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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.9839065
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 1528561229794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fren

>> No.9839104

I hate chainlink so fucking much.
I want Sergey to die.
All these months I ate Big Macs exclusively because of "Muh collective thought", I really thought I could make a difference and give Sergey my energy by eating at McDonalds.
I gained 18 pounds in the last six months and now my girlfriend broke up with me because she found out that I took our vacation money to put it all into chainlink
Fuck all of you, you are responsible for this

>> No.9839133

how cute...thank you kind /biz bros!

if this board had more of you OP, this board would be a better place

we all gonna make it :>

>> No.9839147
File: 140 KB, 640x444, 1528561865282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you fren
it's very appreciated

>> No.9839165
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Hi fren

>> No.9839177
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>> No.9839185

Thanks OP
I sense you are a superior white male in a fine coat which portrays your exalted privilege over the plebs that FUD our great and our God Sergey.

>> No.9839189

look at you, you dumbfucks.
because of you I lost everything.
I lost the love of my life and I look like shit.
i will get my revenge

>> No.9839195

how to find info like this fren? I dont like to rely on info from others but I could never find as much gold as what you've posted here by myself

>> No.9839202

How about you go back ?

>> No.9839205

Litteraly useless shit info lmao. Thank fren.

>> No.9839208
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, 1460623005667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro friends, was this coin a scam? why we did not moon yet? I have not seen my portfolio since 2 months

>> No.9839215
File: 104 KB, 1000x1430, 1528562455640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plis don't

we only wanted to be frens

>> No.9839217

Chainlink = /pol SCAM group

>be conspiratard polack
>spend years there
>learn all the merchant tricks
>take over /biz with LINK
>scam your fellow people

The absolute state.

>> No.9839349

that is some top-notch research. how do you do it? what esle coins you holding smart anon?

>> No.9839364

File type searches on google with quotes.
This is only the easy stuff to find. Going to try todig deeper. Problem is sorting through noise and red heerings.

>> No.9839471

Thanks op. I love you. Only got 800 link but still going to make it.


>> No.9839526

> not putting your vacation money into big macs.
come on man.

>> No.9839533
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>> No.9839536
File: 12 KB, 320x319, CJYt_u2_4CniGdHWz4xWfFLoQrMDnKzVavIBEVuFq0g (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late
You can still exchange your stinky LINKs to 0xBTC
Unironically $1000 EOY

>> No.9839541

I partly posted this to expand peoples understanding on how many applicable use cases there are for smart contracts running on blockchains.

Chainlink provides the bridge for real world data to be fed into smart contracts. If you have a basic understanding of smart contracts you will see the value.

There are far more documents which I may post in the future but this is a good start for now.

A thought for people - learn how to create smart contracts, learn how to feed data from API's into blockchains. Sell your services as a local blockchain integrator and make bank from large corporations whilst increasing your portfolios value.

>> No.9839560

there are alternatives already
if you think LINK is the ultimate solution you are a retard
25M is too much for oracle

>> No.9839563

GTFO of this post with this faggotry

>> No.9839584

The only other alternative that looks remotely legitimate is Codius, and there doesn’t have to be only one smart contract platform. Every industry has competition as long as Jeff Bezos doesn’t come along and buy everything.

>> No.9839595

thanks true fren, i hope i meet you someday to thank you personally

>> No.9839765

Absolutly KEK

>> No.9839774
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to save you anon, don't worry
I'll stay on these pajeets
'Fud' comes from concerned anons, so don't try it. Pajeets instill false hope and false promises... Hmmmm makes you wonder
Gather anons, the truth will be told
If you listen close and stand strong and bold
you will feel better and not that cold

My factual points in other threads didn't work
Maybe this angle will ring a bell in your peon brains

Pajeet pajeet.... you shit on the 'street?
You come to me... and shill me 'chain link?

Pajeet pajeet....you cannot 'Compete
You think you win... but will end in 'Defeat

Pajeet Pajeet... go spread the 'Word
You shill and shill through your smelly 'Discord

Pajeet Pajeet you are not elite
From day 1 I could smell your stinky brown feet
Neat huh?

>> No.9839790

Good morning faggot, you ready to spam every link thread from dusk til dawn like you always do, you fuckin clown?

>> No.9839804


EOY $1,000!

