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9832731 No.9832731 [Reply] [Original]

anyone getting JUST'd harder than me?

inb4 LARP. my peak was 1.9 mil in January. I never cashed out and i'm not going to. I'm willing to ride this all the way down to $0 and then kms

>> No.9832755

I went from 909k to 209k €. I feel you bro.

>> No.9832760

What are you holding?

>> No.9832768

get rekt, faggots

>> No.9832777

£400k to £100k over here boyos

>> No.9832781


not gonna compare dicks by any means, but we all getting fucked, until we isnt, if it goes to zero I an hero too.

>> No.9832782


too embarrassed to show it. I'll just say i'm heavily invested in a shitcoin.

>> No.9832787

Larp no way someone is that stupid

>> No.9832790


>> No.9832792

that's what happen when you buy bags that biztard shills, you deserve it retards, only invest in the main big dog coins btc,eth,ltc etc

>> No.9832798

I'm almost in the same situation. Didn't fall quite as far for me, tough. I hold no shitcoins and every bitcoin in cold storage.

Anyway, don't be ridiculous. BTC will never again go to zero. And as long as it exists, it's the one "central bank" that is actually dependable, predictable and neutral.

I really like this autonomous character of bitcoin. No matter what happens. This exchange gets hacked, that country banned it, price rises, price falls... doesn't matter. Every 10 minutes financial reality is settled, forever, immutable.

Bitcoin only has to exist to succeed, because the amount of people who voluntarily chose it as their primary store of value will only ever increase but the number of total bitcoins available won't.

>> No.9832805

Youve never read them rebbit posts about people holding decent amount of btc and literally JUST’ing themselves by investing in shit coins? Wouldnt doubt OP being in the same scenerio.

>> No.9832829
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1.9 mil - nigger you fucking made it


even if you got kiked at a 50% tax rate or some shit that's still like 900k+ MORE than enough to passively invest index funds/real estate and NEVER work again

you literally won and said fuck it i still want to play

this MUST be a larp or you're bagholding some garbage like Nano or ZCL

holy fuck

>> No.9832837

Ah, no problem. I'm about -76%. I was getting used to it, but today put me in a shitty mood.

>> No.9832840

What's that smell? It stinks.

>> No.9832873


I honestly wish i was LARPing. Unfortunately greed is a very powerful emotion. Obviously if I could go back to january I would have sold at the top, but i can't see into the future and don't have a time machine.

>> No.9833005
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You should have sold your funny money when you had the chance you greedy bastard, and bought proper big boy investments with the proceeds.

On the positive side, this is a great lesson for you on how markets and investing works.

>> No.9833008

I also lost a lot but nowhere near your level
on a scale from 1-10, how depressed are you?

>> No.9833035

I'm probably around 9, because I literally started to sell Jan 1 right on new years, but I was too much of a pussy to keep all on exchanges, had no bank account that would accept my funds and it took me until this fucking month to get all money out

>> No.9833070

I also fell for the fucking tether fud. Bitfinexe'd, along with every single fucking faggot fudding all exchanges should literally kill themselves
yes, I'm mad

>> No.9833250

my folio dropped from 100k to 80k just today.

>> No.9833641

270k to about 5k

>> No.9833653
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Was at breakeven. Literally down just because of today. Bought more BTC based on low RSI and hopium.

>> No.9833675

Without any kind of proof I don't believe you, obviously.

But pretending that it's true, what kind of life do you wish to live that 1.5 million isn't enough? You want to be nigger rich?

>> No.9833679

fucking how?

>> No.9833734
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>measuring your wealth in USD

KEK, if you stop looking at it in USD price you'll realize all you have to do is be patient anon

>> No.9833758

From 74k in january im down to 11 and something ethereum. January and a few bad decisions fucked me up.

Every night, i debate myself, what if i pulled out in January, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!

Ill probably go all in on some shitcoin with the 11 eth left and lose them.

Dont believe me?

There, check it. Dont forget to tip, its all i have left.

>> No.9833774

Wtf happened.

