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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9835054 No.9835054 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9835065

Yes. Attractive people are too busy living life to give a fuck about internet funny money other than as a possible investment.

>> No.9835066

post face, anon
let's see if you qualify
my guess? ugly recognizes ugly

>> No.9835090

unironically just sold all my EOS

>> No.9835091

i dont really see the ugly anon. maybe you should look in the mirror

>> No.9835097


>> No.9835113
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>> No.9835117

Bitcoin CASH

>> No.9835123
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>> No.9835133

Anon he said devs not conmen.
All the best con artists are at lease average looking so the gay autists will follow them.

>> No.9835137

Vitalik is beautiful

>> No.9835151
File: 51 KB, 750x566, chad vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't that ugly desu. It's just that they don't care that much about their health/looks (same goes for a lot of "nerds" in other parts of the tech sector). If Vitalik ate some more food, worked out and fixed his skin he could look like pic related.

>> No.9835167

weeb autocorrect

>> No.9835176

Having a major flaw (or perception of a major flaw) can be really beneficial to your productivity if it makes you want to avoid any social interaction. It can feel like your only hope of ever being respected depends on you becoming really good at some particular thing.
>t. spending every waking moment trying to get rich because nothing else can compensate for horrible acne

>> No.9835186

he has the chad jawline
if he worked out and put on some weight, he'd look sexy af
biz so desperate to look like anything but a cuck that they'll call everything anything to distract from their own sad-ass situation
like ugly bitches posting about "ugly" devs that have accomplished more in 1/8th of their lives than most of us will in our entire span
some bitches just need to stand on other people to feel taller. zzz.

>> No.9835214
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>> No.9835224

danny's extra chromosome does all the heavy lifting

>> No.9835294

Unronically, Vitalik would be a chad 8-9/10 if he lifted.

There is no excuse to be so underweight. He has the money to buy a good trainer, he could literally but a good exercise regimen.

It's basically neglect at this point. I think there is a misconception in society now where 'intelligent' people think they shouldn't lift or take care of their body. Apparently lifting and eating well is for "douchebags", etc. Like, it wouldn't surprise me if Vitalik has said this out loud.

But really though, he should head on over to /fit/ and sort himself out. He is drastically impacting his health by being underweight. I'm assuming he's 6ft something and probably 130lbs?

He will probably feel a LOT better if he lifted, and people treat you differently too (in a good way), and it's good for the mind.

So why doesn't he get in shape? He can do it. It's no joke about him being underweight. It's not a good thing. I don't know why he isn't working on it. He should be.

>> No.9835325

probably a lifestyle thing for him
or maybe just too autistic and obsessed with his project to care right now
it'll catch up with him eventually, and then he might

>> No.9835336
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Exhibit D: TurtleCoin

(actually love TRTL, no disrespeck, rock!)

>> No.9835352

Personally, I think he should make time in his schedule to work out and begin eating healthy food. It might even help his autism ticks, etc. Ancient Greeks didn't fuck around when it came to fitness, and it was for a reason.

You can't be at your prime mentally if you're not physically fit.

How has no one around him sat him down and told him this, though? It's not a joke, he is drastically underweight. People are fine to tell obese people to lose weight, why not the other way around? It is damaging the same.

Well yeah, but he could make time. I'm sure he makes time to play video games, or watch cartoons, or whatever the fuck he does in his spare time. Health is no joke and being that much underweight is no joke. It's the same mentality as an obese person, in all honesty.

>> No.9835354
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Some are qts

>> No.9835378


Hes normie pilled on gaining weight and muscle. Probably thinks his “metabolism is high” and he “cant gain weight” even though he “eats a lot”.

A lot of normies also believe that only certain ppl can gain muscle and skinny ppl are destined to always be that way while muscled ppl tend to always have been that way. Makes no fuxking sense

>> No.9835456

Yeah, I know some pretty smart people who used to believe that shit too. They can be the most knowledgeable in one thing, and completely oblivious in the next.

Some people definitely have a predisposition to being underweight and skinny/junkie mode, but it's entirely mental, imo. Same other way around with fatties. It's from habit, or childhood habits that haven't been worked on with focus.

At this point, he is wealthy enough to have someone cook his food for him. He could use a service (they're not even expensive) to have food with X number of calories delivered to his door, and then hire a personal trainer as well. Pretty simple changes that literally save you years in terms of not dying at 55 due to some organ damage.

He is at risk or diabetes, and all sorts of shit from being that much underweight, not to mention he looks feeble and sickly in terms of appearances.

People treat you with more respect just because human nature if they believe you stand even a slight chance of being able to beat them in a physical confrontation (not that it would ever come to that, but it's just human nature and EVERYONE subconsciously does this, they don't even need to think it, it just happens.) not to mention it would benefit him in other ways like thinking clearly, better breathing, etc.


>> No.9835467

i agree.
he functions so well right now without exercise (i assume he's not exercising), i wonder what kind of improvements he'd see with a little cardio, resistance training, etc

>> No.9835491

He's autistic you fucking idiots, do you have any idea how weird autists are about food? He probably only eats things with a prime number of letters or something

>> No.9835531

thank you for dis

>> No.9835554

Yep. I was going to say that too.
There are no negatives to it.

People take you more seriously when you are in shape. It's why CEOs of tech companies all went through a 'fitness' phase and got in shape. As well as it literally increasing life expectancy.

Yeah, my brother is autistic unironically and he only eats food that looks like it isn't "broken", but he's still healthy because he's not stupid enough (in that way) to neglect himself by eating literal junk. There are autistic body builders anyway (not that he should lift for body building purposes) and they manage it just fine.

It is no excuse.

>> No.9835681

bump this thread if sergey makes you horny

>> No.9835807
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>> No.9835825

dat hoverhand...
i wouldnt touch that guy either

>> No.9836049
File: 50 KB, 225x225, jed-mccaleb-bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jed has his shit together

>> No.9836063

Vitalik has a really nice jaw though.

If he gained some weight and muscle he would look Chad-ish.

>> No.9836129

Vitalik no one cares I want your boipucci stop posting these threads

>> No.9836254

if i see an attractive team member i hit next