>> No.9839805

wew lad
How did you know it's me? I just want you to see
My biz brothers need escape... they need to flee

>> No.9839830


ctrl-f chainlink

>> No.9839858

ctrl+f iota

gtfo stinky

>> No.9839944

anyone know what sort of data would be needed and in demand? Im going to try my best to learn how to set up a node before mainnet but i have no idea what sort of data would be in demand.

came upon something that mentioned airport data will be important but wtf is airport data anyway??? I just see some $25 per year subscription on websites yet i dont even know what im buying

also is it possible for someone with 0 programming background to learn to set up a node/smart contract and feed api into it?

>> No.9839954

good job OP

>> No.9840043

This may be useful for anons out there as clueless as me:


ill keep digging until i sleep, will post here if i find more

>> No.9840096

quite a comfy post:

>> No.9840159

Event/weather insurance for construction?


>> No.9840203

>BTC (Buy the dip)

Is the only things you should be worried about.

>Monero $500 EOY
>LINK $1000 EOY
>BTC $9000 EOY
>Fenix $10 000 EOY

>> No.9840207

I just added 1k Link to my stack.

AMA (also check dubs)

>> No.9840343

Congrats, you just became $1 million richer

>> No.9840428

>learn how to make smart contracts
Where does one obtain such knowledge?

>> No.9840561

Learn Solidity. Its easy.

>> No.9840705

Make Link keep dropping right now pls. I'll be able to buy around 5k more on Thursday.

>> No.9840718

If Chainlink was operational - yes.
But it is not and might never be.
I hold 5k link, but I have my doubts.

>> No.9840780

you are my fren and I much love you pls buy my link bag fren as it so heavy and I so tired. Pls fren buy bag

>> No.9840787
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 6C0B3C8B-C2B0-4DEA-A57A-81FCE367A312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is
chainlink related?

>> No.9840799

you fren two I has 3k link and they do the nothing and my fren who were the marines no more meme and I so sad and sell bag you and me fren we have link bag made big node of frenship that do smartcontract frenlov but it do nothing

>> No.9840807

unironically bought 25k today. I waited a long time for this and found the price finally ok. I bet it drops even more after I bought in

>> No.9840815

hullo fren. get cream it help when link make rash.

>> No.9840827
File: 61 KB, 750x522, IMG_3199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im buying 10k link today
I feel like its christmas

>> No.9840936

You guys are wrong about LINK. Unfortunately but 4W's and 1L is a damn good record to be proud of

>> No.9840974

nothink in link box fren just shiney wrapper no be sad I is u fren

>> No.9841049

Moron posting same crap in every thread. Stay poor.

>> No.9841067
File: 40 KB, 413x395, 1517965809179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these months I ate Big Macs exclusively because of "Muh collective thought", I really thought I could make a difference and give Sergey my energy by eating at McDonalds.

>> No.9841118

only two of these links have chainlink mentioned in them

>> No.9841125
File: 90 KB, 895x833, 1522857848327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo frens it's me Sergay

>> No.9841152

ctrl+f chainlink all of them

>> No.9841206

i was actually looking for smartcontract.com nvm they are referencing them by name.
Is this new information or old just reposed to get people to FOMO

>> No.9841426


>> No.9841428

>Is this new information or old just reposed to get people to FOMO
can nobody answer this?

>> No.9841437

nigger ive been stacking my buys since .40

>> No.9841497

/pol/ here, you're fucking retarded mate.

>> No.9841681

Some looks new, some I remember seeing already.

>> No.9841805

that pasta is to scare reddit newfags away from link genius

>> No.9841812

well reddit fags are here anyway.

>> No.9841854

I am African man and I have special offer for you my friend

>> No.9841871

Fear of missing on nothing. LINK.

>> No.9841879

Found the Nigger

>> No.9841950

Not a richfag, not a larper, just a regular poorfag.

Just transferring my spare $30 this week to buy more Link, almost at 1000 Linkies now


Feels good knowing with a bit of patience, I will be rich EOY

>tfw 3 gwei poorfag taking forever

>> No.9841957

Just how far are LINK shills willing to go?

>> No.9841983

I'd honestly take a bullet for Sergey. I've seen the future in my dreams - that man is so precious, he is going to alter the course of history itself.

In my dreams every night I see it - financial freedom, /biz/ on the news for causing mass no-Linker suicides.

Buying more Link is like a drug for me, the rush is better than anything, just seeing my Linkie bag filling up. It's even better seeing brainlets like yourself not buying Link at these prices

>> No.9842169

why the fuck are you posting your wallet?

>> No.9842176

How cheap is Link right now?

>> No.9842236


>> No.9842269

Buying Link now is like buying $100 Bitcoin (and people would have called you a brainlet for doing that)