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9831835 No.9831835 [Reply] [Original]

They partnered with Katipult, which shot Polymath into the stratosphere, for regulatory compliance

They just received a formal letter declaring them a utility token by an Enrolled Agent at the IRS

They reward their stakeholders with huge, unexpected airdrops. The last one was worth $1,000.

They have a 1:1 airdrop coming up this month for a healthcare subsidiary RLXH.

They have enormous partners in Woodfine Capital Projects, Cocobay Danang, and Marine City

They are completely rebranding: new website, new logo, new investment platform. Once everything is new and pretty, you’ll be too late.

They invited all of their token holders to Vietnam and they’re PAYING FOR THE WHOLE THING

They have huge pending deals in multiple countries like Russia, Cambodia, and Vietnam
Speaking of Russia, they were just invited by the RUSSIA CENTRAL BANK to participate in a pilot program

They’re also expanding to Russia with an office and have 150m in deals pending

They were formally endorsed by OPORA Russia which is a major NGO in Russia

Their team is continually communicative. They have LIVE video or telephone conferences EVERY Sunday.

They are based in the United States (New Jersey) so you know they’re not going to be a scam or else they'd face consequences.

>> No.9831880

10/10 shilling, seriously.....im going to research it to verify if youre pajeeting a bit and maybe throw a few hundreds into this shitcoin....

>> No.9831885

Relex is the best investment right now at this moment!

>> No.9831902

This is one of only 5 low market cap coins that deserves a shill. People will be upset once this hits CMC and can’t get it on the cheap anymore

>> No.9832126

Where to buy? I'm interested

>> No.9832244
File: 140 KB, 601x312, 083C6A58-C668-4A42-9C00-C3F76E6D73A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the whole market is dieing and you’re sitting comfy with your RLX.

>> No.9832406

It absolutely is shilling, but this project is worth a shill. It's got a serious future and everything OP said is accurate.

>> No.9832417

lol these replies. I hold relex but it smells like pungent curry in here. That said everything in op is legit and you should buy this dip immediately and put your coins in mew/metamask to get the airdrop this month.

>> No.9832433

It's listed on idex, sistemkoin, etherdelta, forkdelta, stocks.exchange, and nebula (nebula isn't open to the US, but you can use a proxy to sign up if necessary). They have also been in talks with HitBTC, but there hasn't been any formal announcement on that since.

>> No.9832443


>> No.9832487

Here was FOC's comments after that was published to the moderators of the Relex SubReddit:

"Thanks again for the clear and polite communication. I appreciate the time you've taken to respond to me and I don't intend on reproducing my prior points about RLX going forward.


>> No.9832499

again with this outdated article. First I will point out that no where in the article does it point to relex being a scam of any kind, its saying the supply was held by relatively few wallets and therefore vulnerable to pump and dump. Which it was, it happened after that old article came out back in april. Check idex chart. It's over now, coins are more distributed. Devs have distributed coins from there own wallet via airdrops to community and own substantially less. Any dev team will occasionally send tokens to exchange to sell to fund development. Learn to think for yourself and dyor

>> No.9832540

The guy who wrote that article has said that he now believes Relex is legit and wouldn't pursue that line anymore. Ask him yourself.

>> No.9832796

if this is safe from regulation this could be a good pick for US bros. What's the timeline for all this happening? mainly new exchanges, and the rebrand. circ supply? how is the token actually used?

>> No.9833196

In talks with a top 10 exchange that should happen soon, and they are in talks with more. No time given on it, but I suspect it will be sooner than we think.

Current circulating supply is around 850m give or take a bit, check etherscan. The team holds the remainder and sells tokens on the open market as needed as they did not have an ICO. They're not stupid and won't dump tokens. Website rebrand and new platform should be launched in a matter of weeks. These guys deliver as noted by recent news. These guys are REAL and you can look them up online and come to the Telegram and ask questions. No bullshit pajeet bag dumping here. OP is legit trying to provide you guys an amazing opportunity.


Relex is an investment platform that uses cryptocurrency to provide transparency, accountability, and immutability to real estate development investment opportunities that could otherwise be considered too risky or opaque.

The Relex team makes investing easy and safe by thoroughly scrutinizing the partnerships it takes on, only adding to its portfolio those that meet detailed requirements. As an additional layer of safety and transparency, the RLX cryptocurrency token is then used as the medium to invest in development opportunities that have already met the rigorous standards set forth by the Relex team.

By placing these transactions on the blockchain, the investment process is enhanced to fit the complexities of the modern, global economy: funds are easily traceable while retaining investor privacy, paperwork hassles are reduced by upgrading them to immutable smart contracts, and investor capital is secured through contractual agreements on the blockchain. Relex provides simple, safe, and secure investments in an ever-expanding world.

>> No.9833368

the painful irony of the least pajeet token in crypto being dismissed as some pajeet discord pump and dump

>> No.9833474

thanks for the info!

lets keep it this way, more to accumulate. the trajectory from here should be new exchange, cmc, rebrand?

