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9836216 No.9836216 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz/ I'm 18, got out of highschool, have a good paying 14$ job, and I wanna start on Robin hood. What do i need to know.

>> No.9836228

Buy HUYA tomorrow at open, thank me later

>> No.9836281

Life is a hell of a ride. Always go for a kiss on the girl you like, always let her know you love her.

Never, ever have sex without a condom.

Always keep in touch with the people you consider your true friends. 10 years from now, they will be the only people who matter in your life.

Be ready to loose money. Only bet what you are willing to loose forever.

Life is not about money, but about experiencies. you are young, you have a life in front of you, so make it count.

Fight for what you think is correct.

Never ever have milk with cheeseburgers.

make peace with your parents, if you can.

Appreciate small things in life.

Do not invest in Tron, Verge. Go for ETH and Bitcoin.

Women will always be shallow, that's a hard pill to swallow, but it will be easier once you get money flowing to your pockets.

Always be the decider. never let other people decide for you.

Fuck liberals.

>> No.9836292

was with you until the last point

>> No.9836295

$14/hr job is not "good paying" if you have any concept of future prospects or savings beyond one month or if you ever want to own anything outright ever

>> No.9836320

You need to check your politicals views, anon

>> No.9836341

>just out of high school
>basically double the minimum wage

lettuce assume OP has no skills
14 is fine calm the fuck down 400k/yr larper

>> No.9836345
File: 5 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like sound advice but I'm afraid I need to counter it because you "don't like me"!

The inner workings of your mind are an enigma
>pic related

>> No.9836365

robinhood is for fucking boomers. just wait for eth to bottom out and go all in, you'll get way better returns than this boomer robinhood trash.

>> No.9836378

i'm center left actually.

>> No.9836391

My first job as 4$ an hour and I was 20 years old at that time. Now I earn 11 $ and hour, own a Suzuki Jimny 2013, and a lot of land 26 x 26 meters where I am planning to build a home soon.

I do not live in the USA, of course.

>> No.9836403

listen to this anon, most of it is good advice.>>9836281
Also read the richest man in Babylon, I'm 22 struggling with money because I'm in a shitty situation but some knowledge from there is saving my ass I you can't imagine, that's the real red pill of basic personal finance not that BS of rich dad poor dad. Also try to have fun apart of working your ass off trying to make it, you are still young and soon you will see how precious is the stage of life you are living now, I have some regrets about my teen ages because even if i enjoyed some things I also missed some others... Good luck young man!

>> No.9836414

I'm 20 and barely make over 14/hr. It's not easy but it's not a struggle either. I live in central Illinois where bread is under a dollar and I can say living at this wage is very disciplining.

>> No.9836444

that wAs beaUtiful fren

>> No.9836457

>Women will always be shallow
Is this true, anon? I just recently turned 20 and am having a hard time accepting this. Is it really impossible to forge an honest and true two-way connection with a woman?

>> No.9836471

This. Chill.

OP: invest in ETFs. Don't fall the stock picking meme unless you have a professional background i finance (you don't).

>> No.9836474
File: 398 KB, 610x372, Fz03aTc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks... also, witnessed.

>> No.9836498

There will be exceptions, but most women are really shallow.

Also, women who fall in love with you will have a shallow layer in them. Be ready to face it, its like it's an instinct in them (looking for an alpha provider it's their ultimate wet dream, but nowadays they prefer an alpha for shits and giggles, and will only settle with a provider once they hit the wall).

>> No.9836514

I'm a twink, man. Been one all my life.
My strategy has always just been to try and trigger their maternal instinct.
Is this a viable long-term strategy?

>> No.9836554

No. Maternal instinct only kicks in once you demonstrate you are a Man on the completely oppossite spectrum.

They want romance, they want adventures. Women are really boring individuals, and want someone that comes and shakes them out of their boredom.

My last girlfriend, met her at a bar, I knew she was trouble. Long weekends binging on alcohol and wild sex. Then, out of thin air while watching lesbian porn, she tells me one of her fantasies is pegging. "Fuck no" was my answer.

The next day she told me it would be nice we could be more than just sex buddies, and thinking in settling in a formal relationship.

That was my cue to leave her.

>> No.9836577

Also, don't get me wrong. maybe I had tough luck with women too.

There are women who are really good prospects, but unfortunately, they are the few ones out there. You are going to need a lot of trial and error to find one of those, or maybe just a bit of luck and you find a good girl early on your life.

The thing is, enjoy the ride, and know the difference between a good woman, and a good sex buddy.

>> No.9836650

You seem like a really respectable guy, who wants to help.
Worse still, you sound like you actually know what you're talking about.
But man, I hope to God you're wrong.

>> No.9836655

>I hope to God you're wrong
A part of me hopes that too, anon.

>> No.9836768
File: 92 KB, 500x480, atbzsyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are going to need a lot of trial and error to find one of those, or maybe just a bit of luck and you find a good girl early on your life.
I have a few of those available here.
(Traditional, Modest, Chaste, Christian) I'm pursuing one already, I'm neet currently.
I'm working on finding a source of income though as I do want to get married as soon as I can.

>> No.9836932

Nice. Good luck with her, and may you get what you always wanted.

>> No.9836984


Applying for work is probably a challenge I face personally.
I'd be glad if I could just "show up, work and get paid" instead of going through the whole "job search" and "application process".
I'm not fond of that personally.