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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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984037 No.984037 [Reply] [Original]

who here frugal? Lets give frugal tips and life tips in general on how to save up money for that eventual passive income and early retirement!

>be 24 y/o k/v
>work full time delivering pizzas
>saved 11k in one year living in an apartment that costs ~$460 w/ rent & utilies
>roughly saving ~$600 a month

I think that's pretty decent for a pizza guy lol

>don't eat out
>make a budget using google sheets
>fix your own car
>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends
>eat rice
pls respond

>> No.984042

Increase your income and you won't have to spend your weekends and waste your youth sitting in a dark box and eating ramen

>> No.984044

>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends

>don't eat out


I think the only thing that took up most of my money were dating girls and hookers, id rather invest less then a year doing self development then never needing to spend money on whores.

>> No.984046

try to steal from stores whenever possible

>> No.984048

>Tfw never gf and still poor

fuck this

>> No.984049

You can still have fun while being frugal. For small purchases, save what you spend. If you plan on spending $40 on a night out this weekend, put $40 in your savings. Buying a $60 video game? Put $60 in savings. If you can't match what you spend, then you shouldn't be making that purchase.

Put your money in a Money Market rather than a savings account. Also check rewards your bank offers for checking accounts. My credit union offers 2.5% APR on my checking balance as long as I made at least 10 debit card transations a month. That's better than most CD/Bond rates.

Automate your bills. If you have a $800 monthly mortage and get paid bi-weekly, open a second checking account and set it to automatically deposit $400 each paycheck. Or if you still handle cash (like a retard), then label envelopes and put haf of your monthly bill costs in each one each paycheck.

Cut out gym costs. Any local hospital usually has a gym for employees in the community center. Just walk in. Nobody cares. I've been going for months, and nobody has ever been there asking for a pass or anything. If you can't do that, then find a local church that has a gym.

>> No.984050

>Don't pay $10 for Netflix, fuck a girl and ask for her Netflix password

>same for Spotify/Google music/apple music/any music (better to just download)

>don't go to the movies, there will be some good torrent within a day or two if the movie is actually good, or just wait a week to torrent shitty movies

>go grocery shopping everyday, don't buy food for an entire week or month because IT WILL go to waste. (Minus stuff like Ketchup and mustard)

>> No.984051


There's a huge difference between being frugal in real life and /biz/'s version of frugal, AKA how to be NEET living off $200 month income in from online surveys in their Mom's basement.

>> No.984056

How austhim are you op?
Pizza deliver is a loner job, 80% is spent alone in your car. I did it for a while, and yes saving 11k from pizza work is really good. Do you have anxiety problems around people?
The problem with not having friends is friends get you better jobs, just hav smart clean friends, not druggys

>> No.984057

Mooch off your parents when possible.

>> No.984062


>loner job
whats that mean?

and yes I do have anxiety problems. howd you know?!

>> No.984065

don't drink pop, It's expensive and bad for you

water is free and good for you!

>> No.984070

it means you are a loner

>> No.984074

>steal toilet paper
>Hop on one leg for 1 week then switch to not wear your soles down so fast
>Steal small food items every time you shop
>Suck dicks
>Save cum to use for shoe polishing
>Drink soda from the tap
>Sell your own urine as fertilizer
>turn off car engine when going down hill
>sell your hair as horse hair
>learn how to drive cheaper

i got hundred more good tips if anybody want just say

>> No.984088

Lets see... I rent a house for 1500.
Two women live on the top level for 500 each, someone lives on the main level for 600.
There's an open space on the top level with no door I rent out for 400/mo for short term people in school for a month/whatever, I also have a space under my stairs I rent out via airBNB for $20/night

The total monthly costs on the house dont exceed 350 which includes gas, power, water, and internet.
Some months I end up paying $200 to live.
Some months I make $350 to live.
I get rent taken off when I fix stuff because it saves the property manager money.
My job pays me about $2300/mo on top of that.

>> No.984118

>delivers pizza at 24
>400+ a week! apartment, are you rich?
Must be troll

>> No.984122

The gym things seams like a good idea. But don't they know who works at a hospital or is it so big that they assume you are a new worker

>> No.984125

Agree with the shopping. I always throw away yugurt and frozen veggies because they got bad

>> No.984143


>400+ a week! apartment, are you rich?

wut? that doesn't even make sense

>> No.984277

>using toilet paper
I shit only while I'm showering.
Still have the same roll of toilet paper from last year.