>> No.9833932
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thats a 98,2% decline man

>> No.9833954

didnt they make a porno with that girl

>> No.9834036

Im down 90% of my ATH. Yes I have 10% left.

>> No.9834059

lets do this together, what is it gonna be

>> No.9834085
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>> No.9834156
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Pretty bad bro, my high was around 2.8 mil.

I cashed about 400k over the winter so I can ride this to the next bull no problemo tho.

We are blessed to be living in such volatile times!

>> No.9834164

Hey hey heeeey

>> No.9834221

I know a stinky linky when I see one.

>> No.9834248
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show it fren, let it all out.

>> No.9834252
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Similar to me, you’re not alone. We’re probably close to depression phase. Haven’t bought anything in last 6 months, started buying recently

>> No.9834318

god damn, what have you bought?

>> No.9834384

Ark, Neo, Eng and a few other coins. Jan/Dec was a wild ride but didn’t sell. The market has to find the absolute floor before we can 10x again

>> No.9834407

There's no more 10x. Normies only buy things that go up. They got burned so hard in this crash they will never touch this for at least 5 years until all memory of it goes away.

>> No.9834481

Probably a good thing for us then, we get to own more supply when the next bull run comes around. I fail to see how the “future” of money will end at a 250B market cap. From my perspective these are just volatile early days, crypto will eventually reach the multi-trillion market cap and normies will always come back to buy the top. You don’t get rich doing what everyone else is doing

>> No.9834520
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Used to think I had a rock solid port. Now I realize it's nothing but hot air and I'm not maki g it either

>> No.9834526

> "You don’t get rich doing what everyone else is doing"

My nigga... Thats the way, remember even warren baffort said: The stock exchange is merely a tool to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient.

>> No.9834581
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-10-20-24-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think thats bad faggot?

my ATH was 32000

>had to dump half my bags to pay rent at 20000

>10,000 left

>lose half my networth because metamask reset my login

>couldn't restore it because i saved the private keys to the wrong eth address

>get JUSTed for all of jan-now

>700$ left to my name


>> No.9834596


Kek this. I didn't cash out PRECISELY because the government would take too much of my money. Im down so much its embarassing to post. Back in December I was convienced shit was gonna go higher and higher. I still am, but its gonna take a year or two of hodling it. No more daily 300% gains like last summer frens

>> No.9834598
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>>lose half my networth because metamask reset my login
>>couldn't restore it because i saved the private keys to the wrong eth address
be your own bank

>> No.9834614

Because just like in the dotcom crash, 97% of coins will die out, and chances are, you aren't holding the 3%.

>> No.9834649
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who /nevercashingout/ here?

>yfw someone makes 7 or 8 figures in crypto and then usd hyperinflates

would be the ultimate bog

>> No.9834704


I'm in crypto for the long haul. I'm the guy w/ the ~500k portfolio. I'll go down with the ship. I'll die before I fill out another timecard.

I've got a lot on the line. 2 teenage kids, a wife, doggies. I have health problems that are slowly getting worse such as epilepsy, degraded hearing and my arms are slowly becoming useless due to seizures.

If I can make it (and I will) all of you can if you man up and get some willpower.

Praise be to God

>> No.9834725

fuck off. im literally the person who lost 1000 btc on hardrive but in a future type way. like 10 years from now the eth and tokens on there is going to be a fortune.

>> No.9834798

Damn brothers how do you live like this.
I thought I had it bad, from 6k to 12k ath and now at a 2k

>> No.9834858


Clench your teeth.

>> No.9834885

retards losing money they need to live on.

>> No.9834928

Kek this is why dumb people stay poor

>> No.9834932


You're just a sad nocoiner, I have more worthless fiat than you'll ever accumulate with your deadend IT job plugging in someone else's computer, faggot.

>> No.9834945

Anon what condition do u have?

>> No.9834989

I have real coins. Silver all day.

>> No.9835002

You're acting like it was just greed. Keep in mind the peak only lasted a matter of days. It was easy to say "oh it's just a dip" and then it quickly dropped hard. After that you either think "it's already dropped this much, it would be dumb to sell this low" or not sell on the bounces because you think it's recovering. Of course taking more profit is always smart in hindsight, but there's a bunch of mistakes you can make other than greed.

