatever price it is now.

You have been warned!

>> No.9845872

schoolbook example of how to fuck up
i get so uncomfortable thinking that these idiots made me believe that they will implement triple entry accounting. they couldn't install quick books if their life depends on it.

>> No.9845899

Cope harder bagholder

>> No.9845938
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple lad
And listen carefully because you will not be told again

There are performer coins.....
There are fundamental coins....
There are a mix of both.... (zilly stay trilly)

All they had is speculatory fundamentals

Burden of proof is on you, so don't say i'm retarded blah blah blah
You brainlets decided to go all in a coin that proved to not be a gainer
>pajeet fuck you
>this will be pay pal 2.0
>insert more useless info

All i do is... link the chart :^)

>> No.9845965
File: 45 KB, 694x684, 1526482106734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if request doesn't protect costumer, what is it purpose?

None. It was an elaborate scheme to allow the devs and pre-sale investors to dump hundreds of millions of pre-mined tokens on retail investors and absolute hammer them.

I don't think there's another project that shit on its token holders this much.

They gave us ZERO reason to hold the token after main net.

>> No.9845964
File: 58 KB, 750x709, Linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this x100
ALways feels good when the shit hits the fan and bag holders have close to no cope left
I mean what can they possibly say to be right?
>But back then it was just wait, mainnet will pump this to $5 minimum

>> No.9845992
File: 57 KB, 655x409, 1516910665402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If this were happening in the barely regulated VC space, people would end up in prisons and with in the woods of New Jersey.

ICOs are a scam.

>> No.9846024
File: 257 KB, 1080x1283, 1461253173340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claiming a gay gimmick is an accounting revolution

>> No.9846094
File: 31 KB, 640x360, ccsu_pbl_02_2002_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you remember it's when they started doing AMA's for biweekly updates after announcing the outsourcing to pajeets for 30 million campaign. Since then they were basically ballin in Singapore with the ICO money and slowly "distributing" tokens to those pajeets who of course instantly dumped all of them to have an income while building cute little front end browser add-ons. Real development came to a halt around that time and most big investors and active people in the community (read the telegram log kek) started pulling out.

I guess they'll milk this ship maybe one more time by announcing an announcement and pumping the price to dump their team bags completely by doing this Wikimedia shit all over again but with a bigger company. That company will also say, as did Wikimedia, that there's no such partnership and THEN the Request Network will go down in history as it will go down in coinmarketcap's ranking.

>> No.9846115

The team got exposed as incompetent and underqualified for the task. Another ico scam that demanded more eth than they needed/deserved.
They honestly released a limited product with 0 marketing and 0 strategic partnerships with stores. They most likely rushed the release to try and justify their overvalued price at the time. Because of this they dropped all deadlines kek. In the 2 months since mainnet the only activity has been from a redditor developer coding in his free time...

I sold at around .20 and still feel bamboozled.

>> No.9846120


The Pajeet FUD is looking pretty plausible right now.

>> No.9846145


Only reason to hold this right now is to ride the Coinbase rumor.

I just hope it doesn't go to zero by the 29th of June.

>> No.9846149
File: 9 KB, 480x360, mitch-hedberg-a-comic-genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you on about, that's what the REQ holders have been babbling forever... "kek le weak fud poo in loo lmao"
You're the shilling road turder.

>> No.9846166

wow, ive never seen this much fud before, even for a REQ thread

what is going on?

>> No.9846197

So much this. I guess now that I think of it, this could be that fake announcement we are waiting for before this project gets connect'd. The team will probably twist the words of a YCombinator guy into "sacre bleu, le coinbase listing confirmé" and dump everything.

>> No.9846201


I'm agreeing with you. I dismissed those claims first, and now it makes sense.

Strange how none of the "partners" actually went public. They are hiding their disgusting curry-breath street-shitting teams.

>> No.9846234

Hello, former REQ whale here. After the team moved the goal posts + anemic volume, I literally market sold everything a few days ago.

Best decision of my life, DESU.

If you hodl REQ, you must enjoy getting kicked in the balls... or being pissed on and told that it's raining

>> No.9846317
File: 365 KB, 500x568, politicians-young-romney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'm sorry for insulting you. It's quite ironic actually that the only "partner" that ever commented on REQ was Wikimedia and their comment was the dismissal of a partnership. PwC was another blatant lie, when you look into it, it was again a pure hype move based on a little convention where a guy from REQ held a presentation to representatives of PwC France. There was no partnership plan whatsoever released but still the REQ blog claimed to be "working together with PwC on accounting solutions".

>> No.9846325

Same. Sold 150k (not whale-tier, but still) same second I saw wikimedia fud thread on biz. Felt huge relief.

>> No.9846329

PWC france just spent a week at REQ's offices.

>> No.9846330

Not a whale, but I just sold 67k before. It's a good project, but right now it's getting a beating. Happy to take the losses and make some profits in something else and maybe buy back in for more.

>> No.9846382

wow volume is down 30% compared to yesterday. At what point does everyone sell out of REQ and this hits .01?

REQ team fumbled the project and has lost the confidence of investors. Who says the coinbase thing is guaranteed? Why would they ever list a coin that is pretty damn close the vaporware at this point?

>> No.9846412
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1526956229593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should have fucking known when they said that their fiat gateway was only achieved by an oracle called chainlink, i should have sold the fuck out months ago when i was a millionaire.


>> No.9846450


It's the rumor that counts. If I can dump this shit at 20 cents I'll be very relieved.

>> No.9846483

>most promising

>> No.9846494

erc20 implementation might be a more plausible exit event for bag holders. problem is there will be so many with binance 2 cents tokens

>> No.9846507

Fuck this.

The SEC is thirsty for blood.

I will send them a detailed report of REQ fuckups and see how they will act. Let's see how these french fags will react when FBI agents storm their offices in Singapore and extradite them to a US prison.

>> No.9846526

Post the report if you do it, it'd be nice to have a comprehensive summary in one image

>> No.9846538

>Why would they ever list a coin that is pretty damn close the vaporware at this point?

coin that can't be used on its own network

>> No.9846563

I feel like kevin o'leary will offer $250,000 to REQ for 50% of their business and they will take it in a heart beat

>> No.9846595

Could also be true, at least with this one they could sneakily avoid committing straight up fraud if they get a good lawyer.

>> No.9846618

Req wasn't an American ico. You'd have to write the Swiss government lol. The team is well protected legally.

If you're still bagholding, a coinbase listing is all you can really hope for right now. I have 0 confidence the team can accomplish anything more at this point.

>> No.9846657


Doesn't matter. The REQ team deceived investors and community members with the Wikimedia France partnership, and that is why Wikimedia France immediately cut its tie with the REQ team in order to protect itself from legal trouble.

>> No.9846688


Anon, if there's anyway I can help, I can leave you a throw-away email.

These fucking thieving French FUCKS deserve nothing short of an uninvited anal intrusion inside the US justice system for defrauding the public.

>> No.9846780

Maybe because its not FUD and the request team really did fuck up? You think a bunch of neets FUDing in a anime board would push reqs market cap down by literal tens of millions of dollars? Big investors arent fucking shitposting memes all day. They call and visit their investment to know how things are going. They realise the joke that request became and pulled out.

Its not FUD if its real. Maybe you should come back to reality

>> No.9846824

wouldn't change of the road map be considered as deceiving?

>> No.9847446

Correct. It's alway hard to tell if posters here are just wrong, or purposeful lying (like the guy you replied to

>> No.9847461

Lol, that's not what happened either.