>> No.984329

>>Don't pay $10 for Netflix, fuck a girl and ask for her Netflix password
Why not just pirate? Still fuck the girl sure, but pirating is always good for you.

>> No.984350
File: 13 KB, 199x253, dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends

>> No.984353
File: 63 KB, 500x555, dolla dolla bill yall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose a career that pays well to begin with
>rent a cheap apartment close to your workplace
>use prepaid / non-contract phones with cheap carriers
>replace cable with netflix
>drive a used car paid for with cash.

i don't bother budgeting otherwise (i check mint from time to time to see how things are going) and i'm still managing to save like half of my income.

i mean, i could certainly save more, but you get diminishing returns with serious impacts on quality of life after a point

>> No.984355

I am sure you knew people were going to raise a red flag whenever you said don't have friends. I don't find this to be a good idea, because, personally, it wouldn't be good for the psyche nor for your future self's self-efficacy and social skills.

I do agree that many friends will drain you of your money, but I only hang out with frugal people. For example, I started going for a light jog in the morning with a friend; we discuss current events, finance, and share personal stories.

I only can gain from this relationship and I spend zero money.

>> No.984358
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also, >buy quality

you might think you can save money by waiting for a sale and getting the cheapest piece of shit possible, but then you'll typically end up going back pretty soon to buy a replacement when it breaks.

much better to spend a bit more up front and get something that will last.

>> No.984360

>don't have friends
>even justifying this

get some friends, anon

>> No.984490

Your effort is better spent on making more money, than reducing costs.

That being said...
These two areas you can easily save money in by being smart

>> No.984904

>shit twice a day
>double amount of hot water
>to save free toilet paper

fucking retard not frugal at all kek

>> No.984942


Who the fuck shits twice a day every day.

>> No.984945

>manlet detected

>> No.985189

I recommend living in homeless shelters. Eating at soup kitchens, and sucking 1,000 dicks a day at 1 dollar a pop. I save roughly $365,000 USD per year doing this.

>> No.985255

>eat rice
>having a poor diet
>not investing in your brain and body
lol OP

>> No.985273

you retard /w he ment with not week

>> No.985635


You can get netflix accounts on the dark web.

>> No.985637
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>ride the bus, It is a fraction of the cost of a car ownership.
>ask your neighbors to mooch internet/get access to a comcast account
cheap/free internet
>pirate everything
>dont eat good meat, fish, tofu, beans are way cheaper
>quit drinking
>get free hobbies that yield usable skills sewing, programming, language
>rent a 2 bedroom and rent the second room for more than half the rent
>learn how to do minor repairs so you don't have to buy new shit all the time
>use fans instead of HVAC, use LED lightbulbs, set fridge and freezer to recommended setting, use a tablet instead of a desktop computer, use timers so you don't have to remember to turn things off
>always bring lunch, eating out for lunch is bad for you and expensive
>for dates, go out for coffee, its way cheaper than going out for dinner and drinks

>> No.985648

There are things that earn you money in the short term, which absolutely prevent you from making it to the next level later in your career.

Circling back to make friends for nepotism is a real killer at 35+.

>> No.985649

This So much this.

The price is what you pay, Value is what you get.
-Warren Buffet

Frugal is antithetical to cheap.

>> No.985651

depends on where you live. Here its equal before accounting for travel time and opportunity cost.

bitch who goes on dates anymore. Piratebay and chill. Bring cookie dough and milk.
meal and entertainment delivered to your door. Dat millenial life.

>> No.985652

Tear bread in half, double your bread.

>> No.985671

>>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends

gg /biz/ness partners, friendships, life partners, happiness.

That's why you browse useless boards on a vietnamese forum about east-asian cooking cuisine.

>> No.985672

>>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends
Sometimes having a nice quality of life is better than acting like a total Jew.

>> No.985680

Piss in your hand, save money in soap.

>> No.985706

invest $
commit crime and go to jail.
free room, board and sex
exit 25 years later a millionaire!