>> No.9835019

I went from 100 gorillion K to 1 K
My portfolio is good long term though, the normies will come back to my coin when the FOMO kicks in.
It should be up to around 200 gorillion K by 2020


>> No.9835050

>he could have sold useless coins for 1.9 million
>he didn't
>he can still sell useless coins for 400k
>he won't

So this is the power of biz's flea sized brain

>> No.9835064

150k to 15

Yolo lets ride

>> No.9835181

But how could you have cashed out, anyway?

>> No.9835277

THIS I'm holding Link FUCK

>> No.9835904

That's true. Is your strategy going forward going to be different? That's the main thing. It was an expensive lesson to learn

>> No.9836070

I make money when the market moves either way due to arbitration opportunities so just wanted to say thanks to all the bottom sellers for letting me dump on the market and then buy up your bags on a discount. Super volatile days like this are awesome for me. Also, shout out to the HODLrs, for being meme'd into losing money against your own interest, especially if you hold link. If you got meme'd so hard you bought a bunch of link and then you're convincing yourself to hold it regardless of the market tanking, you're an easily manipulated brainlet that got meme'd into giving smarter people your money. Learn from your lesson and stop being a brainlet meme regurgitating sheep. Cheers!

>> No.9836086

went from 1k to 90k to 35k
15k is still in crypto

>> No.9836100

oh wait i have 30k tied up in an ico

>> No.9836165

800k to currently 230k USD

I feel you dude. Worst mistake I made was telling my gf about my crypto in December

>> No.9836169

I'm holding ETH so I should be fine

>> No.9836302

Yeah I didn't tell any one I was holding a large amount until I cashed out. Fuck listening to them saying you shouldn't have invested a some scheme and being laughed at by your whole family and gf.

>> No.9836334

>My investments are with great companies. They will come back.

>> No.9836547

reinput your seed into MM, then generate multiple addresses

>> No.9836556

sounds like he got bitconnected

>> No.9836623

This guy gets it.

>> No.9837282


>> No.9837361

during 2017 I went from 1 BTC to 15 BTC
on Jan 1 2018, I cashed out 1 BTC, and that's it, justed or not, you decide

>> No.9837398

went from 870k to 250k. not even larping but 870k was end of april. in jan peak i "only" hat around 520k. (bought WAN ico)

fucking kill me

>> No.9837400

430k to roughly 100k.

not too bad. Could be worse. Holding XLM, NEO, ELA and SWTH. Frankly I think my coins are great and am extremely confident, perhaps delusionally so.

Some nights I think I’m a fucking lunatic for not just cashing out and running, but there’s just something about these coins. I think I’m going to make it.

>> No.9837408

120k to 50k. havent cashed out anything :(

>> No.9837436

7.1 mil usd ATH
2.5 after tax cashout in december
2.72 current Usd value btc holding (341.89 btc)

>but anon why didnt you take it all out
Because, we are starting to see the mass media phase

>> No.9837621

heavy larp

>> No.9837861

Just hold those 11 ETH until the flippening. That shit will happen as Bitcoin is torn down. ETH will go to 10k by 2021. Cap this.

>> No.9837897
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Fuck me.

>> No.9837907
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>> No.9838002

Seems like a juicy dip anon. You should buy more.

>> No.9838013

Started with 3k €
Ath was 12k €
Now I have 6.5k €

Went from 1.52BTC to 1.18BTC in a matter of weeks

I only held altcoins aka shitcoins. I should have at least diversified and hold some btc.

>> No.9838436

SALT holder spotted

>> No.9838951
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Started with ~$3k
ATH was $168k
Cashed out ~$20k
Still hodling ~$30k

Hoping shit will start going back up again sooner rather than later, but willing to ride it to $0 if that is what happens.

>> No.9839114

€1.4k in late august -> €270k peak in january -> €62k as of today.

Mainly did ICOs and altcoin plays, currently feeling REQT and GOOK'd (ICX).

>> No.9839212

you're just making excuses because it's hard to admit that you are dumb, I know because I used to do the same