>> No.9833800

Next milestone would be CMC. They've applied but get overlooked. After that would be a top 10. Though those 2 could switch if a top 10 picks them up, CMC won't be able to ignore them anymore. Then there is the airdrop for the new RLXH token and website redesign.

After those, it's just a matter of growing organically. And we are expecting a verdict on finra approval in ~150 days or so.

>> No.9833810

>new exchange, cmc, rebrand
yep, plus the 1:1 airdrop to get RLXH this month

>> No.9833839

New website with Katipult should be in like a month or two, and that'll be great for US investors. Rebrand happening simultaneously with new logo (not the one on this post)

The coin is used for a few things... Signaling interest to developers, obv trading, but the number one purpose is to function as investments into real estate development. They have 3 major partners already and another one or more pending.

These are not shadow partners either, we investors have actually had conference calls with these people.

>> No.9833873

Irony indeed. Brainlets too stupid to realize their next 50-100x is right here while buying high and selling low on the pump and dump trash. They'll stay poor, continue to cry and call everything a shitcoin while missing this opportunity.

>> No.9833925

1. where to buy this
2. what is marketcap
3. what is supply
4. when binance
5. when moon sir ?

>> No.9833966

>1. where to buy this
>2. what is marketcap
>3. what is supply
850 circ total i think 2m
>4. when binance
Top 10 exchange coming soon confirmed
>5. when moon sir ?
will be a lot of momentum with cmc, new exchange, rebranding etc.

>> No.9834198

tfw I already have my roundtrip to 'Nam, but I hope I can really take the days off work - its my busy season

Opportunity cost might be too high to actually go

>> No.9834568

I'm actually looking forward to meeting everyone there. Should be fun.

>> No.9834758

there's absolutely no fucking way 850k is the total circulating supply... someone literally dumped 198k and the price didn't do shit. what's the actual circulating and total supply?

>> No.9834863

850 million circulating, 2 billion total, check etherscan. Top two wallets belong to the team.

>> No.9834902

guy is a fucking chode for saying 2m total. and the first address holds 56%, second address holds 5%, third 5%, fourth 4%... yeah fuck that shit. annnnnd they've all been dumping on you the last 6 months.

>> No.9835057

Always fact check especially if you're pointed in the right direction to find and verify the information. DYOR is mandatory in crypto and there are those who are willing to help answer questions among the pajeets trying to shit on you.

As I pointed out several times, the top wallet will obviously hold the remainder of the token as it belongs to the team. They did not have an ICO (which is a big plus given the SEC's stance on ICOs and they are a US business that you can visit in person if you're close by) so they do sell to cover costs and airdrop tokens as they recently did for their holders. They're not stupid and dump for fractions of a penny while they have a real business and big partnerships to make even more money than they could by dumping bags and spouting empty promises like the majority of crypto. By selling on the open market, it allows the distribution of the tokens to more people.

Pay attention to what it actually offers and look it up. You're not wasting your time by doing a little research to verify what has been said.

>> No.9835111

ITT: shills shilling shills

>> No.9835310

Why would I lock up my tokens in a development project for normal returns while there is a ton money to be made in crypto? It's like tethering long term

>> No.9835334

Really? How's the money making going in crypto today?

You want to diversify your portfolio, this is how you do it. Not by buying other shitcoins that dip when bitcoin dips -- it's by using cryptocurrency for something other than looking at in your wallet.

>> No.9835338

meant to say tethering +10/20/whatever percent

>> No.9835550

God damn this is gonna be a fucking blast seeing this coin jump up another 25-100x

>> No.9835599

ROFFLE!!!! Nice “research” wallet 1 and 2 are the team. Somewhere around 4@ million of the movement was a bonus to all holders. 77k each. Wallet 2 is also the team. 3 hasn’t budged in months and owner is unknown but search a little and you can find who it is rumored to be. It would explain the lack of news from one of the biggest crypto blogs. 4 and 5? One has done nothing but accumulate. Try harder.

>> No.9835737

With the upcoming health drop this shit is the easiest 2x out there. In 2 years RLX will be amazing for boomers that are happy with 20% yearly gains. But right now it's amazing for us.

>> No.9835794

Price predictions for this coin? How high is it going to go?

>> No.9835883

$1 EOY

>> No.9835889

Their AUM is already in the hundreds of millions, the platform is just being developed with Katipult so the investments are on hold until it's done. Once that's all done, I would expect price to match AUM. So like 30x-50x? The MC is embarrassingly small right now

>> No.9836038

Does Woodfine have a FINRA license? RLX seems to always rely on Woodfine existing legitimacy so what's Woodfine story?

>> No.9836141

Eoy you're probably looking at a 30-50mil mcap, so 4-8x ish.

>> No.9836207

End of year conservatively should be 200m mc

>> No.9836553

At what price would you consider selling?

>> No.9836611

SO many cryptos right now are SOLUTIONS in search of PROBLEM. RELEX is an investment company first and they are solving a real problem with token economics.

>> No.9836621

Relex had a problem first and found crypto as the solution. if there is one coin to spend some time reading up on it is this one.