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9835507 No.9835507 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9835561

That is like 150k after tax right? Poor.

>> No.9835591

not if you get paid in Ethereum

>> No.9835598

210k actually

>> No.9835616

Impossible to live in that shit of a place on less than $200k

>> No.9835627

>Implying most of us could get hired at a Google-tier company

>> No.9835653

I could easily but rather not step foot in that shit hole state known as California

>> No.9835656


even a measly 25% saving rate of 350k is probably more than your entire income.

>> No.9835678

I've been considering it

Google et al do not operate solely in California retards

>> No.9835863
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holy shit, they really pay that much nowadays in SV?
>tfw europoor
€35k after-taxes is considered very good for a senior developer... it's pretty much the same in the entire EU, with the exception of Zurich and London but living there is outrageously expensive

>> No.9835913

The absolute state of euro cucks.

>max out at 35k
>meanwhile the 50% you paid in tax goes to feed refugees

Glad we left that shithole centuries ago. You guys might as well go all in on crypto.

>> No.9835920


hello eurofren, how are job prospects in eu in terms of sw dev? my wife and i are going through the thought of it, we both are sw dev and doing good in US but maybe sometime in future would move to EU as we like the culture more plus all the good places eu has to travel.

>> No.9835925

>holy shit, they really pay that much nowadays in SV?
at top companies

leads 400-700k
Sr is 300-400k
new grad 200k

you'll have to know how to pass coding&algo questions though

>> No.9835930

thats just supply/demand. inflated salaries here are all down to VC money and the tech bubble. google just has to match high salaries or they'll lose their talent to all these bubble companies.

outside CA/NY salaries are a lot weaker in the US too

>> No.9835935

also to mention, it is easy for me to get a job at google here in US but cant do so because of my visa restrictions. had i not been restricted, it would take me maybe a month or two to prepare and get through google/fb/airbnb etc

>> No.9835943

in WA salaries are 10% lower than CA but no state taxes makes up for it

>> No.9835977

These numbers are total comp, not salary.

>> No.9836074

dev jobs are everywhere, pay and culture sucks though. Best pay is in finance in Zurich/London, but then you are treated as grunt work - expense rather than value source and can forget about ever getting into management or big raises. It's pretty stupid because modern banks are pretty much IT companies, but that's how it is.
I don't know all countries, but in Germany developers have relatively low respect, only physical (for a lack of better word) engineers are respected, ie. those that design/fix/operate physical things, so again unless you're in a pure IT company you can forget promotions into management above PM.
Outside of finance the best effective pay for devs is surprisingly probably in either Poland or Romania as net wages are very similar continent-wide but living costs are very low there.
All in all it's not great. It's enough to live a normal life like other white collar jobs but that's it. Now obviously there are startups here too with more SV-like culture but they are an exception. Big problem in continental Europe is the stigma that failure brings, a result of risk averse culture. If you have on failed startup you can forget about ever getting funding for another, it brands you as a failure. This leads to much fewer startups per capita than in the US.

>> No.9836182

No, they are little stars, it's like athletes where everyone sees a rich one earning 5kk month, ignores everyone else barely getting a minimum wage and them spread shit like "LOL JUST THROW/KICK A BALL AND MAKE MILLIONS DUDE".

>> No.9836205

thanks for the info anon

>> No.9836236
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 11930866_729039433894832_1008524824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welders still make more.

>> No.9836361

fuck its the opposite here. Mechanicalengineers usually make less than factory grunts.