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9837972 No.9837972 [Reply] [Original]

Name one actual add-value that dApps provides

>lmao you literally can't

>> No.9838128


>> No.9838154

I've thought about this a lot and I think I've come up with one use: democratizing web hosting costs. If you write a simple webapp and are too poor to host it yourself, you could make it a dApp and let users pay the Ethereum network to do server computations for you. That way you dont have to pay to host on AWS.
No sane user (ie, normie) will do this but so you'll get absolutely zero traffic but tis something.

>> No.9838174
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Hmmmm makes me think

>> No.9838182

Name one

Protip: You can't

>> No.9838221

Yep basically, but like I said no sane user will put up with paying to do every action on your site. And if the model requires developers to pay for computing costs, they'll prefer to host on a system they control.

>> No.9838232

heh. this seems like a good way to prevent ddos as well, though pretty much all of your code will have to be client side because making server requests becomes insanely expensive

>> No.9838238

Bitcoin is a dapp and it's useful as a internet currency, i've ordered DMT with it several times.

>> No.9838260

Too soon

>> No.9838265

>implying that every crypto project is fully finished
Lmao you idiot
Most projects are barely on their 1.0 main net, if that
OMG, ark, req, 0x all have big things planned nigger.

>> No.9838608


No more backend servers in certain cases.

>> No.9838635
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>> No.9838679

that pic is too soon OP

>> No.9839088

decentralized ponzis (cryptokitties, powh, etc..)
most people think that they're smarter than the average brainlet and won't be the one left with a heavy bag (lol), but wouldn't invest in a traditional ponzi scheme because they can just take everything down and run away with the money.
decentralized ponzi/pyramid schemes prevent that.

>> No.9839144

account security through the blockchain rather than servers vulnerable to hacking
interoperability of assets between dapps developed by different and unrelated companies
tamperproof games and lotteries
decentralized loans = margintrading
trustless dead man's switch
that's 5
and here's the kicker, all 5 are in use right now
you're the 21st century version of a guy sneering at IBM computers in the 1950s

>> No.9839182

1. Avoiding the government and taxes
2. Fair gambling
3. Any p2p service that is currently centralized with huge fees (Uber, airbnb, car rental etc)

>> No.9839220

Decentralized and privacy oriented search engine, e-mail, Facebook, chat rooms. Pretty much everything currently on the web that steals your information or uses ads.

>> No.9839236

doesnt it have the ability to remove middlemen from most services? banking services, content delivery services(youtube, twitch), marketplace services(ebay), etc?

and those middlemen fees can actually go to the involved parties?

i mean i dunno whats taking so long...

>> No.9839328

it's taking so long because the only popular dapp platform (eth) cannot support any of that. It's much too slow and expensive to even support hosting an average webpage.

EOS will change that.

>> No.9839365
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There's ways to host dApps well... And blockchain sure as fuck isn't the way.

>> No.9839420

I thought of using a contract as basically a payment processor for my web services, but it ends up as a ledger and everyone can see your customers, so I kind of backed off the idea.

>> No.9839470

>trustless dead man's switch
How would you do that in a trustless manner?
it's pretty hard obfuscating things on the eth network

genuinely interested