>> No.985715
File: 30 KB, 573x609, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 24 y/o k/v
>work full time delivering pizzas
>saved 11k in one year living in an apartment that costs ~$460 w/ rent & utilies
>roughly saving ~$600 a month

I think that's pretty decent for a pizza guy lol

>don't eat out
>make a budget using google sheets
>fix your own car
>don't have friends - you spend less when you don't have friends
>eat rice
pls respond

>> No.985797

where do you live for $460 a month utilities included? i cant find an apartment for under $800 unless it's a studio then it's $750

>> No.985822

Who the fuck stomps their shit down the shower drain with their bare foot?

>> No.985888

>take caffeine pills instead of coffee, if you need the boost. you can buy a bottle of caffeine pills at walmart for $3 which has 100 pills, that's $0.03 per serving compared to $4/serving places like Starbucks charge.

>When dating girls, do something free. Go on a hike, go to the beach, walk in the park, go night swimming or star gazing. These are all free, fun, spontaneous, and she will think you're more exciting than the other 10 guys who just wanted to buy her dinner/coffee. Use Google for a list of free ideas.

>Quit smoking/drinking.

>Drink only water.

>At the grocery store, buy generic brand groceries. They're cheaper and many times the ingredients come from the exact same supplier as name brand items.

>Sneak in candy/snacks at the movie theatres. Also, go on Rotten Tomatoes and look up ratings before you see a movie. Their rating system is for the most part accurate. Don't waste your money gambling on a shitty movie that won't entertain you.

>> No.986588

To add to this
>Buy tickets for a movie you know will be good
>Watch it and then sneak into other shitty movies
>You pay for 2 hours of entertainment and you get 10 instead
Used to do this until 10pm or 1am but movies got boring

>> No.986607

moar tips plz

>> No.986659

Seriously, I play computer/rpg/board games at my friends houses. It costs a bag of chips or a 6 pack of soda, and only if I feel like it. And having friends is worth even more money than that.

Also eat some real food. I mean you work at a restaurant. Mine always gave me a free meal.

>> No.986731

Sneaking into a movie theater is easy as shit, I do it every time, my stupid friends pay in while I can usually get them to sneak me in via side exits, otherwise if the timing is good, walk in front door while the exodus of people leaving a movie is occurring, against the current, through the crowd.

>> No.986770

>>take caffeine pills instead of coffee, if you need the boost. you can buy a bottle of caffeine pills at walmart for $3 which has 100 pills, that's $0.03 per serving compared to $4/serving places like Starbucks charge.
$0.03 a serve!? Look at mister moneybags over here paying $0.03 a serve for caffeine. Must think he's made of gold to be spending that much.

You should invest in a kilo of caffeine powder. For $48 upfront you get 10,000 servings of caffeine, at a low per-serving price of 0.48 cents. That's right, just $0.0048 per serve!

>> No.986771

> When dating girls, do something free. Go on a hike, go to the beach, walk in the park, go night swimming or star gazing.

fuck my country
> flat
> ugly beach and too far away
> too much light pollution

>> No.987713

Yeah, let's all live pathetic boring poorcel lifes instead of stealing from the rich. Fucking c.u.c.ks

>> No.987733

For all prepackaged food (bread, cheese, frozen dinners), go to Walmart. $2.95 at Walmart, $4.95 at King Soopers, for the same fucking thing. Just splurge on fresh produce at Soopers or Safeway.

>> No.987838

or if its not a new movie, or a late night with nobody checking tickets to get in the theatre just the main corridor ticket guy.

bet with two other friends. Have them go in and get their tickets ripped, have other friend walk out side door, or back to the lobby and give you already tore ticket since he has the other and walk back in. If anyone asks say you had to go get your phone.

>> No.987881

I got some rules I live by

>don't play videogames
>do not play digital games on the computer
>do not play computer games
>do not play games that are video based
>do not play video games

>> No.987884

>do not
>do not
>do not
Seems pretty easy bro. I can do your list while laying in bed all day.

>> No.987886

Do you ever think of maybe, I don't know, using the toilet? They didn't say they shit in the shower, they just said they shit when they shower. I've done the same when I've been out of toilet paper but too lazy to buy more. I just shower after my shit and that's it. Back then I wasn't shitting except once every day or two.

>> No.987890

Cookie dough and milk?
Not all of us like to fuck fat bitcues
I mean...
I do
But not everyone does

>> No.987891

Winter theme frugal.

>buy a smart thermostat
>turn off heat at night
>use electric blanket or space heater instead

>> No.987892

>don't play videogames
>don't watch TV
>read torrented books
>Do not play videogaymes